
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tell me things!

Since this blog became a capital-T "Thing" last April, I had an idea last night to make today's post a sort of "Previously, in the Hayleylujah Chorus" recap of the year. Then I remembered that this hayleyghoover video exists. My second idea was to create a catalogue of the recurring characters in my life (which friend goes with which name, etc.) and a sort of dictionary for the nicknames and euphemisms I use on a regular basis that might be confusing to new readers. Now, I'm not going to totally discount that idea, but if we're being honest, such a post would have the potential to a) make me feel really self-obsessed and lame for acting like my life is an ongoing soap opera for tipsy housewives, and b) insult those readers who have stuck by me through the good times and the bad, with whom my Hayleyisms are sort of in-jokes. It's not fair to the handful of awesome people who comment once a week, watch fiveawesomegirls, and follow my tweets if I rehash old stories and call it new content. But at the same time, it literally makes me giggle with glee to see that new people are stumbling over here, and I don't want them to feel like this is some exclusive party they were only invited to out of politeness. So how do we deal with this?

Here's what I'm thinking. Would you guys be willing to fill out a tiny survey in the comments of this post, so I can get a better feel of who I'm talking to? For example, I know there are a lot of people who read religiously but never comment (which is totally fine, and something I do all the time), and some people who pop in from time to time, but (QUITE rightfully) do not care to absorb every ounce of angst some stranger cares to spew at them. But... the more I get to know some of you individually, the more deeply I fall in love with the group of you as a whole, and I think this could be an easy way to feel more connected. Anyway, feel free to abstain, but for those interested, it'd be awesome if you filled at least some of this in.

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?:
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
How often do you read it?:
How did you find out about it?:
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?:
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Thanks, guys! On that note, I think Jess and I have a date for some nacho cheese. I look forward to reading your responses, and I'll see you lovely people tomorrow.

Chipotle burritos this year: 13
Subscribers: 26,467
Nail color: "Plum's the Word," Sally Hansen Salon

*Please, PLEASE do not answer this! Hahaha. Our rivalry is purely fictional and strictly for the lols.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 701   Newer›   Newest»
Laura said...

What's your name?: Laura
Where (generally) are you from?: Minnesota.
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it started.
How often do you read it?: Every few days I check for a new post.
How did you find out about it?: Your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above... minus the "none of the above."
Do you blog too? Where?: Not anymore.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: *not answering*
What's something interesting about you? Oh goodness... I rocked the Clarinet in High School? I enjoy playing with Color Wonder paint?
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm currently looking for a new living situation for next year because I can't live with my "friend" from High School anymore.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, that would be lovely.

hannah said...

What's your name?: Hannah, hi, nice to meet you.
Where (generally) are you from?:Melbourne, Australia
How old are you?:17
How long have you been reading this blog?:about March last year
How often do you read it?:every post
How did you find out about it?: a link in the doobily-doo
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:haha no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Nerdfighter
Do you blog too? Where?: Tumblr-
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: XD I love you both
What's something interesting about you? I can never correctly paint my nail (more random than interesting, but hey, this was short notice)
What's going on in your life lately?: My final year of high school. Fair to say enough said?
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:yes

Beth said...

What's your name?: Beth
Where (generally) are you from?: I've lived in a variety of places in the U.S. but currently live in the South.
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.
How often do you read it?: I'm subscribed via Google Reader, so pretty much every time you post.
How did you find out about it?: I think you linked it in a video, but I honestly don't remember.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Not really. I participated in BEDA last year, but I've gone through a dry spell with my writing lately.
What's something interesting about you? I just got home (at 1 am) after sitting in my office grading papers for an English comp. class that I co-teach. I thought this fact might be interesting as I was at school until 1 am on a Saturday, but maybe it just made me look a bit crazy. xD
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm in my first year of grad school, and that's pretty much changed everything.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would. I've been here since the beginning, but it's always nice to look back.

Gabriella said...

What's your name?: Gabriella
Where (generally) are you from?:New York
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the very beginning. :)
How often do you read it?: Every post.
How did you find out about it?: Hm, I belive through twitter.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, it's quite fine.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Well, except none of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: I do not.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: The G stands for GANGSTER!
What's something interesting about you? I don't have any cousins.
What's going on in your life lately?: My life is weirdly happy right now. :) This is the first year in a long time that I can say I'm comfortable with myself and my friends and all that is going on. It feels wonderful.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! I mean, although I generally recall what you're referring to, a refresher couldn't hurt and it's nice for new people!

Dinah said...

First of all, woah Hayley, this has been up for 2 hours and you have over 200 commenters telloing you about themselves!! I purposely checked your blog late tonight because I know you've been posting later recently and now...this!

What's your name?: Dinah Rose Steele
Where (generally) are you from?: Vancouver, BC, Canada
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: For a few months at least. I'm pretty bad at keeping track of time though. I know it was in 2009...maybe since October?
How often do you read it?: I try and check every day.
How did you find out about it?: Probably through your HGH videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, only because I have a visual memory and all your new college friends have no faces to go with their names (except PJ.)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan since I was 11, Youtube and Nerdfighter fan since last summer.
Do you blog too? Where?: Just a little, here on blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Don't worry, I won't. Even though I am tempted. (I subscribe to both of you!)
What's something interesting about you? Mmm...I was partially inspired to become a librarian thanks to John Green and your own love of literature! (Also I have 4 half-siblings, 2 of which live in NYC so that's pretty cool.)
What's going on in your life lately?: Got in to grad school, am moving in August, and working 2 jobs at the University of Victoria!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES.

I love you and your blogs Hayley.

xo Dinah

alanasays said...

What's your name?: Alana
Where (generally) are you from?: Perth, Western Australia
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year and a half ago?
How often do you read it?: Everytime you post something new! I save it till last, cause I know it will be good
How did you find out about it?: I think your channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: noooo
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I like you both equally!
What's something interesting about you? Next semester I'm studying to be an archivist, I get to sort through peoples old stuff :)
What's going on in your life lately?: I've got an Alice in Wonderland party coming up that I'm excited about! I'm going as the white queen.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure, why not.

to_thine_own_self said...

This is a good idea, Hayley =]
And Happy Easter, btw.

What's your name?: Tonya
Where (generally) are you from?: Pennsylvania
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog? Since last July or August, I think.
How often do you read it?: Every day. I type the url in kind of on impulse all the time to see if there's a new post from you. XD
How did you find out about it?: From youtube, probably. I've watched your vids for longer and I'm pretty sure you had a link in the doobly doo =]
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Not really, no. I don't think I've ever had a problem keeping up with them.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter?
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: More like...all of the above. Lol
Do you blog too? Where?:
Not yet. Maybe this summer...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
You are doing BEDA, whereas she is just blogging whenever she feels like it, even if it is more frequently =P
What's something interesting about you?
Here are some random facts about Tonya:
-Huge Titanic enthusiast...the history of the actual ship and the movie
-Sometimes freaks out when people point at her unexpectedly. No idea why...
-Has no clue what to do with her life
-Harry Potter is one of the great loves of her life

What's going on in your life lately?:
Well, I took a year off between high school and college to try and figure out what the heck I'm going to pursue. I have a hard time sticking to an idea or plan for my future because affects my entire future. Hah. And I just got a tattoo last Wednesday.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
I would pretty much be interested in anything you post.
But yea, it would be interesting to read, even for the more devoted readers.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Alyssa
Where (generally) are you from?: Texas
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Not sure... I haven't ever consistently
How often do you read it?: I haven't since last year's BEIA
How did you find out about it?: link in the doobly doo
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sorta
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Your personal channel is better :) but she's cool too
What's something interesting about you? I'm a yearbook nerd
What's going on in your life lately?: Senioritis!!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Very much so

Keshara said...

What's your name?: Keshara
Where (generally) are you from?: Southern California
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: About mid November I think.
How often do you read it?: Whenever I log on and see that you've posted something new
How did you find out about it?: I don't remember :|
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Once and a while, but not too often anymore.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yep, all three :]
Do you blog too? Where?: I do, I've got a blogspot blog as well.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha, you're both awesome.
What's something interesting about you? i've broken my arms 7 times altogether
What's going on in your life lately?: life = school, for the most part, along with the occasional night out with friends
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Jenny said...

What's your name?: Jenny
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning.
How often do you read it?: Whenever it shows up on my google reader.
How did you find out about it?: One of your videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You can rap better.
What's something interesting about you? You were my entire introduction to the youtube community, because I found your youtube channel from the Nanowrimo site!
What's going on in your life lately?: School exams and getting ready for university.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't need it, but it might be fun.

nicole. said...

WHOA. i cannot believe there are already over 200 comments on this. CRAZY. i guess surveys bring out all the people? bring all the boys to the yard? no? okay.

What's your name?: nicole
Where (generally) are you from?: L.A.
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: since its inception
How often do you read it?: pretty much every day
How did you find out about it?: twitter? youtube? i don't remember at this point.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes, yes.
Do you blog too? Where?: yes, if you click my name. but i sort of stopped since i'm just getting spam lately. oh and tumblr but that's not too much blogging.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha
What's something interesting about you? oh geez. um. i'm watching a goofy movie right now? i really like cheese? i used to have a pet chinchilla?
What's going on in your life lately?: the start of spring quarter, my birthday was last week.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure! i don't need it but i don't mind.

Josie said...

(I know you have tons, but I never comment so I thought I should..)

What's your name?: Josie

Where (generally) are you from?: London

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: probably more than a year now

How often do you read it?: it's on my googlereader, I read everything you post

How did you find out about it?: 5AG

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: nerdwriter and nerdfighter

Do you blog too? Where?: on blogger

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: :)

What's something interesting about you? uh.. um. I have a shoebox full of rejection slips from publishers under my bed but recently a magazine accepted my short story. :)

What's going on in your life lately?: currently, exams... oh and I saw tom baker the other day (early doctor who)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: not particularly but if there's loads of new people I don't mind

Leah said...

I'm gonna be obnoxious and answer these, *just because I know you don't have the self-control not to read my responses.*

What's your name?: Leah (come on, you know my middle name, I'm not telling you again) Bartels
Where (generally) are you from?: The Jerz.
How old are you?: 20!!!
How long have you been reading this blog?: dude, I've been reading ur blogz since before there was a hayleylujah chorus.
How often do you read it?: EVERY SINGLE DAY AND TWICE ON WEEKENDS. (whenever I remember)
How did you find out about it?: You were probably all "Leah, Leah, read my blog! Tell me how cool I am!"
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Constantly.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I like your mom a lot.
Do you blog too? Where?: Haaaa.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You can fly.
What's something interesting about you?: ... I've legit stared at this question for five minutes, trying to think of something witty. MOVING ON.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Terribly interested.

Good luck reading all 200+ of these, babe.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Amy
Where (generally) are you from?: Sydney(ish) Australia
How old are you?: Newly minted 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: A year, since last BEDA
How often do you read it?: Check it every day ^_^
How did you find out about it?: Your video about BEDA last year.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally. I don't claim to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of your life lol.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: On Livejournal but I don't know if I'd call it a blog. More inside-jokey, extended-facebook-status's. Occasionally I think I'm important and witty.
What's something interesting about you? The interesting thing about me is that there is nothing interesting about me whatsoever. That makes me practically unique I believe.
What's going on in your life lately?: Just started uni and slowly but surely moving out and falling in love.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think a FAQ post would be perfect. In terms of recaps, I much prefer your videos to be honest.

Yoooou inspire me to be nerdier and crazier every day. No cheesy suck-up lie I swear.

gaby said...

What's your name?: Gaby
Where (generally) are you from?: Monterrey, Mexico
How old are you?: 24
How long have you been reading this blog?: since last year
How often do you read it?: I check daily
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nah, I think I'm good. I think.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry potter fan, nerdfigher and youtube stalker, hah I say this because I watch a whole ton of channels regulary but have never made a single video
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Well, I adore your sense of humor... but I also love her music! please don't make me choose.
What's something interesting about you? mm... well I'm moving to the UK next school year for a year. Maybe I'll blog about that
What's going on in your life lately?: My life right now is nothing but a chaos of boys, family and work.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, I would love one! Besides, I could link my friends to that post, last time I tried to do that they said they didn't get why you were so excited about finding Alaska, and your obsession with Chipotle burritos :)

Kathryn said...

What's your name?: Kathryn
Where (generally) are you from?: Dursley, Gloucestershire, England
How old are you?:15
How long have you been reading this blog?:Since last April 14th
How often do you read it?:Every time you update
How did you find out about it?:Through Kristina
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where? I never update my blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:You've eaten more burritos
What's something interesting about you? I'm a writer
What's going on in your life lately?:I'm going on holiday next week.I'm acing history at the moment.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:I don't mind.


William said...

-Southern California, Santa Barbara specifically, -because I'm not a fan of general things.
-I'm 15. I was going to lie and say I was older but didn't really see the point.
-I've been avidly reading The Chorus for about a year.
-I check my blogspot about every other day, and read whenever you post. However I've been checking every day as of late because it's April.
-I learnt of The Chorus from either a 5AG or HGH video of yours.
-I have been reading long enough to not be confused. Plus, you tend to clarify these things, especially when it's been a while since you brought up a person or something.
-All of the above. I also enjoy arts and crafts.
-I have a blog here I haven't updated in months.
-One reason: You don't toy with the emotions of countless fans who have invested in the well being of her relationship over facebook relationship status updates.
-I legit have two belly buttons. Well not legit because it isn't actually a bellybutton, but I have a bellybuttonesque indentation on my side.
-Spring break, which has been pretty shitty. I live in a pretty wealthy town, I suppose, so a lot of my friends jet off to exotic places and leave me behind to watch youtube all day, which isn't as fun as it sounds. Also, a lot of problems within my family have been goin' down. My brother's girlfriend dies of heroin overdose about a week ago, so we've been dealing with that. That is a pretty personal anecdote, and I don't know how I feel about having just shared it with a complete stranger.
-No recap, please. I'd rather you keep these things vague and obscure. :)

Steph said...

What's your name?: Steph
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 13
How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months
How often do you read it?: Whenever you update
How did you find out about it?: Through 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Here on blogger.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm older mentally than I am physically.
What's going on in your life lately?: The typical teenage drama
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah :3

William said...

I realized my last comment was really moody. Exciting things that are happening in my life are school, Harry Potter movie nights, making pies, and DECORATING FOR EASTER. I shouldn't have gone all Hard KNock Life (Ghetto Anthem) on yo' ass, G-Monster.

Mel said...

What's your name?: Kali Fischer

Where (generally) are you from?: Washington State

How old are you?: I'm 18 years old.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April :)

How often do you read it?: Whenever there's a new post.

How did you find out about it?: You mentioned it in a video and I checked it out.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: At times, but usually if I think back I can figure it out.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, really.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, on blogspot!

What's something interesting about you?: My most played song on my iPod is "Your Rocky Spine" by Great Lake Swimmers and I've played it over 2,000 times in the last six months. I do listen to other music, though I promise :)

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm just getting off spring break (lame) and I'm really excited to go to college in Seattle next fall (awesome).

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Of course!

Brookely90 said...

What's your name?:Brooke
Where (generally) are you from?: Missouri
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Like a month or two
How often do you read it?: Every post since I started reading.
How did you find out about it?:Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Kind of but it's not a big deal
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Okay
Do you blog too? Where?:Kinda....
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:Too many to count ;)
What's something interesting about you?:I spin color guard
What's going on in your life lately?:College, Guard, Going to Dayton this week.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Sure.

Unknown said...

-Sydney, Australia
-17 years old

-Almost since last April, I'm guessing.
-You're in my google reader, so I read every time you post a new "episode" (not often enough).
-I'm fairly certain I found out from either your twitter/videos.
-I follow the names pretty well...

- All of the above
- I sort of blog at
- I speak French almost fluently, but at the moment I'm learning Russian and Latin. Ooooh, dramatic languages.
- I just started university, and all that.

- I would be interesting in ANYTHING that brought you back to my screen.

Phyllis said...

What's your name?: Phyllis
Where (generally) are you from?: Massachusetts
How old are you?: almost 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: since the beginning!
How often do you read it?: you're on my google reader
How did you find out about it?: beda
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes, YES
Do you blog too? Where?: nope
What's something interesting about you? hard question, im just a person
What's going on in your life lately?: feeling weird about being so happy all the time
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: help out the noobs

Elizabeth... said...

What's your name?: Liz
Where (generally) are you from?: UK, Durham
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last BEDA
How often do you read it?: Almost every post as long as I have time.
How did you find out about it?: I'm not sure, someone linked to it.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three!
Do you blog too? Where?:
What's something interesting about you? I drew the parrot for Alex's Parrot Stories.
What's going on in your life lately?: Easter Holidays, seeing friends again, visiting family, visiting my boyfriend, eating out and getting my clothes washed in a non-uni washer! :D
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep, I'm sure it would be an entertaining read no matter how much I already know!

Samantha said...

What's your name?: Sam
Where (generally) are you from?: MN
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since March 2009
How often do you read it?: I check it every couple days, but it's daily during BEDA.
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: No. I even tried Tumbler, but I started forgetting about it.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: BEDA, obviously.
What's something interesting about you?: I've been having a harder time answering this than any other question. I sew.
What's going on in your life lately?: I have spent my spring break sick, and now it's almost over.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure, I know how it feels to come in late and be clueless.

Sarah Mowrey said...

What's your name?: Sarah Mowrey
Where (generally) are you from?: New Mexico
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the earlish summer of 2009?
How often do you read it?: Lots. Though, up until recently I checked your blog everyday hoping you updated it. Then, you're doing better than I am in the blogging department.
How did you find out about it?: I think Alan tweeted about it. No! He blogged about your blog and I was like "Hayley is awesome, why am I not reading her blog?" So I started reading it.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Only rarely but that's because I have a bad memory not because I haven't read all of your blogs.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast?
None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: I do!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You make videos on Thursdays?

What's something interesting about you? In any other instance I'd say "I make videos on the internet, in which I embarass myself" but you'd say "Yeah, me too" and that was about the most interesting thing about me. I've watched Disney's Pocahontas several times in the last two weeks despite Mel Gibson's terrible voice acting.

What's going on in your life lately?: Well, my parents' divorce thing is starting to get sort of real, which is weird. I also think it means moving out of the house where I mostly grew up which is sort of depressing. On the other hand, school is going well, I am amazed that I am actually passing my classes despite not doing a lot of my work because of being sleep deprived from show rehearsal stuff.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think it'd be a fun and sort of funny/nostalgic thing to read. Like, I guess the satisfaction reading that sort of post could be comparable to that satisfaction hipsters feel when they say things like, "It's really obscure, you probably haven't heard of it" or, "I liked Green Day before they like, totally sold out or whatever"


Unknown said...

What's your name?: My name is Malene Lykke

Where (generally) are you from?: I am currently reciding in Denmark

How old are you?: 22 years of age

How long have you been reading this blog?: About six or seven months I think.

How often do you read it?: Whenever you publish a new post

How did you find out about it?:
The story is long. Once upon a time, there was a world of warcraft blogger called "Big Red Kitty,". Big Red Kitty led me to Temerity Jane who was the star in the Vlogbrothers Wedding Proposal video, which naturally led me to the Vlogbrothers, which led to me 5AG which led me to your personal youtube channel and then your blog.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, check. Nerdfighter, check. Youtube enthusiast, not to the point where I will start vlogging myself.

Do you blog too? Where?: Currently doing BEDA @

What's something interesting about you?: I can groom an Oldenborger horse (very big, sometimes over 2m tall at the back) in 10 minutes. Someone once timed me. This is ofcourse not for compitition but just for practice. Compitition grooming takes much much longer.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm graduating the equivilant of american university in Denmark this summer and I want to start working full time come september. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm pretty much over this "full time student thing," by now. So all I'm doing is writing my final project solo and starting to feel the lonelyness creep up on me. (I live in the country side, if I walk up the street and turn left and carry on walking for 10 minuttes I can see the main road...)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Without sounding corny or whatever, I'd be pretty much interested in anything you put up.

KimbraSaysRawr said...

What's your name?: Kimbra
Where (generally) are you from?: Texas, United States
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: Oh jeeze. For awhile. I’ve read basically all of your posts.
How often do you read it?: I check back quite often, sometimes often enough to be disappointed by the lack of a post. You’re my late night reading, you see.
How did you find out about it?: Youtube. I can’t remember if it came from 5AG or your channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, but that’s okay – I get the basic idea; no need to stop including them! It’ll be beneficial to you later on (coming from someone that has been blogging for roughly six years).
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan, certainly a Nerdfighter though I can’t make the sign with my hands, and am a youtube enthusiast (my username is thenameiskimbra, and I spend several hours on Youtube a week posting vlogs/watching videos).
Do you blog too? Where?: Indeed I do. (I also have a Kingdom Hearts II Adventures blog which contains my thoughts on the game and can be found in my profile).
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both super freakin’ cool.
What's something interesting about you?: I’m a writer, and I have two tattoos.
What's going on in your life lately?: I’m a full time college student and a part time employee. I’m living in my mother’s house with my sister while my mom is living with my grandma off and on taking care of her. I’m losing friends and gaining friends, and trying to figure out the kind of person that I want to be (believe it or not the whole ‘self-discovery’ thing doesn’t stop for awhile), and what I want to do with my life. I film Youtube videos quite frequently, and try to blog often; it’s the way I keep my sanity.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! Why not? Even though some of it may not be new to me, I think it would still be fun, and it would give your newer readers a chance to catch up : D

Ben Cracknell said...

What's your name?: Ben

Where (generally) are you from?:Lowestoft, England.

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: Literally from the third day you started

How often do you read it?: Everyday I wake up I check it.

How did you find out about it?: By Googling HayleyGHoover

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, I follow just fine.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:All of the above. Especially

YouTube. And Nerdfighter. And Harry Potter. Oh, wait...

Do you blog too? Where?: I actually had a fiveawesomegirls blog where I answered the week's question, but that got deleted. I'll be doing it again, though. Today. You should check it out.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Duh, because you're Hayley Ghangsta.

What's something interesting about you?: I can whistle really, really well. I can make a whole in my knuckle appear, and I've watched every 5AG/HGH video at least four times.

What's going on in your life lately?: I have two weeks off school for Easter, so I plan on reading. A lot. I also started the Jessica Darling series.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES! WE NEED MORE HAYLEY!

Ben Cracknell said...

OH! I forgot one!
Name something interesting about you:
I made D.I.Y. Chipotle Burritos because of you! They were lovely.
I had, lettuce, tomatoes, black beans, lime rice, chicken, sour cream and salsa.

Katie said...

What's your name?: Katie
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Year and a half
How often do you read it?: Whenever theres a new post...your blog may or may not be one of my homepages!
How did you find out about it?: Youtube (:
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're both equally awesome :D
What's something interesting about you?: I loveeee PostSecret, but I'm too boring to have a secret of my own :L
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing much, Easter break :D
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Elisabeth said...

What's your name?: Elisabeth

Where (generally) are you from?: Western Australia

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: 'Bout seven or eight months? Maybe more.

How often do you read it?: I check blogger four or five times a week, but read all your posts.

How did you find out about it?: From Kristina's blog, which I found from the link on her youtube page.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, not really. I've been reading long enough to recognise the ones that crop up more often.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Narnia enthusiast, too.

Do you blog too? Where?:

What's something interesting about you? I'm a fencer. That minority sport with swords.

What's going on in your life lately?: Uni. And I'm making a costume for a costume party next week.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't really need one, but I don't mind if you want to make one for everyone else.

You get major kudos if you've actually made it far enough to read this. I think I'm comment number 212 or something insane like that.

alasee said...

What's your name?: Sarah

Where (generally) are you from?: Paris (as in... accross the pond)

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: a little over a year, I think.

How often do you read it?: I used to check every day but since you slowed down the posting I'd say every other day.

How did you find out about it?: can't remember exactly... maybe through Kristina's blog? Well anyway, I definitely knew you from youtube first.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, not really.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I'm all of the above! :)

Do you blog too? Where?: I wish I did, but I'm just too lazy.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're both really awesome but you're doing BEDA... and I've actually met her IN PERSON, so it's a tie.

What's something interesting about you? I... uh... collect bookmarks? I'm French? Urgh, I hate this kind of questions. I guess I'm just not that interesting.

What's going on in your life lately?: Meh... not much.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep, that could be fun :)

DoomAngelKitty said...

What's your name?: Sinead
Where (generally) are you from?: Godric's Hollow, Australia
How old are you?: 15 going on 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since possibly July-September last year
How often do you read it?: Whenever I go on, so about twice or three times a week
How did you find out about it?: YouTube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, I don't think you have a friend called Sinead.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, semi-Nerdfighter and YouTube addict/enthusiast.
Do you blog too? Where?: Mosman Readers & blogspot
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
1. You have an awesome voice.
2. Your sense of humor > Kristina's humor.
What's something interesting about you?: I been told that I look like a 12 or 11 year old.
What's going on in your life lately?: Lots of things. Mostly bad which goes on and on. But I am hoping that the future would look bright.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES!!!

David Byrne said...

What's your name?: David
Where (generally) are you from?: Chicago
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?:6 months, maybe more
How often do you read it?: i'm a pop in and out person.
How did you find out about it?: your videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:i think i've got some idea now.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:like harry potter (haven't read them all YET) NERDFIGHTER! and youtuber
Do you blog too? Where?: nope
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: ouch...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:yeah, go for it

Abby said...

Hi I'm Abby
I'm from the England.
I'm 19
I've been reading your fabfabfab blog for about a year
Every day!
I probably found it linked in one of your videos.
I've read your blog for a long time so I'm familiar with all the crazy/fun nicknames!
I'm not really anything. I just watch the 5AG videos and I think you write so beautifully so I enjoy reading your blog :)
I don't really blog.
At the moment I'm at Med School and loving it!
I'd love a blog recap :)

Yay this is the first time I've ever commented! It feels monumental for some reason to no longer be a lurker haha

I love your blog Hayley!

Christina said...

What's your name?: Christina
Where (generally) are you from?: Georgia
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: A year, at least
How often do you read it?: I'm a creeper (read: I check in way to often)
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes x3 No to the last.
Do you blog too? Where?: I, too, am a blogspotter
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? I...tried out for America Idol because I thought it would be a fun story.
What's going on in your life lately?: College drama. It's not near as much fun as you seem to be having.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, I want to see how you would sum up your year/life in one blog post.

Casey said...

What's your name?: Casey
Where (generally) are you from?: Coast of NC.
How old are you?: 17.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 (specific, I know, but I remember the actual post).
How often do you read it?: I check daily.
How did you find out about it?: Googled "hayleyghoover blog". =)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. I feel like I know most of them by now.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All. Die-hard. You and John/Hank are among the first that I subscribed. And Harry Potter, well, that love affair has gone on a bit longer. =)
Do you blog too? Where?: I've attempted to start a few, but nothing has really taken off. I am planning on beginning a new one (hopefully one that I can stick to) very soon.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: lols
What's something interesting about you? I like to wear men's watches.
What's going on in your life lately?: Senior project, getting ready to graduate high school, preparations for college. Ahhh!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely. Go for it. =)

Wooooww. Lots of comments. I've been reading through and these people have inspired me to tell you about myself. You really do have some of the coolest readers around. Thanks for taking a genuine interest. Keep up the awesome, k?


Sahara said...

What's your name?: Sahara
Where (generally) are you from?: Rennes, France
How old are you?: Seventeen
How long have you been reading this blog?: A little over a year
How often do you read it?: I check it pretty much every day.
How did you find out about it?: You talked about it on either Five Awesome Girls or hayleyghoover. I can't remember which.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes...
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :)
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I think you're both equally cool :)
What's something interesting about you? I'm bilingual French/English.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm studying for mock exams :(
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure :) I'll read anything you post anyways... Lol.

Manuel said...

What's your name?: Manuel
Where (generally) are you from?: Berlin , Germany
How old are you?: 27
How long have you been reading this blog?: 1 week
How often do you read it?: it's on my check-every-day-list
How did you find out about it?: Link in the sidebar :)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: yes ^^
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: NoobNerdfighter, haven't read Harry Potter yet, Youtube lurker
Do you blog too? Where?: No
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Who's Kristina Horner? I've never heard that name before ;)
What's something interesting about you? I love martial arts
What's going on in your life lately?: Work, Books, Youtube^^
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes

Anonymous said...

Sydney, Australia
About a Year
Everytime its updated
Stublem Upon...which lead me to youtube etc etc
All of The Above
Yes...not telling =D
Going backpacking for a year in Europe next Year!!!
Yr 12 HSC(final year of school)YAY!!
Of course??

Katherine said...

What's your name?: Katherine

Where (generally) are you from?: Australia (yay?)

How old are you?: 20 (Gah, I'm old)

How long have you been reading this blog?: oh, a while now

How often do you read it?: pretty much religiously

How did you find out about it?: the youtube

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: oh sometimes, but I think I've got most of them.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, naturally.

Do you blog too? Where?: just blogspot.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:

What's something interesting about you?: I'm a triplet who is unrequitedly in love with another triplet. (sorry, that's the first thing that jumped into my mind)

What's going on in your life lately?: It's Easter break from Uni, thank goodness! so I get the immense priveldge of going on an Eddie Rice Camp and hanging out with some kids.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Oh, FAQ page would be something nice. I'm nosey like that.

booksandquills said...

What's your name?:

Where (generally) are you from?:
The Netherlands

How old are you?:

How long have you been reading this blog?:
Since the beginning.

How often do you read it?:
When you update frequently I check almost every day, when it's a bit slower, sometimes I forget to check.

How did you find out about it?:
Probably through your YTchannel or Twitter.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
Yes, yes and yes.

Do you blog too? Where?:
I'm attempting BEDA (after failing last year) at

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
You're both supermegafoxyawesomehot, that's all I can say.

What's something interesting about you?
I'm in a Dutch NF collab channel BWFNL ( and I spent last semester in Chicago and traveled all over America to meet some of my YouTube friends (another interesting fact: I'm now completely broke).

What's going on in your life lately?:
Writing my Bachelor Thesis on usage of The Lady of Shalott in YA novels.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Stephanie said...

What's your name?: Stephanie
Where (generally) are you from?: Austin, Tx
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: a month ish?
How often do you read it?: dailyish
How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really?
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? Yes. all of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: i have a tumblr...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? I don't even know.... I'm very indecisive?
What's going on in your life lately?: trying to figure out scheduling for next semester
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes!

KirbyJayne said...

What's your name?: Kirby
Where (generally) are you from?: Adelaide, Australia
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: a year
How often do you read it?: whenever it's updated
How did you find out about it?: probably from you linking to it
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Not particularly
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter
Do you blog too? Where?: On Blogspot
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I'm not going to answer this, as requested.
What's something interesting about you? I was the first girl born on my dad's side of the family for 100 years
What's going on in your life lately?: uni, work, planning future escapades
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post? Nah, I'm right thanks

Cocoa Mango said...

What's your name?: Sabrina

Where (generally) are you from?: Living in northern California

How old are you?: 20

How long have you been reading this blog?: Not long after you started

How often do you read it?: Like the Sabbath baby

How did you find out about it?: Your Youtube channel, or maybe I googled it.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, no biggie though.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan and I am addicted to Youtube.

Do you blog too? Where?: Here and tumblr; and very rarely.

What's something interesting about you?: I’ve never lived anywhere longer than 3 years.

What's going on in your life lately?: I temporarily withdrew from college last week because my anxiety and unhappiness confined me to my apartment for most of winter quarter. My honor roll record is smeared with four F’s. Here’s to hoping that this won’t be a recurring scenario in my life. Music has never sounded so good though :)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don’t need it but I would sure enjoy reading it.

Caity said...

What's your name?: Caitlin

Where (generally) are you from?: Adelaide, Australia

How old are you?: 23

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you started it roughly

How often do you read it?: Daily

How did you find out about it?: I don't even remember

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HayleyGHoover Fan :)

Do you blog too? Where?: I started my blog in 2004 but have now abandoned it. Now I love tumblr

What's something interesting about you? I regularly spend my Sunday afternoons before Netball doing craft with my friends. We call it 'crafternoon'.

What's going on in your life lately?: I am still trying to get over a broken heart but excitedly planning a 7 week holiday to America in August!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yup!

Jeannette said...

Jeannette, Los Angeles, 20

How long have you been reading this blog?: for a few months

How often do you read it?: off-and-on, usually just when you link to it on YT or Twitter

How did you find out about it?: your YT or Twitter

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: eh *shrug* :)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above! :D

Do you blog too? Where?:

What's something interesting about you?: I saw Star Wars: Episode 1 eleven times in theaters.... ^^;

What's going on in your life lately?: Not enough. :(

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Nah. :)

Charlotte said...

What's your name?: Charlotte
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: ah, I believe since the second or third post? then I wasn't very faithful and only returned a few months later, so i just went back and read plenty of old posts.
How often do you read it?: unfortunately I have no life, apparently; and I seem to be able to catch up on your blog at least two or three days after you post... if not on the very same day. oh dear.
How did you find out about it?: uhh Youtube i think
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no, not at all :) its not too difficult to follow- I think new readers would take the time to read back and catch up anyway
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: hmm... all three in moderation, id say. i dont know if you can be an enthusiast in moderation, but you get my drift :T
Do you blog too? Where?: I literally started blogging this month for BEDA, I was just looking for any excuse to start.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha- well to be absolutely honest, i actually mentioned something in yesterdays post about how I admire people that can write beautifully and can convey their point in text, and gave your blog as an example- i get a bit jealous but then that bitterness quickly evaporates after i read your blog- you can tell youve got a gift for it even here.
What's something interesting about you? Well, considering the length of my answers apparently I am incredibly self involved. so seriously, dont feel bad :D
What's going on in your life lately?: I started a blog!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: hey, why not :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Nazia
Where (generally) are you from?: UK
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last years BEDA
How often do you read it?: Everytime you have a new post.
How did you find out about it?: From your youtube vids
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: At first, but not anymore.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes Yes No No
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: haha I think you're both cool, but you make me laugh more and I wish I could write as well as you.
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: Senior in high school, hoping to get into med school. Reading your posts on highschool and your experiences and advice have really helped, so thanks :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes! I think that would be cool and it would help keep track. x

Bethany said...

What's your name?: Bethany

Where (generally) are you from?: Sydney, Australia

How old are you?:19

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since always

How often do you read it?: Whenever you post, its on the top sites on my macbook pro so every time the little star comes up

How did you find out about it?: probably from a video or twitter or something

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above

Do you blog too? Where?: Only for university stuff. It's dead boring.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Your blogs colour scheme is way prettier and vacuum cleaners are superior to snakes.

What's something interesting about you? One time CommunityChannel hugged me 3 times. Best night of my life!

What's going on in your life lately?: One week from today i am turning 20! I am super scared to be like proper adult and halfway to 40! Can you relate?

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, i'm sure that like the rest of your posts it would be interesting.

rachel claire said...

What's your name?: Rachel
Where (generally) are you from?: London
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: regularly? for a month. But on and off since I discovered 5AG, so since about last October.
How often do you read it?: Whenever a new post comes up in my google reader. I get very excited during BEDA :D
How did you find out about it?: 5AG, your youtube channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Slightly.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Definitely a Harry Potter fan, and I am obsessed with youtube although I don't make videos.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I love you both! But your name is definitely cooler :P
What's something interesting about you? I love French, I want to go and live there for a year to become fluent.
What's going on in your life lately?: Stressing over exams and which unis I'm going to apply to in September.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep, would help me keep up.

Vicky said...

What's your name?: Vicky

Where (generally) are you from?: Oxford, UK

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: since it started

How often do you read it?: couple of times a week, I think

How did you find out about it?: via Youtuuube

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Not really/ Yes/ Kind of (sorry for vague responses!)

Do you blog too? Where?: I use tumblr a little, but I'm incapable of regularly updating anything.

What's something interesting about you? I have had an obsession with spelling things correctly since I was about seven. It drives my best friend crazy.

What's going on in your life lately?: I met one of my favourite musicians last night and turned into a gibbering wreck. Plus, I'm spending the next two weeks revising my arse off so I can get accepted by one of my favourite universities in August.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post? I don't need one personally but I wouldn't just dismiss it as you dragging up old ideas. Honest. :)

Sofia said...

What's your name?: Sofia

Where (generally) are you from?: Scandinavia

How old are you?: I'm sixteen.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Uhm.. Shortly after you started it, I think.

How often do you read it?: Everyday :D

How did you find out about it?: Your youtube channel.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No problem there.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?: A photoblog on Tumblr.

What's something interesting about you? Uhm.. I started reading the Bell Jar because of you - which sparked my on going Sylvia Plath obsession! (don't worry nothing too unhealthy) I recommend you watch the movie Sylvia. I love it :D OH MORE BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS HAYLEY! (I wrote this in all caps in case you got tired reading all 200 comments and started skimming.. tehe do it!)

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm really getting into poetry. Though no weird Emily Dickinson related dreams yet.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure why not?

Dani said...

What's your name?: Dani
Where (generally) are you from?: Britain :3
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: um... since today XD
How often do you read it?: I don't think I can answer this xD
How did you find out about it?: twitterrrrr.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I imagine you would...
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, Yes, Yes.
Do you blog too? Where?: very lazily -
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: you... travel through space and time...? Oh wait. I'm thinking of someone else entirely.
What's something interesting about you? *struggling to answer*
What's going on in your life lately?: A lot of schoolwork, a lot of procrastination, and a bunch of really scary friends.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Most likely, but if you don't do one, I'll just end up reading back through old posts anyway, so. :)

Joey said...

Just had a total lolz moment. The last time I was here, there were like 194 comments. And as I type this out, there'll be about another 10 at least.

You totally have a FANDOM!!!

What's your name?: Joseph Herbert
Where (generally) are you from?: India, though I was brought up in Dubai. Though, as you put it: "Generally" India
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since its inception last BEDA
How often do you read it?: Um, whenever I can and normally when my Google Reader thingamajig alerts me to another fascinating update!
How did you find out about it?: bedoodoodoo BEDA
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Always. I only know theres a Jess and then meh... Some other non-YouTubeley folk :P
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Um, how do I put it... Harry Potter - Read all the books. Not an over the top fan. A decent read-all-the-books-will-also-watch-all-the-movies-fan.
Nerdfighter - To the core!
YouTube - Major Addict. Never really made any "videos". Though I did make this one video which I though would totally go viral. Needless to say you havent heard of anything by 'josephherbert' :P

Do you blog too? Where?: Well, I did (sorta) resume blogging last BEDA and then abandoned it by July or so of last year cos I had a couple of issues. But yeah... I am thinking of resuming the blog thingamajig though this time under my own name!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: NEVER CHOSE BETWEEN AWESOME GIRLS!
What's something interesting about you? Wow. Nice subtle, narcisstic question :P I am a huge fan of Vanessa Carlton which means I am a NESSAholic and I love the piano or anything that is associated with it. LOVE Regina Spektor and Tori Amos. But more importantly LOVE Vanessa Carlton! Wow.Epiphany.I just realized that apart from being a Nerdfighting NESSAholic - there isn't anything really interesting about me :P
What's going on in your life lately?: Wow. An even more self indulgent little question there. Well. Um I got done with college last year and have started a working and wow... I've finally concluded (after working here for like 7 months now) that I am a corporate slave and people are weird in this organization and the world and ZOMG! When and why did I grow up?!!! *Sigh* Well you did ask about what WAS going on in my life. Tiny little rant. SOZ!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Hmmm... Well, you know... You could write about pancakes and still make them sound interesting. :P Meh... I'm not really picky about what my second favorite blogger (in the world) wants to write!!! In case you're curious my most favorite blogger is Lisa Ray this Indian/Canadian model who was diagnosed with some cancer last year. She writes sooo well. Its kinda bad that she's not gonna be around for long though :( - Just thought I'd share this link with ya!

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Christina
Where (generally) are you from?: Scotland.
How long have you been reading this blog?: About 9 months.
How often do you read it?: I check it every day. :)
How did you find out about it?: your youtube channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: I tried it for a bit, but i prefer to write to myself on my computer. (LAME) :)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: 1. Has Kristina ever randomly said "MA HAIR IS CRAYCRAY" in a 5AG video.
2. Kristina doesn't dye her hair awesome colours like you do.
3. You're a muuuch better gangsta
4. You got attitude guuurl.
What's something interesting about you? I'm unhealthily obsessed with Lost and Harry Potter. XD
What's going on in your life lately?: My boyfriend of 2 years has a rare acne condition that's kept his mobility limited for a month now. But he's getting bettter, slowly but surely :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely :)

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Tash

Where (generally) are you from?: London, UK

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: Couple of months

How often do you read it?: Every new post

How did you find out about it?: Was watching the videos long before that, and I read Kristina's blog, so eventually I just started with yours too.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter?
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Hell yes to Harry Potter fan, vaguely a Nerdfighter - ie I watch the vids... so yeah, also a YouTube enthusiast

Do you blog too? Where?:
Yes, on blogspot too

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
Awkward. I refuse to come between friends. ;)

What's something interesting about you?
I am passionate about assembling things from Ikea

What's going on in your life lately?:
Last year of school, crazy shit!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Most def!

Mary said...

What's your name?: Mary
Where (generally) are you from?: Northern California
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Last summer.
How often do you read it?: I catch up on posts every couple of weeks.
How did you find out about it?: I started watching Fiveawesomegirls.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I'm a Nerdfighter and my YouTube enthusiasm is growing. I enjoyed the Harry Potter books, but I find the fan community even more awesome.
Do you blog too? Where?: I recently (January) started a book blog, here.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are a vegetarian, which is automatic winpuppy.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm an environmentalist, I played water polo for nine years, and I'm a huge fan of musicals.
What's going on in your life lately?: I go to school, I read, and I look at Newfoundland puppies online ...I really want to get a dog.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Tengku Atique said...

What's your name?: Atiqah

Where (generally) are you from?: Malaysia

How old are you?: 23

How long have you been reading this blog?: since it's a messy thing with rare updates, and have, like, 7 followers (seriously!)

How often do you read it?: i have it on my Google Reader, so i read it when you update

How did you find out about it?: the t00bz

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope!

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above, though maybe not YT anymore, schoolwork have been requiring loads of attention lately D:

Do you blog too? Where?: i do, but it's private because i'm a wuss that does not like random people read my crappy entries!

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
Because Lauren have a gorgeous ukulele. ...wait, what?

What's something interesting about you?
i HAVE SO MANY that i can't think of one right now...hah :P

What's going on in your life lately?:
Easter break, woooo

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: i am interested in anything that would feed my procrastination!

i think this is my first time dropping a comment on here after all these while. Hi Hayley!

A.J. James Brooks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A.J. James Brooks said...

What's your name?: A.J. James Brooks (aslanenlisted)
Where (generally) are you from?: I'm originally from the West Coast of the US but I am currently living in England.
How old are you?: 30
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since day 3 of BEDA
How often do you read it?: every new post.
How did you find out about it?: you mentioned BEDA in a 5AG video
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
not at all, after a while they are just part of the regular cast.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes. to the first three.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have two Blogs, the first and the second is a movie review blog with my partner for life, (girlfriend sounds a bit trite at 30)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I have no answer.
What's something interesting about you? I left my job my home and everything I knew for Nerdfighterlike
What's going on in your life lately?: same as above plus we host a radio show wednesday and friday nights.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: It wouldn't annoy me but I think part of the fun is absorbing it all.
(Comment previously deleted due to typos.)

Grace said...

What's your name?: Grace
Where (generally) are you from?: Manchester, England
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since probably last january or a little bit before
How often do you read it?: Check in every few days
How did you find out about it?: I have no idea, probably just employed my expert stalking skills and it appeared
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No not at all
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three
Do you blog too? Where?: I don't have a public blog
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
What's something interesting about you? Uhhh, i was named after a song by The Tymes
What's going on in your life lately?: Not a lot, need to do some revision, i bought a guitar yesterday :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Uhh yes why not

lauren_ashley said...

What's your name?: Lauren
Where (generally) are you from?: Brighton UK
How old are you?: 14 (nearly 15)
How long have you been reading this blog?: Couple of months maybe but I've gone through and read all of your old blog posts.
How often do you read it?: I check for many blog updates everyday.
How did you find out about it?: Through 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not excessively.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Youtube & Harry Potter
Do you blog too? Where?: Yep, on here, you're mentioned in some :)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I think you are both very awesome and you both make me laugh.
What's something interesting about you?: Nothing really, I'm quite boring. But I aim to be an author some day.
What's going on in your life lately?: School Holidays and lots of trips to the library to revise!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, I would :)

hiie said...

What's your name?: Hiie

Where (generally) are you from?: Estonia (it's a small country in Northern Europe)

How old are you?: 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: a few months

How often do you read it?: i check 3-4 times a week, i guess

How did you find out about it?: probably from your youtube channel? not sure :D

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
not yet :D

Harry Potter fan?
um, i like it, but i wouldn't say i'm a fan.. but i guess my mum is :D she bought all the books and read these in 1-2 weeks, without sleeping much :D

Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: *pretending that she forgot to answer these questions*

Do you blog too? Where?:
yes, i do. but in estonian mostly:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*:
1. reason 1
2. reason 2
3. reason 3
4. the conclusive proof, reason 4

What's something interesting about you?
if i don't get chocolate every day, i die? (it's dermatologically tested. or something. seriously)

What's going on in your life lately?:
writing. acting. studying. nothing worth mentioning.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
yes :)

hiie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hiie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fivebyfivewhat said...

What's your name?: Mary

Where (generally) are you from? Durham, England

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: About 6 months :)

How often do you read it?: Whenever it pops up on my google reader as having a new post.

How did you find out about it?: your youtube channel

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really. I just kinda go with the flow!

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :D

Do you blog too? Where?:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Who dyed pink in their hair? Need I say more? xD

What's something interesting about you? I play the Viola :) its one hundred times more epic than the violin!

What's going on in your life lately?: A Levels Dx Dx Dx

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Why not? Bring it on Hayley!

Rachel said...

What's your name?: Rachel
Where (generally) are you from?: Malta
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it's conception
How often do you read it?: As often as you post
How did you find out about it?: either your videos or twitter
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, I'm good (:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: Yup, on blogger too.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: ooh tough!
What's something interesting about you? I'm known for changing the layout of my room approximately once a month... and making new out of the old.
What's going on in your life lately?: not much... just the exams that will determine the rest of my career/life/future.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't say I'm not interested!

momo said...

What's your name?: momo
Where (generally) are you from?: east of germany
How old are you?: 28
How long have you been reading this blog?: regurlarly? about a year, I guess.
How often do you read it?: when you post i read, that's kinda the idea of rss.
How did you find out about it?:
your videos on youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: sometimes, but than i don't have to know all of them...
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: kinda, sometimes, a bit of all...
Do you blog too? Where?:
on blogspot:
What's something interesting about you? i was officially told that i'm crazy, but also not to change, and that is by a professional in that department...
What's going on in your life lately?: i'm writing my diploma in media and computer science, so i'm professional within two month...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: i guess i've read some of it already, but whateva..

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Claire

Where (generally) are you from?: Ireland

How old are you?: 21

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since before last BEDA

How often do you read it?: I check back every day

How did you find out about it?: Youtube

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Um, no. I'm pretty sure who everyone is by now :)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?: yes. its pretty much a place for me to rant! You can click on the link if you feel like it, but it is highly uninteresting :P

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Because like Tina I am about to graduate but I can live vicariously through your new experiences!

What's something interesting about you? I am film student? I dunno.

What's going on in your life lately?: Stressage with dissertation writing and film-making...heartbreak!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Why not?

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Katie

Where (generally) are you from?: London

How old are you?: 14

How long have you been reading this blog?: One/Two months

How often do you read it?: I check the blogs I follow every few days.

How did you find out about it?: Through youtube.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I'm learning :P

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, except the last... obviously.

Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both one of the five awesome girls, thus making you both awesome

What's something interesting about you?: I have never had a Chipotle Burrito :(

What's going on in your life lately?: GCSEs. Mock exams and coursework etc...

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, fo sure. :D

Jodie said...

What's your name?: Jodie

Where (generally) are you from?: Wales, UK

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year

How often do you read it?:
Whenever you post something new!

How did you find out about it?:
Your youtube videos

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, feel like i know them myself by now! [Haha, not really ]

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
HARRY POTTER FAN TO THE MAX. NERDIGHTER FOR LIFE. And i watch youtube videos a lot but have never made a video of my own

Do you blog too? Where?: Nope, i'm not creative enough sadly and nobody would read it!

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Hahahah. I love you both equally (:

What's something interesting about you?
I do Irish Dancing.. I speak welsh..I'm really not that interesting!

What's going on in your life lately?:
My GCSEs are in a month! Basically decides whether i can do my A-Levels, which decides whether i go to Uni or not.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Hell to the yes.


Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Willow
Where (generally) are you from?: UK
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Umm, I can't remember?
How often do you read it?: 3/4 times a week
How did you find out about it?: I watched a video by mememolly where she referred to kristina's book club on 5AG, so I went and looked at the channel, have become addicted to all your daily videos and now watch your personal channels, and read yours and Kristina's blogs.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: YES!!!1!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Um, I would have to say 'YouTube enthusiast'. I'd like to be a Nerdfighter, but I don't quite get it.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: :P
What's something interesting about you?: I am half completely English and half Argentinian with too many other countries in that (Irish, Armenian, Indian).
What's going on in your life lately?: Easter holidays!!! Yayyyyy
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Lydia
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months, but I'm really not sure exactly, sorry.
How often do you read it?: Whenever you write. I love Google Reader (:
How did you find out about it?: Your Youtube videos.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: To start off with you did, yeah, but I think I have it mostly figured out now.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :)
Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah,
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Haha! Um.. 'cause you're doing BEDA?
What's something interesting about you? I pretty much live for the imaginary stuff.
What's going on in your life lately?: I've gained a couple of close friends which I've never had before. It's pretty awesome, actually.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, that'd be interesting.

Edward said...

What's your name?: Edward.
Where are you from?: Complicated. Born in London, lived in Holland from age of 7, lived in France from age of 14, moved back to England when 17.
How old are you?: I'm now 20. I swear I'm still far too immature to be out of teens.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Gosh, since the first post, I believe.
How often do you read it?: Every time a new post has been, erm, posted. I even read it in a tiny internet cafe while travelling in South East Asia.
How did you find out about it?: Through your shameless self-promotion, of course.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: A bit, because when you type somebody's name or nickname, you're channelling, from your view, their entire being into the sentence, as opposed to the small fragment of what we, as readers, know about them.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: I attempted a praised travel blog while voyaging which I ultimately failed to complete. I intend to finish it. If you were interested, you could find it by clicking my name.
What's something interesting about you? Despite having lived just half my life in England, I'm very English. Besides being able to speak French.
What's going on in your life lately?: University, mostly.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely.

Monica said...

What's your name?: Monica
Where (generally) are you from?: Norway
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.
How often do you read it?: Several times a week.
How did you find out about it?: One of your videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: No
What's something interesting about you? Nothing
What's going on in your life lately?: Teenage angst, procrastionation and isolation
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think so.

Adela said...

What's your name?: Adela

Where (generally) are you from?: Sydney, Australia

How old are you?: 14 today :)

How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months.

How often do you read it?: I check back every few days, but now you're doing BEDA every day!

How did you find out about it?: You occasionally tweeted about it so one day I just decided to start reading it.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, but I've read most of your old blog posts so I know mostly who everyone is.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, Nerdfighter and Youtube enthusiast but I don't make videos.

Do you blog too? Where?: I don't blog, although maybe one day.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're both equally awesome :)

What's something interesting about you? I... am really bad at talking about myself? Well, I love to read and I'm musical; I sing and play the piano. I'm also really interested in history, particularly English history.

What's going on in your life lately?: I'm on school holidays, which is an amazing relief and so I'm basically just doing nothing. Oh and it was my birthday today :)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would seeing as I've only been reading for a few months and often forget who's who.

HeyLukey said...

What's your name?: Luke

Where (generally) are you from?: a small English village in Sussex , UK

How old are you?: 23

How long have you been reading this blog?:i dont remember a time when i didn't read this blog :S

How often do you read it?: i read almost every post

How did you find out about it?: From your youtube :)

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: not at all

Do you blog too? Where?: I have 2 and a very recently set up which i haven't gotten around to starting completely yet

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: i do not wish to take sides

What's something interesting about you? i had a video i worked on displayed in the london science museum :)

What's going on in your life lately?: i have been pursing my career and trying to get my feet on the ladder to work towards being a creative in the british TV and film industry.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: i wouldn't turn a recap away. would it be sort of like the previously in the hayleylujah chorus. like a new series recap with dramatic music and a stern voice over.

Melanie said...

What's your name?: Melanie
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year now
How often do you read it?: daily!
How did you find out about it?: From watching your videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nahh, i try my best to keep up.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan, Nerdfighter and Youtube obsessed :)
Do you blog too? Where?: nope :(
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You are both amazing!
What's something interesting about you? Apparently I look like Ashley Tisdale.
What's going on in your life lately?: I play field hockey so I've just been playing a lot recently.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: absolutely!

Franzi said...

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?:
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
Since last april :)
How often do you read it?:
I try to check it daily.
How did you find out about it?:
I guess from the fiveawesomegirls videos...
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Not anymore, at first I was a bit confused I guess, but just for a little while.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
Harry Potter fan :)
Do you blog too? Where?:
What's something interesting about you?
Erm, no idea, I do horseback-riding, which isn't that interesting.
What's going on in your life lately?:
A lot of studiying for this important oral test at school.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Sure, why not! :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Molly

Where (generally) are you from?: New York

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: BEDA last year

How often do you read it?: I just do not know

How did you find out about it?: You...

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yes very, people have real names for a reason.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: None

Do you blog too? Where?: Oh no, I'm not even sure how I comment on this.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You both are pretty equal except, you have the whole mysterious "G" thing going.

What's something interesting about you? Is it sad that I can't think of anything, yeah probably.

What's going on in your life lately?: It's easter, and I'm waiting for post secrets to come up before church because I obviously have a life

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't really understand the whole thing, but sure.

Alyce said...

1) What's your name?: Alyce (Like in Wonderland, but with a "y".)
2) Where (generally) are you from?: I'm an exchange student in Belgium until June, and since I've been here my parents have moved from Oklahoma to Washington state. It's confusing.
3) How old are you?: 19.
4) How long have you been reading this blog?: I don't know. Uhm. Since this past summer, maybe?
5) How often do you read it?: Whenever I see that it's updated.
6) How did you find out about it?: Your videos.
7) Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yes. Hahah, but it's okay. I do that with my friends, as well.
8) Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: More the first two than the third one. I watch YouTube all the time but I don't make videos.
9) Do you blog too? Where?: I'm more of a Tumblr person. but, my friend and I have a blogspot
10) List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I like you two the same amount.
11) What's something interesting about you?: UHM. Uhm. I am not sure. I don't think I'm very interesting.
12) What's going on in your life lately?: I leave for Italy tomorrow aaah! and I also change host families soon, which I don't really wanna do, but host brother is supermegafoxyawesomehot. That could potentially be a problem.
13) Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: If you want. It's your blog, lovely.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Jen
Where (generally) are you from?: Hawaii
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: On and off from the beginning-ish. But for the past couple months, I've read every word.
How often do you read it?: As often as there is a new entry.
How did you find out about it?: Your videos, I guess.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Naw.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, yes, yes, no.
Do you blog too? Where?: I do. Wordpress! My comments are linked to it, and I only want you to click it when I feel like I've written well.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: :)
What's something interesting about you? I'm on a quest for boldness. (You are an inspiration. Really!)
What's going on in your life lately?: I had 8 margaritas last month, and I've been having dreams about having a baby boy named Jude.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would read it, but I prefer you to blog without (for the most part) pressure from your readers who need answers. It's all here. If they must know, they can find it in the archives. Just do yo thang! (I've never said that irl... and that's the first time I've typed it, too.) (You're welcome ;])

Lauren said...

What's your name?: Lauren
Where (generally) are you from?: Scotland
How old are you?: 20
How long have you been reading this blog?: just found it today from your twitter
How often do you read it?: above
How did you find out about it?: your twitter
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: i adore youtube.
Do you blog too? Where?: kind of, this site and tumblr
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I love you both, equally.
What's something interesting about you? I trip over something every single day, without fail.
What's going on in your life lately?: at uni in edinburgh and work in a bank
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yep sure :)

Hannah said...

What's your name?: Hannah
Where (generally) are you from?: St. Louis
How old are you?: 17 tomorrow
How long have you been reading this blog?: less than a year
How often do you read it?: I check about once every week, and make sure I’ve read everything
How did you find out about it?: YouTube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: A little, but it reminds me on my life
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Kinda, OMFG YES, and yes ma’am.
Do you blog too? Where?: I try, but I never keep it up because I feel like if no one reads it (which they don’t) I could just keep a journal and accomplish the same things.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Well, who likes Mondays, anyway? I mean seriously...
What's something interesting about you?: I’m a boy scout.
What's going on in your life lately?: STRESS! I’m in the pit of the musical at my school, trying to keep up will all my classes while getting ready for AP tests, and staying busy with a packed extracurricular schedule. Ugh.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, I would. Mostly, I just love the way that you write like you’re talking to us.

re.becca said...

What's your name?: Becca

Where (generally) are you from?: Minnesota

How old are you?: 19

How long have you been reading this blog?: A couple of months, maybe longer.

How often do you read it?: Only every once in a while. I drop by when I remember it's here, or I'm bored, or you tweet about it.

How did you find out about it?: Probably Youtube, or Twitter.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I just kind of go with it. If I don't understand what you're talking about, I just keep reading. My world doesn't come to a screeching halt or anything.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :)

Do you blog too? Where?: Secretly, I do. I'm more interested in sharing this...

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I have a serious girl crush on Kristina. Sorry Hayley :P

What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: Er... I'm a sophomore in college, and an elementary ed major. I have two brothers. I will be very surprised if you actually read all of these comments.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes please :)

Meagan said...

What's your name?: Meagan
Where (generally) are you from?: North Carolina
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: BEDA 2009
How often do you read it?: Every time you post!
How did you find out about it?: one of your videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: sometimes. I did not read last summer because i returned to the land of dial up and could not stand to even get on facebook, so I missed a few months of events and was somewhat confused when I got back.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan and nerdfighter.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, but I do not update it often! on blogspot.
What's something interesting about you? I have a crocked middle finger that is strangely flexible. I have a running gag of when ever I am playing basketball with someone new and they are getting to rough, I make it seem like they pushed me down and broke my finger. I can seriously freak people out!
What's going on in your life lately?: junior year of college it hell. I am just warning you.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yess, I would.

Sarah said...

What's your name?: Sarah, hello :)

Where (generally) are you from?: Northern Ireland

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since about July?

How often do you read it?: I visit almost everyday

How did you find out about it?: 5AwesomeGirls I believe.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Used to

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All 3 :)

Do you blog too? Where?: I have a tumblr which I'm on everyday

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: You're both awesome

What's something interesting about you?: Currently have a Doctor Who obsession and it's kind of scaring me

What's going on in your life lately?: GCSE's (exams)

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah sure!

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Abbie
Where (generally) are you from?: The midwest-area.
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Two days! lol.
How often do you read it?: So far, EVERY DAY!
How did you find out about it?: I googled "Marcus Flutie ring inscriptions" because I couldn't remember what he inscribed inside Jessica's ring. Your blog was the first result.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HARRY POTTER x12385279659257
Do you blog too? Where?: Yup.
What's something interesting about you?: I fight crime on my days off of working at our local video rental store checking out porn for creepy old men. (Just kidding. But only about the fighting crime part.)
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring break! And graduation, soon.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah. I'm too lazy to go back and reread all of your old posts. (No offense. I bet they're all super amusing. I'm just...lazy.)

Moo said...

What's your name?: Emma
Where (generally) are you from?: London, England
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since before last April, I'm not quite sure how far back I go... possibly started reading after the first time you mentioned a blog on a video?
How often do you read it?: Every time you post.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Check. Nerdfighter? Check. YouTube enthusiast? Check.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Hmm, I would still read it, however, I do hate those parts in a book series where they repeat half the story so anyone joining later can be caught up...

Kelly said...

What's your name?: Kelly
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: pretty much since you started it
How often do you read it?: I check it every day, except when you're on hiatus
How did you find out about it?: a link on one of your youtube videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three! link to my old youtube account:
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, although I cringe to even try to describe it. It's basically a blog with relationship advice that my friend and I started:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Not because you're a water dwelling mammal from Africa, but because you rap about reality, cause you got flows that glow like phosphorous, and even though sometimes your lyrics are sexist, your lovely bitches know you're trying to correct this.
What's something interesting about you? I get paid to dress up in silly costumes (pirate, elf, clown, etc.) and make balloon animals. Also, I've been performing on the flying trapeze for like, five years. If I weren't so against circuses for obvious reasons, I'd be perfect for one.
What's going on in your life lately?: Trying to savor my last few weeks of high school when I really, really just want it all to be over. It's taking everything in me to muster enough enthusiasm just to go to prom.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not particularly, but I would totally understand if you posted one for new readers. I say go for it, for their sake.

Craig said...

What's your name?: Craig
Where (generally) are you from?: Virginia
How old are you?: 26
How long have you been reading this blog?: Half a year-ish
How often do you read it?: Check it for updates most days
How did you find out about it?: your youtube channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes to all three, but not active in the communities
Do you blog too? Where?: sporadically at
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: haha, nice
What's something interesting about you?: I've been able to recite "The Jabberwocky" from memory since I was 10...and do so to annoy people on occasion.
What's going on in your life lately?: work-ups; looking for a temporary tenant
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: whatever floats your boat; your blog, your content

Darcy said...

What's your name?: Monserrat
Where (generally) are you from?: Monterrey, México
How long have you been reading this blog?: Six months
How often do you read it?: Every day I check for updates
How did you find out about it?: your youtube channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occassionally
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, Nerdfighter and Youtube enthusiast
Do you blog too? Where?: No
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I like you both
What's something interesting about you? Im 17 and this is my second semester in college
What's going on in your life lately?: Easter Holidays =)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah

Karen said...

What's your name?: Karen
Where (generally) are you from?: Toronto, Canada.
How old are you?: 17, but 18 in two weeks!
How long have you been reading this blog?: I think that I've been reading since last April, but I can never really remember these things. A while.
How often do you read it?: Whenever a new post shows up in my subscription box RSS thing (sometimes I don't understand the internet. I am amazed that I managed to get myself subscribed).
How did you find out about it?: Probably through a link on a hayleyghoover video.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope. :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a blogspot... but I haven't updated in several months and I've only ever posted like, five times.
What's something interesting about you? I directed a play for the first time this year, after having been a stage manager for the previous two years.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm so anxious for high school to be over. I've chosen my university (an amazing little liberal arts school on the East coast that no American ever would have heard of) and I'm planning my summer, but I still have to get through 13 glorious IB exams.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Naomi said...

What's your name?: Naomi
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 13
How long have you been reading this blog?: About 10 months, I think.
How often do you read it?: Once a week.
How did you find out about it?: Your YT channel.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter and YouTube enthusiast, but not much of a Harry Potter fan.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. www.soulbutnotsoldier.wordpress.comIt's a very self-obsessed blog. xDD
What's something interesting about you? : Er, I'm about the only 8th grader who likes waking up early?
What's going on in your life lately?: Not much, sadly.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes!

roflcoptyler said...

Yeah.. I just wanted to say since i forgot to add it in to my first comment: I am a big fan of Kristina, too. I have as much love for her as I do for you.

Maria said...

What's your name?: Maria
Where (generally) are you from?: (Vienna,) Austria.
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Only a few weeks, but I have been watching your videos for about a year and a half, I think.
How often do you read it?: I subscribed via RSS Feed, so: I read it everytime I see a new post of yours.
How did you find out about it?: From Kristina's blog. (Sorry!)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: A bit. I "know" PJ, so far.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I love watching videos and vlogs on Youtube (the first vlog I regularly watched and still watch was/is 5AG. I like Harry Potter, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. I read book 1 to 4 and have seen all the movies (after reading the books). And a nerdfighter... I just started watching the vlogbrothers, so: No. But I'm in the Nermie Army! I love VLR, Alex and Jimmy. And Charlie, of course.
Do you blog too? Where?: I don't blog, but I have a website to share the photos I take with my friends and family.
What's something interesting about you?: I was traumatized by the first HP movie. I saw half of it when I was seven or eight and was extremely scared and couldn't get myself to read the books until I was about 12.
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing much. I got a new carpet for my room! It's green and really awesome!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, of course I would! Maybe you could briefly introduce the friends you regularly mention, as well?

Ben said...

What's your name?: Ben

Where (generally) are you from?: Cambridge (UK)

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since it started (I don't think I've ever commented though because I never know what to say)

How often do you read it?: I check it daily, and whenever there's another blog I'll read it.

How did you find out about it?: Possibly your Twitter, I don't remember.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan, Nerdfighter and YouTube enthusiast

Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: N/A

What's something interesting about you? I spend a lot of my time in my head thinking about all the things I want to be doing instead.

What's going on in your life lately?: I've been in school constantly discovering how unlike my friends I am xD

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm not really interested but I think it's probably a good idea for all the new people. I'd still read it though, I'm a bit of a hayleyghoover fanboy xD

lostsocks said...

What's your name?: Angel

Where (generally) are you from?: Texas

How old are you?:17 but I'll be 18 next month!

How long have you been reading this blog?: Sense last April

How often do you read it?:Daily.

How did you find out about it?: Youtube, videos from last year

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All 3

Do you blog too? Where?:Not at the moment

What's something interesting about you? I love spy stuff, and 70's television. Like Charlie's Angels, hah

What's going on in your life lately?:I'm graduating high school very soon (two months-ish) and my school likes to conveniently tell me I did things that I didn't really do that could make me not graduate. So I've been on damage control for awhile.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Whimsy said...

What's your name?: Whimsy

Where (generally) are you from?: Connecticut

How old are you?: newly 18

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since...february?

How often do you read it?: As often as you update.

How did you find out about it?: Youtube.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, no.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
Yes, yes and yes. :)

Do you blog too? Where?: I also have my own blogspot blog.


What's something interesting about you? I've never been to school a day in my life, and don't do "school at home".

What's going on in your life lately?: Rehearsing for a play, having a birthday, meeting new friends...

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: That would be lover-ly.

weelegs said...

What's your name?: Steven

Where (generally) are you from?:
How old are you?: the UK

How long have you been reading this blog?: about 6 months and 4 days

How often do you read it?: everytime i see an update when im about to blog myself :D

How did you find out about it?: not sure, through a youtube link or sumthing

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: don't think so, don't really understand the question lol

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: youtoob enthusiast

Do you blog too? Where?: yes i do and in small doses at

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: hotter, smarter, funnier.... i sorta ignored the *

What's something interesting about you? i have over dosed on energy drinks hence writing this at a ridiculous hour of the day, and i wish to start a campaign to stop justin bieber being a trending topic on twitter...

What's going on in your life lately?: my tv is just about to go on... but other than that, work, play, sleep and pay

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yea sure, although i doubt you'll actually read all these replys (there's quite a few) but maybe i underestimate you....

Marie said...

What's your name?: Marie
Where (generally) are you from?: Vermont, lived in PA most of my life though...I think I'll just go with House of Awesome.
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since about a year ago
How often do you read it?: Every day, pretty much...Um. I /do/ have a life...(not really)
How did you find out about it?: You? Not exactly sure through what (video, etc).
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL. THREE.
Do you blog too? Where?: I blog occasionally on blogspot, but Twitter is pretty much my entire life in 140 characters.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Both of you are awesome and I couldn't possibly say anything bad about either one of you, joking or not =P
What's something interesting about you? Interesting? What is this word, 'interesting'? Oh. Um...I'm the only person I know who watches the Harry Potter movies in Spanish just because I can. And the only person who owns SS in Spanish and intends to read it.
What's going on in your life lately?: Besides everything falling apart (having to find a place to live in less than a month, not having enough money for, well...anything, etc.) I'm going on a band trip to Philly, Washington D.C. and NYC in a few weeks. I'm excited even though I've been to all three places multiple times, because this time I'll be with friends =)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think for the benefit of others it's a good idea. I wouldn't really need it, but I'm definitely not opposed to it.

I highly doubt you'll get to this through your 200 other responses, but if you do, I thank you for wasting a couple minutes of your life to read it.

sheepishlyliz said...

name: Liz
where from: Sydney, Australia
age: 15
reading for: 2-3 months
how often: check for new entries everyday
how I found out: started watching fiveawesomegirls then your channel, found your blog as a link from kristina's blog!
confused?: not really... sometimes...
YouTube enthusiast/nerdfighter/Harry potter fan: yes sorta, not really, yes yes yes!
blog?: yes!
something interesting: I nearly got a book published when I was 14, I. play multiple instruments
recent events: started a project called twenty-six stories where I read 26 books in six months starting may 1st (see my blog for more on that)
recap/FAQ post?: yes please! I've been reading back entries but it gets a teeny bit confusing sometimes!

I love your blog Hayley, you're such an inspiration! keep it up!

DarkVioletAngel said...

What's your name?: Megghan (yes TWO g's, odd parents.)
Where (generally) are you from?:Canada or New Jersey, whichever way you wanna look at it.
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?:Since the Beginning almost.
How often do you read it?: Like every day.
How did you find out about it?: Your youtube channel and videos adn such.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Noat at all really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan, Nerdfighter and Book enthusiast.
Do you blog too? Where?: I used to not so much anymore.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I think you're both made of awesome.
What's something interesting about you? I once successfully memorized the lines to half of Shakepeares plays.
What's going on in your life lately?: Highschool Sucks. Friends are Awesome.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't see why not.

KateyMatey said...

What's your name?: Katie.
Where (generally) are you from?: Wales, UK.
How old are you?: 17, nearly 18.
How long have you been reading this blog?: I was here for it's first pixelated words.
How often do you read it?: Whenever you update. (Google Reader saves lives).
How did you find out about it?: Youtube, I think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Ha, no. I love the friends with nicknames.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast?: All the things stated above stole my life.
Do you blog too? Where?: Unfortunately not.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: Ha!
What's something interesting about you? Err I can make my tongue vibrate. Seriously. Oh and I'm starting CEDA; Comment Every Day April. Expect to see my name more :)
What's going on in your life lately?: College, work, college work and friends.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: It would be very nostalgic, I approve.

Bel G. said...

What's your name?: Bel (Isabelle, actually)
Where (generally) are you from?: Brazil
How old are you?: 19 (going on 20)
How long have you been reading this blog?: almost a year now
How often do you read it?: weekly
How did you find out about it?: through your YouTube channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really...
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: silent Harry Potter fan, sort of a nerdfighter because of the SAG, YouTube enthusiast
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. I keep it a secret, because I'm a little ashamed of exposing myself, unlike you (although I greatly enjoy it, and wish I could be the same).
What's something interesting about you? I am passionate about musical theatre, Elton John and speak Hebrew.
What's going on in your life lately?: I go to Law School, write for my college's magazine, participate on the Student Council, and am living it to the fullest (which is why I'm so behind on your blog)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Hm. Not really.


RainbirdGirl said...

What's your name?: Megan.
Where (generally) are you from?: England - north of!
How old are you?: Only a lickle baby blogger - 14.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Quite a while... six months? Something like that?
How often do you read it?: Whenever there's a new post!
How did you find out about it?: Subscribed to Kristina, then Fiveawesomegirls, then HGH, then saw the blog!
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, I think I have most of them worked out. Not all.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Here! :)
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I love you both, so chill you beans! <3
What's something interesting about you?: Uhm... I think you and I are quite possibly exactly the same person. Food, Harry Potter, YouTube, Nerdfighteria, writing. Seriously xD
What's going on in your life lately?: Too many easter eggs? Nah, thats boring... re-reading Harry Potter for the 11th time? Just started on the 100 books to read before you die in the hope of finishing it before I finish school?
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, cos I think there are still some acient-old in-jokes I havent got yet.

Ardnaxela said...

I made an account just for this. 
What's your name?: Alexandra.
Where (generally) are you from?: Australia.
How old are you?: 16.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Hmm, a year maybe?
How often do you read it?: I check almost every day for an update.
How did you find out about it?: From your youtube account, I think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: 1 and 2 fo sho. I guess a little but of 3 but mostly just watching vids, not making them.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: She may be pretty but you are hella smoother. Kidding, I check her blog just as much as I check yours. :)
What's something interesting about you? I'm left-handed. That's pretty cool, right?
What's going on in your life lately?: SCHOOL. Ahh, grade 12 is busy!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Erm, I'm not too fazed either way. FAQ's are always fun though.

Wow, I finally made an account! So many times I almost commented but I’m just that lazy that I couldn’t be bothered signing up. I read this blog a lot and I really enjoy it. Just thought I’d say thanks for sharing your world with us Hayley. :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Ben
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: 6 months
How often do you read it?: once a week
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All
Do you blog too? Where?: No
What's something interesting about you? I write poetry
What's going on in your life lately?: College
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

TheBlaireWitch said...

What's your name?: Blaire, Blaire with an "e"
Where (generally) are you from?: Ontario! It seems you have quite a following here :)
How old are you?: I am 15, in grade 10.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Last April, I think. I don't comment very much.
How often do you read it?: I check everyday
How did you find out about it?: I have a feeling I google searched for it.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, not at all.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: No, I tried blogging but it felt a little weird, so I just have my private livejournal.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I think you both are super duper!
What's something interesting about you?: I am, as you are, completely in love with Jason Mraz. Srsly. He's like a drug.
What's going on in your life lately?: I was accepted into a CIT (Counsellor in Training) Program at my camp, so I'm waiting for further notice on that. I don't want to go into a full rant thing, but I think how I feel about my high school/the people in it is very similar to how you felt about yours. So, yeah.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, that would be awesome.

mollygrace said...

What's your name?:
Molly :)

Where (generally) are you from?:

How old are you?:
I'm 16

How long have you been reading this blog?:
a long time. since i started watching your videos which must have been... over a year ago now?

How often do you read it?:
I check to see if you've updated everytime I'm online :)

How did you find\ out about it?:
twitter? not sure

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
I've followed so far

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
HP: YES, YES, YES. How could I not be? NF: YES, YT: not so much anymore but from time to time I dabble...

Do you blog too? Where?:
Nobody read it, I stopped. I have a tumblr though.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
you're both awesome, I check hers daily too ;)

What's something interesting about you?
Interesting? My life consists of harry potter and mean girl references, thinking up new things to do with my friends and trying to avoid revising. Not exactly fascinating. umm I'm decended from William the Conquerer's cup bearer which is also... uninteresting.
If I could spend time with anyone in the world it would be Stephen Fry. Which probably means nothing to you haha :)

What's going on in your life lately?:
Today: eating chocolate, lying in bed and playing pokemon... haha how embarassing. Its been a pretty mad weekend, because its the start of our Easter holiday and we have exams when we get back so we're all trying to destress.
Summer: I'm going to a school in Tanzania to do some volunteer work and I'm so excited!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not personally.

I love reading this blog. It's amusing and I can relate to quite a lot of it. So thankyou so much :)
I read this religiously, but only comment when I have something relevant to say :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Rachel
Where (generally) are you from?: Stratford on Avon. Shakespeare town basically :)
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since just over a year ago?
How often do you read it?: Whenever there's a new entry I guess.
How did you find out about it?: Probably via your videos?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, I manage to follow quite well. Or I just don't care if I can't remember who someone is ha.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Try all three :)
Do you blog too? Where?: I used to but then I fell out with the one irl friend who had access to my blog. And I'm talking severe dramatic we-haven't-spoken-in-8-months kind of drama. So I had to delete it :(
What's something interesting about you?: I go to an all girl's grammar school (fur smart peeplz) and I am attempting to be a punk I guess. The two things don't mix.
What's going on in your life lately?: Kinda got dumped although we were only "seeing" each other and I'm avoiding studying for the most important exams of my life.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not really, I've pretty much read them all.

Also wow if you're ACTUALLY going to read all these comments. You have my respect.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Clémentine
Where (generally) are you from?: France
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: since BEDA -last year.
How often do you read it?: ...I check everyday !
How did you find out about it?: probably from a youtube video
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: I keep a secret blog with my best friend... but you already know too much !
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: haha you're both awesome (but still, you do make more FOTC references on your twitter)
What's something interesting about you? I want to be a movie director when I grow up.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm on the phone with my grand-parents right now. That's pretty interesting.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: why not ?
I've never ever commented on any of your blogposts, but I think you're an amazing writer ! <3

agioacchini said...

What's your name?: Amanda
Where (generally) are you from?: Massachusetts
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Around a year.
How often do you read it?: When ever you have a new post.
How did you find out about it?: You linked it on youtube.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You are both equally awesome.
What's something interesting about you?: I am a Future Farmer of America.
What's going on in your life lately?: Working on my internship that is required by my college major. Making money and waiting for the rest of my friends to come home from school so I can start enjoying my summer break.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I am interested in all of your blogs. No matter the content, they're always well-written, interesting, and witty.

Sera said...

What's your name?: Sera
Where (generally) are you from?: CT
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months
How often do you read it?: When there's a new post
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Naww
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: No, maybe at some point in the future.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: Well... just kidding, I read the footnotes.
What's something interesting about you? My friend and I have a sort of fake-competition where we write Wrock music. It's chill.
What's going on in your life lately?: Second half of senior year, aka nothing.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Aysha said...

*not sure you'll read this with over 200 comments :s*
Name: Aysha

from: Saudi Arabia-Riyadh

been reading this blog: since...ever?

how often: i check every couple of days :p

how did u find about it: 5AG !

-ALL of the above
Nope i dont blog ;/
yes i would be interested in a recap :D

Anonymous said...

What's your name?:Saman. Tis like Samantha, without the tha.
Where (generally) are you from?:Washington D.C and the suburbs thereabouts.
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: Forever
How often do you read it?:I check daily.
How did you find out about it?:I think you mentioned in a video when you first made it.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: No.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: My friends and I do not pick favorites among the 5AG :P
What's something interesting about you? I just got a harmonica. Then I learned to play Bad Romance on it. I feel I have exhausted the possibilities of said harmonica; there is nothing more to learn.
What's going on in your life lately?:I HATE CALCULUS TESTSSSSSS.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:If there was witty banter, yes.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Stephanie
Where (generally) are you from?: Connecticut
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year
How often do you read it?: Every post! haha
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: sometimes
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
What's something interesting about you? I go to art school and am studying illustration
What's going on in your life lately?: college, trying to find a summer job
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes

Jennifer said...

What's your name?: Jennifer

Where (generally) are you from?: Oklahoma City, OK

How long have you been reading this blog?: I can't remember. You have always entertained me, and I try to always check up on your antics often

How often do you read it?: I used to check daily. Then I discovered google reader. so...Only when you post!

How did you find out about it?: Twitter, I think.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. I'm used to people talking about their friends as if I already know them.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All things-ish combined

Do you blog too? Where?: I do once in awhile. I'm working on a travel blog for my first trip to Europe next month.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You girls are both great in your own ways! You're both funny, smart, and genuine!

What's something interesting about you? I used to make youtube videos a long time ago. I'm not sure if you remember my "retail woes" video, but I was so happy when you favorited it! lol

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: That would be great!

JuliAnn said...

What's your name?:JuliAnn
Where (generally) are you from?: Orange County, New York
How old are you?:20... though I'll be 21 fairly soon
How long have you been reading this blog?:Hmmmm... since sometime late last year
How often do you read it?: I check once or twice a week and read whatever I haven't read yet (but now everyday lol)
How did you find out about it?:From your 5AG videos
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Sometimes... but most of the time no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: YES TO ALL THREE =D
Do you blog too? Where?: No I don't...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you?I have a twin brother... I just spilt a little bit of coffee on my laptop and now it is sticky....uck...I met my best friend because of harry potter =]
What's going on in your life lately?:I've been taking care of my grandfather and grandmother while my grandmothers foot heals from it being broken... and my grandfather needs help with everything because he is legally blind now... but other than that depressing stuff I'm going back to school on tuesday (I was sick and had to drop all my classes last spring)...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Yeah... why not =]

two0ten said...

What's your name?: Alex
Where (generally) are you from?: Virginia
How old are you?: 17 (18 in 2 weeks!)
How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months
How often do you read it?: I follow it on Google Reader, so every time you update it
How did you find out about it?: 5 Awesome Gays led me to the 5 Awesome Girls which led me to your youtube page which led me to your blog
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, I think it's funny
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: The latter two.
Do you blog too? Where?: On a private LiveJournal
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: :)
What's something interesting about you? I can name every Oscar Best Picture winner chronologically
What's going on in your life lately?: Getting into college, yo!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Whatever you write, I'll read

Marissa said...

What's your name?: Marissa
Where (generally) are you from?: BC, Canada
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: For a couple years
How often do you read it?: Every time you post
How did you find out about it?: Through Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, but I deal with it
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. At
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I love you and Kristina equally, so I'm not going to answer this.
What's something interesting about you? When I was in the first grade, I never got any homework, so I came home crying every day. I ended up skipping the second grade. Nerdfighter :)
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm going away for two weeks to visit my friends
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES

studyingmagicbynight said...

What's your name?: Lisa :)
Where (generally) are you from?: Texas
How old are you?: 19, next month.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Not too long, but I've been following you on FiveAwesomeGirls for the past month, I watched all of the videos from start to finish. It felt like a tv show, you know the one's you have to watch in marathon lol
How often do you read it?: I've been checking daily since I figured out how to bookmark blogs on iGoogle lol
How did you find out about it?: FiveAwesomeGirls.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I haven't really noticed that yet. The only one I know is TOL lol
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above ;)
Do you blog too? Where?: I do but it's private for now until I actually post things that aren't surveys >.<
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I love you all equally, joke or no joke :) <3
What's something interesting about you? I'm 4'8" and I have no dwarfism in my family... We're just short.
What's going on in your life lately?: I've started a collab YouTube channel with my two best friends who I've grown apart from so that we can reconnect, thank you FiveAwesomeGirls for the inspiration ;D <3
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I think that whatever you want to do the readers will have to deal with since it is YOUR blog ;D I certainly wouldn't complain if you posted one.

Rachel said...

What's your name?: Rachel
Where (generally) are you from?: Halifax, Canada
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: A couple months, ish.
How often do you read it?: As often as it is updated.
How did you find out about it?: teh YouTubez, yo.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, I can figure it out.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE.
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You're both pretty neato.
What's something interesting about you?: I can fold my tongue in half.
What's going on in your life lately?: Oh, you know, university stuff, great weather, lots of reading, and hangin' with friends. (My life is great.)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I certainly wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

Taylor said...

What's your name?: Taylor
Where (generally) are you from?:We live in Florida
How old are you?:21
How long have you been reading this blog?: ummm, about a year?
How often do you read it?: I read it a couple of times a week if I remember or if I don't every sunday.
How did you find out about it?: 5AG videos last year
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three! haha
Do you blog too? Where?:yes, on here. My main one isn't too exciting, but I'm starting a second one that will hopefully be alot more fun to read :P
What's something interesting about you? Well I've been married for a year and a half to the wonderful man I met when I was 13! He is in the USAF and we are stationed in Florida.
What's going on in your life lately?: boring things, haha. Working, doing domestic-goodness, and trying to have a baby.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes

Mollusk said...

What's your name?: Molly
Where (generally) are you from?: PA
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: two months or so
How often do you read it?: every few days
How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls and your personal channel
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: sometimes
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan and Nerdfighter, don't make videos but love watching YouTube
Do you blog too? Where?: I've gotten out of the habit, might trying to get back in
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: all your pretty nail polish :)
What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm working two jobs now, and transferring colleges
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes please :)

Alana Wilkinson said...

What's your name?: Alana!

Where (generally) are you from?: Scotland.

How old are you?: Eighteen in two months!

How long have you been reading this blog?:
Since last april. :)

How often do you read it?: I check about once a week.

How did you find out about it?: Watching your youtube videos.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I love youtube but i dont have the confidence to post videos. I love Harry Potter with an extreme passion, and if ever you want to be in a trivia contest, I'm your lady!

Do you blog too? Where?: I do! Only recently started though, mine is: which is a place that i keep record of how my fundraising is going.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: I'm posting this comment after seeing the twitter messages so i know this is a touch topic so i'll move right along...

What's something interesting about you? In september of this year I'm going to China to teach English to underprivileged children.

What's going on in your life lately?: So much! Here in the UK our exams start in a month which I'm studying for like crazy, and though I'm embarrassed to admit it i still work in fan-fiction when i have the time, but mostly I'm fundraising for my trip to China. (:

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, yes i would Hayley! Thanks for asking!

P.s. I think that you posting these surveys is a very good idea, I like that you're making an effort to get to know your readers.

Deanna said...

What's your name?:Deanna

Where (generally) are you from?: New Hampshire

How old are you?:23

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since Either February of April of last year, maybe earlier

How often do you read it?:I have your feed in my google reader, which I check everyday. So every day?

How did you find out about it?: Either a fiveawesomegirlsvideo or a tweet I think

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No I do the same thing :)

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: YES except none of the above, for that doesn't make sense

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes,

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:You're both Equally awesome

What's something interesting about you?: I accidently dyed my hair purple yesterday :/ I also carry around a copy of John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany and taked picture of it. Like the Roaming Gnome, only a paper back novel

What's going on in your life lately?:I bought a Gryffindor Winter hat so I could go outside with my purple hair...

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Yes. I LOVE FAQ blog posts. Because I have these questions, but I don't ask them, then I get confused... I should raise my hand more in blog reading.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Laura

Where (generally) are you from?: Frederick, MD

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: Last April

How often do you read it?: Every time one pops up on my Google Reader.

How did you find out about it?: I can't remember. I think from your videos.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, they're fairly simple to remember.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah, on Wordpress

What's something interesting about you?: My favorite condiment is guacamole.

What's going on in your life lately?: Getting ready for the last term of my junior year, last summer as a high schooler, trying to figure out how to get out of here, etc.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah. You would make it funny.

Ida said...

What's your name?: Ida.

Where (generally) are you from?: Sweden.

How old are you?: 19.

How long have you been reading this blog?: For about a year.

How often do you read it?: As often as you post.

How did you find out about it?: From you.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. Are you just bragging you have a lot of friends?

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: I do, on Tumblr. It's in Swedish and not of much interest.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: 30 Rock, annoyances, gangsta.

What's something interesting about you?
Now you're making me feel bad, I can't think of anything. Let's see...
When I was little I though Batman was called Bertman. If you were Swedish you'd understand, it's a common misconception. And not something about me but I felt it needed to be added. The Swedish translation of "the end" is "slut". True story. And kiss is Swedish for pee. You should really come visit.

What's going on in your life lately?: Not much right now, but I'll begin studying science in engineering focused on the environment in the fall. Very excited about that. A year off wasn't as fun as I first thought.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Of course.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Christina
Where (generally) are you from?: Germany (doing a semester abroad in Ireland right now)
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: I think for half a year
How often do you read it?: whenever there's a new blog post...
How did you find out about it?: Youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Yes, Yes, Yes (just watching videos, though)
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope not really
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: I gotta say that I think Kristina is cooler, because we share the same first name (just kidding ;) )

What's going on in your life lately?: A lot of new impressions, dealing with homesickness every once in a while, and falling in love with Ireland... oh yeah, and exams coming up and up until now I couldn't be bothered to even start studying...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yeah definately

Devin said...

What's your name?: Devin
Where (generally) are you from?: Ohio. (Cincy)
How old are you?: 15.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last april, I think!
How often do you read it?: few times a week
How did you find out about it?: youtube, i guess?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I think I've got it down. (:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: nerdighter!! And I don't have a post videos but i looove youtube
Do you blog too? Where?: No
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: (:
What's something interesting about you?: I'm allergic to kiwi. Also, I used to have a dog who was a GIRL, but her name was Marcus.
What's going on in your life lately?: spring break ends tomorrow. ):
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Ehh. It'd be alright.

Alison said...

What's your name?: Alison

Where (generally) are you from?: Seattle area.

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.

How often do you read it?: I tend to check it everyday. Or more... sometimes, if you haven't posted, I'll go back and read all the old ones. I promise it's not with creepy intent. You're an extremely engaging writer.

How did you find out about it?: hayleyghoover!

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not in the least. I make an effort to keep up with the life of this person I don't even know.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: Indeed! Right here on Blogspot.

What's something interesting about you?: I lived in Hong Kong for two years (but that's not the interesting part). While I was living there, I saw Yoko Ono walking up an escalator.

What's going on in your life lately?: Many hectic things.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I would love it.

Amy said...

What's your name?: Amy
Where (generally) are you from?: Michigan (the state of bipolar weather -_-)
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: I have no idea! :o
How often do you read it?: Whenever there's a new entry! And I've gone back to read stuff from before I started reading it. :)
How did you find out about it?: YouTube. :D (5AG and your personal channel)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. I just keep reading until I figure it out. ;)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above. :D
Do you blog too? Where?: I want to start one! But I've never even been able to keep up a diary, so we'll see if this works out...
What's something interesting about you? Hrrmm... Well, I love to sing and dance? And according to my best friend, I look like a fish (though I'm not sure how that's relevant!).
What's going on in your life lately?: Well, my school is doing "Fame" for our musical, so that has taken over my life. I love musicals. :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! But don't feel obligated to!

Em said...

What's your name?: Em
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?:16
How long have you been reading this blog?: About 6 months
How often do you read it?: When I remember to :L
How did you find out about it?: from Kristina Horner's blog :D
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three :)
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope.
What's something interesting about you? nothing is interesting about me...
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing...
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:YES :D

Hope that's ok for you Hayley... Love the blog, never stop writing! :D

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Catherine
Where (generally) are you from?: PA
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: June? May?
How often do you read it?: Very often
How did you find out about it?: Kristina?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not anymore
Harry Potter fan? Sorta
Nerdfighter? yes.
YouTube enthusiast? i quit the addiction.
Do you blog too? Where?: privately
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: tehe
What's something interesting about you? i has 9 toes. no joke.
What's going on in your life lately?: graduating early weeeeee
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: suresies

Bree said...

What's your name?: Bree

Where (generally) are you from?: Philadelphia

How old are you?: 18 in about a week.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since October.

How often do you read it?: I check it everyday because it comes up on my Google Reader with my other subscriptions. Oh, the conveniences brought to us by Google!

How did you find out about it?: From your channel on YouTube.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above. I'm pretty sure those three things kind of dominate my life.

Do you blog too? Where?: I did for a while, but I took it down. I mean, I saved the posts for myself, but I didn't think anyone was actually reading it. It was a documentation of my Study Abroad program.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You're blunt, but in like a good way. I like you guys equally, though.

What's something interesting about you? I'm working on becoming a writer.

What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing! No, I mean like there is actually nothing going on in my life. Except the last vestiges of senior year. Ugh.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Maybe a timeline more than recap, only because I've sort of picked things up as I went along.

Alexis said...

What's your name?: Alexis (male)
Where (generally) are you from?: France
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: the past week
How often do you read it?: check daily with my blogger dashboard
How did you find out about it?: I've been following you on YT for over a year, decided to cross over the blog side of things.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: I've got the fiveawseome girls down, as well as well-known Nerdfighters.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan, check; Nerdfighter, somewhat check (I don't participate as much as just observe Nerdfighteria); YT, again, avid observed, haven't found the time and courage to make my own videos
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You're doing BEDA? :P
What's something interesting about you? I'm a self proclaimed writer (so that makes me just about the same as half the population my age...)
What's going on in your life lately?: I've recently been accepted at Bishop's university in Canada, and I'm moving there next fall
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Anal as i am, yes a recap would be good, because otherwise, I'll probably decide to read every single entry available in your blog just so I know I haven't missed anything (I found out about the 5AG in Jan. 2009 and spent most of the subsequent month watching every single video you guys ever made, as an example).

Dani said...

Name: Dani
From: Canada
How long have you been reading this blog? about a month.
How often do you read it? I have it in my google reader and read every new post.
How did you find out about it? I watch fiveawesomegirls and hayleyghoover on youtube.
Confused about my friends' names? sometimes.
HP fan? Nerdfighter? Youtube enthusiast? Yes, all of the above.
do you blog, too? Nope.
Something interesting about you? I wrote my first draft of my first novel in November (for NaNoWriMo.)
What's happening in your life lately? SCHOOL. mostly school (at my school the semesters go from Sept-Dec and Jan-Apr. so I'm coming up on the last 2 weeks of classes and then exams..and you can imagine how that is.)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ post? yes.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Renee

Where (generally) are you from?: North Carolina.

How long have you been reading this blog?: a couple of months i guess

How often do you read it?: now thats its veda, every day!

How did you find out about it?: from your youtube channel

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: i guess a little, but im starting to catch on

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above!!

Do you blog too? Where?: nope

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: hahaha you're both awesome!

What's something interesting about you? i've never traveled far enough to leave my time zone but i really really really want to!

What's going on in your life lately?: school. SO ready for summer!!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yea that would be awesome :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Lindsey
Where (generally) are you from?: Washington
How old are you?: Young enough to classify you as old.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Too long.
How often do you read it?: Whenever there is a new post.
How did you find out about it?: fiveawesomegirls
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. Harry Potter the most, probably.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, blogspot. Just anonymously.
What's something interesting about you?: I have collected everything from movie tickets, buttons, theater tickets, pins, notes, key chains, tardy notes, receipts, ribbon, movie rental slips, my ex-boyfriend’s Warhead’s wrapper, and other miscellaneous things all in the box that is almost full. And I remember what each of them mean to me.
What's going on in your life lately?: I’ve been sitting outside reading (just finished Lucas by Kevin Brooks, continuing to read Water for Elephants) in an old truck waiting for my neighbor to come out so I can get the guts to talk to him. In a non-creepy way…?
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, and maybe even a short description of who your friends are?

Kelly said...

What's your name?: Kelly
Where (generally) are you from?: Western Pennsylvania
How old are you?: 21
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since June/July of 2009.
How often do you read it?: I check in about once a week (more during BEDA).
How did you find out about it?: Through the vlogbrothers I found 5AG, which brought me to Hayleyghoover which brought me here.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really. Sometimes I mix up some of the girls on your floor.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope, I've never been a blogger.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: :)
What's something interesting about you? No offense, but I hate this question. I don't ever know what to say to that. So I'm just gonna ignore it.
What's going on in your life lately?: Just the never-ending adventure of my so exciting life.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I don't know that it's totally urgent that you write one, but I would certainly read and enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Katlyn

Where (generally) are you from?: I'm from the South East. In a town that can only be described as "Where Souls go to die."

How old are you?: I'm 17.

How long have you been reading this blog?: I'd say a Little over a year. I've been watching your videos for longer though.(:

How often do you read it?: I check it everyday.

How did you find out about it?: Your videos.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.? No.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Try All of the Above. and Add Theatre Geek.

Do you blog too? Where?: I tried. but it was a failed experiment...

What's something interesting about you? I have kissed a man who is literally old enough to be my father On Stage... (Just reread that and it makes me sound like a slut.... It was in the Show 'All Shook Up'.)

What's going on in your life lately?: I got into a Broadway Based Camp in New York City this Summer. It's run by Michael Rafter who is a Tony Award winning music director. And He did the Music for the movie 'Music and Lyrics'!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! You blog it. I read it. It's the only way I can remain sane until you finally publish a book for me to read!(:

Susie said...

What's your name?: Susie
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since like BEDA 09
How often do you read it?: Generally, once a week, but since it's beda again, every day
How did you find out about it?: Five Awesome Girls
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I do like Harrpy Potter
Do you blog too? Where?: I blog on Tumblr:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you? I'm not really interesting haha
What's going on in your life lately?: NOTHING. i literally have the most boring life ever. Nothing evereverever happens to me.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Samantha Taylor said...

What's your name?: Samantha
Where (generally) are you from?:Maine
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: um...6 months? ish.
How often do you read it?: I check the blogs I follow daily!
How did you find out about it?: probably a link somewhere on youtube.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: yes I do! =)
What's something interesting about you? hmm. I've been to 43 states. Is that interesting? I don't think I can judge.
What's going on in your life lately?: my life lately: college, reading everything I can get my hands on, the fact that all the episodes of 24 are now on Netflix instant watch, church, spending stupid amounts of time on the internet, and friends.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure! I love everything you do!

Anila said...

What's your name?: Anila! It should say as much at the top of the comment.

Where (generally) are you from?:
Northern Virginia :) We like to separate ourselves from what Sarah Palin called "The Real Virginia" during the campaign two years ago.

How old are you?: 19.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Liiiike, a year, maybe more?

How often do you read it?: Whenever it's posted! I'm subscribed via that RSS thingy.

How did you find out about it?: You probably tweeted about it at some point.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: hahaha, no.
But that would be awesome.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE! HOOHAH.

Do you blog too? Where?: I don't know if tumblr counts, but I'm at More often, I tweet at

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Sorry, but you're not :)

What's something interesting about you? I really like 80s power ballads and Totinos Pizza Rolls.

What's going on in your life lately?: OOF SCHOOL IS TAKING OVER MY LIFE. Really. I'm a fourth semester college student, and I'm taking 6 classes, and each one demands all of my attention and I basically have no friends anymore because all I do is study.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Rachel said...

What is your name?: Rachel
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida
How long have you been reading this blog?: A little over a year
How often do you read it?: I check in every day. hahah
How did you find out about it?: Your videos last year
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, not really
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. ( :
Do you blog too? Where?: I blog here on Blogspot and Tumblr
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: No offense, but you guys are pretty equal in coolness level. To me, anyway
What's something interesting about you?: I love windows and have a ridiculously descriptive imagination.
What's going on in your life lately?: High school orientation is coming up, friend drama, Spring Break-ing it up. Stuff like that.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure. That'd be cool.

Cocoa Mango said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat Taylor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kai said...

What's your name?: Kylie
Where (generally) are you from?: New England!
How old are you?: 15 on May 18th!
How long have you been reading this blog?: For about 6 months?
How often do you read it?: I check my blogger feed pretty much daily, so whenever you have a new post.
How did you find out about it?: I first found out about the Fiesta Movement, which led me to Kristina, which led me to 5AG, which then led me to your personal channel, and then here! haha.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, I've read the majority of your blog before I started reading the recent things!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? Yes, yes, and yes! Haha. I tried to make videos once, but I only have an iSight camera and the quality was REALLY bad.
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a blog also on blogger! no one really reads it though, haaha.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: WELL . . . you're . . . just kiddinggg. I love reading/watching you both!
What's something interesting about you? I watched every video on the vlogbrothers channel that had been published in January of this year!
What's going on in your life lately?: Spring Break is ending, and I'm in a play, which takes up a lot of my time!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

TheGingerHermione said...

What's your name?: Tia
Where (generally) are you from?: Canada!
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Only a few months, i would have started sooner but i thought blogs would be boring
How often do you read it?: every day
How did you find out about it?: youtube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above =)
Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah, but i dont update it enough, usually only to complain and be boring
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: Youre both WAAAY cool ;D
What's something interesting about you?: I'm an actress and i go to canada's best arts school thats kinda like high school musical but better (:
What's going on in your life lately?: School, rehearsals, people hating me, and all that fun stuff
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: No thanks :P
Though i DO still want to know about the Groob...

bananasandwichh said...

What's your name?: mackenzie
Where (generally) are you from?: ontario, canada
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: a few weeks
How often do you read it?: lately.. every day.
How did you find out about it?: your youtube, i think.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not really :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above, actually
Do you blog too? Where?: only when i'm feeling super angsty. on blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: for some reason i remember you mentioning cedar point somewhere. and i know you live in ohio... so we go to the same cedar point. which is kinda cool.
What's something interesting about you? i'm definitely the mother figure in my group of friends... and i love it.
What's going on in your life lately?: i realized that the most important person in my life doesn't want to be the most important person in my life anymore.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: sure :)

Jeff R Vogt said...

What's your name?: Jeff
Where (generally) are you from?:Central California
How old are you?: 33
How long have you been reading this blog?: 2 months
How often do you read it?: whenever a new one is posted.
How did you find out about it?: youtube via twitter via John Green
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: sometimes
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerd Fighting Librarian
Do you blog too? Where?: Not really, kind of use Facebook for that but should start one.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Instead, I'll list reasons what sets you apart from Kristina and the other 5AGs... you're more natural in front of the camera, have quirky mannerisms, and seem more self aware.
What's something interesting about you? In college for my adapted screenwriting class I adapted "Catcher in the Rye".
What's going on in your life lately?: Lot of stress due to financial problems and cuts in education.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, go for it!

Kat said...

Holy shit there are a lot of comments here. I'm sad I missed out on being 420. I don't smoke pot, but I find dumb 420 references hilarious for some reason.

What's your name?: Kat(herine)
Where (generally) are you from?: California
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since March 09, haha.
How often do you read it?: I check it almost daily.
How did you find out about it?,: Uh, I think through twitter? I don't remember exactly. Probably twitter.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I have a complex relationship with Harry Potter -- unabashed love for Remus Lupin, but some of my feelings toward the rest of the characters and what I view as some of the overall failures in consistency and coherent message range from annoyed to disappointed to frustrated and angry. And as you can tell from that answer, I am clearly a Nerdfighter. (And I spend too much time thinking about Harry Potter.) And YouTube enthusiast too.
Do you blog too? Where?: Uh, I have an LJ. Which strikes me as embarrassing on other parts of the Internet. I don't post on it that much though.
What's something interesting about you? I just told my roommate who's writing a paper that I never use footnotes because I always use inline citations. That's probably not interesting. There was a book sale at the public library yesterday and I bought Baby Sitter's Club books, a book about Yiddish, a book about "The Secret Life of Sororities" and one of Kant's books. That sums me up pretty well.
What's going on in your life lately?: Uh, school is happening. A month till finals. And I have two papers due in about a week. Last night some of my friends were climbing the Rotunda (I was watching, because I am a Ravenclaw, not a Gryffindor) and the security guard caught them and called the police. So that was fun to observe. Or something.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Eh. I'm not particularly interested in one, but claro I will read it.

Tammy said...

What's your name?: Tammy
Where (generally) are you from?: Living in Virginia, but I still claim Connecticut as home.
How old are you?: 22
How long have you been reading this blog?: I never really remember to come by regularly, but on and off since summer 09.
How often do you read it?: When I remember to...aka not often.
How did you find out about it?: Probably YouTube, I don't remember
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Yes, likely because I don't read often enough
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP Fan firstly, but Nerdfighter as well
Do you blog too? Where?: Not in a while, but I have one here, might start.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Because your name comes first alphabetically (ALSO A JOKE)
What's something interesting about you? I'm bilingual. Yay 8 years of Spanish. And no one ever expects it because I look very much not hispanic...aka blonde.
What's going on in your life lately?: WORK
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Maybe. Sure.

The Whomping Willows said...

What's your name?: Matt

Where (generally) are you from?: Rhode Island

How old are you?: 31

How long have you been reading this blog?: I've read it on an occasional basis over the last year or so.

How often do you read it?: Every so often!

How did you find out about it?: Probably a tweet or a facebook status update, or Lauren telling me to read something. I can't remember. :)

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: The only thing about you that confuses me is the incredible scope of your awesomeness.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I am a wizard.

Do you blog too? Where?:

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: OHIO.

What's something interesting about you?: I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

What's going on in your life lately?: I just finished recording a new album. My girlfriend is moving in with me in about a month and I need to clean my apartment. I'm happy!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Anonymous said...

Even though there are now 422 comments, I might as well. :]

What's your name?: Lauren

Where (generally) are you from?: Florida (Blech)

How old are you?:16

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last BEDA

How often do you read it?: Everytime there's a new post

How did you find out about it?: FiveAwesomeGirls

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter?
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yeah, :]

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: All my hoes dropped by and they don't ask why your videos are fly they just respect what they seein'.

What's something interesting about you?: Something interesting is that I hate this question lol.

What's going on in your life lately?: Spring break! Beach, friends, Easter, church, reading, RELAXING! :]

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, I wouldn't mind it. ":]

Afton said...

What's your name?: Afton

Where (generally) are you from?: A very small town in Minnesota.

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: Basically I started reading when you started writing. But I never commented before.

How often do you read it?: Everytime there's something new. It really is a nice part of my day. Your blog is always fun to read in one way or another.

How did you find out about it?: I honestly can't remember.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.

Do you blog too? Where?: Not really.

What's something interesting about you? Hmmm... I feel that the movie Up is the best love story ever.

What's going on in your life lately?: Well, for the past two weeks I've had mono and it has actually turned out to be the best thing that has happened to me all school year. It's nice because it just gave me a break from people.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Would I read it? Yes. Would it be my favorite? No. I think you should because of new readers and honestly it will be one post people that don't like it don't have to read it.

Tamar N said...

Gosh, it's been so long since I've done an internet survey... xD

What's your name?: Tamar (but you probably already saw that...)
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey (except nowhere near Snooki & Co. *shudder*)
How long have you been reading this blog?: I would tell you, but I honestly have no recollection. Definitely earlier this school year. But I'm a huge nerd/dork/have way too much tie on my hands, so naturally I started from the beginning and worked my way back to present.
How often do you read it?: As often as I check Google Reader, if that counts.
How did you find out about it?: Well, I knew about it from the internet in general, but my friend told me to start reading it, so I checked it out. She's awesome.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, no. It actually kind of amuses me.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. Hoo ha Nerdfighters!
Do you blog too? Where?: Nope. I kind of like writing, but a) if my family found out they wuld mock me mercilessly, and b)I feel like I'm not interesting and/or funny enough for it to mean anything. Plus I have nothing to blog about.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: That's impossible. You're both awesomegirls, aren't you?
What's something interesting about you? I skipped a grade in school and I pretty much like every subject (except History, I guess). Also, I always insist on using proper spelling and grammar on the internet.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm in Florida with the entire mother's-side-of-my-family for Pesach (Passover - I'm Jewish). We've gone here every year since before I was born, except last year because my cousin was having a baby and that was the first great-grandchild in our family.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sounds good to me!
I hope I didn't write too much xD.

Angela said...

What's your name?: Angela(da pooh)

Where (generally) are you from?: VIRGINIAAA WOOO!... no it's pretty boring here actually.

How old are you?: I am 17 going on 18, lalalalala.

How long have you been reading this blog?: Almost a year.

How often do you read it?: I used to read on and off but I check it about everyday now :P.

How did you find out about it?: Your tubes. I don't know if that sounded dirty so "Youtube" was what I was going for.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope! I feel creepy but I know all the names.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: The first 2 and I watch a lot of videos on youtube.

Do you blog too? Where?: Yes on a little old blogging site called "xanga"

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: Hahahaha, I love you two. Both brilliantly equal in humor, looks, hot boyfriends and rapping skills.

What's something interesting about you? I used to pull down peoples pants when I was little in self-defense. I don't know why. But it WORKED! they waddled away in shame.

What's going on in your life lately?: slugging through school and kicking balls in soccer.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: OF COURSE!

bookmouse99 said...

What's your name?: Katie V

Where (generally) are you from?: Windsor, Canada

How old are you?:20

How long have you been reading this blog?:Since it started

How often do you read it?:I used to check every day, and now I am at everyone other day. But april Ill be back to every day

How did you find out about it?: Don't remember.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope. It just adds to the wonderfullness

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast?
All of the above. Also Literature lover

Do you blog too? Where?:I started. I only have one post. Its a book blog that I have never ever posted too. blogger/bookmouse99

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You are both cool for different reasons. You remind me of different aspects of my own personality

What's something interesting about you? I am a lifeguard, I own over 2000 books, I major in history and labour studies, and I love disney movies

What's going on in your life lately?: Less than a month left of my third year of university, then 2 months of fun summer and 2 months of intense work summer. Perfect for saving up for my trip to visit a friend going on exchange to england next year

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Heck yes

Stacey-Louise said...

What's your name?:Stacey-Louise
Where (generally) are you from?: West Kirby, Wirral (right by Liverpool)UK
How old are you?:23
How long have you been reading this blog?: Oh gosh I don't know, quite some time now
How often do you read it?: each post
How did you find out about it?:probably your youtube.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope, I've read it long enough to get who everyone is :)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry & Nerdfighter, I watch vlogs but don't make them
Do you blog too? Where?:yeah but it's not updated very often.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you? Oh gosh, I'm working on a youth project on politics at the moment that means I get to go to Norway.
What's going on in your life lately?: Not loads, youth projects with art and politics, work, deciding whether to do a degree from home.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I wouldn't need it but I'm sure it could be helpful to others, it's your blog!

Joanna said...

What's your name?: Joanna
Where (generally) are you from?: England
How old are you?: I'm twenty-two
How long have you been reading this blog?: Ab aeterno
How often do you read it?: As and when it appears in my googlereader
How did you find out about it?: I'm not very certain... possibly your twitter?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, not at all
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan & Nerdfighter
Do you blog too? Where?:
What's something interesting about you? Hayley... must you ask this? Um. My father named me Joanna Louise so that I could be both the infinite and the finite. (It's likely that this will only make sense to you if you're familiar with Bob Dylan's Visions of Johanna.)
What's going on in your life lately?: Ohh ah, struggling with an annihilative crush. Wanting to leave art school & run away. Live in the woods & write a novel.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely xxx

tyrannosauruslexxx said...

What's your name?: Lex
Where (generally) are you from?: UK
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: A year
How often do you read it?: Whenever I check my reader, so once a week or so
How did you find out about it?: I honestly have no idea. I think when you were advertising that you were doing BEDA last year.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All three.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes. With blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I actually gave Kristina a real life gift before. It was a keychain. Lack of keychains does not make you cooler, Hayley.
What's something interesting about you?: I hate milk.
What's going on in your life lately?: I worked on a project for the BBC and was teaching 8-year-olds for a few weeks, but now that's all over so I'm relaxing over Easter, apart from when I'm revising and recording an EP.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure. I am neutral.

Another State of Mind said...

What's your name?: Mariel
Where (generally) are you from?: New York
How old are you?: 13
How long have you been reading this blog?: about 3 months now
How often do you read it?: I check every few days to see if you post, but I read everything.
How did you find out about it?: Long story short, I subscribed to fiveawesomegirls and then subscribed to your channel and I loved it so much that I followed your blog :)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, it's easy to keep up.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above :)
Do you blog too? Where?: I have a music blog with my friend. We don't post all that often anymore though.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: you're both equally great.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm probably the biggest music nerd you'll ever meet.
What's going on in your life lately?: Nothing really, I'm on spring break which is ending in 2 days :(
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

Caroline said...

What's your name?: Caroline

Where (generally) are you from?: Texas
How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: BEDA 2009
How often do you read it?:
I check for new posts everyday.
How did you find out about it?:
One of your videos, I think. Probably.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
All of the above!

Do you blog too? Where?:
I used to. Maybe I'll start a new one.

What's something interesting about you? I'm far from interesting, but I longboard and I love musical theater.

What's going on in your life lately?: Went to a Julia Nunes show last night!! I embarrassed myself in front of her and got my cd and poster signed!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Kelly said...

What's your name?: Kelly
Where (generally) are you from?: California
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April
How often do you read it?: I check it daily, sometimes twice or three times a day, to see if you updated.
How did you find out about it?: link in the sidebar :)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, but for a month I thought PJ was a girl. It was a confusing day when I saw him in a hayleyghoover video.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Nerdfighter - check. YouTube enthusiast - check. Do you think it's worth it for me to read the whole series now?
Do you blog too? Where?: I really would like, but I don't.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner: 1) you are funnier and make me laugh more, 2) you make an amazing makeup tutorial, 3) you're a badass.
What's something interesting about you?: I just had my first Chipotle burrito yesterday, inspired by you, of course.
What's going on in your life lately?: Decided to go to boarding school...:) or :( - I don't know yet.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Anna M. said...

What's your name?:
Where (generally) are you from?: Michigan...yay...
How old are you?:
How long have you been reading this blog?:
um about 6 months maybe?
How often do you read it?: everytime it pops up in my reader
How did you find out about it?: Vlogbrothers to 5AG to you
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:
Sometimes yeah but I don't mind I just imagine one generic face for all the names :D
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter?
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:
yes yes yes no, Harry potter lead me to youtube which led me to vlogbrothers, which led me to happiness
Do you blog too? Where?:

What's something interesting about you?:
I spent last friday night plotting with my friends on how best to acquire A Very Potter sequel tickets
What's going on in your life lately?:
This week is spring break and I get to meet John Green for the first time on Wednesday!! Ahhh nerd fangirl squee
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:
Of course

Tass said...

What's your name?: Tass (full, real name)
Where (generally) are you from?: South Dakota but currently going to school outside Baltimore
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: a little over a year I think
How often do you read it?: fairly often depending on how busy with school I get, but I always go back and catch up
How did you find out about it?: a video maybe or a tweet
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: not especially
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan and Nerdfighter, attempted YouTube enthusiast
Do you blog too? Where?: sort of sporadically
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: skipping over this one, plus I enjoy you both the same
What's something interesting about you?: I would like to be a professional musician (I play oboist) but am terrified I won't be able to make it and will end up living in a cardboard box.
What's going on in your life lately?: a lot of school, trying to get into music camp for the summer, trying to survive living in a dorm with no running water and fire alarms that go off at 1:30 in the morning almost weekly
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I believe I would be

Mercy said...

What's your name?: Mercy.
Where (generally) are you from?: Colorado.
How old are you?: 14.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last July, so nine months.
How often do you read it?: Every time you post something.
How did you find out about it?: Probably some mention of it in a video or something? I dunno.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No. You don't. :]
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above :D
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, It isn't very interesting.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: N/A.
What's something interesting about you?: I, dunno, sorry.
What's going on in your life lately?: SCHOOL. D:
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I suppose. I don't think it would really be vital to my understanding of the Hayleylujah Chorus, but I know a lot of other people would benefit from it.

Thom van Rijckvevorsel said...

What's your name?: Thom

Where (generally) are you from?:

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: from about when you started college but I've watched HGH and 5AG for many years.

How often do you read it?:
I try to ready every day (if there's a post) (does this make me wierd?)

How did you find out about it?: I think it was a link in an HGH or a 5AG video, or maybe your youtube channel page

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, it would be nice to have a face to put with the name.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter?
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes, yes

Do you blog too? Where?: not really but I'll let you know if I start.

What's something interesting about you?: I want to be a fashion designer.

What's going on in your life lately?: Not much, but I'm going to paris on saturday with school and to madrid in two weeks with school! Can't wait!

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, sure :)

Reese said...

What's your name?: Teresa, but many people call me Reese here on the interwebs, as an affectionate nickname, of course

Where (generally) are you from?: [South] Florida, USA

How old are you?: 16

How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you started it, I believe.

How often do you read it?: Whenever you post something new. I have it updated on my LiveJournal.

How did you find out about it?: Through you, a while ago, on your channel? I can't remember exactly.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above and more.

Do you blog too? Where?: I have a blog with a very good friend of mine at Consequent Bloggers, but we haven't updated in a very, very long while due to communication and time issues. The old posts are rather charming, if you're interested. I haven't blogged at length in quite a bit, but I use Tree-saw at Tumblr and update frequently (sometimes with worthwhile text posts).

What's something interesting about you?
What's going on in your life lately?
: I'm an avid researcher; if I like something, I find the need to make myself more knowledgeable about it. That, along with being slightly obsessive, feeds my life as a fangirl of many things. As for what is going on in my life lately, erm, I just got back from New York on Wednesday. We performed at Carnegie Hall. I'm working on all the school assignments I had missed while I was away, at the moment. Currently reading: Sondheim and Co. by Craig Zadan.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Absolutely.

The Other Smith Girl said...

What's your name?: Taylor
Where (generally) are you from?: New Jersey
How old are you?: 19
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last year's BEDA
How often do you read it?: Whenever it pops up in google reader.
How did you find out about it?: Maybe through 5AG?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Generally no.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: I think you are both awesome in your own unique ways.
What's something interesting about you? I did Into the Woods as my senior musical as well.
What's going on in your life lately?: The end of freshman year of college is approaching.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: It would be a good refresher to make sure I have everything straight, so I'll vote yes.

Kristine said...

What's your name?: Kristine

Where (generally) are you from?: CT

How old are you?: 17

How long have you been reading this blog?: For about a year

How often do you read it?: Once a week-ish.

How did you find out about it?:

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: NO. I think the nicknames help, as they're quirky and unique to the people to whom they have been assigned

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: In order...3 yes's and a no.

Do you blog too? Where?: yes, tumblr

What's something interesting about you?:I play the flute and almost applied for conservatory, but my parents wouldn't let me, so I applied for academic collegiate things instead.

What's going on in your life lately?: I got into college and was rejected by colleges. You know, the usual :D

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure. It might be fun to get updated profiles on all the people that are mentioned here...nostalgia can be fun!

lucindaa said...

What's your name?: Lucinda
Where (generally) are you from?: Adelaide, Australia
How old are you?: I'll be 19 in 11 days!
How long have you been reading this blog?: Uhm... I started using google reader after BEDA last year, and I'm fairly sure your blog was one of the first few I followed, so probably since around May last year
How often do you read it?: as often as it pops up in my google reader!
How did you find out about it?: I believe it was through your twitter during BEDA last year
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Occasionally, but it's all good, it doesn't bother me
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes and yes
Do you blog too? Where?: I have few blogs, but I don't update regularly slash at all lately :/
What's something interesting about you? Ummmmm... I'm completing the 365 self portrait photo challenge this year?
What's going on in your life lately?: Not much really, uni, homework, tv, books, sleep... I'm in my second year studying graphic design and most of my time is taken up with homework, class or feeling guilty about not doing homework lately
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yep!

Alexis said...

What's your name?: Alexis
Where (generally) are you from?: Indiana!
How old are you?: of today!
How long have you been reading this blog?: Only a few weeks.
How often do you read it?: Every time there's a new post, unless I'm lazy. :)
How did you find out about it?: Don't actually remember...
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: A little maybe, but I'm used to being confused. Hah.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL OF THE ABOVE. <3
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes!
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Aw, you guys are equal in your respective levels of awesome.
What's something interesting about you?: Weeeelll, this year my birthday is on Easter!
What's going on in your life lately?: Not a whole lot. I bought my prom dress yesterday!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yeah, actually. That might make me feel like less of a noob.

Hilary said...

What's your name?: Hilary
Where (generally) are you from?: Home is near Philadelphia; School is around State College
How old are you?: 18 (19 in May)
How long have you been reading this blog?: A year plus I think
How often do you read it?: I try a check a few times a week.
How did you find out about it?: Mentioned in a video of yours, proceeded to read.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Sometimes, but I get confused with everyone's names.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above
Do you blog too? Where?: LiveJournal, but my account is friend's only, so...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you?: Me? Intresting? Oh, you're hilarious.
What's going on in your life lately?: Meh, sometimes friend drama, a but a boy... stuff lately. Isn't college supposed to get rid of this stuff?
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Puja.
Where (generally) are you from?: Canada.
How old are you?: Twenty.
How long have you been reading this blog?: I've been reading this blog since it's birth =)
How often do you read it?: I read it as often as you update, so relgiously.
How did you find out about it?: I found out about your blog when I Googled your name one day. LOL. That makes me sound like a creeper, but I promise I'm not.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: ALL of the above! =D
Do you blog too? Where?: No.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You don't play like Kristina, they'll know it was you, cause the next time you see him he'll be like "Ohhhh Hayley G!" ;)
What's something interesting about you? I've met JK Rowling! xD JEALOUS? YOU SHOULD BE! Haha, I kid... kind of. Anyways, it was one of, if not, the BEST days of my ENTIRE life. I told her I loved her and she laughed at me, but then she said "I'll have to shake your hand for that," and we shook hands. It was incredible <3
What's going on in your life lately?: Well first off, I've been having a life lately! Which has been awesome. I've been hanging out with my friends, and enjoying the beautfiul weather. Its been A LOT of fun. Although I must admit that time FLIES when you're having a life. Which is good... I guess. But now I have to get back into school mode and start studying for exams. Boo.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Fo' sho'.

Have fun and good luck reading all the comments! =P

Ansley said...

What's your name?: Ansley!
Where (generally) are you from?: Atlanta, Georgia.
How old are you?: 16 (17 in 17 days!)
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since BEDA 2009.
How often do you read it?:Everytime you post something new.
How did you find out about it?: 5AG
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope. C:
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: HP fan/Nerdfighter/YouTube enthusiast. C:
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes, but on tumblr.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you? Uhh, I'm a writer also. And I did NaNoWriMo for the first time because of you.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm on spring break right now and prom is in 3 weeks. C:
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: YES. C

Christy said...

What's your name?: Christy
Where (generally) are you from?: Florida
How old are you?: 15
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since your first post!
How often do you read it?: Pretty darn often.
How did you find out about it?: I really don't like this question because it's on EVERY survey EVER. I mean it's not like I remember the moment of me finding something like I do when I heard Michael Jackson died...but I know you killed MJ. (Get it? Get it?!)
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not at all
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above!
Do you blog too? Where?: I had a blogspot but I just recently moved to tumblr (
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Who the eff is Kristina? (THIS ANSWER IS A JOKE) I really love Kristina a lot and it's because of here I found the whole YouTube community/Harry Potter fandom/Nerdfighteria so Kristina Horner is SPECATCULAR and always makes my Mondays better. (she also inspired me to start reading harry potter) Don't worry Hayley, you're pretty fantastic too.
What's something interesting about you?: Within the course of one year, I broke on ankle twice and the other one once. GO ME!
What's going on in your life lately?: Way too many crappy things...BUT BUT BUT I did go to a Paul McCartney concert last night! that was AWESOME
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm going to say yes, because one of these days in April you aren't going to feel like blogging so answering questions might save you from failing (not that I think you would fail!!!)

Courtney said...

What's your name?: Courtney!
Where (generally) are you from?: Ohiooo
How old are you?: 17, almost 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the very beginning
How often do you read it?: Check it once a day
How did you find out about it?: ...You? Somehow ha
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan/Nerdfighter/former YouTube enthusiast
Do you blog too? Where?: Only privately, on Xanga
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: :) I love your guys' "rivalry."
What's something interesting about you?: I'll be attending your school's rival school in the fall!
What's going on in your life lately?: Umm I graduate in two months and am dealing with a lot of drama with friends that has just been building up for the past twelve years. It's going great.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, I kinda love everything you write, no matter if I'm already familiar with it.

Morgan said...

What's your name?: Morgan
Where (generally) are you from?: Sucky Southwestern Ohio
How old are you?: 16. But my brain is celebrating it's 45th birthday in June.
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last April.
How often do you read it?: I check for posts everyday. I know, crazy, right?
How did you find out about it?: I don't remember!
Do I confuse you with my friends names, ect.?: Nope, never.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, but most prominently an HP fan.
Do you blog too? Where?: I do, on blogspot. Mostly for myself and because it's easier than lugging a a journal or something around.
List several reasons why I"m cooler than Kristina Horner*: I won't say since you asked me not to!
What's something interesting about you?: I think I may legitimately be the happiest person I know. And two years ago I was suffering from depression.
What's going on in your life lately?: I have a grrrrreat bf, I'm on spring break and he's taking me to go to Amish country this week for a picnic! Highlight of my life!
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I am interested in Hayley's blog no matter what it contains, and that sounds fun! Can we ask some questions for you to answer?

Amy said...

What's your name?:AMY!!
Where (generally) are you from?: UK
How old are you?:19
How long have you been reading this blog?:since it's inception 12 months ago
How often do you read it?:Every post (thank you, Google Reader)
How did you find out about it?: I can't remember! the veda ning?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no no no
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all three to some extent.
Do you blog too? Where?: i tumblr...
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: UR RAP SKILLZ OMG LOL
What's something interesting about you?: Once, Justin Timberlake (the actual one) touched my shoulder!
What's going on in your life lately?: consuming a shit ton of chocolate. life's good.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: it's your blog Hayley!! you write it, i'll read it.

Craft Teach Repeat said...

What's your name?: Tara
Where (generally) are you from?: Canada
How old are you?:19
How long have you been reading this blog?:Since the beginning
How often do you read it?: Every post
How did you find out about it?: you.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: On this blog on my account.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You are both equally as awesome but you're more like me then she is so I relate to you more
What's something interesting about you? I have a condition called Congential Insensitivity to pain.
What's going on in your life lately?:school/sister is pregnant.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:

Pat Taylor said...

What's your name?: Pat
Where (generally) are you from?: Trenton, Michigan, or Allendale/Grand Rapids, Michigan.
How old are you?: 20.
How long have you been reading this blog?: A few months or so.
How often do you read it?: When it pops up on my dashboard?
How did you find out about it?: Five Awesome Girls!
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nah, not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above? I suppose.
Do you blog too? Where?: Yes... and I'll be using my Blogspot account for when I'm studying abroad in Japan this summer.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Eh, I like Kristina too.
What's something interesting about you?: I played tenor sax in high school, and still play in college as well as in a ska band.
What's going on in your life lately?: School, work, study abroad stuff.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure!

maria kelly said...

What's your name?: maria
Where (generally) are you from?: new jerseyy. yes, the jersey shore. no, we are not like that.
How old are you?: sixteen.
How long have you been reading this blog?: uh, ever?
How often do you read it?: check everdayy.
How did you find out about it?: i think your channel?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope, i got them down.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: hp. \\/// (nerd). yt.
Do you blog too? Where?: yessir, rarely, but here on blogspot.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: i cannot lie. :)
What's something interesting about you? im definitely sure you are not reading all 412 of these comments.
What's going on in your life lately?: general junior year of high school things and teenage/boy angst.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: surely.

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Brynne!
Where (generally) are you from?: Walla Walla, Washington
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since you started it!
How often do you read it?: every couple days
How did you find out about it?: I honestly have no idea. A video, probably.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope!
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: yes, yes, and yes!
Do you blog too? Where?:
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: haha.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm obsessed with medieval Wales. 1282. That stuff.
What's going on in your life lately?: I started writing a new novel (my ninth) during spring break and I've gotten incredibly obsessive and started inventing two new languages to go along with it. I'm in my sophomore year of college, so this is very bad timing.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: yes!

Cece said...


What's your name?: Cece/Cecilia/Celia
Where (generally) are you from?: Ohio
How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: Begining of April last year :)

How often do you read it?: I used to check it whenever I thought of it (fairly often) but now with BEDA I check everyday.

How did you find out about it?:...I don't remember. I think I googled it, or from Maureen's list of people participating, maybe. I just know it was before your video talking about it, because I felt supah coo'.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. I don't make videos any more... but, but, but I HAVE! And I WATCH!

Do you blog too? Where?: Not that frequently. Actually, pretty much never. But it's here on blogspot when I do.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You're both beyond made-of-awesome. I can, however, sort out your whose-boyfriend-is-hottest arguement, because MINE is the hottest guy ever.

What's something interesting about you? I just asked my mom what she thinks is interesting about me...she still hasn't answered. My friends and I go to the mall to hunt for change on the floor, is that interesting?

What's going on in your life lately?: Eating Chipotle (You best step up yo game. I'm on 15 this year, TOTES gonna beat you.) I get my temps. next week, and i'm on spring break at the moment, but normally SO.MUCH.PLAY PRACTICE. for the play at my high school next week.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: I'm sure it'd be interesting to read, so I say do it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Amy
Where (generally) are you from?: Scotland
How old are you?: 17
How long have you been reading this blog?: About a year now.
How often do you read it?: I check daily, haha. It's become part of my little internet-routine.
How did you find out about it?: Can't remember, haha. Your videos, maybe?
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. :D
Do you blog too? Where?: No. I try and fail every time.
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: You're both equally cool, but gurl, you gots some mad rappin' skills!
What's something interesting about you?: The day my school stopped for Spring Break, the music department was completely empty, so me and a couple of friends totally destroyed it out of pure hatred for the classes and teachers. When I go back, I'm more than likely going to be shot or something. I've never been in trouble in my life before, and strangely,I'm excited for this!
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm finishing up high school! *cheers* I think my little music-department stunt is one of my first and final acts of rebellion towards the school. :)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yup!

Margaret said...

What's your name?: Margaret
Where (generally) are you from?: Washington state
How old are you?: 18
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since the beginning.
How often do you read it?: Every day.
How did you find out about it?: When you linked it in one of your videos, when you first started doing BEDA last year.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No? I don't understand this question...
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above. :)
Do you blog too? Where?: In my journal, as it should be, as my thoughts are neither witty nor entertaining.
What's something interesting about you?: I'm probably going to minor in Spanish. I'm also probably going to study abroad in Mexico next quarter and live with a host family and learn how to weave. So, yeah.
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm reading Heart of Darkness. That's all I really have time for these days.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure! It'd be sort of fun to read it and know that I understand it all. :)

Anonymous said...

What's your name?: Madeline
Where (generally) are you from?:Ohio
How old are you?:12
How long have you been reading this blog?:early 09'
How often do you read it?:everytime you have a new post (bloglovin)
How did you find out about it?:hmm... kristina
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: oh yes, a lot. haha
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: all of the above, im actually wearing my nerdfighter shirt
Do you blog too? Where?:no, but i want to
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: lol
What's something interesting about you? i follow way too many blogs (about 40)
What's going on in your life lately?:nothing unfortunately
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:yes very much!

Anonymous said...

Okay Hayley, I let you in on a little secret...
My name is Ryan.
I'm from CT.
I've been reading this blog for about a year.
I read it like it's the bible.
I found out about it over your highly talked about and famous Youtube account.
You didn't confuse me that much, but I did think you dated the actually "Situation" for a long time. :)
I'm totally a Harry Potter fan! (and a nerdfighter)
I blog my freaking life away, honey.
Your cooler that Kristina because your videos aren't all about your boyfriend or band. Your a writer. You have yellow rain boots and an All That shirt.
Something interesting about me? Ha, sweet-pee, I don't even know where to begin.*
My life is stale like bread.

*DON'T THINK I'M A DOUCHE! I meant that I'm abnormal.

Alice said...

What's your name?: Alice
Where (generally) are you from?: Upstate New York but I live in North Carolina
How old are you?: 14
How long have you been reading this blog?: two years
How often do you read it?: whenever you update
How did you find out about it?: googling you
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? Yes and yes
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: I don't make videos but I am subscribed to EVERYONE
Do you blog too? Where?: on blogspot
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:
What's something interesting about you? I sleep with a night light
What's going on in your life lately?: I'm on spring break but I have drivers ed all week. blech
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Not really, I just went and read all of your old posts when I started reading your blog.

Allison Farrand said...

What's your name?: Allison

Where (generally) are you from?: Michigan

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been reading this blog?: I started at the beginning of last year's BEDA.

How often do you read it?: I check about every other day. :)

How did you find out about it?: YouTube of course.

Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Not really, I've been around long enough.

Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter?
YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Harry Potter fan since I could read the books. Nerdfighter; it took me about a week to catch up on Brotherhood 2.0 and I've been watching ever since. :) Definitely a YouTube enthusiast.

Do you blog too? Where?: Nope, I've always wanted to, though.

List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*: Robot love does score some points, but this video ( is a win.

What's something interesting about you? I dance everything from ballet to hip-hop, I'm an honors student, and the Internet is my second home.

What's going on in your life lately?: New classes (trimester schedule), dance recital, bitchy ex-friends that make me hate high school, and a brand new best friend that I never saw coming.

Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Yes, I love reading anything you write. :)

emily said...

What's your name?: Emi
Where (generally) are you from?: Portland, Oregon
How old are you?: twenty
How long have you been reading this blog?: since the beginning
How often do you read it?: every time you update
How did you find out about it?: probably through youtube.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: no.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: none of the above.
Do you blog too? Where?: yes, on blogspot.
What's something interesting about you?: i have yellow eyes.
What's going on in your life lately?: post-graduate unemployment. getting married. moving to Canada.
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: oh, indeed.

Unknown said...

What's your name?: Alenka (russian nickname for Alexandra)
Where (generally) are you from?: Washington DC
How old are you?:16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since BEDA last year, so I guess from the beginning.
How often do you read it?: Whenever it comes out on my google reader.
How did you find out about it?: I don't actually remember really. Your youtube channel? Maureen's ning? I don't remember, sorry.
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: No, not really.
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: All of the above, but Harry Potter fan above all others
Do you blog too? Where?: I wish I had the discipline to, but no. No one would read it if I did anyway, though
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner*: You (like me) are obsessed with nailpolish and you always turn me on to pretty colors
What's something interesting about you? I guess that I just got back from Peru where I was interviewing people who lost their homes due to serious flooding about creating micro-financing businesses to support themselves. That was really interesting and kind of changed the way I see the world.
What's going on in your life lately?: Junior year is hell and so is high school (but I guess you know that). Other than that, not much. I just finished a poetry seminar at the Folger Shakespeare Library (yeah literature nerdfighters!)
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Um, I don't really need it but if people want it I think it would be a great idea to catch people up.

Thanks for doing this Hayley. I've had a lot of fun and I think I'll start commenting more often!

Kaylaisme said...

What's your name?: Kayla :)
Where (generally) are you from?: MA
How old are you?: 16
How long have you been reading this blog?: Since last BEDA
How often do you read it?: At least twice a week.
How did you find out about it?: The 'tubes
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?: Nope
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?: Hp fan, Nerdfighter, Badass MC
Do you blog too? Where?:
What's something interesting about you?: I have blueberry pie scented nail polish :D
What's going on in your life lately?: Various Band Adventures
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?: Sure

Eff said...

What's your name?:Eff
Where (generally) are you from?:Sweden( at the moment)
How old are you?:I'm 17
How long have you been reading this blog?:Since the two first posts I guess
How often do you read it?:As soon as there is a new post
How did you find out about it?:YouTube
Do I confuse you with all my friends' names, etc.?:Nope, I know everything about J.T. ToL and The situation( because I'm obviously a creepy stalker...)
Harry Potter fan? Nerdfighter? YouTube enthusiast? None of the above?:Everything, I found you through the first thought
Do you blog too? Where?:Nope
List several reasons why I'm cooler than Kristina Horner (NOT REALLY. THIS IS A JOKE.)*:Duh, you're H to the G to the Hoover?
What's something interesting about you? What's not(I'm starting to sound like you)
What's going on in your life lately?:Soap opera stuff
Would you be interested in a blog recap/FAQ-type post?:Yeah

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