
Sunday, April 18, 2010

A TACO bell.

Hayley Hoover: when is freaking april over?
Mike Lombardo:
april 30th
Hayley Hoover:
Mike Lombardo:
post this conversation
Mike Lombardo: let's have a really interesting conversation and you can post that
Hayley Hoover: okay. let's have a blog-worthy conversation.
Mike Lombardo: Hit it, Rockapella.
Hayley Hoover: SAY, MIKE LOMBARDO!
Mike Lombardo: I am suffering from caps lock fatigue.
Mike Lombardo: it's the digital equivalent of yelling your throat out at a concert.
Hayley Hoover: my sister just made me call taco bell.
Hayley Hoover: on the phone.
Mike Lombardo: hahahahaha
Hayley Hoover: the guy was about as friendly as one would expect a taco bell employee to be over the phone.
Mike Lombardo: he was probably really excited that it even rang
Hayley Hoover: RANG!
Hayley Hoover: LIKE A BELL!
Hayley Hoover: A TACO BELL!
Mike Lombardo: That's punny.
Mike Lombardo: Hold on, I feel an urge to urinate.

Chipotle burritos this year: 14
Subscribers: 27,207
Nail color: "Green with Envy," ORLY


Melody said...

.... What?

Julia said...

Ok so I know this is ridiculous but the thought of being maybe first was overwhelming... FIRST.
Man, it would if I was second.
Or third.
By the way, you and Mike are hilarious.

Maya said...


Julia said...

Dammmmmmmmmmmn. I was second.

Julia said...


Unknown said...

I need to have more conversations like these in my life.

Emily said...

Haha, I have these types of conversations with my sister. She's the macro me.
"I'll give you a virtual cookie! nom nom nom. Oh noes. i eated ur cookie."
Not exactly the same. :P

Sarah said...

xD why would you need to call Taco Bell?

Emily S. said...

You guys are too cute!

Snottlebie said...

Caps lock fatigue...Kristina won't like that. ALL CAPS <3

Allison said...

I feel like you might be getting lazy Hayley... :P

Lauren Sauer said...

This made my day. That is all.

invisiblegirl said...

bahaha. this conversation was strangely amusing.

seurat2 said...

Poor Hayley, you're wearing down aren't you? How about next year, Blog Every Day (except weekends) April?

Crystal said...


PJ Scott-Blankenship said...

Such a product-pusher! Might as well roll your hair up in cans and get cigarette sunglasses.

Well, you'd probably do that anyway.

comelygrace said...

LOL, ridiculous.

I missed reading your blogs over the weekend because my boyfriend came up to my school to visit, but I feel it fitting to comment on the "shameful melancholy" of being in love and in a long distance relationship you mentioned in an entry the other day. I can't really complain too much because when my boyfriend and I are both at home we live about 50 minutes away from each other. When we're both at school we're about half an hour apart. It sounds like we chose our colleges to be close to each other, but it really was just coincidence (or fate?) that we both came from the same high school (different grades) and chose to further our education in the Philadelphia area.

Anyways. The main problem we encounter stems from when I'm at school and he is at home because his school goes by a stupid quarter system where he is in school for two quarters and then working a job in his field of study for the other two quarters. That means he's out of school way earlier than I am, and we're four hours away from each other for a couple months, which is poop in comparison to the usual nearness we're accustomed to.

I just realized this comment is pointless and boring and lame, but what I'm really getting to is that I feel your pain on saying goodbye to the person you love. I wasn't always a sappy, territorial, crazy girl when it came to boyfriends but I can honestly say now that nothing is as perfect as when he's an arm's length away for a good cuddle or in my line of sight for ogling...and the ladies better back off or prepare for a beatdown. ;P

You guys rock.

Catherine said...

Hayley, we love you, and your quirkiness with Mike, but that was just plain lazy. =P

P.S. I'm only joking. (Maybe) I am.

Mel said...

One time, my friends and I prank called a Taco Bell with this really weird voice, and asked legit questions like "Do you have different kinds of empanandas?" and the girl who answered was really polite and nice, and then we felt bad about prank calling them.

Mel said...

Wow, I sound like such a dork in my comment haha. The prank was much better than I described, I promise!

Sarah Mowrey said...

Because of John Green whenever I hear or read or am at a Taco Bell, that Das Racist song plays in my brain. "I'm at the Taco Bell, I'm at the Pizza Hut, I'm at the Combination Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, WHAT?"

Olivia said...

that was hilarious

Belen said...

Classy way to end an AIM chat with the girlfriend, haha.

Elizabeth... said...


Sidsel said...

That last line had med laughing.

Anonymous said...

i like you.
you don't know who i am.
that makes me sad.
but still i stalk you.
in april i can do that every day.
eh heh.
Tottelevainen palvelijasi: Emily

Renee said...

hahah. I gotta say though I had to take a step back when he said Hayley Hoover. I was thinking, "Hayley Hoover? No, that is not her name it's Hayley G Hoov- oooh! Duh." And can you tell us how you and The Situation met?

Manuel said...

I wish we had a Taco Bell in germany. :[

Unknown said...

The ads on your blog are always asking me if I'm single. . . I don't like how they seem to rub it in.

Hello there! said...

I'm sad that after "knowing" you for two years I still don't know what Taco Bell is. Can you order from it, like takeaway? Why wasn't I born in America to know this? Is there life on Mars? And are you getting lazy?
Oh, the questions of life...

Ana said...

Oh, being boyfriend and girlfriend. I miss that.

Christina said...

I enjoyed the taco bell pun.

Joey said...

Lolz. So like Taco Bell recently opemed up for the first time in India... and I'm going to have to visit it one day as an ode to you Miss Hoover. But, I couldn't help but post this screenshot of what your post looked like with all the ads around it!


Kristina said...

You are supposed to be a writer, and I am supposed to be your reader. How can I be a reader if you aren't writing? Like say if you are just copying and pasting IMs with your boyfriend? Hmm? Not very responsible.
Oh well I still gotta love the G.

Anonymous said...

hold on a feel an urge to urinate.

Anonymous said...

Totally off-topic, but you now have me reading 'hallelujah' as 'Hayleylujah'. Thanks for that lol.

Emily said...


the apple that astonished paris said...

i think this is one of my favorite blog posts to date. xD

Jess said...

That was the best conversation ever.

Anonymous said...

OK. That was your one pass for the month.

Alice said...

you two are perfect for eachother

daiana said...

LOL what an ending!

Alex Dahlberry said...

bahaaha <3

Kai said...

I am very curious why you needed to call taco bell . . . haha!

The Self-Fulfilling Prophets said...

very 30 Rock

Unknown said...

Your conversation with Mike reminds me of something that happened on Saturday. I saw a Taco Bell commercial on TV and it inspired me to... go to Chipotle for lunch.

FAIL, Taco Bell, FAIL.

Nokorola said...

Hayley, you are hillarious.

"rang, like a bell"

Hayley, I hope you are notified of these comments, because this is a huge waste of time I should be using for a book outline.


Woodtezs said...

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