
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tell me things!

Since this blog became a capital-T "Thing" last April, I had an idea last night to make today's post a sort of "Previously, in the Hayleylujah Chorus" recap of the year. Then I remembered that this hayleyghoover video exists. My second idea was to create a catalogue of the recurring characters in my life (which friend goes with which name, etc.) and a sort of dictionary for the nicknames and euphemisms I use on a regular basis that might be confusing to new readers. Now, I'm not going to totally discount that idea, but if we're being honest, such a post would have the potential to a) make me feel really self-obsessed and lame for acting like my life is an ongoing soap opera for tipsy housewives, and b) insult those readers who have stuck by me through the good times and the bad, with whom my Hayleyisms are sort of in-jokes. It's not fair to the handful of awesome people who comment once a week, watch fiveawesomegirls, and follow my tweets if I rehash old stories and call it new content. But at the same time, it literally makes me giggle with glee to see that new people are stumbling over here, and I don't want them to feel like this is some exclusive party they were only invited to out of politeness. So how do we deal with this?

Here's what I'm thinking. Would you guys be willing to fill out a tiny survey in the comments of this post, so I can get a better feel of who I'm talking to? For example, I know there are a lot of people who read religiously but never comment (which is totally fine, and something I do all the time), and some people who pop in from time to time, but (QUITE rightfully) do not care to absorb every ounce of angst some stranger cares to spew at them. But... the more I get to know some of you individually, the more deeply I fall in love with the group of you as a whole, and I think this could be an easy way to feel more connected. Anyway, feel free to abstain, but for those interested, it'd be awesome if you filled at least some of this in.

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?:
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
How often do you read it?:
How did you find out about it?:
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?:
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Thanks, guys! On that note, I think Jess and I have a date for some nacho cheese. I look forward to reading your responses, and I'll see you lovely people tomorrow.

Chipotle burritos this year: 13
Subscribers: 26,467
Nail color: "Plum's the Word," Sally Hansen Salon

*Please, PLEASE do not answer this! Hahaha. Our rivalry is purely fictional and strictly for the lols.


1 – 200 of 701   Newer›   Newest»
roflcoptyler said...

What's your name?: Tyler
Where (generally) are you from?: Dela[where?]ware.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.
How often do you read it?: I check daily. hahah
How did you find out about it?: I found out from your videos last year
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, it's all good.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan<3
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. I blog here on blogspot!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: 1. Your last name is the same as a vacuum brand.
2. Your grammar is on point.
3. Gurlllll, you hawt.
What's something interesting about you? Ummm, I've been told I look like Harry Potter... I guess that's interesting. :D
What's going on in your life lately?: I just got my permit! So i've been driving all around this week during spring break.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes I would.

Caliowin said...

What's your name?: Tesni
Where (generally) are you from?: Bath, UK
How long have you been reading this blog?: Over a year.
How often do you read it?: Every day I check for updates... sad i know.
How did you find out about it?: your channel? I can't remember
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occassionally
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All 3!
Do you blog too? Where?: Not anymore- used to have a livejournal.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You make me laugh more :)
What's something interesting about you? I hate cheese and people find that very weird!
What's going on in your life lately?: Uni exams! Missing long distance boyfriend. Visiting family atm in Wales.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, sure, I know it all but others may need it.

Elizabeth said...

What's your name?: Elizabeth

Where (generally) are you from?: Georgia

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the very moment of its conception.

How often do you read it?: Every single freaking day. It's definitely the highlight of my internet experience.

How did you find out about it?: I honestly don't know. I read the first post when it was the only post, which was before you linked to it on youtube. So... ? I'm really not sure.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. Not really.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes. Yes. Yes. No.

Do you blog too? Where?: For my college? You don't want to read it, though. I promise.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Um. I'm pretty sure she's cooler than you. Just kidding. But for real? No, just kidding.

What's something interesting about you? I am not a person at all, but a llama. I actually hate this question. I have no idea what's interesting about myself. I like to read? Knit? Cook? I enjoy learning?

What's going on in your life lately?: College! My semester is beginning to end, and as such, the work load is beginning to pick up.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Eh. Whatever.

In other, not-survey news, I read your blog because you and I are similar people. We're the same age, and as I was graduating, I was reading about your graduating. I relate to you and empathize with your "plight" and that's why you're awesome. :)

Kendall said...

What's your name?: Kendall
Where (generally) are you from?: North Carolina
How long have you been reading this blog?: From the very beginning, but I've never commented before!
How often do you read it?: I check every couple days, and I've read every post.
How did you find out about it?: I googled ‘hayleyghoover blog’ around April of last year, or something like that.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Only when you make nicknames for them, like Justin Timberlake and The Situation xD.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Raging Harry Potter fan and nerdfighter. I watch youtube, but don't make videos.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a tumblr that I don't use much.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You didn’t brag about the super cool Muse concert you were at last night! I’m kidding xD. I think you’re both cool.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm not a super interesting person, but I have an extremely large collection of t-shirts and Harry Potter stickers.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a senior in high school, so I'm trying to figure out all this college stuff. Sigh.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes :D. That’d be super neat.

Abby said...

1. Abby
2. Minnesota
3. About a year I think? I remember your "school song" about Hell.
4. Well, I follow you with Google Reader and I check it about five times a day so I read as often as you post?
5. I saw a link in the "dooblydoo."
6. No, I'm not confused. I'm a nerd and always read the backlog of new blogs I follow. So I, lyke, TOTALLY even know who JT is.
7. I like Harry Potter fans, Nerdfighters AND YouTube enthusiasts. Considering I could be labeled as all of them.
9. Yeah you're so much cooler than- WAIT! You're both equal!
10. I love soup spoons and buffalo chicken.
11. I'm a sophomore/junior (credit-wise) Communication Studies major. I'm looking at radio/video production for a career. Which means I have to look at internships for my senior year (WHICH IS NEXT YEAR ZOMGZ I AM SCURRED).
12. SURE! Because even if you're just reviewing your life you'll use your sweet writing skillz to make it a good read.

bassrocks9 said...

What's your name?: Samantha
Where (generally) are you from?: Boston, MA
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: 8 months ~
How often do you read it?: as often as you post! :)
How did you find out about it?: idk, i think you may have linked to it on youtube or something...
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nah not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE
Do you blog too? Where?: i don't blog, but you can look at my tumblr @!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: invalid question. you are both equally awesome in different awesome ways. ACTUALLY this doesnt mean you're more awesome but your slightly closer to my age and a little easier to relate to. and your binge eating i can definitely relate to.
What's something interesting about you? i'm 16 and taking classes at community college. also, i've met yo yo ma.
What's going on in your life lately?:erm. doing pretty well in school? lol not much.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure why not. i think i need a refresher anyways.

Lauren said...

Name: Lauren
From: VA
Age: 14
Been reading: since early-mid 2009
How often: every time you update
Found it because: you linked to it in a 5AG video
You don't confuse me :)
Proud Potter fan, nerdfighter, and YouTube enthusiast
I blog at (to no audience, but blogging nonetheless)
Hmm...interesting about me...well, I love writing, and I really want to pursue YA fiction (and no, I'm not just sucking up)
Lately, in my life, I have this kid constantly texting me about his problems and it's very annoying (but don't tell him I told you that)
I think a recap would be cool

This was fun! Thanks for the opportunity,

Emily said...

What's your name?: Emily

Where (generally) are you from?: Florida

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: A little over a year I'd guess.

How often do you read it?: Every time a new post shows up in my Google Reader.

How did you find out about it?: Not sure exactly. Probably a link you had tweeted or something.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all, in fact, they amuse me greatly.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: I do not. =(

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: It's because you're Hayley G. H-O-O-V-E-R. We're ready for you to take over our screens. All the hoes are droppin' by but they don't ask why your videos are fly. They just respect what they seein'.

What's something interesting about you? Umm, I'm also a part of the United Methodist Church.

What's going on in your life lately?: Beachy things. Spring break. =)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, actually. A nice way to keep track of things.

Cat said...

What's your name?: Catherine
Where (generally) are you from?: Melbourne, Australia
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: since it started, last year's BEDA
How often do you read it?: i'm following through blogger, so every time a new post comes up in the thingy.
How did you find out about it?: i don't remember... your channel?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: occasionally i forget who is who, but usually i'm on top of it all.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: definitely a HP fan, kinda-not-really used-to-be a nerdfighter, youtube watcher but not a video maker.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nah, i always start blogs, but never have anything to write about.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: you're known for your middle initial, which is pretty gangsta.
What's something interesting about you? I used to live in South Africa.
What's going on in your life lately?: I just started my second year at uni anddd i work, hang out with friends, usual stuff.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: i think it would be fun... like when you hang out with old friends and reminisce about fun times you had together. :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Cate
Where (generally) are you from?: Newcastle, England
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning of the year, ish?
How often do you read it?: I check my 'following' list on Blogger pretty obsessively, so often!
How did you find out about it?: Through 5AG.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. Yesterday I was like 'Sebastian?' but I figured it out pretty quickly. I'm no more confused than I am by anyone else :P
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: I'm failing miserably at BEDA already at
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Aw!
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a film student, and I have an absolute mountain of essays to write over the next month but I'm more interested in writing music, and the new recording equipment my boyfriend is currently trying to install probably isn't going to help me with my uni work!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'd read one if you posted it, but I'm doing OK without one.

Amanda said...

What's your name?: Amanda

Where (generally) are you from?: Wisconsin

How old are you?: 21

How long have you been reading this blog?: Must be a couple of months now, at least since last September or so. I'm guilty of never commenting though and you made me feel bad! :(

How often do you read it?: I always read your new blog entires

How did you find out about it?: Through your youtube channel

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I'll admit it, yes, quite often

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter neeeeerd and definite youtube enthusiast

Do you blog too? Where?: Eh, I have a blog on blogspot but I rarely, if ever, update. I much prefer to read others!

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I'm not sure how to answer this so I think I'll leave it blank :)

What's something interesting about you? Hmm, I don't know what to say that would really interest you? I love to bake and my sad, secret little dream is to one day open a bakery

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm leaving in two days for a trip to New York! I'm so excited, I've never been there before. I can't wait to just be in the place where musical theater really comes alive :)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post? Definitely! That would be most helpful!

This was fun Hayley, I promise I'll get better at leaving comments!

kassiejking said...

What's your name?: Kassie
Where (generally) are you from?: Missouri.
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Last year's BEDA
How often do you read it?: Whenever it shows up in my feed. :)
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, not really. I can follow.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Except the last. Obviously. Haha.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: 1. You are a grammar fairy.
2. You are not a Voldemort fangirl.
3. Thursday has always been cooler than Monday.
What's something interesting about you? I am also a published author. I am a theatre critic for the St. Louis Cappies program. I do musical theatre (and reference it, pretty religiously).
What's going on in your life lately?: Too much: I'm directing my school play, Cappies reviews, State speech finals, being a Girl's state American Legion delegate. You know. Haha.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Jazzy Jazz said...

What's your name?: Jazmyn

Where (generally) are you from?: MA

How old are you?: 10

How long have you been reading this blog?: since summer

How often do you read it?: as often as you update

How did you find out about it?: my sister

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: nerdfighter/youtube enthusiast

Do you blog too? Where?:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: you are both 100% awesome

What's something interesting about you?: I am home schooling and reading a text book for people who are technically 2 grades above me

What's going on in your life lately?: not much

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure, why not?

Anna-Beth Rayson said...

What's your name?: Susanna
Where (generally) are you from?: New Zealand
How long have you been reading this blog?: Last August
How often do you read it?: Whenever updates
How did you find out about it?: Ironically, Kristinas blog
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nup
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yup
Do you blog too? Where?: Yup
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: Art School
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Kristina said...

What's your name?: Kristina =D

Where (generally) are you from?: Australia <3

How old are you?: Nearly 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since three days ago =D

How often do you read it?: When I check my blogger feed (at least once a week)

How did you find out about it?: I think it was in one of your Youtube videos. If not, I'm just a pro stalker.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I haven't read it long enough to be confused.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan <3 I've recently watched "A Very Potter Musical" and I've found it hilarious =D
I also have a Youtube channel where I post stuff, but I've only started.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yessum.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Well... I don't watch Kristina's videos >_>

What's something interesting about you? I can bend my thumb back in a weird position ^_^

What's going on in your life lately?: Uni Easter holidays. It's rather fun =D

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not quite sure actually. At least I'm honest =D

Meranda M. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meranda M. said...

What's your name?: Meranda.

Where (generally) are you from?: Cleveland, Ohio.

How old are you?: 20.

How long have you been reading this blog?: The last year.

How often do you read it?: Everytime you update.

How did you find out about it?: ...I dont even remember. Probably from youtube or twitter.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: I do. On here as well.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
-Youre from Ohio as well.
-You like Spring Awakening (and other muscials)

What's something interesting about you? Uhhh, I really like to travel and really into musicals and photography.

What's going on in your life lately?: Well, I just bought some one stage seats for Spring Awakening this month in Detroit.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Suuuure. Why not?

Ellie said...

What's your name?: Ellie
Where (generally) are you from?: Detroit Michigan
How old are you?: 23
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year
How often do you read it?: depends how much crap I have going on. Usually about once a week.
How did you find out about it?: One of your videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not in the least
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: I'm on blogspot, don't remember the url right now.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: 1. You dyed your hair pink
2. Your last name comes first in the alphabet. It's all about the alphabet.
What's something interesting about you?: I have no idea um I once saw Madonna's sister in her underwear. I don't know why that popped into my head, it's true though.
What's going on in your life lately?: School, earning stage seats for Spring Awakening, trying to find a job.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not really but it might help new readers.

Sophie said...

What's your name?: Sophie
Where (generally) are you from?: Baltimore, Maryland
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning...
How often do you read it?: I follow it on google reader, which i check just about hourly.
How did you find out about it?: I don't remember? One of your videos?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, I usually can keep up.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Do you blog too? Where?: Well, I occasionally do (
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Hmm. You have truly mastered the art of subtle wit.
What's something interesting about you?: I love cheese, and I love macaroni, but I hate macaroni and cheese
What's going on in your life lately?: Not much. Mostly avoiding large amounts of Spring Break homework
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I mean, I suppose. But really, I want nothing more than your angsty observations about your life

Belen said...

What's your name?: Belen Gomez

Where (generally) are you from?: Miami, Florida

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: For about 3 months

How often do you read it?: About every other week

How did you find out about it?: I watch your vlogs and follow you on Twitter

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :D

Do you blog too? Where?: No

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You crack me up and I can relate to you. But seriously, you're both great, I just love the "rivalry"

What's something interesting about you? I vlog with my brother
And I'm bilingual

What's going on in your life lately?: I recently started dating an awesome guy (although The Situation might beat him lol) and I am extremely excited about Sophomore year in college.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah that sounds like fun even though I caught up with the old blogs. You can make pretty much anything interesting.

Kirsty said...

What's your name?: Kirsty

Where (generally) are you from?: North Carolina

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since late May last year

How often do you read it?: When it shows up on my google reader

How did you find out about it?: Your YouTube chanel

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, yes!

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, though I hardly update,

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I think I'd have to take Kristina's side on this one, sorry Hayley*

What's something interesting about you? I'm trying to teach myself Greek for my trip to Cyprus this summer (not going too well)

What's going on in your life lately?: STRESS from AP exams and other things that go along with finally getting out of high school

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think that would actually be kinda cool

*just kidding. YOU ARE EQUAL

hannah said...

What's your name?:Hannah
Where (generally) are you from?: Massachusetts
How old are you?:13
How long have you been reading this blog?:since july of last year
How often do you read it?:i check it every day
How did you find out about it?:i searched high school on youtube and found your highschool video. then that opened me up to this whole community of vloggers that didnt include preteen web shows. then you mentioned your blog in a video
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:all of thee above plus doctor who fan girl
Do you blog too? Where?:yes, blogspot,
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? i wake up really early in the day so that i dont miss anything and i hate to miss things. when i die i will not be so upset because im dying but because i will miss so many episodes of my favorite shows(which there are alot of) an technology that will come out in the future
What's going on in your life lately?: nothing really
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:yes

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Emma
Where (generally) are you from?: Ohio, like you.
How old are you?: 14.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Hmm. Couple of months, maybe?
How often do you read it?: Whenever you've got a new post. i check back regularly.
How did you find out about it?: Your personal channel/fiveawesomegirls.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope. Archives are great.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. WITH *PASSION*. :)
Do you blog too? Where?: Newly blogging.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Well, there would be a bunch, but you said not to answer it, so...xD
What's something interesting about you? I'm obsessed with elephants.
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring break.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't need it, but it'd be funny, most likely.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Sasha
Where (generally) are you from?: Bay Area, California
How long have you been reading this blog?: summer before you (we) graduated high school
How often do you read it?: I'm subscribed through Google Reader
How did you find out about it?: one of your videos I believe
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: On occasion.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes.
What's something interesting about you? good question :P
What's going on in your life lately?: midterms
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I like your writing style, so pretty much anything works for me

Heather said...

What's your name?: Heather
Where (generally) are you from?: Halifax, Nova Scotia
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.
How often do you read it?: Every time you post something new. And I check daily.
How did you find out about it?: From your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: YES. Yes. Yes.
Do you blog too? Where?: Sort of. It's not really to bother linking to, though.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both very cool ladies.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm going to Ethiopia next summer to teach conversational English to kids.
What's going on in your life lately?: Major, massive, school-related stress.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Jennifer said...

What's your name?: Jennifer

Where (generally) are you from?: Oklahoma

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since about September of 09.

How often do you read it?: I check daily :)

How did you find out about it?: I first found 5AG, then I found your personal channel, AND FINALLY I discovered your blog.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I get slightly confused, but I think I've managed to figure almost everyone out.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above? Yess :) I don't actually make YouTube videos, but I watch several channels religiously.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes! Tumblr.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both amazing girls! :)

What's something interesting about you?: I'm an extremely passionate person. I give everything my all.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm finishing my second semester at a local community college and in August I'm going to be transferring to a university a couple of hours away from my hometown.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, I would :)

Jackie said...

What's your name?: Jackie
Where (generally) are you from?: Toronto
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Hmm. Religiously, I'd say maybe... half a year? Couple of months?
How often do you read it?: I read every post, whether it's in marathon-type style, or just every couple of days.
How did you find out about it?: By watching your Youtube videos (also in the same fashion).
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. Infact, I like your little nicknames.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, Nerdfighter, Youtube fail, Stalker, Hayley Hoover fanatic.
Do you blog too? Where?: Psh, I'd be of little interest.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Classic.
What's something interesting about you?: ....Good question. Um. Well, I guess I'm pretty close to your teenager-self? Well, possibly different? I don't know. As cliche, and lame as it is to say that "I don't know" what is interesting about me, I really don't. I'll have to leave it at that.
What's going on in your life lately?: Hahah, boy that's stopped talking to me out of the blue (15 year old girl drama -- I know, I know), got my new camera (I'm in love), Spring is officially arriving.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Hmm, why not. I love reading just about anything (especially posted by you), so sure.

Lindsey said...

What's your name?: Lindsey

Where (generally) are you from?: Southern California

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Not sure... within the last year, I think

How often do you read it?: Whenever there's a new post, which got easier once I figured out how to use RSS feeds.

How did you find out about it?: 5AG. And actually, I found out about the Vlogbrothers from you guys too.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, absolutely, yessir.

Do you blog too? Where?: I do. I have a blogger where I store my angst, and a tumblr for looking at attractive British men *David Tennant*,*Tom Felton* and posting links that no one really cares about.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're more Hayley-y, usually.

What's something interesting about you?: I really only got back into the Harry Potter fandom when I stopped lying to myself and admitted that I was a Hufflepuff.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm on spring break. It's horrible timing because my parents are moving so I had to help. And today is The Eleventh Hour, which I've barely started because the internet dies when you move. >_<

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would be.

Aly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maya said...

Before I answer the survey I'd just like to thank you for blogging. I gave up facebook, youtube, and twitter for lent this year and it's been hard but your blog posts have helped so much! :D Thanks.

What's your name?: Maya
Where (generally) are you from?: Northern California
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April
How often do you read it?: Pretty much every day that I have access to a computer, I'll check to see if there's a new post. Haha.
How did you find out about it?: I can't remember, but it was probably one of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Kind of. But it's okay.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. XD
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.
What's something interesting about you? Haha. I don't really know. I really like reading, Harry Potter, badminton, piano, Flight of the Conchords, and other nerdy stuff. xD
What's going on in your life lately?: Um, I'm looking forward to staying up until midnight tonight so I can go on Facebook/Youtube, because I'm nerdy like that. XD It's also spring break this week for me, which I've been looking forward to for a long time, so that's cool, even if I'm not really doing anything. :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, that's fine. :)

RLeviathanH said...

What's your name?: Levi
Where (generally) are you from?: Texas
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: since... July 2009, I believe.
How often do you read it?: As often as there is a new post. (but I check daily. :D)
How did you find out about it?: Through your YouTube videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally, but I can deal.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!!!!!
Do you blog too? Where?: I used to, but I kind of stopped. It's still up here on blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both equally fantastic! ^-^
What's something interesting about you? I own vintage I Love Lucy stamps, and every episode of said show on DVD. :DDDD
What's going on in your life lately?: High school. 'Nuff said.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would think it was nifty noodles.

Aly said...

What's your name?: Aly
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the start!
How often do you read it?: Check it daily!
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube account ;D
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope not now!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above? ALL of the above!!
Do you blog too? Where?: Kinda- just started last week.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
1. Your thursday! And she's like monday. And school starts on Monday while on thursday the week is almost over so thursday is clearly the better day and so clearly you are superior to Kristina- WAIT! You guys are just both totally and completely awesome and there is no way I could compare you two as you have very different styles but are equally fun in yor own ways!
What's something interesting about you? My patronous would be a ferret :D
What's going on in your life lately?: Well spring break is almost over but I've just got back from Florida which was fun! And now I have AP tests coming up...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Suree!

I actually posted this, then noticed a grammar mistake and in true HGH fashion I deleted it, fixed my mistake, and am now reposting this. :)

Alysha said...

What's your name?: Alysha(pronounced Aleeeeesha).
Where (generally) are you from?: Ontario, Canada.
How old are you?: Seventeen.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since summer of 2009 ish.
How often do you read it?: I check almost daily.
How did you find out about it?: From a link in the dooblydoo.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, but most of the time I can fill in the blanks.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, though I keep my subscriptions on YouTube very limited.
Do you blog too? Where?: I tried, but I'm a web designer and didn't like the plainish look. I'm in the process of designing my own.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You seem a lot more enthusiastic about university and you're studying something that I would be interested in hearing more about. Kristina just makes me jealous with all of her traveling.
What's something interesting about you? I am the only person in my entire family who can make oatmeal cookies perfectly.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm taking four art/creative classes this semester, so my high school "career" is essentially over, and now I (finally) just get to express myself.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, I would. Perhaps your could include somewhere in that post a list of recommended books? I could really use some suggestions.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Brooke

Where (generally) are you from?:

How old are you?: I'm going to be 19 on April 21

How long have you been reading this blog?: I'm thinking since you first announced it on fiveawesomegirls.

How often do you read it?: When I remember/have time to check the blog links I have in my sidebar

How did you find out about it?: when you mentioned it

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope. Not at all.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above minus the YouTube enthusiast. I WISH I had that much guts.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Well I don't want to add fuel to the flame..

What's something interesting about you? Chemistry class my puff levels seem to rise to insane levels with all the thinking that has to go on for me to understand. That's all I got.

What's going on in your life lately?: Lots of working and preparing to go away to a University 18 hours away from home.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Definitely. You could make anything read-able/humourous.

Anna said...

What's your name?: Anna
Where (generally) are you from?:Kansas City, KS
How old are you?:14
How long have you been reading this blog?: At least a year and a half
How often do you read it?:Whenever you post!
How did you find out about it?: your youtube videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, I actually love the fact that I can interperet what you are saying!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three!
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope, I just read blogs
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:haha, I like you both (but shh, I like you better!)
What's something interesting about you?: I'm not a super interesting person, I can read a book quicker than anyone I know...
What's going on in your life lately?: urgghh! state testing at my school!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure!

Miranda said...

What's your name?: Miranda
Where (generally) are you from?: Athens, Georgia, which is incidentally also a college town, like Athens, Ohio!
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: I started reading during April last year, buuuuut I also went back and read everything pre-BEDA.
How often do you read it?: I check about once or twice a week to see if you have any new blog posts.
How did you find out about it?: Either through your twitter or youtube channel?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, absolutely, and sort of, in that order.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope. I've tried starting blogs in the past, but I go back and read them and they are so painfully boring and self-indulgent.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: No!
What's something interesting about you?: I've been to every state in America except for Utah.
What's going on in your life lately?: College and more college. I'm going to school to be a copy editor for YA novels, so hopefully I can edit one of your books someday!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, I think It would be nice to have a refresher course.

justjustine said...

Aw, yay, now I have an excuse not to be a creepy, anonymous reader! :D
What's your name?: I'm Justine :)
Where (generally) are you from?: New York
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: since the beginning!
How often do you read it?: pretty damn regularly.
How did you find out about it?: you linked it to your Youtube, and i caught up with of the maybe five previous entries that there were.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: yep, you can find my blog by clicking my username.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha XD both of you guys rock, but um, in a battle, Lauren would win (especially in a rap battle. XD)
What's something interesting about you? I'm obsessed with Mock Trial and The Breakfast Club.
What's going on in your life lately?: I just got into college/ made my college decision!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, even if I already know what's going on, I love last-time-on-___ type recaps.

Carley said...

What's your name?:Carley
Where (generally) are you from?:PA
How old are you?:19
How long have you been reading this blog?:ummm...since sometime last spring I believe...can't exactly remember!
How often do you read it?:whenever it pops up in my Google reader :-)
How did you find out about it?: probably a link from one of your videos, or from fiveawesomegirls...again, I can't exactly
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Not really!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:All three!! Harry Potter fan, nerdfighter, and closet YouTube enthusiast!!
Do you blog too? Where?: I wish I did!! Unfortunately, I'm fairly shy, and also feel like my life isn't very interesting...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: lol :-D
What's something interesting about you? I'm a double major in history and art history, and am completely obsessed with 17th and 18th century America!!(yes...I am a nerd!!)
What's going on in your life lately?: A lot of papers...I have two history classes and two art history classes this semester...which amounts to a lot of writing...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Joanne said...

What's your name?: Joanne
Where (generally) are you from?: Middle-of-nowhere-literally, Ontario, Canada
How old are you?: 18 in May
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since April
How often do you read it?: I've read every single one, and check about twice a week
How did you find out about it?: charlieissocoollike --> fiveawesomeguys --> fiveawesomegirls --> hayleyghoover (or something like that)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes I mix up details of your life with details of a girl I know, Leah, because I swear, you two write/talk identically. But, no, not really, likely because I've been in it from the beginning
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I love John Green, I enjoy Harry Potter, and I go on YouTube, but not as much as I used to because I'm trying to be productive and get into universities and shiz
Do you blog too? Where?: No, I don't know what I would muse about in a blog, nor who would read it
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I know this is where I should say a clever and original joke like "you're not a whore-ner lol" but I'm drawing blanks so... yeah
What's something interesting about you?: I've been playing hockey for the past 9 years, only because I wanted to get a hockey coat, but now I want to take up speedskating (mostly for the unitard).
What's going on in your life lately?: I WANT OUT OF HIGHSCHOOL threemoremonthsthreemoremonths
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Honestly, as long as it's not a month-long hiatus, some nostalgia is perfectly fine.

Sarah said...

What's your name?: Sarah
Where (generally) are you from?: Las Vegas, NV
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: I've been reading since your very first post last BEDA. Wow...
How often do you read it?: I check to see if there is an update at least 3 times a day (however it's usually more like 10 >.>)
How did you find out about it?: I'm fairly certain that you talked about doing BEDA in a 5AG video, but it may have been on your personal channel...
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all.
Harry Potter fan? Very much so.
Nerdfighter? Very much so.
YouTube enthusiast? Somewhat, more so an HP fan and Nerdfighter
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, I started my last BEDA. I'm currently only writing a blog each week on that week's 5AG theme. My blog is
What's something interesting about you?: I've gone to the past 4 HPEF cons and will be going to Infinitus this summer. Also, I am very, very obsessed with Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Friends, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
What's going on in your life lately?: School, thesis research, work, taking care of my mother (who has cancer), obsessing over things, planning my trip to Infinitus, reading your blogs, etc.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, I think it'd be funny to rehear some old stories and I think you could write it in a way that will still make your loyal readers, such as my self, feel like we're apart of an in-joke with still allowing everyone else to feel just as included. I'm not sure how you will accomplish this but I have faith that you will do it wonderfully =)

Mia said...

What's your name?: Mia
Where (generally) are you from?:Brisbane, Australia
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: March 09
How often do you read it?: I check most days for new posts
How did you find out about it?: Google I think
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: I have three blogs on blogger
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:You're both equally cool, sorry lol.
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: My friend and I are conquering our state for Ellen DeGeneres
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, it would be cool.

Emily said...

What's your name?: Emily Schmoss

Where (generally) are you from?: Milwaukee

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you tweeted about starting it god knows how long ago.

How often do you read it?: About as often as you write it.

How did you find out about it?: You tweeted about it, I think. If you didn't, then I have no idea. My soul may have guided me to it.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. When I don't understand something, I fill in the blanks with fun and interesting back stories.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: I have about 389 blogs with approximately 1 post on each of them. I may have some sort of commitment issues.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Ur hAwteR

What's something interesting about you?:I'm Polish, didn't go to school until I started college in January of '09, was raised by carneys (my parents) and have a hernia. Those are my claims to fame.

What's going on in your life lately?: College, trying to find a job and working out a plan to move myself to Seattle.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would be interested in any type of blog, but it's unnecessary because I am all knowing.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Marwa.
Where (generally) are you from?: London, England.
How old are you?: 18.
How long have you been reading this blog?: From day 1.
How often do you read it?: I check back every day.
How did you find out about it?: One of your videos, I think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I just about keep up.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter :)
Do you blog too? Where?: My diary kept under my floorboards.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're Ms Thursday!
What's something interesting about you? I'm half Egyptian, half Irish.
What's going on in your life lately?: Exams, University choices and stress.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm interested in anything you write.


alexis julian. said...

What's your name?: Alexis
Where (generally) are you from?: Seattle!
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it began, I think!
How often do you read it?: Whenever you update. it's on my google reader.
How did you find out about it?: YouTube probably
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. I just assume the people are good people and don't read much more into it.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?:
What's something interesting about you? I'm head over heels in love!!
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm head over heels in love!!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, why not!

Anonymous said...

ohiooo (near OU actually!)
for about four months
i check it every day hah.
i found out from your youtube videosss
not too confusing hha.
all of the above xD
nope, dont blog.
im only a freshie in high school but im fluent in frenchh! grandpa just died and my house just got robbed soooo life's not too hot right now hah.
yep yep id be very intrested in a recap

ladadidah said...

What's your name?: Sugandha

Where (generally) are you from?: These sortof questions always confuse me but, Ethnicity- Indian, Currently Residing- Sydney, Australia

How old are you?:19

How long have you been reading this blog?: since conception

How often do you read it?: whenever there's a new post.

How did you find out about it?: BEDA 09 list

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: initially but I'm totes in the loop now :)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. DFTBA!

Do you blog too? Where?:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Cuz you're Thursday and thus closer to the weekend than Monday. And cuz you're so G.

What's something interesting about you? I'm studying Medicine at University, I have a freakishly brilliant memory pertaining to useless things that happen/are said, I'm currently playing HBP game on my DS and readinf 'Love in the Time of Cholera'

What's going on in your life lately?: Midsem break, but nothing thrilling which is why I feel the need to live vicariously through my friends (and you, I suppose)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: mmhmmm. and you could post pictures for every character.

kyle said...

What's your name?: kyle

Where (generally) are you from?: cincinnati

How old are you?: 22

How long have you been reading this blog?: a few months

How often do you read it?: whenever it appears in my RSS reader

How did you find out about it?: 5ag

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not rly

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? not really, sure, and yes

Do you blog too? Where?: not anymore

What's something interesting about you? i was answering these questions with inconsistent capitalization but i went back and made it all lowercase because it was bothering me.

What's going on in your life lately?: my final semester of college is eating me alive

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure

Ellie said...

What's your name?: Ellie (or Linda, but everyone calls me Ellie)
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April
How often do you read it?: I haven't missed a post since, I check every day :)
How did you find out about it?: Your Youtube and Twitter
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope I've got it all down
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above <3
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope
What's something interesting about you?: I'm the girl who drew your dream wedding dress during World History Class :)
What's going on in your life lately?: I just started to play lacrosse for my school's freshman team...I suck but its fun!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I already know it all but I guess it would be cool to set the facts straight

Em said...

What's your name?: Emily
Where (generally) are you from?: PA
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: 6 months-ish
How often do you read it?: once a week-ish
How did you find out about it?: youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no, actually
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes, HECK friends have to drag me off youtube some Friday evenings, it's pathetic, really
Do you blog too? Where?: a bit, but only for myself
What's something interesting about you? I'm graduating college in 4 weeks and couldn't be happier
What's going on in your life lately?: a play, a possible job, graduation, and my dad's getting married...all in the span of the next month...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure! why not!
and while I'm here, I wanted to tell you your writing style is fantastic. you said you wanted to be an author, I believe? you're well on your way, from one literature major to another ;-)

Eric Gomez said...

What's your name?: Eric
Where (generally) are you from?: Connecticut
How old are you?: I'd rather not. Haha.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you made a post in which you had a dream about Hitler... So specific.
How often do you read it?: Every day
How did you find out about it?: Sidebar. Although, now, it's like an underbar. Or belowbar.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter, youtube enthusiast. I don't necessarily like Harry Potter, but I don't hate it and I tolerate it.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. Personal blog:
And a couple of my friends and I blog weekday-ly about our school days at:
What's something interesting about you? I've memorized the entire libretto of Rent.
What's going on in your life lately?: Good is going on, Hayley.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: If it's spewing from your brain, yes.

genevieve said...

What's your name?: genevieve
Where (generally) are you from?: Northern California
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Pretty much since you started it!
How often do you read it?: Every time you update (I check up on all the blogs I follow every other day ish)
How did you find out about it?: I think you either first mentioned it in a youtube video or maybe twitter? I can't quite recall...
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE :D (minus the last one about none of the above, that is)
Do you blog too? Where?: Yep, here on blogspot!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: :P
What's something interesting about you? I hate potatoes and I'm obsessed outer space and film.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a senior in my last two months of high school. 'nuff said!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't really *need* it but I'd still read over it for fun :P

Melody said...

What's your name?: Melody. Some call me Mel, some call me Ody.

Where (generally) are you from?: Like, Northern California!

How old are you?: I'm going to be 17 on Friday! And I'd like a pink parasol.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last year's BEDA

How often do you read it?: Check almost every day.

How did you find out about it?: I think when you first mentioned it in a 5AG video last year.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I don't think so.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above :)

Do you blog too? Where?:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Uhh, you're not in a band that sings songs about Harry Potter? I mean... Pshh, how lame is that? *hides in bedroom and belts along with the whomping willows*

What's something interesting about you?
I hate high school? Nah, that's not interesting.
Umm... I have a secret anonymous blog as well as my normal one...with awesome top-secret content... Shhh. You know nothing. *hides*

What's going on in your life lately?:
I hate high school.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, maybe there's something I don't know about or forgot about. =D

Melinda said...

I'm one of the creepy people who ALWAYS reads...but never comments. Hah. Maybe this will change that?

What's your name?: Lindy
Where (generally) are you from?: Missouri
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: umm...a year or so?
How often do you read it?: Every time you update!
How did you find out about it?: youtube! :)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above!!
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: No comment (per your request, hah)
What's something interesting about you? I boldly defend my obsession of Harry Potter at my tight-laced conservative church
What's going on in your life lately?: Trying to figure out what to do with my life. Annoyed with people who say you HAVE to go to college in order to be successful.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah! Do it!

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Ashley

Where (generally) are you from?: Canada

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Last April or just before

How often do you read it?: I check daily.

How did you find out about it?: Your videos on YouTube

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, but I don't make videos. I've got nothing to talk about.

Do you blog too? Where?: Again, nothing to talk about.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Lol.

What's something interesting about you? Um, I'm a (somewhat)deaf music student?

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a senior and my friends and I are all just getting our acceptance letters from universities. One of my best friends is going away for a whole year to study at a castle in England so that's kind of awesome and notsome at the same time. She's pretending that she's convinced herself that it's Hogwarts.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, other people probably need it.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Ashley

Where (generally) are you from?: Canada

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Last April or just before

How often do you read it?: I check daily.

How did you find out about it?: Your videos on YouTube

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, but I don't make videos. I've got nothing to talk about.

Do you blog too? Where?: Again, nothing to talk about.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Lol.

What's something interesting about you? Um, I'm a (somewhat)deaf music student?

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a senior and my friends and I are all just getting our acceptance letters from universities. One of my best friends is going away for a whole year to study at a castle in England so that's kind of awesome and notsome at the same time. She's pretending that she's convinced herself that it's Hogwarts.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, other people probably need it.

Crystal said...

What's your name?: Crystal

Where (generally) are you from?: About an hour outside of Chicago!

How old are you?: 22 :\

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it's inception.

How often do you read it?: Every day! I'm hardcore, man.

How did you find out about it?: Either a link from Kristina's blog or you mentioned it in a video. One of those.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. Although when you mentioned Justin Timberlake in one of your last posts, I didn't realize at first that you were talking about your ex-boyfriend, which caused me to laugh a bit.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?: Livejournal! My name's casey_connors9 there, if you're (strangely) interested.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: YOU GUYS ARE EQUALLY COOL, HOT, AND AWESOME. STOP FIGHTING.

What's something interesting about you? Ermm... I have Crohn's disease, which is the sister disease to Ulcerative Colitis, which is what Hank has. I don't know if intestinal disorders are all that interesting...

What's going on in your life lately?: I've been exercising more, since springy weather has come about. I was never, what'd you call, "skinny" when I was younger (I enjoy food far too much), but I've slowly started power-walking and jogging these past few years and it's done wonders for my health!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I guess. It wouldn't be the MOST interesting thing in the world, but I'd still read it and comment, if I had comment.

Catharine said...

What's your name?:Catharine
Where (generally) are you from?:SE Michigan, but I go to school in NW Pennsylvania
How old are you?:20
How long have you been reading this blog?:Since BEDA last year or maybe slightly before, I think.
How often do you read it?:Every time there's a new post, usually that day or the next.
How did you find out about it?:BEDA last year, I think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:No.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:All of the above! (Mostly the first two)
Do you blog too? Where?:No, sadly. My life just isn't interesting enough to me for me to write much about it.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:Er...I've actually seen you in person (Wrock concert in Akron last summer) and I've never seen her...
What's something interesting about you? I graduated with a high school class of 17 people and I have a scar in the middle of my forehead (horizontal line-shaped, not lightening-shaped, unfortunately).
What's going on in your life lately?:I'm starting to realize that I'm not as bad at talking to people as I thought I was, and also I'm doing a lot of homework.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Honestly? I'm interested in anything you write on here. If you would enjoy writing it, I'm sure it would be entertaining.

Courtney said...

What's your name?: Courtney
Where (generally) are you from?: Same general area as you, actually.
How old are you?: Seventeen
How long have you been reading this blog?: Around the time you graduated, but I recently went back and read all of your old posts up until June, because I have no life!
How often do you read it?: Pretty much every day. See previous note about no life.
How did you find out about it?: Probably from a video, or a link in someone else's blog.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, and if I'm confused I just pretend I know who you're talking about.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes and yes. Though I got a "new" computer over the summer that doesn't like YouTube for some reason, so I mostly just listen to videos, which is depressing.
Do you blog too? Where?: No. I always want to, but then can't think of anything to say.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Um, your boyfriend is hotter? Haha.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm currently have a discussion about nail polish with my mother via text message, even though she's downstairs.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm currently liking this internet boy who thankfully only lives half an hour away, though I'm afraid to meet him and it turn out that he doesn't like me as much in person. Also I feel like a borderline stalker, as I've pretty much memorized his whole internet life over the last week.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think it would be interesting, yes.

sparkletasia said...

What's your name?: Hannah

Where (generally) are you from?: I'm australian, but I live in the UK.

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it started! My HGH fangirlishness knows no bounds.

How often do you read it?: Whenever there's a new post, I check my blogger feed daily.

How did you find out about it?: From one of your videos, I think.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope!

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Massive massive HP fan :D Also a nerdfighter.

Do you blog too? Where?:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: If I told you why, you guys would stop competing so hard, and that would just be no fun at all.

What's something interesting about you?: Urm... I have a chronic glitter addiction, and want to be a police officer when I'm older.

What's going on in your life lately?: Taking a year out of school before sixth form, currently job hunting. I have an interview on Monday!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I've been reading since the start of this blog (bad non commenter though), and I've learnt that you can make pretty much anything interesting and fun to read. I'm down :D

Christina said...

What's your name?: Christina
Where (generally) are you from?:Texas
How old are you?:20
How long have you been reading this blog?:January
How often do you read it?:every time you post
How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls/ hayleyghoover channels
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:not really because I have gone and read all of your entries so I have a good idea what is going on
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:all of the above
Do you blog too? Where?:yes here on blogspot
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: you are hilarious and I see a bit of me in you
What's something interesting about you? I want to be a teacher when I grow up so I can make a difference in the world
What's going on in your life lately?: I am busy with school and my crazy family
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would not mind FAQ-type posts.

Quinn said...

What's your name?: Quinn
Where (generally) are you from?:Nevada (...not Vegas!)
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since just after you started it.
How often do you read it?: Well I read it as often as you update, but I check it waaay more than would be considered healthy.
How did you find out about it?: I can't remember! I'm glad I did, though.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: No...I wish though.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Oh boy.
What's something interesting about you? Erm...I can Irish dance!
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm trying to make a decision on where to go to college next year...and failing miserably.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, but I would read just about anything you wrote.

A. said...

What's your name?: Alix.
Where (generally) are you from?:Chicago.
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Occasionally when I watched your videos. Now I read it every time you update since you started packing for college.
How often do you read it?: Every time you update, I was refreshing last night waiting for a new post.
How did you find out about it?: Fiveawesomegirls->Your youtube-> This blog.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, on It's a stream of conciousness.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Now I can't do that, hers is the other blog I subscribe to.
What's something interesting about you? I was born on a leapday. And facebook skipped my birthday, so everyone else forgot.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

K-Mac said...

haha, I love that you already have 50 comments as I write this...those sneaky ninja blog readers.

What's your name?: Katie [or my gangsta name: Kmac]
Where (generally) are you from?: New England
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: um...2 years? give or take
How often do you read it?: However often you post.
How did you find out about it?: Your YouTube channel. [I'm both a big 5AG fan & fan of you in specific]
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, even if I can't exactly remember/don't know who they are, it doesn't detract from your writing, for me.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above =)
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, you could just click on my username, but:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: No.
What's something interesting about you? I'm a photographer. Like, legit, NOT like:
What's going on in your life lately?: School (graduating high school soon!) and semi-working for a communications organization with graphic design and photography.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely.

On another note, I think I might comment more often on your blog, just because I want you to know that I really enjoy your writing and think you're a fantastic person.

Kasey said...

What's your name?: Kasey

Where (generally) are you from?: Grew up in Florida, went to school in New Mexico, living in California.

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April, I think, and this is my first (possibly second) comment.

How often do you read it?: Whenever I see "The Hayleylujah Chorus (1)" in Google Reader.

How did you find out about it?: YouTube, I assume, though I don't remember for sure.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yeah, but I'm more interested in your humorous commentary on life than your life itself. (I hope that didn't sound offensive; I didn't mean it to be.)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I was active on YouTube a year or so ago but now I'm just a dedicated lurker.

Do you blog too? Where?:, dawg.

What's something interesting about you? I don't really know what qualifies as interesting in terms of myself, so I'll skip this one and instead tell you that I am experiencing an intense internal debate on whether or not to add a colon to the end of this question. It burns.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm in the very middle of spending six weeks of my gap year (or two) in England visiting some people from YouTube with my boyfriend. I've spent the last two days playing The Sims 3.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not especially, but I'd read it anyway because I enjoy your words.

Mickey said...

What's your name?: Mickey
Where (generally) are you from?: NY, NY
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months
How often do you read it?: Whenever you post. I subscribe via RSS
How did you find out about it?: 5AG/Hayleyghoover/Twitter
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally, though part of it is that I sometimes skim entries
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, but nerdfighteria is where I first found your videos
Do you blog too? Where?: Vlog, at
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: :3
What's something interesting about you?: I am a poet, theatre geek, writer, and nerdfighter.
What's going on in your life lately?: Choosing where to go to college (NYU or BC). Also VEDA, AP tests, being the lead of my drama company's last show, falling victim to senioritis, etc.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! Even if it clarifies one or two things, great.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Stephanie
Where (generally) are you from?: Michigan
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Only for about a month, but I went back and read almost all of the posts.
How often do you read it?: As often as you post.
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You blog more frequently than she does.
What's something interesting about you? I have such an interesting social life that I had the time to go back and read all of your previous blog posts, as well as watch all of the vlogbrothers videos in less than a month.
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring Break!!!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Why not?

alyson said...

What's your name?: Alyson
Where (generally) are you from?: United States. More specifically: Kansas.
How old are you?: 20

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the very first post.
How often do you read it?: Freakin' religiously every time I see you update on my google reader.
How did you find out about it?: I honestly can't remember since it was a year ago. Most likely a youtube video or twitter.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Since 2006 off and on. Here:

What's something interesting about you? I don't know if it's interesting, per se, but I'm a girl who is in a very happy relationship with a girl. So there's that.
What's going on in your life lately?: School. Trying my best to juggle three english classes.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Eh, I wouldn't mind it. Knowing you, it would still be exciting to read.

Snottlebie said...

What's your name?: Emily
Where (generally) are you from?: New York
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since November 2009, but I read all the older posts to catch up :)
How often do you read it?: Daily
How did you find out about it?: Most likely from a 5AG video
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: Yea, on blogspot but I haven't updated in months (because of a combination of laziness and actual work overload)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: 1. You use your middle initial. 2. I found your blog first
What's something interesting about you? I'm one of six kids (fourth out of six).
What's going on in your life lately?: Lacrosse, standardized testing, and Script frenzy.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure.

Joanne said...

What's your name?: Joanne
Where (generally) are you from?: Canada
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: I remember reading it all the time when you first started it... I think I lost my way a few months ago? I got really busy with school and things. But I'm back now! That's good :)
How often do you read it?: I'm now subscribed to your RSS on google reader so I never miss a post!
How did you find out about it?: I think when you announced it in a 5ag video?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I THINK I've got most of them down. Plus, I think it's cute. Way better than "Let's call them... boy #2"
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a tumblr wherein I sometimes sneak in a blog or two every 30 posts... But that's not the same.
What's something interesting about you? I play piano! It's an endless source of entertainment/fascination and that so wasn't sarcasm. I love it!
What's going on in your life lately?: I just finished my first year of uni! It feels good. :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: That'd be great! It'll catch me up with all of the posts I missed :)

Becky S. said...

What's your name?: Becky
Where (generally) are you from?:New York but I go to school in New Hampshire
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since BEDA last year, so about a year.
How often do you read it?: I have to admit you are one of my most visited probably more often than I should.
How did you find out about it?: Through Maureen Johnson's blog.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Nope :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!!
Do you blog too? Where?:No, I'm honestly not really a writer.. but I do love to read :)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: hahaha...I think this is a question better left unanswered
What's something interesting about you?: I am the second oldest of five daughters (ranging in age from 21 to 6).
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm starting my third quarter of college right now and trying to figure out what I might want to major in. I pretty much have no clue..
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'd be interested in probably anything that you wrote. Unless it had to do with hating Disney World or Harry Potter. That I don't think I could deal with.

JawaKitten said...

What's your name?: Rebecca
Where (generally) are you from?: Southern California
How old are you?: nearly 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: Not since the beginning, but certainly for a while now.
How often do you read it?: I check it whenever I have internet.
How did you find out about it?: You mentioned it in a couple of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I don't always remember which friend did what with you when, but it's never been too big of a deal to me.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I like Harry Potter, I'm definitely a Nerdfighter, and I watch a lot of the Nerdfighter-related YouTube channels.
Do you blog too? Where?: Well, I have a blog, but it's not that interesting, and I don't update it very often.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I'm taking a neutral stance on this mock rivalry.
What's something interesting about you? I raised a couple kittens since they were three weeks old (my friend found them in her back yard). They are aptly named Squeaky and Retardo.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm working on three novels, doing Script Frenzy, preparing to stage manage a show at my school, and taking 19 units. There's a distinct possibility that I may be crazy.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yea, I think it would be helpful and more than a little interesting.

AbbySchmidt said...

What's your name?: Abby
Where (generally) are you from?:Hillsboro, Oregon (near portland)
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Hmmm, I probably started around august, but I've read all of your posts
How often do you read it?: I check everyday :)
How did you find out about it?: Okay, ready for this?
I've been a harry potter fan since book one.
At camp last summer, I met another harry potter fan who told me about wizard rock.
I researched wizard rock.
I started listening to many bands that are all made of awesome.
Two of those bands were the parselmouths and the moaning myrtles.
I found kristina horner and lauren fairweathers youtube channels.
I found five awesome girls.
I found you.
I found your personal channel.
I found your blog.
The End.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Nope, It's pretty easy to understand who everybody is, your nicknames aren'ttoo confusing

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
All of the above :)

Do you blog too? Where?: Not yet, I'm interested in trying though
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
I'm impartial :P

What's something interesting about you?
All the music on my Ipod is musicals, wizard rock, and country music. Safe to say My friends and I don't really ever see eye to eye when it comes to music. :)

What's going on in your life lately?:
I'm a member of my high school's varsity winterguard (if you don't know what that is,don't worry about it, not many people do. So, we just finished our season this year. We've been suscessfull these past three years, placing first each time in our class, so this year we moved up a class. Although we got fourth, we definintly held our own against the 3 other teams in our class. Our show was supposed to take place in the mind of an insane person, so we had a guy from our school sitting a a plexiglass box on our floor, while the colorguard spun flag, rifle, and sabre around him to try and represent what was going on in his mind. It was a fun show to be a part of and it turned out to be a really great season despite some coach troubles. :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, sure. :)

Emily said...

What's your name?: Emily

Where (generally) are you from?: St. Louis, but secretly I'm from Nerdfighteria Island

How old are you?: 13

How long have you been reading this blog?: Um... whenever you first put it in the sidebar for either fiveawesomegirls or hayleyghoover

How often do you read it?: Well, I stopped for a while, but I came back to it 3 months ago, reading every new post. And I STILL know all the in jokes. Hopefully.

How did you find out about it?: Doobly Doo. Oh, love that name.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope. I gots this.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. Harry Potter: 5 Years. I'm a Ravenclaw, actually. Nerdfighter most definitely. We have covered this; I'm from Nerdfighteria! I found out about the vlogbrothers from you. So, thank-you for that. And Youtube enthusiast, yes. So. Much.

Do you blog too? Where?: blogspot, accioweasley. But rarely. I should more.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I love your rivalry. Let's leave it at that.

What's something interesting about you?: "Hmmm. I don't know. Nothing." says my platonic roommate... yeah, we have roommates at 13.
No, that's stupid. I'm not gonna delete it though.

What's going on in your life lately?: Just finished Seussical, onto standardized testing, and dealing with my platonic roommate's (griffin's) problems about their significant other. (She's a girl, although she doesn't want me to tell you that, hence the significant other part)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes. Yes, I would. You make my day awesome with your posts so please yes.

Rebecca Rain. said...

What's your name?: Rebecca
Where (generally) are you from?: California.
How old are you?: 15.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Probably almost a year?
How often do you read it?: I check my updated blogs every day, so I'm never more than two or three days late after you post something.
How did you find out about it?: 5ag.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not particularly, I just think your friends are your friends, and it doesn't much matter to me to remember every single thing about every single one of them :) Reading that back it sounds rude and pretentious, but I assure you it's not that I don't care about them, they're simply not mentioned enough to become a significant part of my life...
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, yes, obv not. :D
Do you blog too? Where?: Yesss! Clicky my picture :P
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're both awesome :D
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a vegetarian? And it's spring break! WHOOO.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'd read it, if that's what you mean...

By the way, I had my first Chipotle burrito March 1 and I am absolutely not kidding when I say that as of April 1 I have had ten Chipotle burritos.
I'm trying to beat you :)
And also keeping up with my "two a week" thing. It's not really a goal, that's just how it's worked out. :D:D:D

DaisyJo said...

What's your name?: Joanna
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida (but also Indiana)
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: at least 6 months.
How often do you read it?: I check up on my blog subscriptions at LEAST every other day.
How did you find out about it?: I think it was one of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP FAN, getting into NerdFighting, YT subscriber more than poster.
Do you blog too? Where?: I blog on this site.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? I am a photographer, a nanny, and I work at american eagle. Bazinga.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm getting more photography gigs--yay!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep

Caroline said...

What's your name?: Caroline
Where (generally) are you from?: Missouri!
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since its birth.
How often do you read it?: Religiously
How did you find out about it?: I'm not entirely sure, I follow you on twitter and subscribe on youtube, so one of those places, I'm sure.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. I actually found you on youtube through your intro to the hp fandom because I wanted to show my family why I was spending my life on the computer.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have, but I stopped. However, I plan on starting a new one soon.. so stay tuned!
What's something interesting about you?: Usually for these questions I use a HP fact, although here that's not so unusual or interesting. I memorized the Gettysburg Address last year. That's kind of interesting.
What's going on in your life lately?: Enjoying finishing up my freshman year of college. I just found out I get to go to California to visit my sister for a month this summer and then intern at a senatorial campaign for two months. So I'm pretty exited!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Generally, I enjoy FAQs even if I already knew all of the answers. So yes, I would!

LeeAnn said...

What's your name?: LeeAnn

Where (generally) are you from?: Oklahoma

How old are you?:22

How long have you been reading this blog?: Over A year.

How often do you read it?:every couple of days.

How did you find out about it?:I can't say for sure but I do think it was from 5ag.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Nope, I think its pretty clear who your talking about when they are mentioned.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: No, I lack the creative imagination to write about my daily life.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
Not even going to go there. :)

What's something interesting about you? I love those crappy old movies with stop animation.

What's going on in your life lately?:Crappy car wont stay fixed.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Sure

Lauren said...

What's your name?: Lauren
Where (generally) are you from?: Michigan
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: For a year
How often do you read it?: I check every day.
How did you find out about it?: I think from one of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a tumblr that is rarely updated.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: the italktosnakes throwdown video
What's something interesting about you?: I've worked at two pretzel shops.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm trying to choose between a small private college and a mid sized public university. Sigh.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes.

Maura said...

1. Maura
2. East Coast, USA
3. Since last year..almost from the beginning I'd say
4. I check daily..haha. I'm always sad when there's not a new post, and so needless to say, I love April
5. YouTube I think..from a link you posted
6. Nope I know them by now
7. All of the above!
8. Nope
9. You're both awesome girls!!
10. I have an unhealthy relationship with Peppridge Farm cookies..mmm
11. Spring searching..track season
12. yes m'am! I would enjoy the

Hobbit said...

What's your name?: Kara
Where (generally) are you from?: Minnesota
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: since last April
How often do you read it?: Every time you post on it!
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube channel I think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah I have a sort of ridiculous blog that I share with my sister and cousin at
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? I consumed 3 tubs of moose/cow/bunny tracks ice cream this last week over my spring break.
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring break AKA eating ice cream and listening to the spice girls.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Well sure, I could go for that.

Anonymous said...

What's your name? Christina
Where (generally) are you from? Idaho
How long have you been reading this blog? umm... I don't really know. Probably about a year. Possibly a bit longer. But, I have read all your blog posts. I have this thing where if I watch someone's videos or read someone's blog I have to watch/read them all. I know it's weird.
How often do you read it? I check pretty much daily and read whenever you post!
How did you find out about it? It's been so long... I'm gonna go with from your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.? No. I could understand how some people could be confused but I think it's easier to just use names. Otherwise I think it gets more confusing, unless you only talk about them once.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? Youtube enthusiast? None of the above? Try all of the above :)
Do you blog too? where? Yes, I blog occasionally, here on blogspot. My username is chrystieness.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I'm going to plead the fifth on this one. But you're awesome!
What's something interesting about you? I compulsively buy water bottles, sticky notes, and underwear. I frequently have to talk myself out of it. yeah.
What's going on in your life lately? Nothing good. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's really true. Last week was the worst week of my life. However, I'm dealing with it very well and moving on :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post? Sure! Even though I've been around awhile I wouldn't mind re-capping. It might bring back some things I've forgotten about.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?:
Jeannine Robertson
Where (generally) are you from?California
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
A year or so
How often do you read it?:
As often as you post. :]
How did you find out about it?:
Youtube. I think you're hilarious, and I knew your blog had to be so much better.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Noo. I feel like they're MY friends. (not in a weird way?)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?:
No, I should though
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
You like Chipotle more
What's something interesting about you?
I sing. I hope to be a star.
What's going on in your life lately?:
Concerts and I'm going to Florida!~
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Always. I love anything you write.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Mary
Where (generally) are you from?: Long Island, NY
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: since you started!
How often do you read it?: when you update :)
How did you find out about it?: probably through youtube or twitter
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: nerdfighter
Do you blog too? Where?: yes, but i just started two days ago and it's not nearly interesting enough to post a link
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: you had pink hair for some time.. i currently have pink hair
What's something interesting about you? i don't know! i'm from new york & i ended up at the same islander game as liane once! that was exciting...i surf?
What's going on in your life lately?: i'm applying to transfer colleges.. its not fun though
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: i think it'd be interesting! :)

i've been reading your blog for a year and i have never commented...

a said...

What's your name?: April
Where (generally) are you from?: Tennessee
How old are you?: 17.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning.
How often do you read it?: Every time a new post shows up on google reader.
How did you find out about it?: From your youtube or twitter or something.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Generally no.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Huge Harry Potter fan and nerdfighter. I make videos, but I am not at all a popular channel.
Do you blog too? Where?: Used to, but I lost interest and no one read so I deleted it.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Not answering...?
What's something interesting about you? I want to be a librarian? Is that interesting?
What's going on in your life lately?: Graduation is soon, and I'm very nostalgic about my childhood. I don't want to grow up!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm always interested in anything you post. And I do love faq posts. So yes.

weelegs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin F. said...

What's your name?: Erin

Where (generally) are you from?: Dallas

How old are you?: 14 (ah, i cringe)

How long have you been reading this blog?: since you mentioned it in a 5AG video, so almost since the beginning

How often do you read it?: I check your blog and several others around once every other day

How did you find out about it?: you

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, I could spot several of them in a crowd *cough*stalker*cough*

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?: No...

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Are you? ;)

What's something interesting about you?: I want to be a literary agent or literary scout when I grow up. Also, people look at me funny when I answer the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

What's going on in your life lately?: -sigh- nothing

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, but then again, you could type out the phonebook and reading it would be the highlight of my day.

kaylaann93 said...

What's your name?: Kayla
Where (generally) are you from?: Canada
How old are you?: 16, 17 on May 7th.
How long have you been reading this blog?: I think I stumbled upon it during the summer of '09 and I did go back and read old posts for awhile until I lost track.
How often do you read it?: Whenever you post it.
How did you find out about it?: I think from a video... but not sure.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Still working my way through the series, I know a terrible person. On the sixth. Recent Vlogbrothers' (?) watcher (aka 6 months?) wouldn't consider myself a nerdfighter quite yet, and I am subscribed to many and interested in the community.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:...
What's something interesting about you?: I am quite bland.
What's going on in your life lately?: Very personal, oh my, um enjoying English class more than I have in the past 4 years.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, not because I feel I need it but because I think it would be interesting (plus give a "free day" for BEDA? ;))

Dana said...

What's your name?: Dana
Where (generally) are you from?: Arlington, Va. Across the river from DC.
How old are you?: 16.
How long have you been reading this blog?: I have no idea. Awhile, I guess.
How often do you read it?: Whenever you post. I check daily, because your posts really brighten my day. Even the angst. Probably because I love your syntax.
How did you find out about it?: Through your videos, presumably.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, yes, and no.
Do you blog too? Where?: I blog on blogspot, but mainly just for myself and the imaginary audience I pretend is reading my nonsensical, late-night postings.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: BEDA.
What's something interesting about you?: I used to train cows over the summer and I have 12 years of ballet experience.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm in a play right now where I have to take my shirt of in front of the audience, which is obviously a tad bit uncomfortable. In the scene, the guy is supposed to walk in on me changing. I'm sure I'll get used to it.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes. Definitely.

Gina said...

What's your name?:Gina
Where (generally) are you from?: New York, but at college in DC
How old are you?:19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April, I guess!
How often do you read it?: Whenever it pops up in my reader.
How did you find out about it?: Your twitter? A video? No idea
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Once the PJ-confusion got cleared up, nope!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: Not currently
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? Feeling pretty boring at home by myself for Easter break at the moment! But I'm a huge travel/adventure enthusiast who likes seeing where the wind will take me.
What's going on in your life lately?: See above re: Easter break. Home is boring. In the more general "lately," I too have found a wonderful boyfriend and am enjoying reading your posts about how happy you are.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! I certainly would not be insulted.

Rad said...

What's your name?: Radhika
Where (generally) are you from?: NY
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: November (ish)
How often do you read it?:I check daily :)
How did you find out about it?: Your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not so much anymore.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, here on blogspot!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: "because...stuff!" - you.
What's something interesting about you? I am extremely paranoid about people knowing things about me, so aforementioned blog has so far only been exposed to 1 friend.
What's going on in your life lately?: SATs, Model UN conference next weekend, seeing John Green next weekend!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES :D

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Sue

Where (generally) are you from?: East coast of Canada

How old are you?: 22

How long have you been reading this blog?: A couple of weeks

How often do you read it?: I added it to my Google reader so I will be reading every post as you update from now on

How did you find out about it?: I think you tweeted about it...either that or you mentioned it in a video

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yes (the only person I know is The Situation)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, YES, avid video watcher but not a video maker...yet

Do you blog too? Where?: No...but I'm thinking about starting one

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
1. Every time I write "alot" I hear your voice in my head telling me it's actually "a lot.” When's the last time Kristina taught me grammar?
(Side note I hear John Green's voice in my head every time I write "your" or "you're" saying “ask yourself if you mean you are”)

2. You “introduced” me to PJ by tweeting about his b-day live show


What's something interesting about you? I can raise one eye brow without doing the whole furrowed brow thing

What's going on in your life lately?: Finishing up grad school/trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES *raises both hand to get twice the votes*

Robyn said...

What's your name?: Robyn

Where (generally) are you from?: Canada

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Right from your very first post, seriously. It helped me endure high school.

How often do you read it?: Well, you're on my bookmark bar, so, uh, quite often (ie. every time you post).

How did you find out about it?: I think you mentioned it in a video, when you first started blogging, and that's how I found it, but I'm not entirely sure.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, no.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, but only recently to the first.

Do you blog too? Where?: I do, here:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Because her middle name is not gangster, yo.

What's something interesting about you? I'm a vegetarian - and my family constantly bugs me about it.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm going on a mini-roadtrip (my first ever) in three weeks!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't be disinterested.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Jamie

Where (generally) are you from?: California

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: Around the beginning of summer.

How often do you read it?: I am an avid user of Google Reader.

How did you find out about it?: Link in the dooblydoo.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. I'm pretty good with names and keeping things in order.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes. Yes. YouTube browser? No.

Do you blog too? Where?: Not really, but I do have a blogspot.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're both awesome. <3

What's something interesting about you? My mother misspelled my name on my birth certificate, but my parents and everyone else still called me by the name I was intended to have (Jamie). I didn't find out about the extra 'n' in between 'i' and 'e' in my name until fourth grade when I transferred schools. I just thought all my teachers just had a hard time pronouncing Jamie on the first day of school. To this day, I just tell everyone the extra 'n' in my legal name is silent.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm in my second year of college studying linguistics and statistics. I am currently summer job hunting.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! :)

Teresa said...

What's your name?: Teresa
Where (generally) are you from?: Toronto, Ontario!
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Umm, since the summer probably but I've read every blog post of yours because it was a long summer..
How often do you read it?: I usually check daily lol.
How did you find out about it?: I watch fiveawesomegirls and hayleyghoover, so it was bound to happen.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes I forget who someone is, but I have most of it down so it's not a big deal.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, lol.
Do you blog too? Where?: No, I never got into blogging myself.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: lol sorry, but I like you both the same.
What's something interesting about you? I'm a Colombian red-head? lol, people tend to find it interesting that the albino ginger is actually of spanish decent.
What's going on in your life lately?: I've just been hanging out with my besties and my boyfriend a lot. I'm on easter break which is fantastic!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, sure. Sounds like it could be fun.

Rennie said...

What's your name?: Rennie

Where (generally) are you from?: I'm from southeast Michigan!

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: Truthfully? Last March.

How often do you read it?: I check every day. I am definitely one of those people who read religiously but never comment. I'm terrible at giving feedback for anything. I am a nightmare to have as a partner in peer editing exercises.

How did you find out about it?: I honestly don't remember. It was most likely Twitter or YouTube.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope! I'm pretty good with names and with following confusing story lines.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the
above?: All of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?: I have attempted to blog, but I never have anything to say! I'd like to be able to actually have some sort of steady blog type thing sometime, but for the time being I have neither the time nor the motivation to actually produce anything that anyone would want to read.

What's something interesting about you?: I play 7 instruments: French horn (my primary instrument), tuba, trumpet, ukulele, guitar and piano. People always find that pretty crazy.

What's going on in your life lately?: I've just been really busy. I row crew, and on top of the two-hour practices every day I have to do homework and practice french horn and then sleep. Summer just needs to get here sooner so that I don't have to do anything at all.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! Although I am positively awful at asking questions, it would be cool to hear your responses to other peoples' questions.

Hayley, I really like your blogging. Your writing style is personal in a really cool way, and your posts always seem to have some kind of point to them, even though you may think they don't. I'm always cheered up a bit when you make a post.
Also, sorry for making this comment really long and unnecessarily personal. I get really carried away with surveys...

Alessandra said...

What's your name?: Ali
Where (generally) are you from?: California
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: About two months
How often do you read it?: Every time there's a new update
How did you find out about it?: The Situation (I got that one!) retweeted you at some point
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: A little
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: 1 and 3
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I don't know who that is, but you appear to have the same obsession with nail polish that I do.
What's something interesting about you? I love to write
What's going on in your life lately?: Skool.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yuppers

Shawna said...

What's your name?: Shawna
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida (yuck)
How old are you?:15
How long have you been reading this blog?:uh like a month or two
How often do you read it?:every time you post
How did you find out about it?: youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not particularly
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: I do on blogspot it is kind of depressing though and I write really emo things and no one reads it so it is more like a journal and i have no idea why i put it on the internet. it helps me get out pent up emotion though so yeah... I guess im too lazy to go buy an actual journal.
What's something interesting about you?: I like cheese
What's going on in your life lately?: I am going to be an exchange student in eleventh grade and i cant decide on norway or scotland.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would read it and think it was interesting but i don't necessarily care.

Kristin B said...

What's your name?: Kristin B
Where (generally) are you from?: Currently, Blacksburg, VA
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Last...May or June I think, but I read all of them when I couldn't understand characters
How often do you read it?: I check every day, I'm uber glad BEDA started
How did you find out about it?: I watch fiveawesomegirls and your blog, and thought you were hilarious
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: At first yes, but since I've read through all of these I know what's goin on
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP ftw, minimally YouTube, wish I could be more of a Nerdfighter (laziness doesn't help)
Do you blog too? Where?: Haha, I don't have any life experiences to blog about. It'd pretty much be "Today, I went to Kroger. Again. And bought candy when I couldn't afford it. Again." But I'll let you know if I start one.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I can only assume you have better air conditioning :) Or do you carry cold liquids around with you on a frequent basis?
What's something interesting about you? I've lived in Japan and my parents live in Singapore, so I've traveled a lot in Asia and Australia.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm watching a lot of instant-watch movies on Netflix, it's addictive. That's how I discovered that Michael Cera was in a Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movie, that was shocking.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes please!

Someone Like Samantha said...

What's your name?: Sam(antha)
Where (generally) are you from?: Boston, MA
How old are you?: 23
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April, I think
How often do you read it?: When my dashboard says you have a new post
How did you find out about it?: Your videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: At first but not now
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes to all three, and I read HP because of 5ag and Wizard Rock
Do you blog too? Where?: Yep,
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Hmm.. your last name is alphabetically before hers
What's something interesting about you? I'm in a Library & Information Science grad program
What's going on in your life lately?: School, Coaching (figure skating), a lot of grilled hamburgers
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Kristen said...

What's your name?: Kris aka "bombsfadeaway" or "Alan's Girlfriend"

Where (generally) are you from?: Portland, OR

How old are you?: 23...SO OLD.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Uh...I've lost track. Over a year now? Something like that.

How often do you read it?: I usually check Blogger daily to see if anyone has updated.

How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls, which led me to your personal channel, which led me here.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Also check: "super cool" and "Alan's girlfriend".

Do you blog too? Where?: I blog on Blogger. *points up at clickable name*

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I REFUSE TO PLAY FAVOURITES.

What's something interesting about you?: I couldn't think of anything, so these are Alan's answers- he says my chosen career path is interesting, that most people don't answer "marine biologist" when asked what they want to be when they grow up. He also said that my writing on myself as an expression of art, especially combined with photography is interesting, since (apparently) most people don't write on themselves like that, unless we're talking tattoos.

What's going on in your life lately?: Oh, you know, college, boyfriend (and planning another trip so see said boyfriend), sushi, sandwiches...the usual.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure.

SillyJaime said...

What's your name?:

Where (generally) are you from?:
Rhode Island. Is that general enough?

How old are you?:
I'll be 27 in 43 days!

How long have you been reading this blog?:
A few months, three or four I think.

How often do you read it?:
Whenever you post, but I don't often comment (ever?) because you're kind of intimidating. :]

How did you find out about it?:
Via your YouTube page.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
Yes. Yes. And yes. Although I do flake on YouTube occasionally and forget to catch up on videos. And I haven't vlogged in months because I'm so lazy.

Do you blog too? Where?:
I do!

What's something interesting about you?:
I don't eat ground beef.

What's going on in your life lately?:
I recently moved from Rhode Island to Mississippi on purpose (I know, nobody does that) to be with my husband who just got home from Iraq... who I also met on the internet (but not on a dating site).

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Probably. :]

Leslie Rowen said...

What's your name?: Leslie
Where (generally) are you from?: Cincinnati/Northern KY
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since June...I emailed you awhile back about how much your post about the 14 year old soul meant to me. Thanks for replying :)
How often do you read it?: Every time there is a new post!
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, my channel is called sondheimrox, and I am doing a cousin collab vbros style at ShowdyCousin
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? I looooovvvve to write and make videos.
What's going on in your life lately?: Ya know, does he like me, do I like him...typical teenage girl stuff. Sigh.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure...not begging for it though.

owlet25 said...

What's your name?:Emma
Where (generally) are you from?:Florida
How old are you?:17
How long have you been reading this blog?:Since BEDA last year
How often do you read it?:As often as you post, through Google Reader
How did you find out about it?: 5AG or your personal channel, whichever you mentioned it on first
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter, youtube enthusiast. I actually watched hayleyghoover before 5AG and then after that vlogbrothers. So you should be proud for introducing me to nerdfighting!
Do you blog too? Where?: Not at the moment.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I haven't met either of you but love you both equally...The internet is weird.
What's something interesting about you? Um. I've swum with manatees.
What's going on in your life lately?: Trying to pick between two colleges I don't really want to go to, waiting to see if I get off the waitlist of two more I like better. It's been nice to read about what a great time you've been having at college though, it's made me a little less freaked out about the whole thing.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't think I'd need one but I wouldn't mind.

I think this is my first comment! I should do this more.

Kristina said...

What's your name?: Kristina
Where (generally) are you from?: San Francisco
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: A couple months. I've been watching your videos for years though.
How often do you read it?: I check every few days.
How did you find out about it?: Your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. I'm sure there have been a few names that I wasn't familiar with but I'm keeping up just fine.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. I'm a superfan.
Do you blog too? Where?: I've been meaning too. I'll link you once I finally start!
What's something interesting about you? I'm planning three major moves in the next 5 years. San Francisco to Los Angeles to New York to London. I also just moved from Tampa to San Francisco.
What's going on in your life lately?: Right now I'm working to save money for makeup school. I want to be a makeup artist for film/theatre.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah that'd be pretty sweet.

Sarahalala said...

What's your name?: Sarah

Where (generally) are you from?: Canada

How old are you? Early 20s

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning of BEDA last year, maybe before?

How often do you read it?: Every time you post. (It's in my list of websites to check daily)

How did you find out about it?: It was the first time you posted a link about it ... maybe on twitter? The first post I read of yours was all full of dilemma as to whether you should link the public to this blog, lol.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope!

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, YES, yes.

Do you blog too? Where?: Not so much, although I journal privately sporadically.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both awesome and creative!

What's something interesting about you? I love being in nature (hiking/biking) and I love arts (drawing, photography, sewing stuffed animals, quilting). I always like to set new challenges for myself.

What's going on in your life lately?: Graduating from university, figuring out who I am and what the rest of my life is going to look like.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't feel that I need it, but I'm sure it would help others and anything you write is always a good read.

I always read your blog, and even though I'm a few years older than you, I feel like I identify with a lot of what you write. You are a super talented writer and I'm always entertained by the blog. I don't comment that often because I always kind of feel like I'm intruding (I also seem to be incapable of leaving short comments ... sorry!)

becca said...

What's your name?: Rebecca [Becca for short]
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How long have you been reading this blog?: Yesterday... haha.
How often do you read it?: Well, I just started reading... so I'd say quite often, so far!
How did you find out about it?: I've been watching 5AG and your channel for about a year, but I never even thought about reading your blog, because I've never really been into blogs. But by friend has been bugging me to read yours, so.. here I am! :)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not yet(?)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter and YouTube enthusiast.
Do you blog too? Where?: I just started on blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Erm, you're equally awesome! Let's leave it at that.
What's something interesting about you? Let's see... I have a triangular freckle, and I like to consider myself a photographer.
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring break just started! And I'm going to New Orleans from tomorrow until Saturday. Me and my family are doing... "community service" there (helping build/paint houses for Hurricane Katrina victims).
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: That would be nice, actually. I'd like to know what I've been missing out on!

Christina F. said...

What's your name?: Christina. My friends tend to call me Foo, though. You can too, if it helps you remember me better :)
Where (generally) are you from?: Born and raised in Southern Cali! ..but as of right now, Phoenix, Arizona :(
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Over a year ago, I think Kristina might have mentioned that you blogged in one of her posts, and I googled you write after I read that :P
How often do you read it?: Quite frequently, I check on the blogs I follow every day.
How did you find out about it?: Kristina's blog, I think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above. Harry Potter fan to the nth degree!
Do you blog too? Where?: I blogged a little bit on my tumblr, but really haven't touched it in months. I would link it, but I could never be as eloquent or as interesting as you.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
1. Your middle name is Gangster.
2. You have eaten more Chipotle burritos than she has.
What's something interesting about you? I have a really big family. I have five brothers, and I'm the only girl. They're all older than me too.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm a college student, and I'm pretty confused about what I want to do in life. I also had to move away from all things normal and landed in the strange land of Phoenix, Arizona. I think the only thing I like about this state is that I get to wear flip flops (almost) all year round.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Sure! The noobs need to catch up on all things hayleyghoover.

KaraDawlish said...

New York
14 years old
I've been reading your blog since the summer, but i actually sat there for a couple days and read the whole thing from the beginning like a book xD Lol
I read everytime you post
not a clue how i stumbled upon your lovely blog
I think it's perfectly easy to follow
All of the above!
I blog as KaraDawlish on Blogspot and Tumblr!
You're a gangster
Spring Break! I just got done having my YT/ HP/ NF Friends Over for the week :]

Sarah said...

What's your name?: Sarah
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey ( my defense, it's very close to NYC.)
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you mentioned it
How often do you read it?: Whenever it pops up on my ~google reader~. so, often.
How did you find out about it?: You mentioned it in a video.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, I love Harry Potter. Yes, I'm a nerdfighter (because of 5ag. thanks for that! I'm definitely a different, nerdier person because of it. In a great way.) I do not vlog.
Do you blog too? Where?: Not really.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You guys both got me into Nanowrimo.
What's something interesting about you?: I recently got 4x6 index cards...and was excited about it. I can also play the ukulele and trumpet.
What's going on in your life lately?: Procrastinating. My spring break just started, I should really be studying for things. I just applied for a summer program at georgetown. That's all I got, haha.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure

Samantha said...

What's your name?:Samantha
Where (generally) are you from?:Delaware
How old are you?:17
How long have you been reading this blog?: since it started
How often do you read it?: daily
How did you find out about it?:youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:lol nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:ALL of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:the g
What's something interesting about you?: I am a Revolutionary War Reenactor, history nerd
What's going on in your life lately?:college searching urghhh
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:it couldn't hurt...I like everything you write.

Emily said...

What's your name?: Emily

Where (generally) are you from?:Louisiana

How old are you?:14

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it started:)

How often do you read it?: I check it daily

How did you find out about it?: You linked to it somewhere

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Of course not:)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HUGE Harry Potter fan and Nerdfighter!

Do you blog too? Where?: No, but I love to write! I read many blogs.

What's something interesting about you?: I love reading and writing. Oh, I am leaving on my 8th grade trip after Easter:)

What's going on in your life lately?: School:(

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I already read them all, but sure!!

Hayley, thank you so much for being awesome. You are wonderful, and I look forward to reading your blogs and watching your videos. Again, thank you Hayley!!:)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?:Rachel
Where (generally) are you from?:Alabama
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Sine january
How often do you read it?:Every new post
How did you find out about it?: youtube
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighters FTW.
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:Yoo're a gryffindor. Duh.
What's something interesting about you? I love to write
What's going on in your life lately?: New boyfriend.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Yupp

Hayley, I am your biggest fan. You're hilarious and we have a LOT in common. xD. Books, writing, nerdfighting, nail polish, scrubs, glee. A lot. xD

Anonymous said...

The sheer number of comments in such a short amount of time is proof that people like to talk about themselves.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Peyton.
Where (generally) are you from?: Toronto, Ontario.
How old are you?: 16.
How long have you been reading this blog?: I have been reading regularly since the summer 2009.
How often do you read it?: Whenever there is a new post. :)
How did you find out about it?: 5AG sidebar links.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Actually, I have caught onto all of them. It gets easier the more you read, but the idea of making a dictionary is great.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above! (:
Do you blog too? Where?: I blog every so often, but for my grade ten English class I had to make a nine post blog about what I read that week, and I rather enjoyed it.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I enjoy both of you equally. :) Except Kristina is dating Luke Conard, and Ministry of Magic is my favourite Wrock band. So that's a one up on her end. But I can relate better to you. Your wit and charm and humor are so similar to mine.
What's something interesting about you?: I am leaving for a two-week leadership/writing/art camp with my school next week. I'm verryyy pumped.
What's going on in your life lately?: Ehhhhhh, other than the camp I can't really think of anything. Oh! I'm going to film a music video downtown tomorrow for my music class tomorrow. (:
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely!!

Izzy said...

what's your name? Izzy
where are you from? western NY
how long have you been reading this blog? probally since last spring
how often do you read it? i check every day or 2.
how did you find it?hmm. i think it was through 5AG or maybe Kristina's blog.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names? no, not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdighter? Youtube enthusiast? Hp fan, hell yeah. Nerdighter, most definitly. Youtube enthusiast, i watch a lot of videos but dont make them.
do you blog too? where? since the beginning of febuary ive become a part of a collab blog. Its pretty muched based on 5AG, th whole mon.-fri. thing. its 5 girl nerdfighters from the ages of 12-15. its at
whats something interesting about you?im an identical twin, and we both are huge HP fans and nerdfighters.
whats going on in your life lately?ive been working on trying to get my friend interestes in ALL CAPS.
would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post? yes. yes i would.
-Izzy Brown

Kristina said...

What's your name?: Kristina.
Where (generally) are you from?: Texas.
How old are you?: 15.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Almost a year. :D I started reading sometime during BEDA last year.
How often do you read it?: Uh, I've read every blogpost. I check it every few days.
How did you find out about it?: BEDA. probably, like, one of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, no. It's cool.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah. I blog here on blogspot. It's filled with teen angst. xD
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You could never be cooler than her.

... No, jaykay. I dunno.
What's something interesting about you? xD Seriously? No, nothing.
What's going on in your life lately?: I just saw the Last Song and fell back in love with Miley Cyrus. I also cut 10 inches of my hair off in an attempt to become Margo Roth Spiegelman.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, it'd be cool. I don't think it's necessary though.

Valerie said...

What's your name?: Valerie
Where (generally) are you from?: Texas
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since April 2009
How often do you read it?: Whenever you decide to post! Haha.
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I usually keep up!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, and yes!
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope- I've always been a reader, not a writer
What's something interesting about you?: Oh goodness... I have a collection of snowglobes, my favorite of which is a Harry Potter Quidditch one... or my Disney Princess one! It's so hard to decide.
What's going on in your life lately?: Well, it's Easter break, so I've been avoiding homework & AP test review and going to numerous church services! Yay Holy Week!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Well, I don't have a need for it, but I wouldn't care if you did. If you write it in your usual witty tone, it will still be entertaining, albeit repetitive. :]

Jackieh :] said...

What's your name?: Jackie
Where (generally) are you from?: Maryland
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since BEDA last year
How often do you read it?: Every day lols ima creep
How did you find out about it?: Kristina
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :)
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You eat more Chipotle than her?
What's something interesting about you? I'm petrified of birds.
What's going on in your life lately?: Midterms so I'm procrastinating, iTunes breaking on me
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Mandi said...

What's your name?: Mandi
Where (generally) are you from?: Saskatchewan, Canada
How old are you?:24
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since November
How often do you read it?: I check it every day
How did you find out about it?: Came over after watching your NaNoWriMo video (my first hayleyghoover experience ever)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter-ish (I like to think of myself as part of Nerdfighteria, but feel a bit old to join). Aspiring YouTube enthusiast (have subscribed to you, Kristina, Luke, vlogbrothers, 5AG, but never vlogged myself). Harry Potter fan.
Do you blog too? Where?: LiveJournal. Username is Mandikins.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? I have more than a dozen set lists from various concerts on my bedroom walls.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm interested in this boy. He's mostly all I can focus on. Also, I'm doing ScriptFrenzy. And considering quitting my well-paying job to get a Masters' degree in Creative Writing.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Mandy
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: About 3 days
How often do you read it?: 2 out of 3 days so...fairly often?
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not yet! Well a little, but it's ok
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above! Except for the none of the above...
Do you blog too? Where?: SageKiller at LiveJournal
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: because you did that italktosnakes throwdown song!
What's something interesting about you?: I like to walk around wearing cat ears.
What's going on in your life lately?: School and anime conventions!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure ^_^

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Chloe
Where (generally) are you from?: New York City/New Jersey
How old are you?: Almost 17
How long have you been reading this blog?:....heh, I guess a year.
How often do you read it?: When you post. (Gosh, this is creepy)
How did you find out about it?: your youtube page, I think
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah :]
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan and Nerdfighter
Do you blog too? Where?: Yep! blogger as well.
What's something interesting about you?: I talk a lot and sing a lot. And I go to a performing arts school.
What's going on in your life lately?: stress, pre-college application stress.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes!


What's your name?:Bev
Where (generally) are you from?: originally Southern CA but going to college in Maine
How old are you?:18
How long have you been reading this blog?: a couple of months i think
How often do you read it?: when ever you update
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter Fan, Nerdfigher
Do you blog too? Where?: i have a blog but do not blog
What's something interesting about you? I want to be an astronaut and go to the international space station
What's going on in your life lately?: i am do script frenzy and becoming stressed because i have a water polo tournament coming up right before finals and then i have spring break all during april
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes but what ever you would like to post

Emily said...

What's your name?: Emily
Where (generally) are you from?: Southern Florida. Kinda. I was born in Virginia and I've lived a bunch of other places, but NOW I live in Southern Florida.
How old are you?: I'm 19, but I'm old for my age. Aaaand I only have two more months to say that before I turn 20, so I'm saying it ALL THE TIME> I apologize.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you started BEDA last year. No joke.
How often do you read it?: Pretty much...every time you post....
How did you find out about it?: Uh, you mentioned either on Twitter or YouTube that you were doing BEDA, and I was excited.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, but that's probably because I've been around since the beginning.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above. Except the fourth one...obviously....
Do you blog too? Where?: Yup.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Ha, ha.
What's something interesting about you? I don't know, um.... I'm about to go back to school to get my BA in Film and minor in Theatre? Is that interesting? Or just crazy?
What's going on in your life lately?: I've had what is pretty much the hardest week or so of my entire life, which...well, sucks. But I'm coming out of it, I think. Which is good, I suppose.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, I guess, why not?

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Ryan Leys!
Where (generally) are you from?: Rhode Island
How old are you?: I am 16 going on 17, innocent as a rose.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Oh god. Since it started I think
How often do you read it?: RSS Feed, haven't missed a post!
How did you find out about it?: I think I found it in the sidebar.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, I like it. I feel like I know them now.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above?
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Because you DON'T want to be Mrs. Nerimon. I much prefer Mrs. WineKone (Or rather, FineKone?)
What's something interesting about you? Hmm, I feel like what's interesting to people in real life is just normal now on the internet. So when I tell people in real life that I can solve a rubik's cube while reciting pi and I play ukulele they are surprised; on the internet, not so much.
What's going on in your life lately?: I just got back from hanging out with some friends, we were following cops so they could know what it feels like. Aside from that, life is pretty content. Except for trig. I extremely dislike trig.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm fine either way.

(Also, you should know that I never comment on blogs, haha. One time I was mentioned in your blog though. I doubt you remember but we were on blogTV private chatting and you said you would put me in your blog. I was DomesticFruit on that site)

TaraWritesCrap said...

What's your name?: Tara
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: since last April
How often do you read it?: It's on my Google Reader and I check that every day.
How did you find out about it?: Probably from somebody mentioning it, but I forget.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I mean, there are some that I don't always remember, but I get the main ones.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the Above
Do you blog too? Where?:
What's something interesting about you? I'm addicted to Chipotle, too. They know me there. I have a "usual."
What's going on in your life lately?: Trying to figure out how I'll pay for college next year...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think it would be interesting.

kelsothebum said...

What's your name?: Kelsi
Where (generally) are you from?: New Zealand, baby!
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April, I believe.
How often do you read it?: Daily!
How did you find out about it?: I can't quite remember. It could be from looking through Kristina's blogger subscriptions.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all =)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Livejournal, but only because I was about fifteen at the time and didn't know of any others. (
What's something interesting about you?: Well, I like gaming, does that count? Not hard out WoW gaming or anything, just the odd game of Age of Empires.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm going to be working for a week at the YMCA Holiday Programme, starting Tuesday. It's very rewarding =)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, why not?

cassiumpotassium said...

What's your name?: cassie.
Where (generally) are you from?: north texas, right on the border of Oklahoma.
How old are you?: seveteen. eighteen in july. :)
How long have you been reading this blog?: since june of last year, i think.
How often do you read it?: i try to check it everyday, but i don't always read it right away. i try to though!
How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls!
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope! i have a good memory with that stuff.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: nerdfighter, because of the 5AG & somewhat youtube enthusiast? i don't post videos often.
Do you blog too? Where?: yes!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: i don't think i'd be able to answer this even if you wanted us to! i like you both equally! :)
What's something interesting about you?: i like to think everything is interesting about me. :p but really, i don't know.
What's going on in your life lately?: well, i was supposed to go to prom with this guy that i go to church with. he was dating this girl who left for college this year & the broke up, but had promised they would get married later. sooo, this weekend she comes into town, gets pissed at him, & now i have no prom date. prom is this next saturday & i don't want to go anymore. :/
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes! i love nostalgic things!

Kristen said...

What's your name?:Kristen
Where (generally) are you from?:Michigan
How old are you?:24(and yes, I realize I'm probably the oldest on here *sigh*)
How long have you been reading this blog?: one year
How often do you read it?:whenever my reader says you have a new post
How did you find out about it?:youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Initially, but you are pretty good with clarifying.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Harry Potter lite (seen the movies, haven't read the books--but I'm working on changing that), Nerdfighter supporter and I do love the youtubes.
Do you blog too? Where?:netsirktheory/
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I plead the fifth
What's something interesting about you? I love to act. The stage is the one place on this earth where I can escape my shy/wallflower self and become a completely different person. Freaking people out with this talent is also quite nice : )
What's going on in your life lately?: Trying to read more books/ waiting for my mom to visit from her new home in Belize/enjoying the summer like weather that is highly unusual in April.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, yes I would.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: My name is Iia. Coincidentally the same as Kristina's friend Eia, only spelled with an i.
Where (generally) are you from?: Military dad. (retired thankfully) So I've been around. Florida till I graduate.
How old are you?: 13. Oh, how young I feel. Don't worry about inappropriate stuff, I'm used to it.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since September 2009 I believe. Maybe August. I just never comment.
How often do you read it?: Constantly.
How did you find out about it?: Well from you posting a link in the sidebar of a video, but honestly if we want to go back to the beginning it'll have to be Harry Potter.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: At first, but I caught on quickly.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter? Most definitely. Nerdfighter? DFTBA YouTube? I don't post videos, but I subscribe and watch videos all the time.
Do you blog too? Where?: I do, but it's more of a personal journal.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Uh... your socks probably... smell better?
What's something interesting about you? I am currently learning to play the piano, play clarinet (4 years woo), love reading, have obsessions with fandoms (because I'm nerdy and young. What else would I do?)
What's going on in your life lately?: Being an angsty early teen who can't find any friends because the few acquaintances I have are either dating people 2 years older than them or act like they're five. I manage though.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't need one, but you can recap if you'd like. I wouldn't mind : )

*whew* I'm going to go by anonymous, but I'll post my name at the end if I comment again.

- Iia (not Lia, the stupid font doesn't add the lines)
: D

ohmyrainingducks said...

What's your name?: Melissa
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: Sixteen
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year ago
How often do you read it?: I check my phone everyday, but I never comment on it. I'm sorry, I was going to on one particular blog post regarding your happiness, but my laptop needed repairs, and I forgot. Maybe I'll do it now!
How did you find out about it?: I don't remember.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Definitely not.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I am a Ravenclaw, DFTBA.
Do you blog too? Where?: I do blog, on blogger (:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
-Your nails are prettier
(i can't think of anything else that WON'T insult Kristina, but let's just say I look forward to Thursdays much more than Mondays. Shhh..)
What's something interesting about you? I've tried really hard to answer this question, but I don't really know. Maybe... I know English, Spanish, Sign Language, and German fluently? I've lived in the Bronx, Texas, and several counties of New Jersey? I was raised by my 16 year old (male cousin)? I don't really know. Hopefully some of that was interesting (:
What's going on in your life lately?: I am on Spring Break! But I made a pact with myself that I WON'T stay up all night and eat myself to death. So far, I've been very productive in having a social life!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, okay. (:

Allie Deford said...

What's your name?: Allie
Where (generally) are you from?: Northern Indiana
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: a year
How often do you read it?: whenever it pops up in google reader
How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls channel, I think
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, I think I've got most of them down by now
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, Yes, and sort of
Do you blog too? Where?: nope, I just enjoy reading blogs

What's something interesting about you? When I commit to something, I go all in and become over-involoved in whatever the something is
What's going on in your life lately?: finishing up high school and longing for college to start
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Megan said...

What's your name?: Megan
Where (generally) are you from?: Northeast Ohio
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: I have no idea... maybe like a year?
How often do you read it?: Pretty much all the time
How did you find out about it?: Youtube probably?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes.
Do you blog too? Where?: No, I only have some blogs that I have to use for my classes.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Because you have this question.
What's something interesting about you?: I really can't think of anything which is kind of sad.
What's going on in your life lately?: Way too much. Finishing up my freshman year at college (I only have five more weeks, suck on that Hayley I know OU doesn't get out until June), being incredibly happy that I've found an awesome guy, and helping my mom through her therapy because she had a brain tumor.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Even though I've read every post I think it would be kind of interesting to see it kind of all together.

Zombie said...

What's your name?: Sara

Where (generally) are you from?: Michigan :(

How old are you?: 15 (almost 16, May 26th! YES!)

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you put the first link on one of your videos?

How often do you read it?: I check for new posts every three days.

How did you find out about it?: One of your videos.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, here. Haven't updated in ages though.

What's something interesting about you? I have a pet turtle named Forrest Gump. :) I'm his Jenny.

What's going on in your life lately?: Poop. Boy issues and parental difficulties.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yessire bob.

SellByMaggie said...

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?:

How old are you?:

How long have you been reading this blog?:
Since last April! BEDA! (:

How often do you read it?:
I check every day for new posts. Haha no life, I know.

How did you find out about it?:
Mm. I don't remember. Probably a YouTube video or something,

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Sometimes I get a little confused at first but I normally figure it out.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
ALL of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?:
I'm working on starting again. I had two really lame posts and then I just stopped. It was probably a good decision.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're raps are better. hahah just kidding! Kind of.

What's something interesting about you?
Well, I can wiggle my ears! I guess that's slightly interesting.

What's going on in your life lately?:
I'm trying to write a 10 page research paper. It's not going well.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Definitely! Sometimes I forget things that happened.

allyson said...

What's your name?: Allyson
Where (generally) are you from?: Wisconsin
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning, beeyotch! :]
How often do you read it?: Whenever you have a new post.
How did you find out about it?: Your video linkage.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes. Yes. Yes.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes!! Click my name!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Your middle name is Gangsta.
What's something interesting about you?: Well, usually everything I tell people as "interesting" about me are things that are quite the norm in the youtube community. Such as play the ukulele.
What's going on in your life lately?: It's freshman year of college, what ISN'T going on!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: No need, but I certainly wouldn't mind if others needed it. :]

Alex S. said...

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?:
Central Illinois
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
Since last March or April I think?
How often do you read it?:
I check at least twice a week, but everyday for this month. <3
How did you find out about it?:
Your YouTube channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, and yes.
Do you blog too? Where?:
Nope, I thought about it once though; I might once day.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
Honestly, you're both equally awesome, but in your own ways.
What's something interesting about you?:
I come from a huge family, my mother is one of 13, and I'm one of 34 first cousins. Oh, and I'm the crazy, nerdy, homeschooled member of my family.
What's going on in your life lately?:
Graduating high school early, planning an epic summer with my two best friends(who I haven't seen in 8 years), preparing for college, and plotting my way to Wrockstock. xD
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Sure! I know it all, but I love reading that kind of stuff and seeing how you explain it. Is that weird?

I'm one of those people that reads religiously and never comments. I should more often. I love you Hayley, you make me smile and laugh, even when I'm in a bad mood.

Ava said...

What's your name?: Ava
Where (generally) are you from?: Illinois
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning
How often do you read it?: whenever you post!
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the Above
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha The way you guys "battle" is amusing and very fun
What's something interesting about you? civil engineering student
What's going on in your life lately?: Applying for summer internships. I really want my old job with the Department of Transportation back!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure, why not?

Anonymous said...

HAYLEYBURGERS. This survey pleaseth me mucheth.

What's your name?: HOLLY
Where (generally) are you from?: NEW ZEALAND
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: ONE YEAR
How often do you read it?: EVERY. SINGLE. POST.
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE!
Do you blog too? Where?: YES. LIVEJOURNAL.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: YOU EAT MORE BURRITOS . . . ?
What's going on in your life lately?: MY DAD GOT CANCER :( AND I NEED TO BUY A BALL DRESS.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: NOT REALLY. BUT I LOVE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE.

Kristen said...

Oh, poo. I have gotten here late and my comment is now doomed to be lost in the middle somewhere.

What's your name?: It's Kristen :]

Where (generally) are you from?: Tennessee right now.

How old are you?: 20, 21 in June.

How long have you been reading this blog?: A month or two?

How often do you read it?: I refuse to answer this question on grounds of the restraining order that may or may not be filed against me.

How did you find out about it?: random youtube search > hayleyghoover > fiveawesomegirls > blog.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yes, but the detailed spreadsheet I keep of them helps massively.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, and only certain channels.

Do you blog too? Where?: Why, yes. I JUST got a blogger tonight as a matter of fact. And also on my myspace.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Suffice to say my loyalty usually lies with whoever I stumbled across first. And Thursdays are just so much better if your favorite 1/5 of 5AG is posting.

What's something interesting about you? Since I seem kinda of preppy, no one guesses that I'm a raging nerd of the inside and a part-time cowgirl. Riding horses is in my top five favorite activities after with writing, reading, eating, and uhm... stalking you. Wait, what?

What's going on in your life lately?: A research paper... blegh. Easter, yay. I've already placed my order for a pile of cadbury creme eggs, hopefully that blasted bunny delivers. My first year of college is ending. Registration, final exams, managing to drive to Atlanta and back in one day for a Coheed concert IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SAID FINAL EXAM WEEK, and did I mention we'll have two mares going into labor soon?

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Go for it. You could probably post about the miracle of birth or a time-lapse collage of paint drying and I'd still read. Loyalty. I has it.

Emily said...

Hi, my name is Emily
I am from Seattle, Wa
I am 15 years old
I've been reading since the third or fourth post
I check your blog every day or sometimes every other day
I probably found out about if from You Tube
I'm not confused at all by your nick names
Harry Potter fan? Check
Nerdfighter? Check
You Tube enthusiast? Check!
I don't blog...yet
Reasons why Hayley is cooler than Kristina:
a)Hayley has "sick" rapping skills
b)Who likes Mondays?
c)Hayley can eat more Chipoltle burritos in a year
Something interesting about me is that I have a scar over my right eyebrow from when i fell off my bunk bed and landed on a bucket.
Boy friend issues, I'm sure you can relate.
I wouldn't mind if you did a little recap, I'm sure it would be helpful to some.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Michelle
Where (generally) are you from?: Austin, Texas
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Pretty much since back when your icon was still you reading HBP. How do I remember that? I'm an uber creep.
How often do you read it?: Whenever I'm checking google reader.
How did you find out about it?: IT or YOU? Because I found out about both of you at the same time, on Bre Bishop's Myspace blog.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Wordpress!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: YOU GUYS ARE BOTH COOLER THAN EACH OTHER.
What's something interesting about you? I like fire! That's interesting. Mmh
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm living with my best friend, not working or going to school or being a productive member of society.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: SURE! :D

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Katy
Where (generally) are you from?:Western New York.
How old are you?: Nineteeeeeen!
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it's infancy.
How often do you read it?:Religiously
How did you find out about it?: the twitter.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:No.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter but not of the harry potter type.
Do you blog too? Where?: on here/tumblr but I'm not talented at blogging on a regular basis.
What's something interesting about you? My major in College is Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and I plan to work with refugees who have been relocated to the United States by the UN.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm applying to participate in an abroad program with an organization called YWAM. If I am accepted, I will spend the first three months of 2011 in South Africa working with AIDS victims.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes!

(Hayley, it is so awesome that you genuinely care about your readers to know what they are thinking, and that we aren't just a number. Keep up the awesome work!)

infinityalwayss said...

What's your name?: jordan
Where (generally) are you from?: the center of ohio
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: mm i want to say.. well, probably this time last year actually.
How often do you read it?: i check in daily :)
How did you find out about it?: through your youtube channel im pretty sure..
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really, actually, my best friend and i go to separate schools so ive gotten used to hearing discussions about people i don't know/ have probably heard their name before but can never remember :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all three :)
Do you blog too? Where?: i did. then i stopped. now im back.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha. this is actually quite difficult because i thoroughly enjoy following both of you :) i always feel creepy when i say that haha.
What's something interesting about you? oh dear. the moment i find out. ill let you know. ha.
What's going on in your life lately?: job searching. OSU medical center working. ap test studying. screaming every morning over the thought of school.... the usual.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: of course :)

Raz said...

What's your name?: Raz

Where (generally) are you from?: Canada

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: I'm not sure actually. I would guess in the summer but it could have been earlier. I rarely comment.

How often do you read it?: Whenever you have new content.

How did you find out about it?: From one of your videos. I think.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, YouTube enthusiast, and Nerdfighter.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah, mostly just poetry and doodles.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You make April Fool's jokes about having Maureen Johnson's lovechild. AND you care about gay rights. Therefore, I am unfairly biased toward you :)

What's something interesting about you? I like unicorns and computer programming.

What's going on in your life lately?: Waiting to escape high school and go off to uni; working on my writing; reading some awesome books for the 50 Book Challenge

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Eh.

Openly Saucy said...

Hey Hayley. I'm one of your readers who follows religiously but hardly ever comments.

What's your name?: Christian

Where (generally) are you from?: Philadelphia, PA

How old are you?:18

How long have you been reading this blog?: From the beginning? It has been a while.

How often do you read it?: I check it every day.

How did you find out about it?: Doobly-doob of your BDOs.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan, former nerdfighter, love YouTube.

Do you blog too? Where?: Not very often.

What's something interesting about you? I moved to the Pacific Northwest without ever having visited before for college.

What's going on in your life lately?: I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and I'm considering getting back together with him. I also went to Quality Burrito with my girls today, and I've got the leftovers in my mini-fridge. So there's that.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would enjoy it as I enjoy looking over Calvin and Hobbes comics I've already read. Which is to say, I would enjoy it a fair amount. But you should include interesting anecdotes about each of them, stuff we haven't necessarily read before.

Arletta said...

What's your name?: Arletta
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida (currently north, but moving central in a bit)
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Pre-BEDA '09, I think.
How often do you read it?: Every time you post I at least skim through it, but I usually read all of it.
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, I catch on quick and if I don't get something, I can just go back to old posts and figure it out.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Mostly Nerdfighter with a bit of the others, but not extreme.
Do you blog too? Where?: I try.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: uh...
What's something interesting about you? I study computer animation and German with a little Japanese on the side (you know, just in case WW3 happens anytime soon)
What's going on in your life lately?: LOTS of studying.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: No recap. FAQ would be fine. Maybe if you did it in parts?

forgottenastrum said...

What's your name?: Nikki
Where (generally) are you from?: West Virginia
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: since last April
How often do you read it?: it's on my google reader so everytime that updates
How did you find out about it?: possibly 5ag?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes, not really
Do you blog too? Where?: no
What's something interesting about you? I'm not a very interesting person
What's going on in your life lately?: not a whole lot
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure

Mary said...

What's your name?: Mary

Where (generally) are you from?: Chicago

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: September-ish of 2009
How often do you read it?: check everyday :)

How did you find out about it?: I watch 5AG, it lead me here

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I think I've got it for the most part

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes yes yes

Do you blog too? Where?:not really, I've been thinking about it

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
I think your both swell

What's something interesting about you? I just ate a box of scooby-doo Mac and Cheese, and it was wonderful

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm finishing up Senior year, and after much discussion with my parents I'm going to the school of my dreams in the fall :)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: why not :)

Kaitlyn said...

What's your name?: Kaitlyn/holyxhorcruxes (i'm a frequent 5ag commenter)
Where (generally) are you from?: the glamorous suburbs of Atlanta, GA
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?:since you started BEDA last year :D
How often do you read it?: i check pretty religiously, and run to it crazily if you alert us through twitter/youtube that you updated
How did you find out about it?: did you announce that you were doing BEDA in a video last year? if so, that. or twitter maybe?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no, i find it highly amusing. just like the rest of your blog.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: how about all of the above. but harry potter fan through and through <3 and nerdfighter since dec. 07
Do you blog too? Where?: nope, i tried to start one last year (you inspired me) but your blogging skills sort of made me feel inferior in my own blog. haha.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha i love you both <3
What's something interesting about you? i've played clarinet for 7 years, marched for 4. and i hate twizzlers with a fiery passion.
What's going on in your life lately?: spring break! and attempting to get a job. filled out an application today in which i was required to draw and creatively color a picture. naturally, i am praying to God i get said job.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: eh, i'm interested in anything you write, so sure. but i'm aware of all the inside jokes/names/etc. so it doesn't matter either way.

Ellery said...

What's your name?: Ellery

Where (generally) are you from?: North Carolina

How old are you?: Almost 19 - also a freshman in college!

How long have you been reading this blog?: From the beginning!

How often do you read it?: I check every day (it's bookmarked on my computer).

How did you find out about it?: You linked it in the sidebar of your videos.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope - I like to think I keep up nicely.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Pretty much all of the above. I don't make youtube videos, but I sure watch a lot!

Do you blog too? Where?: Unfortunately, no.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Is this even necessary? (Just kidding, Kristina.)

What's something interesting about you?: Hmm... I've never eaten at Taco Bell, and I've been to Brazil twice!

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm currently at home for Easter, which is fantastic, I have a physics test on Monday that I'm not excited about, and I'm gearing up for finals!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! I don't necessarily need it, but I always enjoy reading whatever you have to say! :)

The Dreamers said...

Holy crap there are a lot of these! So I'll do my best to make it shorter, oh no! I'm already failing at that!

What's your name?: Dan

Where (generally) are you from?: Illinois

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: About a week

How often do you read it?: Every time you post.

How did you find out about it?: I've been watching your videos for almost two years, just didn't get into the whole blogging thing until recently.(Director705, no videos, so don't hate me for putting this in lol, that's what she said)

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes to all of the above, but once again, no videos.

Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: N/A

What's something interesting about you? I like a lot of things, one day I'll record an EP, the next day I'll play LOTRO for 6 hours, day after that I'll go on a walk with a camera with no destination. I'm weird.

What's going on in your life lately?: Pretty much LOTRO and BEDA, ooohh, two acronyms :D

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: If you'd be interested in posting one, then very much so :)

Sorry my comment was so long, this will take you a long time to get through, and you'd think I'd be generous...oh well.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Yasmeen

Where (generally) are you from?: The suburbs of Maryland, right outside of DC

How old are you?: almost 14

How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year

How often do you read it?: Whenever a new post comes around

How did you find out about it?: Links in 5AG descriptions and your channel

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above

Do you blog too? Where?: Occasionally. Not so much now but...

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
-I caught an AVPM reference in one of your videos.
-Ninja Cat

What's something interesting about you?: Even though counselors have preached to us about fights with friends since Elementary school, I have never had friend drama. (But I'm still young. It may happen soon enough)

What's going on in your life lately?: Watching a lot of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and saving some money to go to the Harry Potter Theme Park soon.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Totally.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Krissy
Where (generally) are you from?: NY
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: since last beda
How often do you read it?: as often as you post :)
How did you find out about it?: either your youtube or twitter i'm guessing. can't remember exactly.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: nope
What's something interesting about you?: i've read all of harry potter out loud and i just got home from a pillow fight so epic that i lost my shoes.
What's going on in your life lately?: said pillow fight. also being obsessed with finally starting college in the fall.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: why not.

Jenny said...

What's your name?:Jenny
Where (generally) are you from?:Finger Lakes Area, NY
How old are you?:16
How long have you been reading this blog?:about 8 months
How often do you read it?:whenever it's updated
How did you find out about it?:can't remember
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:occasionally
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:All three.
Do you blog too? Where?:Yes. Here.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
1.You're a gansta groover.
2.You probably are annoyed that I brought that video up.
What's something interesting about you? I once tried to grow apple trees and named them Sherman and Esperanza. They died.
What's going on in your life lately?: Trying to find some red velvet cake.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Yes. I like FAQs more than normal people.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Shannon C

Where (generally) are you from?: California originally, but I grew up mostly in Canada.

How old are you?: Nineteen

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.

How often do you read it?: I check it every other day or so.

How did you find out about it?: Your twitter, I think?

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, I can keep track okay.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above times seven.

Do you blog too? Where?: I do, but not very often.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I like to sing-a! About the moon-a and the June-a and the Spring-a!

What's something interesting about you? Um... Difficult question to answer, actually... I enjoy playing instruments, solving logic puzzles, singing and auditioning for acty type things.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm in a shiny new relationship with an alien called Adam. He makes me smile far more than I'm used to smiling.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think I would, yes.

karlarama said...

What's your name?: Karla
Where (generally) are you from?: Australia
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it first started
How often do you read it?: I check everyday (so BEDA will actually be beneficial haha)
How did you find out about it?: Through your videos I think
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, I can usually keep up with who's who
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan and recently joined Nerdfighteria
Do you blog too? Where?: Occasionally on a private blogspot
What's something interesting about you? Well this is technically kinda about you but I bought Sloppy Firsts because of your recommendations and I can't wait to buy the rest of the series : D
What's going on in your life lately?: I just started university so I can relate to some of your earlier posts last year
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Anonymous said...

This is a convenient survey because I am waiting for my video to process so I can edit.

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?:
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
approximately 8 or 9 months
How often do you read it?:
every time you update
How did you find out about it?:
I think your youtube channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast?
All of the above!
None of the above?:... no
Do you blog too? Where?: yes, but I haven't in like, 6 months.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
You boyfriend is hotter. (I think I probably gave the best answer you have ever seen.)
What's something interesting about you?
I count the number of seconds I can pee for.
What's going on in your life lately?:
School. Tests. Suckage.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
I am mostly indifferent to this. Sorry if that doesn't help.

Katie said...

What's your name?: I'm Katie
Where (generally) are you from?: Delawareeee (roflcoptyler is mah b f f foeva)
How old are you?: I'm 14 (don't judge me)
How long have you been reading this blog?: I think I started reading it near the end of April 2009.
How often do you read it?: All the cool kids check daily.
How did you find out about it?: Through fiveawesomegirls, of course!
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, and I like that in some posts you still specify who they are so we don't get confused with the Kelly's and Lauren's.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter, Nerdfighter, and I'm a YouTube lurker
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes,
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Well mostly beca-- Oh, I'm not supposed to answer this? :D
What's something interesting about you?: I don't know, there's nothing I could really type out to convey my interesting...ness.
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing, really. Getting a French exchange student for a week soon!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm down for whatever you'll throw as me *kissass*

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Kimberly

Where (generally) are you from?: Texas

How old are you?: 25

How long have you been reading this blog?: Not sure, but quite some time.

How often do you read it?: I check it regularly and am sad when it's not updated. :(

How did you find out about it?: Via 5AG.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not that much.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: I guess technically lj, but uhh, not really.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Grammar Fairy. Done.

What's something interesting about you? I'm engaged to someone I met online over five years ago. Life has become damn awesome in the last couple years and I'm excited about the future.

What's going on in your life lately?: Wedding planning, which is weird, but surprisingly fun. Working with elementary kids.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Sure, as long as there was some new content. Possibly interesting previously untyped tidbits about the recapped information?

Allison said...

What's your name?: Allison
Where (generally) are you from?: I'm from Ohio, but I go to college in Indiana. I'm a Freshman too.
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the New Year-ish
How often do you read it?: Whenever you post a new one
How did you find out about it?: I follow you on twitter, and then one day one of your blog titles sounded interesting, so I clicked. I've been hooked since.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, actually.
Do you blog too? Where?: yep. But I'm not very good, and I don't have many readers. I love it though.
What's something interesting about you? I'm a GINORMOUS nerd. I'm sure everyone says that, but everyday I discover something new and nerdy about me. Since becoming a Nerdfighter in October, I have realized that this is a beautiful thing.
What's going on in your life lately?: Stressing out over boys and friends and class. But also thoroughly enjoying life.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure. :)

Caroline said...

What's your name?:

Where (generally) are you from?:

How old are you?:

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since...last April

How often do you read it?:
I check regularly. :D

How did you find out about it?:
The doobly doo...back when the doobly doo was over your left shoulder and not in your pants... wow.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nawwwww

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
yep (though not as hardcore), yep (though not as involved), and yep (though not as successful)

Do you blog too? Where?:
I've blogged, but I'd never show it to someone with such impeccable grammar.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
I read the disclaimer, but I'm gonna pretend that I didn't:
-I always finish your blog entries.
Naw, but seriously, you're both spectacular...can't really compare you guys.

What's something interesting about you?
Well, actually, there's this one thing...I occasionally get in front of a camera and talk or sing... oh, right. .. Yeah, that's what I'd usually say... to folks that would consider that out of the ordinary.

What's going on in your life lately?:
I've been...playing a lot of tennis and going to a lot of play rehearsals... OO OO, and I recently hit 100 subscribers. (

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

travelisdangerous said...

What's your name?: Evan
Where (generally) are you from?: North Dakota
How old are you?: 19-- 20 soon!
How long have you been reading this blog?: Ever since you made it. :*P
How often do you read it?: Not very often. I search for the words "JT" or "Justin Timberlake," and if I don't see them I stop reading.
How did you find out about it?: You linked it to me via Skype, probably.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP? No. NF? No. YT? No.
Do you blog too? Where?: Not anymore!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Shorter, sluttier.
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: I like video games. I'm going to school.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Obviously, if only for more publicity. /flex

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Meg

How old are you: 14 (15 in 2 weeks!)

Where (generally) are you from?: Australia

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last July (ish)

How often do you read it?: I check daily

How did you find out about it?: From your videos

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, but its not to much of a problem.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? ex-Youtube enthusiast. Youtube recently stopped working for me :(

Do you blog too? Where?: Nope

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: No. You both are equally cool.

What's something interesting about you? I like to make up ridiculous dance moves to the Saturday night techo stuff they always play on the radio.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm on school holidays right now, and tomorrow I'm goingto see Alice in wonderland, and I'm consuming way to many Easter Eggs.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep!

Kaitlin said...

What's your name?: Kaitlin :)

Where (generally) are you from?: West Coast.

How old are you?: Eighteen.

How long have you been reading this blog?: I'm not sure.... It's been a while.

How often do you read it?: whenever you post something new.

How did you find out about it?: You posted a link to it in the sidebar of a video once.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. On blogger. Ha.

What's something interesting about you? I'm allergic to fruit :(

What's going on in your life lately?: Just college.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, why not!

Kristi said...

What's your name?: Kristi
Where (generally) are you from?: Seattle! (and yep it's raining right now)
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning!!!! :D
How often do you read it?: Whenever you post.
How did you find out about it?: Twitter? YouTube? I'm not sure.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, I'm a total stalker so I'm pretty sure I have everything down.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a fashion/random blog:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You have pretty nail polish, and you're doing BEDA and not BAMF.
What's something interesting about you? I have curly hair even though I'm 100% Asian. No idea where it came from.
What's going on in your life lately?: I just bought like four nail polishes at American Apparel-they have the best colors :D. And I frequently think boys are cute only to discover that they are, in fact, gay.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes! Even though I've been here since the beginning it'll be fun to revisit stories.

Tessa said...

What's your name?: Tessa
Where (generally) are you from?: CANADA
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: a whole year
How often do you read it?: always
How did you find out about it?: through your youtube channel, i think
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above :)
Do you blog too? Where?: i do not
What's something interesting about you? i play the didgeridoo
What's going on in your life lately?: basketball
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: maybe a FAQ

p.s. i'm SO happy it's BEDA again.

Chrissy said...

What's your name?: Chrissy

Where (generally) are you from?: Central Florida

How old are you?: 20

How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year.

How often do you read it?: Whenever you make a new post.

How did you find out about it?: A link in your dooblydoo on Youtube.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. In my mind all of your friends are actually two people. Manfriend and womanfriend. I picture all of your guy friends as this one manfriend...

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Started a Harry Potter Club in high school! So that.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, on blogspot.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I don't like coffee, Washington has lots of coffee, Kristina is from Washington, therefore I must not like Kristina. So you win.

What's something interesting about you? I have all the supplies for a makeshift home in the trunk of my car. Large cardboard box, kickball, kite, frisbee, bubbles (make money blowing cool shapes like spongebob), boogie boards (give lessons for $$$).

What's going on in your life lately?: I just stopped being a teenager and it's awful.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Annie
Where (generally) are you from?: Corn fields of Illinois
How old are you?: sixteen (and a half! I still like to pretend I'm like seven though)
How long have you been reading this blog?: Most likely since BEDA 09
How often do you read it?: Whenever you have a new post! (When you had that like month and a half break I checked it every day wishing and hoping and it never happened until one day it did. It was awesome.)
How did you find out about it?:
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. I use confusing nicknames all the time.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Youtube not so much anymore because school's hectic.
Do you blog too? Where?: Well, no. I'm too lame for that. I used to when I was younger and thought I was the coolest thing ever.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: (I'm answering it with humor!) Because everyone knows Thursday is the best day of the week because that means the next day is Friday and Monday's are hated by everyone. EVERYONE. Also The Office/30 Rock is on Thursday.
What's something interesting about you?: When I was little I used to make fake newspapers with fake stories and would make my newspaper editor aunt read them.
What's going on in your life lately?: Prom drama. Blah.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Psh, Hayley I'll take anything you give me. Except drugs. I draw the line at drugs.

Ashley said...

What's your name?: Ashley
Where (generally) are you from?: Iowa
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: since its conception...I believe
How often do you read it?: very religiously
How did you find out about it?: internet stalking. er, just kidding. from starting my own blog
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: blogspot
What's something interesting about you?: I'm pretty boring but I shall say that I can juggle.
What's going on in your life lately?: Senioritis. Remember that?
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post? sure, but just not every post like some people

I really should comment more often, but yeah, too many blogs to read, so little time.

Unknown said...

Oh no! I forgot to answer one!

How did you find out about it?: I google Hayleyghoover like every day. Only joking! ...not. Your videos!

Jordiekins said...
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jessmcfadden said...


comelygrace said...

My name is Katie! Or abcdefghijkati3 on YouTube. katieharmon on formspring. (I've asked MiLo questions before.)
My family has lived in Maryland for a while now but I go to school in Pennsylvania.
I turned 21 last month.
I've been reading your blog since you first told us about it on your channel, so however long it's been since your very first post!
I check my Blogger dashboard for new entries generally every day unless I'm busy. I usually see your new posts pretty soon after you put them up.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah.
I'm a Harry Potter fan and YouTube enthusiast, although I'm trying to cut down on my Subscriptions to focus more on my schoolwork. You (and your beau) made the cut, but I don't watch Vlogbrothers or 5AG on a very regular basis anymore. I do watch all videos you link to in your blog though, and I still check 5AG on Thursdays. :)
I'm old school. I have a Livejournal and a Xanga, but my readers are lucky to get an update from me every other month. I do answer random questions, mostly from my sister, on my Formspring though.
Hrm. I play piano, flute, alto saxophone, oboe, euphonium, and I sing. Since middle school I knew I wanted to be a music teacher and my parents supported me by buying me instruments and paying for lessons. I started giving piano lessons my senior year of high school and decided it wasn't for me...bailed on my audition to be a music major at my college...and now I'm a Spanish Major/Business Minor. My parents haven't ever shown that they're displeased with my decision but I would be pisssssed if I were them. I'm a jerk.
Life lately has been seriously awesome. School is busy but being in love with an awesome guy and going strong for almost two years is like, awesome.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't mind. I love your writing style so even if you say things I already knew about from being a long-time reader, I know I'll still enjoy it. :)

Good luck sifting through all these comments!

Jordiekins said...

What's your name?: Jordan
Where (generally) are you from?: California
How old are you?: 16, but I'm old for my age.* (**)
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since April 1, 2009
How often do you read it?: I used to check it daily (and when you had that supermegacrazylong hiatus, hourly), but now, I just check it whenever I have time (which is, still, usually daily).
How did you find out about it?: I honestly do not remember. If I had to guess, it was either a link on twitter or in the pantsbar.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, I feel like I stare at them from afar.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Yes; yes; yes.
Do you blog too? Where?: I haven't done it on a regular basis since last April; but, I plan on participating in BED(in August) with Maureen.***
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: In a totally straight way: your boyfriend is soOoOoO h4wtz.
What's something interesting about you?: I, uh... I... I don't know.
What's going on in your life lately?: I graduate in less than two months, which is terrifyingly exciting.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, sure!

*Resist the urge to sing that song, I dare you.
**I'm turning 17 on Wednesday, so I'm super excited.
*** Lawl, "I plan on participating in BED... with Maureen."

Stefan said...

What's your name?: Stefan
Where (generally) are you from?: Northern New Jersey
How old are you?: 27 (omg old)
How long have you been reading this blog?: since it started
How often do you read it?: I have an rss reader... so when ever you update
How did you find out about it?: your youtube channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: little.. but surprisingly not too much.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I've waiting in line for many HP books and gone to a couple NYC nerdfighter gatherings, briefly met Liane at a paper towns john green signing. I have 200 youtube subscriptions.. and growing
Do you blog too? Where?: not really at
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: rapping all the way
What's something interesting about you? I like searching the internet for music and I feel alot younger then I am
What's going on in your life lately?: I just bought a house. crazy I know
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: what ever you do ghoover is what I'm interested in reading.

Sara Vaadia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jordan said...

What's your name?: Jordan
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you started last year with VEDA
How often do you read it?: Check it a few times a day
How did you find out about it?: Kristina perhaps?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HARRY POTTER! (writing an 8 to 10 page paper on it for my Intro to English Studies class) NERDFIGHTER! YOUTUBE!
Do you blog too? Where?: Kind of..
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're a (form of) English major, like me!
What's something interesting about you?: I have a tattoo on my hip and I'm getting a HP tattoo on my wrist and another on my ribs.
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing but writing papers. Working on an 8 to 10 page one then on to another 3-5 page one, then three 3 page ones, then a 7 page one.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Fo' Sho!

Jordan said...

What's your name?: Jordan
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you started last year with VEDA
How often do you read it?: Check it a few times a day
How did you find out about it?: Kristina perhaps?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HARRY POTTER! (writing an 8 to 10 page paper on it for my Intro to English Studies class) NERDFIGHTER! YOUTUBE!
Do you blog too? Where?: Kind of..
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're a (form of) English major, like me!
What's something interesting about you?: I have a tattoo on my hip and I'm getting a HP tattoo on my wrist and another on my ribs.
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing but writing papers. Working on an 8 to 10 page one then on to another 3-5 page one, then three 3 page ones, then a 7 page one.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Fo' Sho!

Rebecca said...

What's your name?: Rebecca
Where (generally) are you from?: Illinois
How long have you been reading this blog?: about a year. But when I started reading, I went back and read all your old blog posts
How often do you read it?: Whenever a new post shows up in my blogger homepage
How did you find out about it?: Probably through 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Harry Potter fan and Nerdfighter. :D
Do you blog too? Where?: No
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:Your both awesome!
What's something interesting about you? ehh... well, as much as I hate to admit this here, I've never had Chipotle.
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing much. Today, I attempted to get AVPS tickets. =)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't mind either way.

Niki. said...

What's your name?: Niki.
Where (generally) are you from?: Maryland.
How old are you?: 17.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since, like... a few months ago, aha.
How often do you read it?: Whenever you post a blog, now that I know it exists. =D.
How did you find out about it?: Weeell, I found Kristina 'cause the NaNoWriMo song was linked on the website or something, and sorta knew her vaguely from the Parselmouths, and I found 5AG from her, and you and your blog from 5AG. =].
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yes. Haha. Sometimes, anyway.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Well, not so much youtube, 'cause I don't make any videos, but I do watch quite a few. =D.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a blog that I haven't used yet, but I plan to... soon.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Hahahah. You're both amazing, the end.
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: Well, I'm in my last year of high school, trying to decide on a college and stuff. Heh.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yepp!

sam0nella said...

What's your name?: Sammi

Where (generally) are you from?: Georgia

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last BEDA

How often do you read it?: As often as you post! :P

How did you find out about it?: Just from your videos and seeing who was doing BEDA last year.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I'm definitely the first two. I'm a YouTube enthusiast in that I keep up with the YouTube community and watch videos, but I don't actually post videos myself.

Do you blog too? Where?: Here on blogspot, but not very often.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're a better rapper. :P

What's something interesting about you? I've hated chocolate for as long as I can remember.

What's going on in your life lately?: Getting ready for college next year! AH!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: It wouldn't hurt. I'm confident in your writing skills and your ability to not make it boring. :)

Tom said...

What's your name?: Tom. ...Riddle. JK VOLDY LOL.

Where (generally) are you from?: Maryland.

How old are you?: 19.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last... March (ugh... *feels creepy* It was happenstance! HAPPENSTANCE, I TELL YA!)

How often do you read it?: Whenever's there's a new post! (I went back and reread old ones once, during your sabbatical. That was strange/fun.)

How did you find out about it?: Googled "hayleyghoover" to see if you existed elsewhere. (Seriously though, I did that incredibly randomly and found that you'd started a blog the previous week. And that you'd started it after googling "hayleyghoover" hahaha.)

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, I've got a good memory. And Sebastian's an unusual name.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes. Oh yes. You could say that.

Do you blog too? Where?: Nope! NOWHERE!

What's something interesting about you?: Since I started making videos, I've become friends with a handful of awesome awesome awesome people, and all of them I somehow inadvertantly found through you/found through other people I found through you (like when you kept talking about how much you love Margaret in a blogtv show haha). So, thanks. Seriously.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm doing VEDA! SO FUN SO HARD. (It's all I'm thinking about.)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Certainly! When you mentioned JT a couple posts ago, I did think about how newer readers would not get that at all (which is really funny). And I feel like you'd do a good job summarizing everything. It'd be kind of hilarious if you went through all the different situations with the boys - JT, Andrew, Sebastian, random breadstick guy, The Situation. (Am I missing someone? I feel like I'm missing someone.)

AlsLoves said...

What's your name?: Al(exandria)
Where (generally) are you from?: Southern Ontario, Canada
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: since April last year
How often do you read it?: every update
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: nerdfighter and youtube enthusiast
Do you blog too? Where?: i have a makeup channel on youtube AlsMakeup ..lame i know
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: ive been reading her blog since last april too, crazy
What's something interesting about you? i can tie a strand of my hair in a knot with one hand..
What's going on in your life lately?: its easter and i made my family take me home early to work on the major amounts of homework i have but am currently catching up on youtube/blogs
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: not really, i enjoy the "inside joke" of it between the readers and you

its wierd because i have been reading about your life for a year now and have never commented and usually dont comment on your videos or @reply you on twitter but i feel like i know you and like your personality/humour
its so strange
but i dont feel like you are full of yourself, you are putting yourself online and people relate and im sure you help a lot of people
ps. im really happy for you and how great your life is going
p.p.s. sorry for the horrible grammar, im just lazy

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Charlotte.
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey.
How old are you?: 13.
How long have you been reading this blog?: around 3 months after it started*.
How often do you read it?: Everytime i go on Kristina's and see you updated.
How did you find out about it?: Kristina's following blogs.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: sometimes.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: no, but i want to.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: hahahaha. i love the rivalry xD.
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: stress. angst. sadness. average teenage girly thing.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yep!

Emily said...

What's your name?: Emily

Where (generally) are you from?: Halifax, Nova Scotia

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last Aprilish?

How often do you read it?: I check it daily because I'm a stalker.

How did you find out about it?: Youtube I think. My memory sucks.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally, but that's just because I'm scatterbrained.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes ma'am.

Do you blog too? Where?: No blogging for me. :(

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: No comment.

What's something interesting about you?: I still play Neopets even though I'm 16 but that's more obnoxious than interesting.

What's going on in your life lately?: School, school, divorce, school, nerdy boy, moar school.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm indifferent but I'll read it if you write one.

Chelsea said...

1. Chelsea
2. Chicago
3. 19
4. since you started it!
5. i check every other day-ish.
6. your videos/twitter last year
7. nope!
8. all of the above :)
9. no
10. i love awards shows and make it my goal to see every oscar best picture nominee every year.
11. college! finishing up the semester, counting down to summer, missing my best friends
12. i'd read anything you write!

Arden said...

What's your name?: Arden
Where (generally) are you from?: California
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year
How often do you read it?: As often as you post in it. I would read it more often, but that's a little pointless...
How did you find out about it?: Your YouTube channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above! Well, except for none of the above...
Do you blog too? Where?: Not anymore
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're the same age as me! But Kristina reminds me a lot of my best friend, so you're both of equal coolness in my eyes.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm majoring in Drama.
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring Quarter and applying for summer jobs.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes!

Julia said...

What's your name?: Julia
Where (generally) are you from?: Cleveland, OH; Phoenix, AZ; and Seattle, WA (I've moved around a bit...)
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since around August
How often do you read it?: Every time you post
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, except the last one, because that wouldn't make sense...
Do you blog too? Where?: Not very often, but on blogger when I do
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Because you've eaten more Chipotle than she has so far this year? Just kidding, you're both awesome!
What's something interesting about you? I like to swing dance
What's going on in your life lately?: I graduated college last May and am still looking for a real job. In the meantime I entertain myself with the internet and other people's lives.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! I usually enjoy FAQ posts and you always seems to make everything most entertaining than normal :P

CAlex6977 said...

What's your name?:Chris
Where (generally) are you from?:Vegas
How old are you?: Old enough to drink, Too young to be your father
How long have you been reading this blog?: 1 year
How often do you read it?: fairly regularly
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Youtube enthusiast
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, On the internet ;-)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: 2 words Rap Battle
What's something interesting about you? At one time I hoped to be a sports star, then a actor, now hope to develop my writing
What's going on in your life lately?: Not a whole lot but everything is wonderful in spite of the lack of goings on
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would not be offended but dont need it per se.

Kathnash said...

What's your name?: Katherine
Where (generally) are you from?:Washington
How old are you?:15
How long have you been reading this blog?:about a year
How often do you read it?:it depends on when I have time. Sometimes daily, other times monthly
How did you find out about it?:youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Harry Potter! I watch way too many youtube videos.
Do you blog too? Where?:mhm, I just started today.
What's something interesting about you? I play the French horn.
What's going on in your life lately?:teenage drama :P like always
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, sounds fun.

Gilly said...

What's your name?: Gilly
Where (generally) are you from?: australia
How old are you?: 19 (almost 20)
How long have you been reading this blog?: about 4 or 5 months
How often do you read it?: whenever it pops up in google reader
How did you find out about it?: follow you on youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I'm pretty good at keeping up. I think.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: yes on livejournal
What's something interesting about you? I'm currently in the planning stages of a year exchange to a college in America
What's going on in your life lately?: university - lots and lots of school work.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yeah I guess

Johnny Rollerfeet said...

What's your name?: Johnny Rollerfeet / Internet
Where (generally) are you from?: Shreveport, La, -> Austin, Tx
How old are you?: 39 (40 in 26 days)
How long have you been reading this blog?: since day 0
How often do you read it?: when my rss shows it
How did you find out about it?: your tweets
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no (and when you do, it adds to the mystery)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes (but not as much as you) x 3
Do you blog too? Where?: on tumblr and here
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: (nope, not touching that.)
What's something interesting about you? I produce my wife, nancydrewreviews, on youtube (besides my own less interesting vids.)
What's going on in your life lately?: turning 40
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure, nostalgia (of even brief timelines) is fun

Tanya said...

What's your name?: Tanya
Where (generally) are you from?: Montreal (Canada!)
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: I don't even remember! I'm gonna guess a little less than a year?
How often do you read it?: Every time you post a new entry.
How did you find out about it?: The Youtubes.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, I think I've gotten a pretty good grip on who's (whose?, I never know when to use 'whose' or 'who's') who so far!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter and Youtube Enthusiast!
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope, but I very much want to start.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I would feel too guilty doing that hahah.
What's going on in your life lately?: My semester ends in a week and I'm excited.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: If you want to, definitely. But either way is cool.

Gaby said...

What's your name?: Gaby
Where (generally) are you from?: Bulgaria (but live in Miami)
How old are you?:16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last summer
How often do you read it?: I check daily :)
How did you find out about it?: I think from one of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :)
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. I have a blog here, but mostly on livejournal.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are Hayley :)
What's something interesting about you?: I speak Bulgarian, and I watch way too much soccer than is normal for a girl.
What's going on in your life lately?: Way too much schoolwork :/
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes :)

Samantha said...

What's your name?: Samantha

Where (generally) are you from?: Missouri via Texas

How old are you?: 22

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning.

How often do you read it?: Quite often.

How did you find out about it?: I'm not sure to be honest. Google, I think.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast?
None of the above?: ALL of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: I have a tumblr account.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I mean...

What's something interesting about you? Uh.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm teaching in an urban high school through Teach for America. Yes, a high school English teacher reads your blog.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure.

Beth said...

What's your name?: Bethany
Where (generally) are you from?: Tasmania
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: since april last year
How often do you read it?: when it pops up in google reader
How did you find out about it?: cant remember... probably a video.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: no
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: other comments apparently don't love following asterisks as much as I do. Footnotes are the best.
What's something interesting about you? Footnotes.
What's going on in your life lately?: maths homework. *bangs head*
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure.

Michael W said...

What's your name?: Michael

Where (generally) are you from?: Austin, Texas

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: I read it consistently form April until September but then stopped because of school and general business, and I've just recently started again.

How often do you read it?: Twice a week or so.

How did you find out about it?: Either through BEDA or something BEDA-related.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I think I know who everyone is and some of the inside jokes, but I'm a little fuzzy having been gone so long.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I am distinctly, and with great enthusiasm, all three.

Do you blog too? Where?: I don't, but I write a ton just for myself. I think I would like to, and I've tried a couple times, but I never keep it going for very long.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: There's just no contest on this one - you're definitely a better rapper.

What's something interesting about you?: I am a complete and total technohead. I have these giant headphones with really good base that cost like 90 dollars, just for the purpose better listening to Daft Punk, AIR, Ratatat, etc. Lot's of people pick their music based on what lyrics they identify with or really resonate with them. Most electronic music doesn't even have lyrics, and that's why I like it - specifically for it's lack of deep meaningfulness. That way, the music can just be what it is. It can just be fun or just be interesting sounding or just be a beat I can nod my head to. It's simple. I love it.

What's going on in your life lately?: Mostly just school. I'm failing English even though it's my favorite subject since my teacher is the type of stupid that makes me inclined to not do any of the work she assigns. Ew, split infinitive. I think 'to not do' should be a verb. It seems like it makes more sense than 'not to do.' Anyway, also I just got The Portable Dorothy Parker, and she is just a total freaking badass. Smart and sarcastic and witty and heartbroken. I like her poetry the most. I totally recommend it.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Seeing as I've been out of the loop for the last seven months, a recap would be wonderful.

Nicole said...

What's your name?: Nicole
Where (generally) are you from?: Missouri
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last fall :)
How often do you read it?: Every new post, it's on my Reading List.
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.It's all good.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah! Blogspot baby!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:1. Your annoyances videos are awesome!
2.I came across your videos first.
3.Your grammer is on point.
What's something interesting about you? I just beat cancer.
What's going on in your life lately?: Just trying to figure out what to do next and hoping that things will work out.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes very much so.

Megan said...

What's your name?: Megan
Where (generally) are you from?: Generally, Mississippi.
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning...
How often do you read it?: I check daily
How did you find out about it?: From one of your videos, I believe.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Never. You are very good at keeping things straight.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes. Yes. No, I watch videos, but never make any.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. Here on Blogspot, though it's not great. No audience, but I blog nontheless.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I think you and Kristina are both lovely people, and I enjoy reading both of your blogs.
What's something interesting about you? I'm not all that interesting. I spend every bit of my free time reading.
What's going on in your life lately?: School. Studing for the ACT. Learning to drive.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I am interested in everything you write, so yes.

notaclareintheworld said...

What's your name?: Clare
Where (generally) are you from?: Massachusetts/Minnesota
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: since last April
How often do you read it?: I check it every couple days.
How did you find out about it?: from you!
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above, minus none of the above. That got confusing fast.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes! Sporadically at
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I know you said not to answer this but all I have to say is your rhymes certainly are fly.
What's something interesting about you? I'm going to be on a radio show that pits the nerds at my college together until we discover who is the biggest nerd. Team Star Trek!
What's going on in your life lately?: I just declared an English major and I've been enjoying the spring
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't really feel anything one way or the other.

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