
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pretty/Ugly/Funny/Whaaat: Video Edition

Hey, guys. Not much happened today, besides the fact that my pet fish signed up for Twitter. My sister keeps making her friends call me, hoping they'll nag me into going to some party full of strangers. I'd probably consider it on a different Saturday, but it's raining, dark, and I just bought cereal. You know what I'm sayin'?

This is another one of those oh-shoot-I-have-to-blog-before-midnight kinds of posts, but there's at least a slight possibility that the following videos will make you smile. Anyway, thank you for your sweet comments yesterday; you guys always manage to make me feel like my sedentary, nerdy existence is somehow worth writing about. I hope you're all having lovely weekends, and I'll see you tomorrow. :)

I find this ridiculously endearing. Realistic, understated relationshippy stuff always gets to me.

Ugly: But just SO TRUE. (Tiny bit of profanity, youngins. So, like. Wear headphones.)

Funny: I know you don't want to watch this one, but try. She says something early on that'll make the whole song--especially its lyrics-- hysterical.

Whaaat: I... I mean, just LOOK at them!

Chipotle burritos this year: 15
Subscribers: 27,419
Nail color: "Lightening," Sally Hansen Insta-Dri


Sarah said...

She...wrote it about a dead fish? Did I hear that correctly? Like, she seriously said that? *watches video again*

And what kind of cereal did ya get?

Rachel said...

Today is awesome because I'm the second comment on your blog. :D

and cereal is amazing. <3

Emma said...

Hayley, love your blog. :)

Emily said...

Oh my god... 1. her dance moves, and 2. A dead fish!? Be happy for me? THE FISH CAN'T BE HAPPY FOR HER; SHE FLUSHED HIM DOWN A TOILET!

Mel said...

Aah, Miley's song is about 100% better when you think about it in that context haha.

to_thine_own_self said...

Wow, those ponies...words can't even...


Azucena Paloma Garza Garza said...

Enjoy your cereal, Miss Hoover. I highly recommend that you eat it while watching tv. Or Youtube.

Zombie said...

Holy crap, those ponies made my night. I want one of those costumes. God, I'd wear it everywhere.....*imagines the possibilities*

Christina said...

Those ponies are a little bit creepy. I hope you are enjoying your cereal.

Megan said...

I literally laughed out loud in a room full of people when I saw the ponies. That's the funniest thing I've seen all day. Thank you, Hayley! You should keep this up even after BEDA.

Arden said...

Oh my gosh, Ponies singing Wicked. That is perhaps the greatest thing ever. And I think that Cleveland video is in "Capitalism: A Love Story," I remember seeing it in my Sociology class...

Anonymous said...

Aw it's so endearing how she's singing for her poor, dead goldfish. And who knew it was impossible to get to the bottom of the ocean?

Jess said...

I am utterly dumbstruck by those ponies.

Quinn said...

Those ponies totally made my night. Thank you, Hayley.

Anila said...

This is it. Let go. BREAAAATHE.

You need to make this your new mantra, breathy voice and all.

Melody said...

I think I have a contestant for the "Whaaat?" category.

They have like five videos like this. Just... what? It kind of scares me a little bit.

The My Little Ponies one and the Cleveland one both made me die laughing. Thank you for that. xD

The Dreamers said...

I can't believe you made me watch Miley Cyrus!! Friendship over!

Wait, there was never a friendship? I'm just some creepy guy reading your blog? Well in that case...friends? lmao

Anonymous said...

Those ponies... they're... what the heck. :(

Katherine Lowenbraun said...

The pony video is about the weirdest thing I've ever seen. I'm speechless.

Jordiekins said...

I know it sounds crazy, but, I TOTALLY NEED TO SEE THIS PONY SHOW.

I... really want to. Like, I'm serious. I don't even... ah.

Callidora said...

Those ponies are kind of creepy and yet I want to see the show as crazy as that might seem.


thisisasecret said...

Hayley i love you but there is no way that i'm watching 9 minutes of GIANT my little ponies singing dream girls

PS regarding Mily Cyrus-

are the dancing guys in white representing the spirit of her dead fish, trying to convey it's love to her?
that was my thought...

Dana said...

1. Were those spastic flails supposed to be dance moves??
2. She wrote it about a dead fish. A dead. FISH.
3. I want a My Little Pony costume...*cough* I mean...what?

Hayley, your blog never fails to make me smile.

Christina said...

I want one of those costumes. Is that bad? I think I would go to class in one of those.

Tass said...

So I was laying in bed, unable to sleep, feeling pretty awful when I decided to check The Hayleylujah Chorus to see what's new and boy am I ever glad I did. I mean Miley Cyrus flailing around and singing about a dead fish combined with super creepy ponies singing show's just more than a bad mood can take. Thank you, I think I'm going to head back to my battle with insomnia now.

Anonymous said...

1st vid- overly adorable<33
2nd vid- hysterical. favorited.
3rd vid- dead fish...really miley, realy?
4th vid- comment.
but i did watch the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

I feel like everything in my life is going crazy and on top of everything school is making me very stressed. I was supposed to spend time with my best friend today and have a good time and it would have made me a lot happier but she messed up and her parents aren't letting her out. Anyway, I'm probably just being the stereotypical dramatic teenager, but regardless your blog always makes me happier and I want to thank you for that.

Stephanie said...

Today is awesome because I went to my first wrock show last night!! =)

Weasley said...

I am going to have nightmares about that My Little Pony video

Meghan said...

Aww I love the "Luff Story" video, I've been watching her videos since that one was featured last year (although come to think of it, I haven't seen any new ones in a while).
You may have already, but check out her other ones! Her boyfriend has a puppet too and they do videos together, very cute.
I don't normally comment but I just wanted to say that I look forward to reading your blog everyday...especially when I'm procrastinating writing a paper!

Madeline said...

OMG. Ridiculous!! I will never look at My Little Pony the same way again!!

Anonymous said...

I will say one thing for Miley... she's definitely not lip syncing, and that's impressive. :P

RhianonLives said...

The ponies made my day.

Unknown said...

she had a love affair with a fish...

Emily said...

I love that luff song. So cute. :D
I'd never seen the other videos. That My Little Pony one was weirdly fascinating.

Gerarda said...

I want to know is why the crowd didn't react to what she said... I mean if I was at a concert and the singer was saying something mushy about the song and then was like "but tthat's all a lie it's about a dead fish" I'd at least laugh...

Mariel said...

LOL to the Cleveland video and the Miley Cyrus one. The dead fish comment was hilarious with the lyrics :)