
Monday, April 27, 2009


I sort of have a boyfriendishthingalmost. Did you know that? Of course you didn't know that, because I've never told you. I've never told you, because I'm still training myself to say it. We've been playing the whole run-around-in-circles,-everyone-sees-it-but-us,-let's-give-'em-something-to-talk-about emotional schmorgusboard for, like... six years. And now high school is nearly over, and it's about time that the inevitable couple go for it.

Anyway, he's tall-- somewhere between six foot and 6'2"-- and, yeah, he's cute. An obvious fact that I somehow didn't notice until this year, when every single freshman and sophomore girl suddenly started desperately flirting with him. He's also (Ready for this?) valedictorian, Most Spirited, the leading non-singing male of every play, on the tennis team, taking the most intimidating schedule of classes I could ever imagine, on a statewide high school version of Jeopardy, my family is borderline obsessed with him, and, oh yeah, he's in love with me. It's really all my decision. Leave any thoughts on the matter in the comments. And, um... we'll see? *facepalm*

Sexy: Lying in the grass on a sunny day.
Unsexy: This, although it is HILARIOUS. Turn it off before four minutes, though!! Truly terrifying and disgusting. How does stuff like this exist?!

Weight: 136
Chipotle burritos this year: 13
Subscribers: 15,607
Days left of high school: 20

Bye, guys! See you tomorrow. <3


Jordan said...

It seems like it would be an insult to every YA lit trope in the history of ever NOT to try dating him.

Take the plunge for the sake of the genre, Hayley!

Rebecca said...

Awww. Good luck!

joy isobel said...

GO FOR IT! As long as you like him, of course. If you really don't, then I wouldn't bother because you'll most likely end up breaking his heart. Mostly because he sounds totally infatuated with you.

P.S. I bought Sloppy Firsts yesterday. It's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking go for it.
If he's been a good friend for forever, I think he deserves that much. And you have, what, 20 days left in school?
You'll regret it if you don't. And if it doesn't work out, you guys can still be friends, I think.

It's your decision, at the end of the day. But HAHAHA listen to Jordan :]

abbs866 said...

I'm not going to tell you what to do. I have one of those as well, and I know it's tough because you want to keep your friendship intact but you also can't help your feelings. All I can say is that you should do what you won't regret later.

Morgan Johnson said...

If you don't go for him, I will. *wink* I'm kidding, of course. I'm super happy for you, Hayley! :)

Jordiekins said...

Dearest, Darling-est Hayley,

This is your last chance to make things right.HISTORY WILL KNOW WHO YOU ARE. This is your last chance, so.... make it count? It's now or never.

Catherine said...

If you don't you're always going to wonder "What if...?". Don't do that, because what ifs royally suck.

Matt said...

To quote Hilary Duff: "Why Not?"

Yeah, that's right. Hilary Duff.

Anonymous said...

i watched the video thing.
i wish i had seen your 4 minute warning though.
i was truly terrifying.

p.s. GO FOR IT!!

Cat said...

Your boyfriendishthingalmost sounds delightful. That video however... completely unsexy.

Erin said...

I'm going to agree with all of the comments before me and tell you, that as a member of your blog-commenting-support-team-slash-advice-giving-and-taking-group you should go for it. If for no other reason, do it for the sake of YA literature everywhere, as stated by Jordan.

Unknown said...

About the almost-boyfriend: Why not?

About the feet: WHAT THE HELL, HAYLEY? What the hell. I am disturbed.

Zombie said...

You should definitely date him. He's obviously interested in you for all the right reasons since you've been friends for what sounds like forever. AND HE'S IN LOVE WITH YOU FOR CRAP'S SAKE! And, I'm going to hate myself for saying the following. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE FOR AN EDWARD AND BELLA ROMANCE!!!!!!!! :DDDD Wow, sorry about that.

Joanne said...

Go out with him go out with him go out with him go out with him


To quote you:
"You do not even have the option to abstain. Go. Now."

Plus, I mean, you will probably end up dating him anyway because I have this feeling that you like him. Why would you bring him up otherwise? You surely can't be that stuck for a topic in BEDA. And you only pointed out his good points so...

Go out with him!!
If you don't, I will. GO!

maria kelly said...

do it. do you really want to spend the rest of your life wondering what would have happened?


Snakey said...

never know unless you give it a chance, and I say go right ahead. I think you deserve an awesome guy just like that! <3

Adrienne said...

are you really taking advice from the creeps that read your blog and don't actually know you?
i say go for it :)

Kristen said...

Three words: Go For It!!!!

Katy said...

Well, I'm in no place to offer relationship advice whatsoever, but I say: If you like him, go for it.

Also. No, I did not watch that foot fetish video. Aside from the first thirty seconds, then I thought "pr0n" and promptly exited the page.

Allison said...

I'm channeling my inner Celine Dion by saying: Whadya say of taking chances...

Go for it; he seems good enough for ya ;)

Random; that book that had your published diary entry (gahh can't remember it!) was on my teacher's desk today. I'm like '... WHOA'.

Natasha said...

Does your boyfriendishthingalmost know that you're considering advice from your readers?
Good luck anyhow.

Valerie said...

Sounds like a Ron and Hermione situation to me. Don't wait around for him to save the house elves for you. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

omg hayley this guy sounds sooo amazing! you're so lucky! c'mon hayley, you HAVE to go for this guy. he seems like a god. and if things don't work out...well then, they don't. move on. but if if things do work out well, it could be the best thing to ever happen in your life. go for it girly =]

Michelle said...

He sounds awesome so If you don't go for it, I will ;)

Kat said...

Aww. I echo the HSM3-inspired sentiments of Jordiekins. I mean, there may be voices in your head, telling you they know best... but you've got a plan. The ball's in your hand. All though in this case, it's not man to man. Gotta work it out, gotta work it out -- you can do it! You can do it!

... Anywayz.

Rufus Wainwright said...

Is this the same guy you're going to prom with? If not, what's the plan there? I don't mean, "Dump your original prom date." Just wondering what your plan is, that's all :)

Anyhoo...GO FOR IT!!!!!

Kristi said...

Sounds a bit like Scotty...

I finished Sloppy Firsts, by the way! I absolutely loved it! I'm waiting for Second Helpings to arrive.

No, but really. If you like him, then you should go for it. Don't just go out with him because of his status, or pressure from friends.

taylor said...

AW! Definitely go for it. He sounds incredible. With less than two months of school left - why not. :]

Sponge said...

Why are you so awesome?
Why isn't everyone in the world as awesome as you?

Please explain.

x0brittx0 said...

a foot fetish and a potential love interest shouldn't even be in the same hemisphere, much less the same blog entry :D

did you purposely not say anything bad about him because you didn't want to think about it? or because they don't exist?

VicMorrowsGhost said...

You say: I love you.
He says: I love you.
You say: Lets get chipotle burritos to celebrate.
He says: I hate chipotle burritos.

It's a tragedy of Shakespearean proportion.

Ben said...

Disregard all other comments; flipping a coin is the tried and tested method for such frivolous matters. Here in Albion it is customary to not seek a mate till mid 40's. Even then it is purely for procreation and partners are chosen by compatibility found by completing a rigours check list including financial status, hereditary health issues and preference of character from The Moomins.

In more pressing proceedings, it has come to my acute attention that 5AG has been lacking in pink since 09 October 2008. This needs to be rectified. Such titillation of vision is needed to suppress further out brakes of swine flu by calming the immune system, and also acts as an opiate and sedative to the memory and presence of an overbearing economic climate. Good luck, I pray Chiron and Mars believe in my expressed importance.

I sleep now.

Also this.

Tom said...

Do you really have any other option now that you asked the peanut gallery's opinion and got 33 emphatic, almost agressive YES YES YES OH PLEASE DO ITs?

Oh, living vicariously through the lives of teenage youtubers.

Hayley_leesha666 said...

go for it :)
what is strange is that i find such parallels between our lives.. haha
nah, go for it hayley :)

Joey said...



Brianna said...

I say give the boy a shot and also, never show him that video. i can't get the taste out of my mouth

Unknown said...

Go for it, Hayley. He sounds very charming! If you reject the potential relationship now, you'll be kicking yourself in the future.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Sorry for the second comment, but I just watched that foot video. WTF? How did you find that, Hayley?

W. Murdock said...

I'm sorry to be the nay-sayer in the group, but I think everyone is looking too far to the peachy YA genre situation to think clearly about this. While it would be extremely cute to have that perfect romance, throwing away what you already have to put a title on the two of you could potentially ruin what you have and wreck a 6 year friendship. I think you should have as much fun as you can in the cute stage that you're in, and keep a great friendship intact.

Nicholas said...

One little piece of advice: try to let the parents (and blog readers) out of it :D because noone can tell you if it feels right for you and you're just trying to procrastinate ;) I know how you think!

Shelby said...

i say hold out for Bo Burnham :)

Rosianna said...

If you don't want to go out with him, can I have him?


A.J. James Brooks said...

I honestly think this boy/man may be just what you need, unless he doesn't like Chipotle... then he would have to be put to death.. obviously,

The Pearl said...

You haven't really given a good reason NOT to go for it. As long as you feel the same way, or pretty close, I don't see the harm. Godspeed.

Kayli said...

Was this the guy with the prom cake? Because that's seriously cute. But I guess, do whatever you think is right? Slash, whatever you want to do? I know that's not helpful, but I think you'd already kind of made a decision anyway, right? I mean, boyfriendishthingalmost is not a title to be taken lightly.

Patricia said...

If the only thing that is holding you back from pursuing a relationship is the fear that it could ruin a really strong friendship, like an earlier commenter said, well that just isn't a good enough reason. The potential for something good coming out of this situation totaly outweighs the potential for something bad.
From out hear it sort of sounds like you like him. But what do I know, I just read your blog.

At any rate, good luck, emotionthings are complicated.

Anonymous said...

I have something similar at the moment and I'm sticking, nay, CLINGING DESPERATELY to the motto: Don't dive into something until you're 198% sure.
He may sound perfect but is he perfect for you?

Emily Prieditis said...

My advice would be:
-If your not going to see him again when you go off to college go for it, then if it doesn't work out, you don't have to see him and you will see him if you do.
-Don't go out with him just cos everyones telling you to.
-Go out with him cos you like him, and not cos he loves you either.
I know you'll do the right thing.
Also he seems like your perfect guy.
ps Later in life you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did and hated!-(sorry i cant remember the exact quote!)

VTBurninator said...

I hate to play devil's advocate here, but...I'm going to.

I don't doubt that he sounds like a great guy and Hayley you deserve better than great! However, if you really wanted to be with him would there be any indecision? I don't know your reasons for being tentative (I'm sure there are quite a few), but if you really wanted it to work then you would've done something about it. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do! =)

Bianca23 said...
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Bianca23 said...

I understand it's a difficult situation for you. You like him a lot but you're afraid that you'll ruin your friendship with him, when the relationship goes wrong. But who saids it will go wrong?

You'll never know if you don't try. If you really, really like him, just go for it. Not because everyone else thinks you would be the perfect couple, but because YOU want to be with him.

Good luck with it and I assume we will read here or hear in a video how it worked out. <3

Lori said...

Go for it! He sounds ADORABLE! And the fact that your family is borderline obsessed with him is a good thing because your family always knows what's best for you (especially your older sisters).

MegTao said...

I say if you like him and he likes you there is no reason not to go for it. All his other amazing characteristics are bonus.

lindsey said...

you love this kid back and you know it

alanasays said...

You're bragging about him and his accomplishments and you guys aren't even together! Definitely go for it!

I love how the inner romantic in everyone comes out with these type things. Look at all those comments!

the girl with the glass said...

hope all goes well for you^_^ follow your heart. <--do it do it do it do it.

Lucy said...

It sounds like you have already made up your mind. So yeah go for it. Why not?

iida said...

Just try it out. You know you want to.

rose said...

you don't seem that into it, what's the deal?

Rachel said...
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Rachel said...
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Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

Not that you should ever do something because of peer pressure, but I think sounds like a keeper. GO FOR IT!

Obviously my opinion not based logically, considering I'm a 13 year old girl who has never come close to a love life, and the only way my situation suffices is if I live vicariously through someone.

And that someone is you =)

Odi said...

Do it.

Nothing more.

Anonymous said...

"This video has been removed due to terms of use violation."

lol. oh well.

Mary Josephine said...

what's stopping you?! he's successful AND cute? go for it :)

baz said...

the only thing i wonder is: is he reading this??

Anonymous said...

in the name of jessica darling and all other things holy and amazing, DO IT!!! do it do it do it. like a couple of the other commenters have said, he sounds like he walked straight out of a YA book, the kind that you finish and immediately start reading again and dream about and kind of want to slit your wrists over because you can't be in it but then if you did you'd be dead and therefore WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO READ IT EVER AGAIN.

...err. go for it. :D
also i am not clicking that link.