Anyway, rain makes me giddy. I have a relationship with water. I'm not one for swimming, but I've always had the inexplicable feeling that my patronus is a goldfish. I take horrendously long showers (to the dismay of the various people sharing my hot water supply), I'm one of the few who honestly drink eight glasses of water a day, and the sound of thunder excites me like nothing else. My religion has instilled (distilled? lol) in me the metaphor of baptism; being immersed in water is a way of flushing out negativity and feeling new, clean, relieved. I know it's stupid, but I've always felt like rain is God's way of telling me to calm down. Stop. Go play. Breathe in how good it smells. Better yet... write something for once.
Well, God, I can make no promises. But I can blog.
Yesterday, Sebastian and I went for a walk to play in a creek Jess and I found. Jess usually refuses to be within a mile of my video camera, and I wanted to film some stuff, so I brought along the photographer. Oh my goodness, this place. It's indescribably beautiful and serene. Jess recently taught me how to skip stones, and there are zillions of flat, skinny rocks to throw. I got some cute footage of us playing around in the pretty scenery that I'll be using for a depressing, moving-away-from-my-friends-sucks video. Now I either have to grab the few candid Jess-shots (danielbeast, anyone?) I can get before she punches me, or resort to handcuffs and chains. The latter isn't exactly the look I was going for as far as the video is concerned, but I do what I must.
Tomorrow Sebastian and I are getting up early and driving to "the roller coaster capital of the world," which is conveniently located an hour and a half away on Lake Erie. It's one of those places that's frequented by smoking teenagers with poorly-highlighted hair and balding men in wifebeaters drinking beer out of plastic cups, but it's also incredibly awesome. People flock there from all over the country, and, believe it or not, I've only ever been two or three times. It isn't fun that one of those times was with Justin Timberlake... or that we spent the whole day without a fight, totally enamored with each other... or that we held hands and shared messy junk food... or that I slept with my head in his lap on the ride home. Siiigh. Luckily, Sebastian really understands. Hopefully I can make it a happy place again in a different way?
Speaking of Justin Timberlake, I was reminded late last night why we don't work. Once again. That kid has a real talent for making me feel worthless and miserable. Ah, well. Off to buy Cedar Point tickets!
Chipotle burritos this year: 21
S'mores this summer: 2
Subscribers: 17,326
Bye, guys. Hopefully I'll see you... Friday, I guess. I'll try to get a 5AG video up tomorrow night, but there's no telling when I'll be home. <3
I love the way you described God and the rain. You always have such an awesome outlook on God that so many "famous" type internet people tend to leave out of public forums.
You are amazing, that's all.
Go have fun on the roller coasters. Maybe you'll find a water ride?
Ha. I live in Ohio too and I've never been to Cedar Point. I live in Northeast Ohio as well.
Was about to go to bed (Its 2am here) but then I saw you'd posted a blog. Usually id make some sort of witty or advice-like comment. But Im waaaay too tierd. I will say though, forget about JT he isnt worth the negitivity and enjoy the roller coasters tomorrow!
Oh an also I love water too...actually I adore it, and I do like to swim, but I hate swimming competitivly I dont like being told how to swim I just like to do it :).
Justin Timberlake sounds like a Goyle in a sea of Hogwarts students; you're so much more than that- a hybrid of a laid-back Hermione and Luna.
Cedar Point... lol traveled 8 hours to it (it was on the way to Chicago), and we got hit with a thunderstorm. It hit one of the towers of the skyview.
Thunder: zzt.
Crowd: Ahh!
I always end up in theme parks during crappy weather (Dorney, Hershey, Disney World, Cedar Point...) Good luck with your weather. Have fun on rollercoasters (:
[Great Adventure ftw, though; we have kingda ka! and more smoking teenagers with bad highlights.]
yay for having a more exciting life than me.
i feel the need to comment because this blog is something i'm checking regularly. my summer is shaping up to be an exciting one, where i read about your life instead of mine :rolleyes:
sorry to sound creepy.
looking forward to the video, i get sad when my subscribed box is empty.
My good friend Hana once said: "Hayley G. Hoover's living room is like, my ultimate nightmare - a huge window looking out to a forest. I just wanna live in a tiny cramped room forever."
I thought you might appreciate that. (:
Cedar point looks like a lot of fun. So does that place King's Island. It's in Ohio somewhere lol.
I love Cedar Point!
I also have a "Justin Timberlake"-like memory from there, only the opposite gender version. What is the female version of Justin Timberlake anyway?
I love reading your blog before I go to sleep lol it makes me happy. It's 2.20 here in England now.
I love how you descibe water. You make it sound like my fear of water is dumb. Water scares me.
I hope you have a great day with your friend tomorrow playing on those big scary rollercoasters.
With regards to JT, he's not worth your thought space. Nobody should be made to feel worthless and miserable. You are a beautiful person Hayley. You are honest, kind, caring and you never fail to brighten up my day. I think a lot of your readers would agree that the world is a better place with people like you in it.
Cedar Point is one of the best things about visiting my Grandparents in Ohio!
Though I'm not one for religion, the way you described God and the rain was still amazing.
I went to Cedar point for my band trip in seventh grade. My friends ditched me to wait in ridiculously long lines, until I almost passed out from dehydration and had to be taken to first aid. And had to stay with an adult for the rest of the time. They also went and ate without me, while I was trying to stay concious and drinking kind of gross gatorade.
Other than that, I liked Cedar Point. Not a rollercoaster kind of person, but...the train was nice.
Anyway, if I could live underwater, I would definitely do it. I love water (despite that fact that I barely drink any). It makes me strangely happy.
I'm also having ark-type rain accompanied by tornado clouds. Yay! I was at my step-brother's baseball game and THE POLICE came to shut it down and then they made everyone evacuate the area.
On an unrelated note, my library finally bought Red. I've been telling them for months it would be a good addition to the YA section. About a month ago I finally borrowed a copy from another library. I then gave this copy to the librarian who's in charge of the teen section with a sticky note attached saying "Now will you read it? =)" So she read it, bought it, then gave it to me so I could be the first person to check it out. I'm looking forward to reading it again, and I'll do that after I'm done watching Lord of the Rings (I had this horrible hankering to watch it for days and then today I woke up thinking, "I need to see Liv Tyler." Weird, I know, that's just how my brain works.)
i love the name Sebastian. and if you're looking to draw more associations with water in your life:
Have fun! I love your description of God and rain. I need to find a way to use that sometime... (and find a way to give you credit without sounding like one of those weird people that spends all their time reading other peoples blogs... even though I am...)
Anyway, you and Sebastian sound so cute! Is he your new boyfriendthing?
You are a jerk.
Cedar Point is only an hour away for me and I've been there maybe twice. Maybe it's my fear of heights that keeps me away. Have fun! Luckily it's not supposed to rain tomorrow, so it should be nice.
Rollercoasters in general please me to no end.
and I feel like a goldfish patronus would be rather unfortunate. I'd say go for a shark instead.
I love going to Cedar Point by boat from Canada. Way more relaxing than driving.
And I am almost the opposite of you. I love water as well, but I am more a fan of controlled water environments like pools. I am a lifeguard and I know that water can be dangerous and I like to know that I could make a difference in a controlled aquatic environment. It gives you a real sense of purpose when you scoop someone out.
Have a great time tomorrow!
wow, we're pretty much exactly the same when it comes to rain. weird.
Don't you just love the smell moments before it rains, everything seems so clean and fresh.
Also, what is the deal with this JT character? Why would he ever do such a thing?
Perhaps you could surreptitiously slip us (your blog readers) his address and we could all send him angry telegrams -
Urgent STOP You are a toolbag STOP Don't be a toolbag to Hayley STOP Gratefully END
Have fun at Cedar point miss Hoover... Make new memories...
I've been to Cedar Point before. Go on the Dragster! It's a real thrill. There are a lot of videos on youtube showing it getting stuck. Anyways, have fun. :)
I'm going to Cedar Point this summer. I am beyond excited.
As far as the water thing goes, I totally understand. Thunderstorms/rain have always been a sort of relaxant, even though I do the kind of swimming that's usually mistaken for drowning.
My librarian actually puts keyboards in a dishwasher at the end of every school-year. He said he takes the wires out and everything, but I'm still not sure if he was joking.
I love the rain too. I like the idea of it being God communicating with you. It's nice. I think things like that myself.
Have a good time tomorrow! I know your a MuggleNet girl, but the PotterCasters were talking about going to Cedar Point earlier this week.
It is also currently downpouring in Pennsylvania. But you are right, the rain is calming ^_^
Cedar Point is AMAZING, I'm jealous! Have fun!
Hey Sarah, it's too bad that your father worked for the Order and was blackmailing you. Oh well. Have fun in the "Resistance" videos that this commenter never bothered to watch.
Wait... What?
Hayley? Who's Hayley?
Oh, the one with the samurai sword. I get it.
After skimming through the comments it appears that no one before me got the LG15 reference. I wasted a couple of weeks of my life watching the entire first couple of seasons (I stopped after the whole "Resistance new thing with Jonas" started.)
I think I should be commended for my getting-of-reference and I hope you get those candid shots of Jess. Just kidding (about being commended for watching lame but addicting YouTube drama series.)
Wow. This is a long comment. Oh well.
The water thing . . . yes. I could go on for a while about my slightly abnormal relationship with water, but I'll leave it there. Yes. Have I mentioned that I really like your blog? I really like your blog.
Oh man, I love the rain too. Isn't it awesome how the air just smells so much crisper after a nice rain?
Have fun at Cedar Point, I hope happy memories in the making =)
Gahhh, I love Cedar Point SO MUCH. I was only once, but it's 8 hours away so I have an excuse. I'm hoping to take a bit of a road tripe w/ my boy_friend from Indiana since he says Six Flags sucks, which it does in comparison. The only upside would be that Six Flags is closer.
And don't feel weird that you see rain as something like an immersion. I'm right there w/ you.
Water....I agree. I totally agree. That's the reason why, even though I loathe my town for many things, I'll miss the ocean so much when I leave. There's something so comforting about all forms of water. And thunderstorms are glorious.
Hey. I like you a lot. Just fyi.
If reading a blog wasn't generally nerdy enough, getting your danielbeast reference and thoroughly enjoying it has just cemented this fact forever. Man, I am 1337.
Ugh ex's making you feel miserable and terrible are the worst.
I looove the rain and thunder and falling asleep listening to the pouring rain but that's about it for me and waters relationship.
Have fun at Cedar Point!
Hayley, look around for a second, darling. <3
Hundreds and hundreds of people read your blogs, and watch your videos, and follow your tweets, and oodles and oodles and oodles of other things. You are FAR from worthless. Even when you're not being amazing with quirky anecdotes or strangely appropriate moral lessons, you're a bajillion times worth it just because you don't only make one person happy with all this stuff, but NUMEROUS people. You're incredibly talented, love. Don't let JT getcha down.
I mean hell, if you're worthless, that what are all of us? Pahaha. ;D
Well, I always love it when someone sends me to my dictionary. To honor you, I'm going to try and find an opportunity to use "patronus" in a sentence this week. Maybe with my Dad on Father's day.
My favorite line from this blog was "Breathe in how good it smells". So few people would think to describe rain by it's smell. I once had a rather geeky, scientifically oriented friend who told me "It's just the ozone. The rain brings it down". I don't know if he was correct or not, but either way, I think he was missing the freakin' point.
But you aren't.
Hey Hayley! I've been reading your blog for a while now, but it's my first time leaving a comment. I also feel that way about rain. I love the way it smells outside after the rain has passed. Sometimes when I'm stressed I'll lay in bed at night and listen to thunder. And I say yes to 80's. And a quick closing question- will the true identity of Justin Timberlake ever be revealed? (I think I have some idea of who he is but I would enjoy a confirmation)
I absolutely adore the rain as well. I'm not really sure why, but it's soothing. Especially when it's hitting hot pavement, for some reason I love that smell. Have fun at Cedar Point! I hear it's awesome.
P.S. Lonelygirl15 references are full of win ;)
I completely agree with you about the rain. I've always adored the rain. As a matter of fact, it looks like it's going to rain any moment now. :)
By the way, I love your blog. You're such a talented writer.
The emotional roller coaster capital of the world is right here. :P
You know one day the real JT is going to be board and he'll google himself and find these blogs and get very confused.
I feel the same way about rain. :]
And on the 80s note from yesterday: I was watching TLC the other day and their was an ad for What Not to Wear and the woman from the show, Stacey, was wearing bright socks with heels. Just saying.
JT is a butthead. Basically.
You're beautiful, dear.
This could sound absolutely horrid and naive, but the way you present your life is as though I'm reading a teen romantic comedy novel.
And in these novels, the chap like Justin Timberlake often, well...wins. Not that your life is a romantic fiction.
For example, you have presented Justin Timberlake as the "villain", the Mr. Darcy, if you will. The villain usually happens to be, well, not as bad as we think.
This somewhat parallels what you have written here - the way initially everyone considered JT the epitome of boyfriend perniciousness, but you have gradually revealed that he really isn't quite as loathsome as he seems; or, at the very least, he is in fact entirely capable of compassion and propensity.
I hope you see what I mean.
I am petrified of roller coasters. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Have fun, though.
You are a pretty awesome writer, Hayley. Nice post! I'm a big fan of FAG and your videos.
My friend Brian's at Cedar Point right now. Haha. I hope you have/had fun Hayley.
P.S. My best friend since I was two has this blanket. It's name is Sebastian...
Hayley is amazing. Discussion closed.
You say pop. Heh...heh heh....
hayley i heard this song and it reminded me of ur jt situation, even tho of course idk the details or anything but i just know ur gunna like this song. it's demi lavato's new song called "here we go again". trust me.
I love the rain, it's so peaceful and clean-ish.
Nice distilled joke.
that is all.
Pfft boys who needs em!
It's wierd because it usually takes Twice as long to get over a person as you were with them for. Whether they make you feel like shit or not, if you really liked them at one point, even if you Don't now, it will take time. Annoying annoying time.
Oh my god. I can't believe you feel the same way about water. I am enamored of water. I drink it like a fish. And I take RIDICULOUSLY long showers. And I'm not one of those people that runs across the street in a rainstorm. I take it all in. I love it. I loved this blog post.
PS I think it's funny that you call soda "pop."
I've always wanted to go to Ceder Point! I'm insanely jealous!
Cedar Point is bomb diggidy.
And, I had my first Chipotle burrito yesterday, and it was orgasmic.
And those are the two things I'm going to say.
Oh, and I like rain, too.
The end.
You have no idea how annoyed I am after I learned you went to Cedar Point the DAY after me.
Okay, I remember a blog where you were saying how much you liked Little Miss Sunshine and I came across this video that I thought you might enjoy.
Hope you enjoy!
Okay, honestly, Hayley, do we live in the same place? I feel like I go to Hell High School and I'm pretty sure I live in Hell, Ohio. I always used to feel like such an outcast, but you give me hope that I'll be able to survive these people for one more year. Anyway, I was just at Cedar Point last weekend, and it was a blast, so you better have fun. Sebastian sounds lovely.
Hayley G Hoover.. You're the best blogger out there! Love reading your stufff! And you have inspired me to start blogging again, hopefully I can keep at it this time... Can't wait to read your next blog..Love ya! =]
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you rode Top Thrill Dragster!! Best ride of my life.
I love Cedar Point. I've ridden basically everything. The Mantis is also amazing and I hope you rode that...also, Iron Dragon is sort of anti-climactic but it helps if you have your best friend sitting next to you screaming, "I'M A DRAGON MOTHERF*****!" like I did :D
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you rode Top Thrill Dragster!! Best ride of my life.
I love Cedar Point. I've ridden basically everything. The Mantis is also amazing and I hope you rode that...also, Iron Dragon is sort of anti-climactic but it helps if you have your best friend sitting next to you screaming, "I'M A DRAGON MOTHERF*****!" like I did :D
lg15 reference ftw (:
have a fantastic time at the rollercoasters! The last bit of the blog worries me... Justin Timberlake made you feel shit again? i hope your alright, just rember that a girl whovlives in Australia and reads your blogposts everyday thinks your fantastic!.. in a non creeper kind of way :)
I can totally relate to your rain fascination!!! When I tell people that I like rain they always look very weird and don't understand that I'm not the biggest sunlover in the world...I just like winter more. When I'm stressed I go under the shower and that usually helps, glad I'm not the only one ;) Also, the other day I had to ride my bike back from the trainstation to my home and it was pooring outside...when I got out of the train I just loved to smell the smell of rain and just feel the drops on my head....maybe I'm weird, but I don't care ;) lol
OMGZZZZ. Hurry up and update! Your "I like a boy" tweet must be followed up!
Its been 4 days, hayley. I'm getting a little worried :( You have either found something better to do or you are in trouble, and I don't like either ideas! I've become rather dependent on these updates.
Four days since your last update. Epic fail.
My senior trip was to Cedar Point. I had fun. Lol.
But I agree with you about the water thing. I take super long showers, too, and it really is like you're washing away the negativity of one day so you can start fresh the next.
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