
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Help me entertain myself?

For all the slack I get from my hyper-organized, high-achieving family for being the "carefree, Type B" child, I certainly have the ability to turn myself into a tightly-wound ball of anxiety. I just wrote three separate drafts of this first paragraph and erased them all, which is something I never do in blogs-- it's supposed to be my therapy, a more thoughtful demonstration of my stream of consciousness. And yet somehow, by worrying about one silly short story for one silly class, I've caused myself to feel nervous about writing in general. Goodness. Nobody's putting pressure on me! I'm psyching myself out for no reason!

Your comments yesterday were particularly helpful; thanks to everyone who took the time to try and calm me down. You're like one collective, textual strait jacket. I think I have a better idea of what I'm going to write about now, and I've started working a little bit... so let's just hope I make it out alive. I need a stress ball or something. Or a treadmill with a burrito hanging by a string in front of it.

ANYWAY, enough of my craziness. Let's take a few minutes to pretend like I'm not insane.

I'm going on a much-needed mental vacation this weekend, driving an almost excessive distance to hang out at The Situation's house for a few days. This is a supreme idea for the following reasons: a) I'm going to start twitching like a bird on a bug-zapper if I don't back away from my computer for at least a couple hours, b) I'm excited for the opportunity to prove that I'm responsible enough to handle driving long periods of time by myself, and c) my boyfriend is really freaking awesome.

However, even though seeing the coolest guy in the entire universe is totally worth it, I'm going to be in a car for a quite some time tomorrow morning. So, like... what should I do with myself? So far, my ideas include:

--Singing the entire Rent soundtrack almost three times and "playing" a different main character for each run-through. (For example, when you're Maureen, you sit quietly for the first act, then roll down the sun roof and scream, "Joanne, which way to the stage?!")
--Listening to Half-Blood Prince on CD and seeing how much of it I can recite from memory. The only downside to this idea is that Jim Dale-- while lovely and whatnot-- gets on my nerves because he doesn't sound like the voice in my head.
--Talking to myself? One-handed shadow puppets?

Have you ever driven six hours by yourself? If you were going to, how would you entertain yourself? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (But if you tell me to count license plates or something, I will cut you.) (Not really!) (But maybe.)

Chipotle burritos this year: 13
Subscribers: 26,695
Nail color: Stiiill plum, but I'm changing it tonight.


shaylaluna said...

1st comment. (Not that I care)

SillyJaime said...

I've never driven 6 hours straight by myself, but I'd probably go nuts. Stop at every convenience store you pass by? I love going into new convenience stores (probably because I used to work in one). Chew sunflower seeds. Listen to music. Talk to your self. Inspect other people on the road and make up stories about them in your head, like where do they come from? or where are they going? or what's in their pocketses?

TheBlaireWitch said...

Put some sort of sign on your car.

All I can think about is this-


shaylaluna said...

Anyways, I was going to suggest that in between chapters of Half-Blood Prince you blare Wrock and try to get as many strange looks from other people as possible. That's always fun.
And although you don't want us to tell you to count license plates, I wonder if you've played the alphabet game? You try and come up with things that start with each letter of the Alphabet in a certain category.(Harry Potter, Broadway Musicals, Disney Movies, Cities in a certain location etc.)

Sarah said...

I play a game wherein I add the state abbreviation to every town I pass. For example, Atlanta, Georgia becomes Atlantaga. Then I practice saying it different ways until it sounds like it could be an actual city. (I settled on "At-LANT-uh-guh for Atlantaga.) It's a dumb game, but it'll keep you entiertained for a few minutes at a time.

Emily said...

I generally put my iPod on a playlist (pre-made) and jam out for long driving trips. But this only works with music you a) know really well and b) enjoy thoroughly.

I would suggest talking to yourself. Or sometimes I make up stories to tell/act out by myself. It sounds kind of lame, but it's quite fun. It's kind of like making a video, only ... minus the video camera.

Becca said...

Make a hayleyghoover video entitled "25 Things you should NOT do on a Solitary Roadtrip."

Christina said...

I am glad that you have an idea about what you are going to write. There is no need to put the pressure on yourself because you already have tons of people who adore you and your writing.

For the car ride, what I like to do is make a playlist for my iPod of all my favorite songs that I love to sing along with. If that does not work, I suggest you just listen to the Half Blood Prince.

Stefan said...

there are other books on tape beside HP. :P

Unknown said...

Each time I have to go to school it takes me anywhere between one hour and two depending on the kind of traffic I get. I live in a small country though so 6 hour drive would mean I could in theory drive from the southern tip to the most northern tip. In theory. Depending on traffic.

What I like to do when I have to drive for more then an hour is
A. Listen to an audio book.
I find that Audio books are calming, listening makes me focus as well as I am less likely to speed and therefore have to pay tickets.
In the long run though, they make me really sleepy so unless you're a superstar at sitting and staring into a motorway with a man/woman with a soothing voice telling you a story, I wouldn't dare to continue this for more then 2 hours.

B. Have premade ipod/cd's full of my favourite songs that I can sing along to like no one's listening and watching.
This makes me very hyped up and I am much more likely to speed depending on the song playing.


C. Upon getting an headache where the world is a terrible, cruel place sit in total silence and ponder the wonder that is a car.
Sometime thinking about cars and how they work and how lucky I am to have my car makes me calm.

I always talk to myself and I always end up feeling completely silly about it, but at least I'm talking to a sane person :)

Also, thank you for allowing me to get away from my school work for five minutes, I really appreaciate it!

Mariel said...

Considering I can't drive yet, I have never driven for six hours alone but there are some ideas:
-Buy some food you've never heard of/never tried at a convenience store and review it while you're driving.
-Listen/sing out loud to music.
-Make a driving vlog.
-Play Sweet and Sour (if you don't know what that is, it's when you wave to other drivers and if they wave back they're sweet and if they just stare at you, they're sour.)
-Bring a DVD player with you and sit it in the passenger seat, play a movie while you're driving. (But make sure you keep your eyes on the road!)

I hope these ideas help, and have fun with The Situation! :)

Brianna said...

I drove 8 hours alone to go get my books signed by John Green. What did I do? I did exactly what you suggested, sang along to Rent. Actually it was Rent, then The Drowsy Chaperon, then Wit A Little Bit by Liane Graham, then a few Hank Green songs I found on LimeWire (this was about 3 months before his cd came out... they were ripped off of his youtube videos so I feel that this is justified.)

I also like to imagine what I would do if I bought all that land in between cities. The land where nothing is growing except for the price of billboard space.

Hopefully you'll find something to do.

Deanna said...

More than once I have had the pleasure of driving from New Hampshire to Wisconsin its the longest 21 hours ever. (not to mention that one of the times the car broke down in the middle of Ohio somewhere, which was fun<- lie)

I was with my dad, but he's not the greatest converstationalist. I suggest making cd's or taking cds of songs that you can scream at the top of your lungs. Make up stories about people in passing cars, and if you find yourself getting bored, pull of the next exit on the high way and do something.

Arletta said...

I've driven for only 4 1/2 hours by myself. I was learning Japanese at the time, so I had cds in Japanese playing. It was pretty awesome.

Unknown said...

holy cow! 6 hours in a car all by yourself, I think I would go crazy and then start talking to my self...hey, maybe talking to yourself could be entertaining???

Emma said...

Play That Guy is a Jigolo. That game is made of awesome.

June'sTunes said...

Don't throw talking to yourself out the window, it's very theraputic. I used to pretend that I was talking to Kathy Griffin on my own long personal car rides. Just don't let it go too far to the point where they start talking back...

Lindsey said...

I'd listen to as many songs on my iPod as I can, in alphabetical order, and see how far I can get. You know, without choosing an artist, album, playlist, or anything like that. Just the entire library, in order, A-Z.

eibbore said...

Glad you feel better about your short story. Best of luck.

I think an audiobook is a great idea, I'd probably listen to a bunch of podcasts tbh.

Zombie said...

I always scrounge around for C.D.s I made eons ago and laugh at how much my taste in music has changed. The ones from middle school are especially hilarious but then again I still know most of the words. :D

Ben Cracknell said...

I've never driven because I live in England, but perhaps the drive, although I know you don't want to think about it, will be a good, long solid period of time to think about your short story? And if not, maybe you could think about different novel ideas. I always love to read indoors, and think of stories outdoors. I don't know...That sounds weird. Scratch that.
I'd definitely go with the Rent idea.

Natalie said...

I reckon you should definately do some of the 'Rent' idea! That would be so fun. On the train to London with my friends, we listened to Bohemian Rhaposdy repeatedly until we got half the carriage yelling 'SCARAMOUCH SCARAMOUCHE!', including the conductors.
The vlog idea that people have been talking about is a pretty good idea too, but the idea of messing around with cameras while driving is not so good.
Whatever you decide to do, have a lovely relaxing time with The Situation.

Sarah said...

The audiobook thing sounds good. Jim Dale is very awesome sometimes though, like when he reads the chapter in HP7 where Hermione is calling after Ron when he leaves. It was very good.

I like to make up stories about the people in the cars that are driving by, too. You'd probably be really good at that.

Nokorola said...

Hayley, get some easy listening nusic such as this:
or just do the RENT thing.

Sorry, that wasn't very helpful, well have fun whatever you do Hayley!

Nokorola said...

...Music, the word was music.

Natalie said...

haha aww hayley! you can do this assignment! and no matter what, your readers (including myself) will support you! :) also, i laughed out loud at your "rent" idea... doooo it, and count bonus points for how many funny stares you can get from other drivers!

karenlydia said...

I drove from NJ to NH, it was about 6 hours by myself. I went nuts, i was very bored, listened to the majority of my ipod, and tried not to get lost with the help of a gps, and google maps. I resorted to calling lots of people whenever I stopped in each state, just because I was so bored. And I even took a myspace picture of myself driving, i'm so safe!

Sammie said...

I can't say i have driven 6 hours by myself before, probably 3 has been the most! Have you heard the Next To Normal soundtrack? Its amazing, and super fun to sing too! Haha, i suggest that!!

Sammie said...

oh! I thought of another great soundtrack...hahaa..Dr.Horrible's Singalong Blog. People might think you're crazy, but so worth it! Haha!

Jodie said...

Can't say i can drive... i'm not 17
till October, and stupid UK laws means i can't drive till then.

I think you could do something with the whole musical thing though ! Make a playlist of all your favourite, most dramatic songs, and just sing and act them like the sun don't shine. Just like i do when there's nobody at home, except you'll have to ignore the judging looks of strangers in cars. But you're Hayley! You can do it !

Have fun, say hi to The Situation !

genevieve said...

I vote for the HBP idea! Because that's the only thing I can see being entertaining for the full six hours...and that's a longgg time! I myself am facing an 7-8 hour drive down to LA next week. I have NO clue what to do besides listen to music. I'll probably end up playing the License Plate Game though haha :P

Anyway, good luck on your drive and have a great weekend, you deserve some relaxtion! :)
Hope your short story goes well :)

Robyn said...

Whenever I have a long drive I - inevitably - end up talking to myself. I write, too, (not while driving, clearly) so sometimes I have conversations with my characters and tell myself that it'll make their story richer, but mostly it's just fun.
And when I get tired of that, I put on music and sing, because I'm pretty much tone deaf and that's the only place no one will hear me.
So, talking and singing... sorry! Can't think of anything else, but have a fun and safe drive!

K-Mac said...

I'm glad to hear you're taking a break, it certianly sounds like you could use one ;)

I've been on plenty of long road trips. However, usually I am not the one driving. So I won't suggest writing, watching TV on your computer, or napping.

But I think, in the same vein as your excessive Rent reenactment, music is completely awesome for long car rides. After all, there is a near endless supply of it.

Also, pretending you know everyone in the car's around you and that you are having conversations/dancing with them can be amusing...but don't get too crazy.

I hope you have fun!

K-Mac said...

yeah, I saw that, sorry. ;)

Nicholas said...

I usually opt for the option of singing along to my mp3-connected car stereo. That keeps me entertained ad lib :)

Grace said...

If you don't like the guy that reads Harry Potter, then try the British version. I mean, I know that Stephen Fry definitely won't sound like the inside of your head, with the England accent and all but honestly, he's so good.
Anyway I'm sorry I can't be more help. HAVE FUN HAYLEY :)

The Dreamers said...

Imaginary friends, lots of music, zitch dog, there's TONS of stuff.

If it were me, I would probably bring the entire discography of a band that I really like, and just go through all of it on the way, but I've never been on a long car trip :/

Sarah said...

My suggestion would be to listen to podcasts. I love listening to podcasts in between music because you get to listen to a conversation without needing to be apart of it. My suggestions of podcast would be MuggleCast, which I know you like, or Smart Mouths (an entertainment podcast put on by some of the MuggleCasters as well as Penny and Greg from HP progs)

This is my best advice to you. I listen to podcasts whenever I work which is like driving in a car for 6 hours since it is extremely boring and I need to do something to fill my time or I might kill myself.

I hope you have fun driving to The Situation's place tomorrow =) Let us know what you choose to do to keep you entertained

Ida said...

Overacting and singing along to soundtracks is my best tip. I recommend Don't Rain On My Parade and The Circle of Life, especially the isiZulu part. (Yes, I had to use Wikipedia).
Also, I find that talking to yourself is a great remedy for any boring situation.
And let's not forget listening to Owl City and trying to make sense of the lyrics.

VTBurninator said...

I've driven a lot! And by a lot I mean A LOT...and I've done the Rent thing and it's fun :) That's the best thing I can tell you to do...get all the music you love listening to and singing along to.

Also have a few people in mind that you want to call and talk to that you might rarely get a chance to catch up with. And don't be scared to stop if you have to go to the bathroom or just stretch your legs. Annnd bring lots of snacks!

Good luck and drive safely!!

Crystal said...

Musicals and HP on CD would be the things I'd do on a long car ride by myself. However, I'd have a back-up musical or two on hand, just in case. I'm not saying you'll get sick of Rent (not sure that's possible), but you never know.

Also I just started rereading HBP this morning! Coincidence? I think not! (But yeah, it's a coincidence.)

KateyMatey said...

Hmm, maybe you could vlog every hour and give an update or something? If you do this, please get footage of you screaming "Joanne, which way to the stage?!" out of the sun roof. It would make my week.

Anonymous said...

I once drove seven hours by myself, slept, and then turned around and drove back seven hours. (it's a long story!) I mostly just put my Ipod on random and listened to all the music I forgot I had. It's not as bad as you think. Although I happen to find driving relaxing. I'm sure you'll be fine. Plus, yay for hanging out with the situation! :)

Equatorgrim said...

When I pass a sign that has a name on it, I like to make up songs based around it. When it's a town name, I roll down the window, and sing the song as loud as I can for all to hear.

Hilary said...

I'm all for the singing Rent soundtrack, or any kind of soundtrack. I was supposed to drive 3-hours over the summer with a girl and we were planning on singing the whole A Very Potter Musical soundtrack.

I mean, it could also distract you from the right exits because singing is just so cool, it's also a stress reliever. Less thinking, more of the stuff you know.

Dana said...

I am kind of super excited, because I am commenting from an iPad* at the Apple store. So, please excuse any errors I make. The touchscreen keyboard is large enough and everything, but it is making me nervous when typing fast.

Anyways, I think the Rent soundtrack sounds like a great idea. Maybe some ridiculous pop music should be added to the mix? Miley?

Regardless, I hope the trip is spectacular and provides a much needed break.

*It is fun, but completely unnecessary. Basically an overblown iPod touch. I would never buy one.

roflcoptyler said...

I would definitely take the RENT soundtrack idea.

Lauren Sauer said...

Books on tape are great! My mom, who always complains about "not having the time to read" pops them in during her early morning commute, and she's already been through 8 of them as of January. Go to the library and check out one that sounds interesting and new, if it's something you've heard a million times, the whole ride may seem a bit redundant.

Margaret said...

It's about a 5-6 hour drive from my house to my college, depending on traffic, but I've never done it by myself. However, one particularly interesting thing that my brother and sister did on one of these drives was to scream as loud as you possibly can. No one will know, you're alone in your car. No one will hear (which is either a little scary or a little awesome, depending on how you think of it). But, yeah. Do it. It's exhilarating.

Maria said...

Sooooo, have you given The Situation your v-card yet? ;)
I'm just sayin' what everybody's thinkin'.

Afton said...

Once upon a time I went from Minnesota to Texas and played nothing but bad music and some favorites But always remember to rock out and get strange looks. It's the only part of the drive you'll be able to laugh about.

Edward said...

I'm curious to know who or what the voice in your head sounds like.

When I'm reading Harry Potter, it is without a doubt the magnificent Stephen Fry who's narrating every word.

Considering he read the original audiobooks which I listened to obsessively from the age of 10, this makes sense. I urge you to try and get hold of the Stephen Fry version of Philosopher's Stone, because Stephen has a voice like tweed melded with butter.

I'm not sure if you know who he is, but if we were to choose ambassador for Great Britain, I would choose the indelible Mr. Fry. Ask any Brit about him, and I guarantee they will throw their hearts down before him.


4hoursstanding said...

I regularly drive over 6 hours with noone else in the car. What I love doing, (and it sounds like it would be perfect for you) is to make up stories about people you pass on the road. You can go right into what type of family they have (13 nephews all with the name Allen), their hobbies (licking envelopes), and their pets (2 baby dragons, 5 sloths, and a 3 ft tall dancing armadillo).

I think after all the stress with this story, it'll be good for you to just run with some ideas, without any of the pressure of trying to conform to a certain genre or stereotype.

Music is also great! Put the ipod on shuffle, and you can always find something you haven't listened to in ages (some good, some bad). Anyway, whatever you choose to do, have an awesome weekend!

invisiblegirl said...

Well, you should listen to other books (even though..i probably would listen to harry potter all the way there.) like: everything is illuminated, or the outlander series (SO good) or extremely loud and incredibly close. ORRRR. you could do the RENT thing. or yould just blare Lauren and Kristina and Lianne's songs out the window. :)

Aly said...

I like all the ideas xD My personal strategy for long car rides is Mugglecast, Pottercast, and Smart Mouths =)

Rachel said...

Coincidentally, I have my first driving lesson tomorrow morning! (The driving age is 18 here)

I'm not entirely sure if it's too much of a hassle for what it's worth, but perhaps listen to some new music. is like myspace but for unsigned bands, and most have a couple of free downloads! (Always with the bands' permission)

I'd recommend He is We and Joel and Joanna. They're my fave's atm (:

Emily said...

Are cell phones allowed while driving? Maybe call someone, or put it on speakerphone...
Haha, sorry, inexperienced in the road trip solitare! Wish I could help!

Scott said...

I suggest a tribute to Idina Menzel. Sing through RENT, then Wicked, then her solo album. Maybe eat some mexican food in between tracks. That's probably implied though, haha.

Drive safely! And bring your own food. Unless you're into eating Mac n' Cheese Gurt. No judgement.*


Alice said...

I agree with TheBlaireWitch, signs are super fun, but probly not one of those "Honk if you are willing to buy me chipotle" because it would get really loud after a while. Also, Vlog driving seems like a totally safe thing to do, you could interview the other drivers.

Dana said...

I haven't ever driven 6 hours by myself, but when I was about 5 years old my grandma drove me to Reno for a wedding and we listened to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. That's where it all began for me... :) I don't have a problem with Jim Dale's voice because that's where I started from. Whenever I need to do something I usually listen to music, but for long term things (like a 6 hour road trip) I like to listen to listen to books on tape or musicals. I know this is completely not helpful because those are two of the things you already thought of...Oh! I make up stories about people I see in other cars. Not exactly the peak of originality, but it works. Sorry for being totally pointless. xD

Catharine said...

I drive 5 hours to school(PA) and back (to MI) at least 6 times a year and I still haven't found the ideal way to entertain myself. I usually start out listening to podcasts or something. Then I have to switch to music and sing really loud, which usually continues until my voice starts to go. And then come the conversations with myself. I am not really ashamed to say that, yes, I do talk to myself in the car. It's actually kind of useful. Once when I was driving home and feeling really stressed about something that was going on between me and one of my friends I managed to discover what exactly our relationship was and why I wasn't really that disappointed that I'd sort of lost touch with her over the past year. So yeah, talking to yourself isn't always a bad thing. I've also come up with good essay topics that way.
Hope the driving isn't too bad and your weekend is fun!

Sidsel said...

Talk to yourself, I always do that. I'm super weird.

Ana said...

Just sing. Sing, sing, sing your heart out. I recommend the Spice Girls.
Oh, and play COWS.

Anonymous said...

i definitely recommend singing along to Rent (or any musical for that matter). performing for an invisible audience is my favorite thing to do when i'm alone in the car...well, really to do period.


Pip said...

I've driven over 6 hours by myself before. I listened to Harry Potter (4th book) the whole time. It's a family tradition for roadtrips to listen to Harry Potter. Now, every time I go on a long road trip, even if it's not with my family, I need to have Jim Dale read to me. I have the books on my iPod and it makes the time fly. Since I grew up listening to Jim Dale read the books to me and since I've listened to each one so many times, I actually love his voices.

Other than Harry Potter, I would recommend show tunes. My favorite soundtracks to belt out are Spring Awakening and Wicked and Rent.

comelygrace said...

The most I've driven by myself is five hours, and I was too busy worrying about getting lost and watching for my next turn to have time to think about entertaining myself. I didn't have a GPS- only directions printed out from Google Maps. Annnnd even though I knew to stay on a major highway for like hours at a time, I still kept my directions on my lap and glanced down at them periodically comparing my mileage with the one listed for my next turn. I do NOT suggest doing this because it is boring and worrisome and may cause you to turn preemptively and get lost in a random town in Delaware (they HAVE those there??) before getting back on track and messing up your mileage count.

So like I'm sure everyone else is suggesting, I'd go with a super mega awesome playlist to rock out to and pump you up for your arrival at your super mega awesome boyfriend's house. My playlist would include a ton of broadway songs, The Beatles, Barenaked Ladies, Foo Fighters, and an extra dose of old school with Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys.

Another suggestion is a calming playlist in case you want a more contemplative trip. Mine would have Ben Lee, Death Cab for Cutie and Postal Service, Missy Higgins, A Fine Frenzy, Copeland, and Deas Veil. WARNING: be prepared to switch playlists if you start feeling TOO calm and sleepy!

Good luck and drive safe!

daiana said...

Hayley, listen to me gurlfren. I have driven for long periods of time (with my mom, but if you knew her you'd agree that i was basically by myself) and I keep myself alive with bubble gum (trust me, it works), jawbreakers, up beat music, and speaker phone with friends. Good luck with the story and the drive!

Kendall said...

Listen to super old CD's that you used to love but haven't heard since like, 8th grade. The Rent soundtrack is also a good idea.

Megan said...

First of all, don't worry about the essay. You are great and anything you write will be too.

As far as your car ride, I've never actually been on the rode that long unless I was on a bus full of people, so I have little advise. But my favorite thing to do when I'm in the car by myself (even if it's only for an hour or two) is make other people laugh. You could dress weird, head bang at stop lights, wave at people, etc. Some people's reactions are priseless.

But if you're not up for that, the Rent idea sounds great. Making up stories about other drivers sounds good also. Hope that helps. Good luck and have fun.

KatieHahn said...

I like the idea of singing Rent until your voice hurts, then taking a break with Half-Blood Prince. And to see how much of it is memorized, talk louder than the voice. That way it won't get annoying.


Katie said...

Be safe, Hayley :D.

Foxy Roxy said...

Girl I will cut you!

You can always talk to people on the phone. Safe I know.

Have fun with the bf and don't worry bout the writing class. Summer is almost here!!!

shawna said...

I'm all for the Harry potter. How can you not love his voice though?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Molly said...

That is what is so fantastic about the British audiobooks: it Stephen Fry, and he is awesome, and even if he doesn't get it right, he has an awesome accent.

Xilo Pryce said...

Making up phrases from the letters on the license plates. It gets hilarious, but maybe I'm weird. I know you said no counting plates, and I hope this isn't too similar.

grokim said...

I've driven six hours before, several times in fact. The best advice I have to give is a book on tape (or really CD.)

Kristin B said...

You should take your friends' mixed CDs and play them in the car...without knowing what's on any of them. The surprise keeps you going :)

Kate M said...

i live 4.5 (ish, depending on how fast i'm driving) hours away from my parent's house, so i always either load up on podcasts, make a new playlist (long enough to not hear the same song more than once while on the trip), or get an audiobook.
:) i also try to bring snacks/drinks with me so i'm not tempted to stop at an evil, bad-for-me fast food place.
have a lot of fun ... and be safe, please. :D

Britty said...

On the long drive somewhere once I listened to Wicked and pretended first I was Elphaba, then listened to it again and was Galinda/Glinda. My voice was pretty shot by the end of the drive but I was happy!

I can't listen to Harry Potter because it makes me sleepy on drive. Jim Dale soothes me into too much of a sleepy state.

Emily S. said...

Well obviously you must first stock up on the fattiest junk food and beverages. Like in Paper Towns you could make up life stories for the people driving next to you. Oh! You could blast Hannah Montana with the windows down. Um that's about all I can think up right now.

Gianna said...

Tomorrow I'll also be driving six hours! I'm only fifteen, though, and I'm driving my family to a wedding... so this certainly does not count as alone.
I suggest RENT (as it's my favorite musical). I plan on singing a lot as well.
Since you're alone, I think you should just let go and make a fool of yourself! Forget about the stress you're putting on yourself about your short story, even if it's just for a little while.
Sorry I'm not creative enough to come up with a more original suggestion (there are so many good ones already!)
Have fun!

caroline said...

I drive those kind of hours when I'm going home from school and school from home. My ipod is my best friend. I sing loudly and without shame and it is glorious. I usually call someone, like my sister, who I can talk to for a while to break up the singing. (I use my little iphone microphone earbud thingys for that.)

In other news.. if you were Teddy Lupin, what kinds of things would you tweet from Hogwarts? Writing a twitter feed for Teddy Lupin is an actual assignment for an actual school project. I love college.

Julia said...

I drove from Tucson to Seattle last spring by myself. I entertained myself most of the way with music and audiobooks. There's this site with free audiobooks for your ipod, It has books that are in the public domain (like all of Jane Austen's books) read by volunteers, so you can just download them and listen for free!

I also meant to comment on your post yesterday. My old roommate was a creative writing major, and her professor used to tell her to write from the "deep, dark, syrupy parts of her soul." But when she tried darker stuff, it wasn't her, and no one in her class liked it anyway. So I would say write from your heart, and don't try to just please your classmates and professor. They're there to help you, but their critiques and opinions are not going to be the end-all of your writing career!

Anonymous said...

That RENT thing sounds like a really good idea, maybe you should take "Wicked" for a spin too :P I don't really know what else there would be to do 6 hours when you're driving the whole time.

Anonymous said...

Hmm..I've never been in a vehicle by myself for that length of time. I don't know if I could handle it. I'm definitely thinking bringing music that you know and can sing along with (because thats always fun right?) and do the HBP thing for as long as you can without getting bored. I'm also voting for looking at other people driving and making up stories or thinking about what their lives are like. Yeah, I'm basically no help but I try hahs.

Azucena Paloma Garza Garza said...

Hum. Generally my mom/dad is the one driving, so I'm pretty comfortable reading on the back seat xD

But I'll try anyway.

Put the ALL CAPS "B min/E" CD. The songs are really good. Have you, by any chance, heard of Kristina and Luke? Oh boy, I don't think you have. :P

Music is the first choice that comes to my mind. And I also think is the best one. Singing along to my mp3 makes me the happiest person. Honestly. :D

Have an awesome trip!

hallieclaire said...

You're never alone if you bring an imaginary friend along for the ride! Or you could just do the rent thing with different musicals too. Like play your favorite character in each show. OR you could count things. thats what I do when I'm bored. Ideassss

Alessandra said...

Sing the RENT thing the whole way through, but try to see how many different characters you can do in one song.

Then do Wicked.

Then Mamma Mia!

Then repeat.

Anonymous said...

How about buy a book you've always wanted to read but have never had the time too on audio book, that should keep you occupied the entire ride!

Also you could try to look for some podcasts.

Or just think of stories! JKR thought of Harry Potter on a train ride, maybe during this car ride you'll have a Jo moment and think of a brilliant story that will make you a famous author!

JuliAnn said...

I actually have driven almost 6 hours to Rochester, New York... from Fair Oaks, New York all by myself last year... it was actually a pretty easy drive the way I went... but the only time it got boring was when I went through places where it felt like I was the only one there. What I did to pass the time... sang at the top of my lungs... drink caffiene... pee a lot (of coarse at a rest stop)yelled at how horrible people were driving... had conversations with random people in different cars... tried to make up the life stories of people in cars that I passed... yeah... oh and things to help you... MAKE SURE YOUR CELL PHONE IS FULLY CHARGED and if you have a car charger... make sure it's in your car... make sure that your car doesn't need an oil change or anything and you have enough windshield washer fluid and all that stuff...

have fun!

Anonymous said...

Driving long distances like that seems fun. There are so many possibilities... So much time to think and sing and whatever else people do in cars.
Unfortunately, Oahu is a tiny island, and it takes just about one hour to drive around the entire perimeter. Here, there is no such thing as a road trip!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so what kind of story did you decide on writing?

Anonymous said...

I live pretty far away from school and drive about 7-8 hours by myself pretty frequently. My suggestion is audiobooks... though I agree with you on Jim Dale not being my ideal voice for the Harry Potter Series his voice has gotten me through quite a few trips. Also, though it is tempting- talking on the phone can be a very, very bad idea. Safe travels!

Elisquared said...

Singing is a must. The plus to driving by yourself is being able to sing as loud and off-key as you want.

Another important aspects is breaks. Definitely take a break three hours in. Stop for a beverage at a gas station. Or, as I do, at a rest stop. Sitting outside is always a nice break.

Or tape your camera to your dash and video blog. Not the SAFEST option, but a lot safer than activities some people choose to do in the car. (Like shaving your downstairs area as a woman in Tampa FL was just arrested for...seriously I wonder about the human race.)

bookmouse99 said...

Suggestion One: Do you have a GPS? because my dad plays a game when he is driving long distances where he tried to beat the GPS (it says 4 hours until destination, he tried to get there in 3 hours 45 minutes) its kinda hilarious to watch, because it constantly has to recalculate its route.

Suggestion Two: pretend your in the movies and on an epic road trip. Make a soundtrack for your trip. Sing as loud as you can with the windows down (weather permitting)

Suggestion Three: Find a book you have always wanted to read, but for some reason just never get around to it. Download the audio book for it. Never pick a book you know because you are more likely to zone out

Suggestion four: Put a tape recorder, or your camera, or something somewhere it can pick up your voice. Make up a story, brainstorm and format a paper you have to do, anything like that so that you are driving, occupied, and getting something accomplished all at the same time

or any combination of the four :)

Make sure you stop regularly, keep hydrated, and get a good nights sleep. Have a great break, and enjoy your stress free weekend!

Ravenclaw2313 said...

I drive the 7 hours to St. Louis more often than I should, mostly to see Wizard Rock sows. Usually I blast music I can sing along with. Lots of Wrock, Taylor Swift, Owl City, Avril, Pink, and the soundtrack to every single Pokemon movie (often on repeat). I also have a recorder that I take on trips and I will just talk out stories. I'm usually more productive talking my ideas than writing them.

Keshara said...

I used to frequently drive the length of the state of Utah every time I went home from school last year, and it was about 5 and a half to 6 hours long. I just made sure that my ipod was fully charged and sung a whole heck of a lot. There were definitely moments where I would start conversations with myself, and then stop because I realized I was starting conversations with myself. The first time driving that long alone was kind of tough and pretty boring, but you just have to try and make the most of it, always thinking about the destination and how awesome it's going to be.
Good luck, and I hope you have a fun weekend!

Unknown said...

Um, any Harry Potter audio book that is not narrated by Stephen Fry is pure blasphemy, in my high and mighty opinion.

notaclareintheworld said...

Driving long distances is actually the most awesome thing EVER. I usually just make a couple new mixes and listen to each of them a few times and listen to NPR when I'm not in the mood for music. If you can put episodes of This American Life on your music playing device of choice they're really fun to listen to.
Enjoy it though... I'M SO JEALOUS THAT YOU GET TO DRIVE. I don't have a car at school.

notaclareintheworld said...

Oh also sometimes I senselessly antagonize people in other cars and take out my rage on "Hyundai Lady" by insulting the color of her car.

Kit said...

As there have already been several great suggestions of things to do while driving (listening to Mugglecast and making up a song are among my favourites), I'm going to suggest things to do when you make stops along the way.

1. Buy something you've never tried or haven't had in years at a convenience store.

2. Stop at a park and feed birds/chase a butterfly/pick wildflowers/roll down a hill/sing excerpts from The Sound of Music.

3. Write notes or quotations on post-its and stick them in various places along your route, such as in public washrooms or on parked bicycles.

4. Leave a nerdfighter note in a John Green book at a library or bookstore.

5. Go to a grocery store, play with a shopping cart, then go through the checkout with only one item.

6. Write a postcard and mail it to someone from a town along the way.

7. Make a map based on your trip, including landmarks. Don't make it accurate, though. Accuracy has been done. Draw it how it feels.

Have a safe trip, Hayley!

A.J. James said...

I am also off on a long car trip this weekend, though my girlfriend will be with me and entertaining is included... I think RENT sounds like your best bet!

Unknown said...

I am deeply concerned to learn that the US Harry Potter audio books are not narrated by Stephen Fry. SERIOUSLY get yourself a copy, he is perfect! X

Cece said...

Seeing as i'm only just getting my driving temps. this weekend, I have yet to drive any long, solitary distances. I've only ever been on roadtrips with like, 5 other people.
Though i'm sure you'll find a way to keep yourself entertained.

Maybe do RENT ('cause that sounds fun) and then Harry Potter.
I'm re-reading Half-Blood Prince at the moment :)
...And reading Animal Farm.
And Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
I wish I could read faster, there are too many books in the world that need to be read.

Have a good time with The Situation :)

The Vagabond said...

I drive about 8 hours to school so I usually listen to the HBP audio book or make a huge playlist of music. I also have a lot of MuggleCast episodes on my iPod so that helps. Basically my suggestion is music.

Have a good trip! : )

usernamessuckfully said...

nope never driven that long oh you could play ispy with your multiple personalities

Alleee said...

Get the Stephen Fry HP audiobooks!! They are infinitely lovelier.

Anonymous said...

Never driven six hours by myself, being as I don't have a driver's license, but I *have* driven about ten hours in a car with my dad and my two older cousins, which counts for something. :) I don't really know Rent, but that sounds like an awesome idea (if you were me, I would do the same thing but with Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog). :) Good luck!

Nicole said...

I've definitely driven 6+ hours by myself. Even with company it can be almost maddening. (Soon I'll be driving 10+ hrs by myself... I look forward to being committed after it's over.)

I have several ways that I keep myself entertained, and your options are not far from them. I create separate playlists, go through all my favorite musicals, then all my favorite artists, singing them in different ranges/characters/etc. And you might want to invest on a book on CD. They are expensive but in the end totally worth it when you keep your sanity. Try something that you haven't really heard so you stay engaged.

Talking to myself is a last resort as well as calling other people. This is when I start to question my sanity and often find myself getting hysterical, so I don't recommend this for more than five minutes at a time. (Also it's maddening when you get an idea that you want to write down on the freeway... so this is never helpful in that department.)

Unknown said...

I like books on tape. It makes the drive more bearable because it's just like reading a good book for 6 hours (as long as you pick a good one). Harry Potter is great, because it's so long, and always good, but sometimes I get tired of it because I know it so well.

Unknown said...

Oh, and library it up. Books on tape are expensive, and there is no need to spend that much money.

Anonymous said...

You can:
-buy a "Learn Finnish/Chinese/Polish in one month" and repeat pronunciation. -play Britney Spears discography (everybody knows the lyrics, we all know that!).
-make stupid faces to the drivers (when I was little and I used to travel on the back seat with my parents, I would look through the back window and pretend I'm being kidnapped)
-talking to yourself is also very occupying :D

Jim said...

I think you should do something that will significantly and permanently change the life of someone you know.

But this time in a good way!

Anonymous said...

I'm late but harry potter all the way i love that idea. i refused to read the actual books until i was confined to my bed sick one evening and my mother played the lovely jim dale for me. aaaannd then jump to present day where i just got off the phone with my mother who is buying new copies of sorcerers stone and azkaban because i'm rereading all the books again and we need new copies...

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