
Monday, April 6, 2009

Senior Superlatives

Today, everyone in my class was handed the yearbook's survey to nominate for Senior Superlatives, which I realize does not need to be capitalized for English's sake, but the way these kids talk about them, you'd think they were the biggest thing in the world. (They're not, obviously. That would be my thighs.) I make fun, but I too spent nearly the whole day mulling over which of my peers has the Nicest Smile or Best Car. While attempting to complete the sheet, I was not filled with thousands of pleasant montagey moments of growing up with these people, but was more... overwhelmed... when I realized just how few of them I even know nowadays. I know the other honor students, the other drama kids, the other choir members, the other church-goers, the rest of the newspaper staff. But the wrestlers? The dance team? The people with real lives outside our high school? All of them are either faceless names or nameless faces, or frozen time capsules from middle school when we were all on equal playing ground, and you could lock braces with any zitty boy you wanted. I've found that in my class of a hundred people, I only really give a damn about thirty of them.

First, we're divided in half by black kids and white kids. This isn't a race thing-- or even really a class thing-- so much as a neighborhood thing. About 80% of the black kids live in the city and about 80% of the white kids live in the suburb or, like me, the small town. The division isn't a conscious thing, but the fact of it is, there's a good fifty or so people (give or take) that I don't have any real connection to.

Then there are the Honors kids and the Regular kids. My class has a freakish number of "gifted" students, and we've all been pretty tight-knit and full of ourselves since we were eight and standardized tests told us we were smart enough to never have to try. Because of the large number of us-- about twenty-- and maybe because there was something special in the water in the early nineties?, most of the Honors kids double as the Athletes and the Activity Participants. Therefore, we already have cliques built into our cliques. For example, I have a 3.8 GPA, but I'm nowhere near the top ten in my class. I've been leads in three of the musicals, but other Honors kids have competed in cross-country nationals. So basically we're all, like, doomed to hate each other.

Regardless, in the end I was nominated for Best Writer, Most into English, Most Technological and Most Likely to be Famous. The last one is a longshot, since we have a cute little singer/songwriter and a world-class gymnast. I'm definitely not that technological, but compared to the rest of them, I guess you could call me that. As for the first two, I'm going to be a jerk and... agree... but you're only allowed to win one. So we'll see.

It's just really weird, being a senior. All of a sudden I'm tempted to reflect on all the things I stopped caring about three years ago. I'm never going to be the type to moon over my yearbook, crying tears of nostalgia all over the pictures of the friends I once had. But it's something about knowing that in a month, everything that matters to everyone around me will end. It's just really weird.

Anyway, in youtubely news, today I went to Alan (fallofautumndistro)'s blogtv show, and he told me that if I blogged about him being hott and sexii he would put "SUBSCRIBE TO HAYLEYGHOOVER" in his email signature for 48 hours. I dunno, though. I asked him to sing me some Britney Spears and I was shot down. AND I now have to write him a song, thanks to some threatening and challenging from Alan and the peanut gallery. I guess it's not that big of an event for me to fangirl Alan, though. Hott and sexii he indeed is.

I also came across this a second ago and thought you might want to see it, as it's the most hilarious thing ever made.

Tonight I ran for the first time in a while. I put my iPod on shuffle and received, no joke, "Mrs. Nerimon," "Toy Food," "Maybe I Will" and "Nerdfighterlike," all one right after the other. You know you're addicted to youtube when.

Sexy: Overflowing with confidence, approaching arrogance but not quite crossing the line.
Unsexy: Being a toolbag and thinking you're just really hot and awesome when you're just really not.

Weight: 140
Chipotle burritos this year: 10
Subscribers: 14,838
Days left of high school: 32

Bye, guys! See you tomorrow. <3


Unknown said...

I love to call people toolbags. It's my special word for those special people.

trumpetplayingnerdfighter said...

Wow, 20 is a large number of gifted kids where you are? That actually seems tiny to me. There are at least 35, maybe 40 of us in my class, and we're the smallest gifted class at my school. There aren't very many schools around here that offer the program though.

Also, the way you tell stories is excellent.

Hayley Hoover said...

@trumpetplayingnerdfighter I mean there are twenty gifted kids out of the fifty or so white kids. There are others throughout the school.

Allison said...

I have to agree with trumpetplayingnerdfighter, 20 seems small to me, but then again I had a graduating class of 600, so if we're going by ratio... yeah, 20% of your class in honors is pretty significant.

Oh, and I said this on your last video, but I have to say it again. I love your sentences. They're just... love. No other way to describe them. Lol :)

The Medieval Dark Lord said...

Ugh, I feel angry im not a SUPER gifted kid, but I am in advanced lit., which is really awesome. But theres about 30-40 super advanced kids in my best friends class. Oh, I love ur blogs & vids. I'm singing the throwdown right now.

Lauren said...

Aw, I'm glad you got nominated for stuff! My graduating class was so huge that only the super popular kids that all 626 of us knew existed got enough votes to win those things. And they weren't really accurate at all because people kept voting for people they didn't know anything about. That whole faceless names and nameless faces thing. Sigh.

Pip said...

Hey, Hayley! I'm a 5AG viewer directed to your blog by your video last week. And I'm glad I stopped by.
I'm a senior, too (I only have 20 days of classes left!). I know what you mean about looking back on 4 years. I'm not the nostalgic type either but suddenly I'm looking at the 134 girls I've spent the last 4 years with and wishing I'd gotten to know them better.

Gabby said...

How did I know that "toolbag" was hyperlinked to something Evan-related? (I agree with the whole unsexy bit, by the way.)

We don't have anything like the Senior Superlatives at my school. But we do have cliques, especially since we spend have the day in our separate departments (I go to an arts school.) And all the honors kids basically the same schedule. So, yeah. Woot. Cliques.

Leah said...

I totally got nominated for Class Clown by, like, ten people.

Crowning achievement.

Johnny Motif said...

You have a really small high school class. Only 100 students? Do you go to a private school or do you just have a really small public school?

Becks. said...

I was voted nicest, but we only have 70 people in my graduating class. haha

Anonymous said...

My class only has 72 kids in it, but there's no gifted's kind of similar to a school for the gifted I guess.

We don't do senior superlatives though, I'm really jealous of people who do.

Kristina said...

"Overflowing with confidence, approaching arrogance but not quite crossing the line." - Would that be us? Or do we cross the line? xD

Also I remember in middle school we did those superlatives and I wanted best singer SO BADLY, and in the end I got "Most Well Rounded." I was SO MAD. FUCK well rounded. Haha.

Kristina said...

Also, my graduating class was like 500.

katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lindsey said...

It's really not going to be as weird as you think. Unless you just care an awful lot. Which it doesn't seem like you do.

IFTBA said...

OMG I just thought of a WAY to lose weight: toy food. Like real food, but is toy. Not real food, do not eat.

Morgan Johnson said...

Your iPod knows whats up. Those are all fantastic songs!


VicMorrowsGhost said...

Most likely to found an extremist group (the Hooverites)who fight for the internet to be recognised as a sovereign nation. Their flag is a picture of a chipotle burrito.

justjustine said...

Hayley, I love your blog. just wanted to let you know that.
/stalker :)
My high school is incredibly cliquey also, but I'm still a junior so I haven't quite gotten to the point of wishing I knew everyone. hehehe...

Charlie McDonnell said...

commenting on your things

dot----x said...

I felt exactly the same before finishing school. Part of me wishes I'd got to know some people better but now I'm at university I hardly even see my close friends from high school anymore! I thought I would be more upset about it than I ended up being!

I guess life moves on and you find new things that become important :)

Pam said...

Thank you SO much for posting that link to the Snuggie parody.

Nicholas said...

I never get over just how many people are in your classes... In my class, we were 89 people.
The notion of having to "know" over 600 people scares the shit out of me :D I liked many of my 89 though.

And we don't have these superlatives, either. So actually, I have nothing interesting to contribute... bye now.

Nokorola said...

That's a small graduating class, even to me, the person who was in a class of 165.

Oh, and The WTF blanket is classic.

Deanna said...

When I graduated high school, my class all decided to go to IHOP together the last week of school.

Maybe something awesome like that will happen, and you'll get to know everyone again. It's one of the few high school memories I really tresure.

x0brittx0 said...

bahahaha - I thought you should know I read over this post and never bothered clicking the word toolbag until today. Realizing now that you were spot on about what the definition of a toolbag is, I must say I think you're my twin.

hayley - 1
creeper ex's - 0

the girl with the glass said...

i have a snuggie and freaking love it. don't judge me. :P

kowens said...

i know exactly what you mean about being a senior. I'm starting to think about things I never thought I would miss but I'm still looking forward to getting out.

erin meagan said...

that video is hilarious!
i know someone who is like that unsexy thing of the's not attractive whatsoever.