
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diagnose me.

I think I'm allergic to February. Everything about this month makes me want to hibernate. I'm pale, I'm overeating, I'm cold, I'm tired, I'm depressed, my nose emits a constant stream of liquid which is super inconvenient because the act of keeping used tissues in your pocket is disgusting, I'm bored, I'm uninspired. I have free time but lack the energy to accomplish anything. All month I've been opening Word documents just to close them, writing three lines of a blog before angrily backspacing, clicking that little star next to the subject lines of emails because "I swear I'll come back to this later." Maybe I have Seasonal Affective Disorder or some other harmless malady invented by white people in the first world for the sake of excusing away our bitchiness. Or maybe I just need a vacation. You know what, Blog? I'll let you decide. Diagnose me. I will list my symptoms below.

  1. Last week, a guy in my majors-only* English class asked me how to make an outline. Two days ago, while peer-editing papers, he circled a sentence of mine that contained dashes and wrote, "What are these lines for?" Since I did not tear my shirt in rage, turn green, roll my eyes or vomit, I must be sick.
  2. I ate so much popcorn last night that the only way I could see fit to neutralize my mouth/stomach was by eating cupcakes. A healthy person would have brushed her teeth or gone for a run or, oh, I don't know, STOPPED EATING THE POPCORN. But I ate cupcakes.
  3. I recently attended class in the same shirt I'd slept in... and I didn't change until the following morning. Like... just soak that up for a second.
  4. There's enough sunshine this morning that I worked up the energy to force myself into a skirt-- not a spectacular one, mind you, but just the average kind of skirt that a girl might wear from time to time-- and two separate classmates have asked, "Why are you so dressed up?" When people call in the Inquisition because you're not utterly disheveled, you have a problem.
  5. My mattress is molding into the shape of my body and there are enough crumbs surrounding me that, frankly, it's only a matter of time before small woodland creatures begin nesting in here.
So what do you say, guys? There are only eleven days left of this hellish month so I can probably survive**, but no promises. Do you have any tips for overcoming Winter Madness? What do you do when you feel depressed for no reason? And does anybody have a forklift to get me off my bed?

Chipotle burritos this year: 1
Subscribers: 45,834
Nail color: Hot pink (I don't remember the brand or name.)
Miles run today: None yet.
Miles run this year: 81

*Just a note to make sure we're all on the same page, here: The kid who asked me these questions is majoring in English at the college level. From this information we can deduce that he 1) passed high school English classes, 2) received satisfactory scores on standardized tests, 3) was accepted to an institution of high learning-- one that turns many people away, no less, and 4) has, you know, written papers before.

**I'm such a heroine. What Chilean miners? I'm sick of winter; that's what matters!


ashley said...

yay! first comment! :) I'll comment again once i've read the post lol

Stefan said...

ug. tell me about it. I'm a pretty up beat person and I've been super affected seasonally this month. I don't think all the snow over the last few months has helped. I'm done with cold and darkness.

ashley said...

okay, so now i've read it. :)
Hayley, you're probably fine. You just need a new hobby or have to find something better to do with your time than, well, whatever you've been spending your free time doing. :)
Lighten up!!
Also, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while- how do you get your blog to be famous like yours is?? I'd appreciate of you could look at my blog and comment some tips, or...something. Thank youuuu! :)

Samantha said...

I feel exactly the same way -- February is been in the shitters. I truly believe it's the weather. I've been running on a treadmill for so long that when I went outside for the first time my skin literally rejoiced. I saw the skin cells move!!

I say just keep trucking along -- eleven days!! We will make it.

P.S. I'm a broadcast journalist so my dashes and dots are never grammatically correct but conversational so please don't think to harsh of me. :)

kyle said...

As a graduate of your rival, I'm obligated to make fun of your school's admissions standards. I'm also obligated to hide from you the academic monstrosities that occurred at my school.

Also, diagnosis: February is a shit month. Unless you live in Florida, where it's 72, sunny and all-in-all makes you feel awesome. said...

Ok, I see your problem Right there at the bottom of your post where it says "Chipotle burritos this year: 1" 1? Get yourself out there and buy the most delicious burrito ever, then sit back and feel the awesome settle in. You are obviously severely lacking in this nutrient.

Rosanna said...

Oh Hayley. I feel it. My advice to is to curl up under some blankets, eat a huge bag of peanut M&Ms and watch a French film with english subtitles. It may be cheesey, but who doesn't love a good uplifting movie. They tend to give me at least a sprinkle of drive to get up and about, plus they always work better if they include peanut M&Ms. If that doesn't work, get out of where you are. I don't know if you are near a beach, but beaches help. And if you have a minute, wish me luck in my first 'going out' night for months. I'm dreading it, and planning a day at the cold wintry beach at the weekend to repair any damage it may cause.

Lauren Sauer said...

I feel the EXACT SAME WAY. Honestly, getting out of bed is a struggle and I'm just sick of this month. A friend of mine has tried to start a "days until summer" countdown, but every morning, even when the number goes down I still grimace because it's still in the eighties. If I could give you any advice, I'd be taking it myself, but just know that I adore you and this blog, and I'm rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe I have Seasonal Affective Disorder or some other harmless malady invented by white people in the first world for the sake of excusing away our bitchiness."

I'm not exactly sure if you said this seriously at all. What I can tell is that it sounds very off to me.

This is mainly because I have suffered from SAD for several years in a row, and I wouldn't call it "harmless".

That is all. A prissy person is a prissy person.

Katie Ryan said...

Hello, HGH! Oh, girl, have I BEEN THERE with English majors being complete idiots. I go to a school that's pretty similar to yours. I'm in an ADVANCED Creative Nonfiction class (meaning you must have taken at least 2 Creative NonFict class before) and I was peer reviewing papers for workshop the other day and I had to walk laps around the library to keep from burning down the English building. HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO BE GIVING ME FEEDBACK WHEN THEY CAN'T EVEN FORM A SENTENCE?!


Listen to some happy music (today is a very Vampire Weekend day, if you're into them) and go to Chipotle. You've only had one burrito this year. It's the middle of February. Who are you?

Cheryl R Hoover said...

The remedy? 1) Grouper sandwich (or vegetarian equivalent). 2) Iced tea. 3) A long walk to the point and back. 4) A good book on the dock.

Mel said...

I've been feeling more or less the same for most of the month, and what's helped me is forcing myself to "dress up." I usually lay out outfits for the next day before I go to bed, so even if I feel like dying in the morning, I can still wear something cute without the effort. Surprisingly, it does wonders for my mood and plus I've noticed guys looking at me more, which is always a nice ego-boost. I don't think you're super into clothes, but making outfits is sort of an artistic medium, and might even be a source of inspiration. Also, raid your friends' closets. It's like shopping without actually spending money.

Good luck with everything, and I hope you start feeling as awesome as you are!

elfarmy17 said...

I may put dashes in places they shouldn't be (I use them as I would in conversationally--not grammatically), but at least I know what they ARE. Good God.

I've been too busy this year/month to get February-itis, but it's definitely afflicted me in the past.
I would turn off the TV, and shut the lid of your laptop, and read a book that you love, such as Harry Potter or a John Green book.
That always makes me feel more energized/inspired.

Carolina said...

ooh number 2 (i think. the one with the popcorn) happens to me all the time and i feel terrible after it. i just eat out of boredom but the BEST thing you can do is go oyut, even though it's cold and snowing or whatever but it really makes you feel more... active. and you can breath fresh air which is always good. just go out and breathe and move.
as much as i don't want to at first, when i come back from my little walk i normally fell so much better and less lazy!

Stacie said...

February sucks. Except in CT it was 55 degrees today :D
Lately I've been coping with this winter horribleness by reading lots and lots of books. Way more than usual.
I also have many dance parties to my "summer jams" in my living room. Rocking out = exercise and fun alllll at once! ;D

Leah said...

Sounds like you've come down with a very serious case of That's What Leah's Life Is Like All The Time. Only I seem to find emotional satisfaction in it, so make of that what you will.

Linda said...

This week was really off for me too. I woke up Monday morning thinking it was Sunday. Every day after that felt like a Thursday, and today (Thursday) feels like a Friday. I can NOT wait for the weekend.

Michael said...

Lots of people seem to be unhappy that it's still winter. It happens every year that people are just generally upset in February and March. Most people just want the weather to be nice again and the days to be longer. Then once it does get nice again people think, "It's finally nice out and I'm stuck inside with you!" I call this affliction 'Spring Bitchiness.'

I personally like the winter, I'm not particularly thrilled that it's kinda almost over and that's it's in the freaking 60's today.

Hannah said...

Kind of sounds like my life as of late.
Diagnosis: a serious case of the "normals".
I think everyone, once and a while, just gets stuck in a rut. Of course, if you stay like this for more than a month, that's a different story. But no worries, in fact, I write this as I lay in my sunken bed, and surrounded by candy wrappers and empty bags from chinese delivery.
...and I'm okay with it.

Leah said...

I've been the same way this month...
It's a little bit of senioritis hitting, but I actually prefer having homework to do.
I just haven't felt like doing anything at all. I come home, do my homework. Then I abuse my StumbleUpon toolbar. It makes me feel so useless but I don't know what else to do with myself.

Paige said...

Yeah. You basically just summed up how I feel right now. I have always hated February, but for some reason this year it has been the worst. It is damp, bleak, and depressing. UGH. I CANNOT wait until April....

P.S. Do you keep a journal? I've always wanted to know.

Heather said...

So good to see a blog post from you Hayley! (no guilt intended, I just have been feeling similarly winter-dismal, and your posts tend to improve my mood).

Anyways, I think you need to read a guilty pleasure book. My general rule is that I can't read any YA fiction (or fluff of equal or lesser value) until late spring.
But this year we had a week of perfect spring weather, and then constant RAIN. So I broke my own rule and picked up a book I've heard you mention before. So yes, guilty pleasure book. (or Catcher in the Rye... that is the perfect book for winter-depression catharsis).


Anonymous said...

I agree with a few of the comments before me--you seem to be Chipotle-deficient, and are perhaps in a rut. I'll repeat "getting a burrito" and "hanging in there" for your cure, as well as taking on something inspirational. May I suggest making a "101 Things in 1,001 Days" list? It has done wonders for making me feel better about myself and my ability to decrease world suck!

Good luck, and thanks for counting on us to diagnose and heal you like you do us. :)

Johnny Rollerfeet said...

In A Bit Of A Chat with Ken Plume & Molly Lewis, Molly bravely admitted to having an ADD assessment. I had one recently and was surprised/relieved to find out I have auditory inattentiveness. It's no excuse for my procrastination, etc. but it gives me something to work with to overcome it.

...and a reason to get prescription meds that help me stay focused...

Anyway, point is: while you're nursing off the university whatever, go see a counselor and get free testing! It'll help you pass the time and you may learn something useful.

Julianne said...

February is the worst. But still, it's getting closer to spring.

Manar said...

Aww, I also get really depressed in the winter. :( For me, I legitimately do not get enough Vitamin D without the sun being all sunshiney, so I have to take daily Vitamin D supplements in the winter.

Other things you can try are forcing yourself to exercise (because you KNOW that running makes you feel good) and just taking a day off to rejuvenate yourself and HAVE FUN and be CAREFREE before throwing yourself back into your schoolwork and other business. :)

Bridget said...

Hayley, I cannot even express to you how much I'm feeling the same way. The weather has been absolutely horrid and just this week it's finally turning back to the Texas heat. I never thought I would say this but, I've missed it so much! I cannot wait until it's Spring Break. My classes this semester are insane in the membrane and I've been feeling increasingly apathetic towards everything that is studying and, in any sense of the word, productive. I need a hobby, I want to drink a nice tall glass of water, I would like to tan for a change and I can't wait until this hair dye fades out so I'm back to being a blonde again. Sigh... all I can say is we need to wait it out until this month ends and then we shall rejoice with a book and some sunshine. :D

And dear God, I'm surprised you could handle the situation with that idiot about the hyphens, I probably would have screamed something along the lines of "BLASPHEMY!" and then resort to pulling out my hair and I'm not even an English major, haha

Anonymous said...

Dude, I am totally there! I just want to curl up and sleep until April, or maybe even May...

DefCon5 said...

My best advice for getting yourself out of this mood is to structure your time a bit. At my school, everyone says winter quarter is the worst because of the weather and similar mood, but within hours of returning from break I was immediately scheduled in tech for a musical. Since the show ended four weeks later, I've been floating around and filling in my time other ways, but commitments keep me going. Just make some plans :)

Melody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melody said...

At least we all have the satisfaction of knowing that after February comes March! Which is exactly like February in every way, except LONGER! Isn't that awesome?!?

Meh. I feel you, Joanna. I'm making brownies as we speak.

iLikeAcidPops said...

oh hayley, i feel it too sometimes.
maybe your body's telling you to relax?

TarahPaintsDaisies said...

I am totally on the same page as you, Hayley. That heaviness in your chest, the constant hunger despite your stomach already feeling like it's housing a fire truck, the desire to crawl underneath your sheets like a hermit crab and wake up four months later blissed out and fresh as a daisy. I completely get it. Writing helps. It really, really helps. Take at least 20 minutes to sit down with a notebook and just write random sentences. Don't criticize yourself if they suck, don't worry about making sense, just keep going until something intriguing pops up and then take it from there. And if it doesn't, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are regardless of how you feel. Write it on your face if necessary. Because the truth is, you really ARE awesome Hayley. And you're also a human being, which totally entitles you to a period in which you feel like crap. You'll get through this!

Alex Dahlberry said...

Thannks, Hayley. I was feeling perfectly fine until i read this...and now I'm starting to feel exactly like you described. xD I'm way too empathetic.

But yeah, winter sucks. We're all just so cooped up and it's so dark and we still have a little less than half the year of school left and blehhhhh.
Also, I haven't slept in a week, because I keep procrastinating from homework until midnight, then having to do it then.
It sucks.

You should probably eat some grapes. Don't they just sound so fantastic and fresh and wake-up-time! to you? mmm.

I hope the sun'll come out tomorroowwwww for you.


Anonymous said...

This month hasn't been that crappy but the next one is sure to be, for me. In march teachers pick up the pace, there are no breaks, and there are no half days or snow days anymore. Can't wait for that!

Rachel said...

I went through a similar phase last week. My issue which I think is related is that I feel as thought I can't read any more. I read books for school but I can't seem to find new books that I'm interested in or have the motivation to read them. I find myself reading Harry Potter repeatedly.

Unknown said...

I just want winter quarter to be over. I'm ready for change. I guess weather hasn't been much of an issue for me since I'm in California... but it's been cold and the rain just came in. Boo. :(

I've been overeating as well! My friends and I made mini red velvet cupcakes for our Red Party (our own celebration of Valentine's Day) and they left the extras at my place. I consumed an absurd amount of these babies this week. I think it might also be that "time of the month" for me--I tend to eat a lot the week before... hmm...

Courtney said...

I know what you mean. I'm kinda stressed out too. February is not my favorite month.

megkhowell said...

singing makes me feel better. specifically disney. so, you know, thought I'd throw that out there. also, that guy in your class kind of worries me. I am going to college next year and was really hoping it would be different than high school.

toastburntbread said...

well you see, i am also currently suffering from this as well. A lot of your symptoms rang a bell. Also, I would like to add, i have gotten so far behind in my homework in this month of february, that I just don't know what to do. But i find nice, relaxing, soothing, things can gently rock a person into becoming motivated and feeling better. So my plans for the day are to make my room my sanctuary, play some soft music, dim the lights, and get back into to the swing of homework.
I blame the cold. It's hard to do anything when one if feeling cold. It SUCKS energy from a person.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to February I usually just look forward to March, or whatever exciting things are coming up. I diagnose you with February-itis. Very common among people especially when the year 2011 hits. Not long until the season is over for this bug! Keep your head up :D

Catherine C said...

Sounds like a case of SAD to me! I get it every year.. it can really wear away any energy, self preservation, goals, and good mood of any sort. Hibernation is good! Ward off the depression by keeping yourself as busy as possible! Force yourself to get involved when you don't feel like it. It helps. I hope you feel better when America thaws out!

Alexis said...

I actually love February. I'm biased, though, because my birthday is in February (the 21st, yo!).

I grew up in Fort Lauderdale and currently live in the Tampa area, so Florida's February weather is quite the opposite of what you're experiencing. But I can sort of empathize with your "disorder" because I just got over one of the most inconvenient and annoying colds ever and being sick always presents this huge inner battle for me: I want to go out and do things in spite of my sickness, but DAMN that bed looks comfortable.

I hope you feel better, though! One, because I just genuinely hope you feel better and two, I love reading your blogs and mayhaps fine health will make you more willing to write for us all! No pressure lol...but seriously.

Taren said...
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Taren said...

Don't worry, I have done 4 out of 5 of those things this month. As in, I'm currently wearing a hoodie that I slept in last night and wore the entire day before... the jury is still out on whether or not it will come off before I fall asleep tonight. January and February just suck. There's no way around it.
Loved your video today - I don't know why I haven't been using "I can't be tamed" before now... can't wait to beat it into the ground until all my friends hate me.

Jessamyn said...

Seasonal Affective disorder is actually real. It's caused by a lack of vitamin D in your system which you get mostly from the sun, and usually they fix that by giving you a light box to sit in front of for about ten mins a day.

I'm thinking that maybe you should find a day to go out and DO something. Adventures always make me excited and think, and I'm sure it could do the same for you. You could go get yourself a new top, or go to the art museum, or a musical. Just do something exciting and fun =)

Unknown said...

My friend and I have a tradition to watch the short documentary "Dear Jack" when we are feeling depressed and or that our menial problems are taking over our lives. It helps us to put those problems into perspective and usually straightens us out/makes us feel better. I highly suggest it, especially if you like the band Jack's Mannequin or Something Corporate.

Nicci Weasley said...

To me it sounds like a regular, end-of-winter-depression. Not uncommon at all, I think.
I might not be the right one to ask for advice here, since I suffer from major depression disorder, but for me the only way out of that stuff is to keep going until I hit rock bottom. Then I get really really sick and disgusted with myself, go for a run, and somehow force myself to rediscover some motivation.
Wish I could give you some tips, but I don't have any :-( ...

Sam said...

Sounds pretty normal to me. I feel like that all the time at the end of winter.

When I'm depressed for no reason, I tend to watch old 5AG videos. Or I go for a run or something, because that normally cheers you up.

Xilo Pryce said...

I can't relate. My birthday was this week (26, I'm feeling old.), and it's 76 degrees here. Ridiculous. I'll trade you. :D

Pip said...

Diagnosis: February-itis
Only known cure is to hide under the covers until March. Or pop some Prozac like me! (Ok, not really, unless prescribed by your doctor as mine is)

Also, totally know where you're coming from with the how-are-you-in-college-courses feeling with classmates. In my 400-level, also English major exclusive class someone asked what "felicitous" meant. I know it's a 4 syllable word...but it's really not that obscure, people.

Unknown said...

I honestly don't think february is that bad. I think it might be because my birthday is on the last day of winter. So there is a solution! be born in february!

EJ said...

I've had Depression for about 5 years now, and have still been unable to master it. But, to try and answer your question of "what do you do when you're depressed for no reason", I will try and give some of my own experiences. When I get particularly depressed my first instinct is to be alone, but I know that if I'm around other people then I'm more likely to be distracted, and therefore more likely to feel better. So I would try and hang out with some friends, or Skype with someone. Second, I know that it's really hard because it's cold out, but one of the other things that helps me is going out for a walk; bring your iPod if you can. Ideally I'd listen to an audiobook (my preference is HP6 read by Jim Dale) or a podcast. But some upbeat music can help too. I hope that you feel better soon my friend. Winters are the hardest but Spring is worth waiting for.

courtkraw said...

I have been feeling the same way. I thought my long distence relationship had something to do with it. This is my second year of long distence, so I no longer ache for my boyfriend like I used to and therefore I thought I was better. But this past month I have been in such a slump where I simply didn't want to do anything. I had 5 loads of laundry on my bedroom floor. Maybe I can chalk it up to the season, or maybe it's the long distence. Who knows...

Anonymous said...

yea this month is a drag. i loved when the sun still up at 9pm! when im depressed for no reason ...don't make fun of me lol ...i listen to korean pop.(kpop). i'm not korean and i don't understand most of the lyrics but for me, it's an instant pick-me-up. anyways. waiting for march break!


Azucena Paloma Garza Garza said...

I'm finally getting some sunshine. Last few weeks were horrible, cold and boring, but yesterday I went to my first dancing class and I can't tell you how good it felt, *doing* something after weeks of just sitting in front of my computer and eating.

Sometimes I get really sad for no reason, too, but then I put on some music and force myself to watch videos ir gifs that never cease to amuse me. I have amazing friends, so that's incredibly helpful, too.

My advice: Get. Out. Socialize even if you don't feel like it. I know that if you're surrounded by nice people or in a park with a huge tree next to you or taking fresh air or whatever- life seens different than if you're just laying on bed tumbling
-that's me- and just getting up to grab something from the kitchen when you're not even hungry.

That's the end of my rant. Hayley, be happy.

Jen said...

Dear Hayley,
I have had almost the same kind of feelings lately. i know that the obvious 2 aspects of it would be the breakup between my boyfriend and i last month and the terribly depressing weather, that's just cold and wet and sullen but i also feel like there's something else causing the issue. idk if you feel like that as well but i'm hoping it is simply the those 2 things and my lack of a full schedule which will hopefully pick up with the start of the spring show at my school or me getting a job (which i've been attempting to do since decemeber :P)
anyways, my point is that i have the same feeling that you've described. and sometimes it gets very hard to explain to people. how i feel and why are just a bit hard to put into words. lately i've been trying to get excercise, only listen to energetic, inspiring music, and meet new people and try new things (the latter of which has proved to be a pretty great idea)
senioritis is kicking in. the remnants of my flu from last week are still with me as well as the constant reminders of my previous relationship. i know it'll get better and i just keep telling myself that. and i know that that's what you should do too. the sun will come out and it'll be spectacular. nothing lasts forever, and neither will this disgusting feeling :)

Alexis said...

It sounds like you have a bad case of Being Me.

At least February isn't forever. I'm actually sort of a winter person, but I'm really ready for some spring too.

Kristina M. said...

I would call it collegeitis. You go into college thinking it's way better than High School and everyone will be sophisticated. Don't get me wrong, it is better, but it's not perfect. I think there starts to be this just pure laziness that settles over campus mid-semester.
I suggest opening a window, blasting music (I recommend Sublime but your choice) and cleaning your room. If your room is clean other types of positive
behaviors will follow.
By the way, I loathe peer editing. Either your peers are Neanderthals and you look like Einstein or your peers are geniuses and you look like an illiterate sack of turds. It's definitely a lose-lose.

Hannah said...

Just adding on to my comment from a couple days ago...Today I went to Panera and apparently ordered enough to feed two people. So when the cashier asked me who I was buying the "extra food" for, I said I was getting it for my boyfriend.
...I'm single.

But I tell ya, that meal was damn good.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to be yet another reader shoving this down your throat but... You might want to check out Presence! Actually, the latest post on there seems to fit your situation perfectly. (Now, excuse my sounding like Alice in Wonderland) but like you, I give myself very good advice and very seldom follow it. I know us followers of Presence would love if you would stop by, but by the looks of this post, we understand if you just need to wait until March to come back. The thing that's helped me the most is going outside and actually doing something. It makes my time feel a little less... useless! I also am a little obsessed with making lists- things I want to do, things i need to do, etc. They help me clear my mind and get things sorted out. Good luck!

~Alison said...

I know that feeling!
I'm trying to chase away the February Blahs as well.
I just started running again, on Friday, and I'm already feeling better.
I've been for two runs since then, one Friday, and I just got back from another one.
Find things to do that you LOVE to do. Read your favorite book, blast music and dance around your room, go for runs, when its sunny ENJOY THE SUN! spend time with family, and enjoy the small things. Plan things to look forward too. Planning something for the warmer months ahead, will give you something to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Since I am a teenage girl, vanity is the way to go. I curl my hair and then bask in the good looking-ness.

Anonymous said...

Since I am a teenage girl, vanity is the way to go. I curl my hair and then bask in the good looking-ness.

Anonymous said...

And OF COURSE that double post was intentional. Vanity, right? hahah

Rachael said...

this isn't really a diagnosis, more a random feel good list.
complete everything on this list, you will feel like sunshine lollipops*

1 breath, just take time to breath
2 break something
3 put pva glue on your hand and
pull it off when its dries
4 give a name and label for every
piece of furniture in your room
5 paint a picture of a horse radish
because it is a very unloved
6 hand out flowers/give hugs to
random strangers
7 speak like a pirate for a day
8 read childrens' picture books
9 eat cranberries because they are
10 learn 10 phrases in sign
11 figure out everything you want
to accomplish next month
12 sit outside and just be for a
13 breath again

you have just over a week to make this the best month of your life. so get going!

*not literally

TonksftMemories said...

The grass is always greener on the other side. I'm in Australia and I'm so sick of this stinking hot weather. I'd love some rain or any weather that could be called at least slightly refreshing.

uberfrau said...

You are not alone. Last Friday, I blew my hair dry before I went into school-like ten of my students asked me if I had gotten a haircut. You should drink more coffee and read a romance novel. You'll feel much better.

Becky said...

You need a holiday...probably come to Australia. :D

Rissy said...

Lol Hayley! i can totally relate to the whole matress molding. it's quite comfortable, though.

Grace said...

When I read the title of your blog post, I was instantly reminded of Isabella Rossellini's Seduce Me - it uses intricate puppets to teach about animal mating! I promise that it is not creepy at all and will instead expose you to the wonderful world of educational puppetry.

JakeJustus said...

February definitely seems to drag on forever. It kept getting warm, then snowing, then melting, then snowing. I have been doing yoga/stretching a lot, and trying to get as much sun as possible, which isn't a lot. Hopefully it gets warm soon!

Rachelle said...

It is very difficult to stay upbeat in winter and as someone who suffers from depression I'd say February is the worst. My advice is to force yourself to get up, because you'll just get used to being lazy and sad; keep busy, make yourself go for a run. Listen to upbeat music that makes you want to dance around - and then dance around. Stay away from watching too many sappy television shows or movies, they just make you want to cry.
Other than that, I think you're fine. You may just need some vitamin D, so go outside or buy one of those lamps :P
I hope you feel better. I know I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm trying to jump ship.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Hayley's back! Yay! Even though it may seem like telling yourself you'll get exercise, look up fun exercises on the good old google. Or, take a bike ride around campus. I'm feeling the February bitterness too. Find a new sport to get excited about or take up running again. No matter how cold it is, you need vitamin d so get outside and take a big gulp o' fresh air. Also, lay off the cupcakes, try apples which are naturally filling. Also, limit pop intake to two
Diet cans a week. Febsdayitis- the feeling of grudgingness associated with both Tuesday and February. We can do it, ladies!

Anonymous said...

I can't help with anything other than the runny nose/dirty tissue thing.

Handkerchiefs are the best thing for the slightly moist nose. They get the little bit of goo off your nose without ruining a complete tissue.

Another thing for it is Boogie Wipes. They are at walgreens. They are saline wipes that don't make your nose red and ouchy.

~From a Mom that is dealing with a baby with a runny nose.

Marulina said...

Hi Hayley! :)
I relate a lot to the things you said... strange thing is, here in Argentina, it's Summer o.o ... so I guess my problem has not much to do with the wheather :/
Anyways... I hope you feel better soon :) You're an amazing person/writer/youtuber/harry potter fan! and we need you alive!(? hehe :P
God bless you :D

Anonymous said...

Well, it appears you've only eaten ONE Chipotle burrito.
Problem solved, eat more chipotle.

Anonymous said...


Just kidding. Kind of.

In all seriousness, feel better! I am allergic to February too.

Jojo said...

Hi! This is my first comment ever on your blog...and I'm pretty pumped about it!

Anyhoosers, recently I've been feeling the same, crummy way with no reason. But I was reminded that I have a lot that I can do and a lot I can be thankful for. When ever I feel like I could just lay in my bed but have a dump-truck full of things to do, I (or at least try) to think of all that Jesus and God has done for me. He has done so much and the least any of use can do is recognize that and put Him at our focus.

I'm not trying to say that the only way you can become un-un-productive, that is NOT true. He just helps.

Ok, hope I helped.

Anonymous said...

I diagnose you to be human.

emily. said...

Haha, I'm just the opposite. I'm actually usually a pretty negative person, but winter really makes me feel more energetic and less... blah. XD

Anonymous said...

Hayley, it's good to hear that someone else has been feeling the same way in February. Oh wait, I'm not hoping that you'd feel bad just glad I'm not alone in the February blues. Hopefully, now that it's March, it'll pass.

Anonymous said...

It's March now so hopefully you (and me and everyone else with these symptoms this winter) will be yourself again soon!

But in the mean time, don't beat yourself up for indulging once in a while, whether it's in time-wasting or cupcakes. Just choose to allow it sometimes, and then maybe you won't feel bad about it and can move on rather than feeling worse because of it. I've also recently started taking vitamins (A and D in the form of fish oil, although I'm not sure whether you eat fish) and I can't tell yet whether the relation is causational but most of the days I've remembered to take it I've been more productive and cheerful and less whiny and sulky and uninspired.

Your Blog made me feel better about my own slump rut thing. FEEL BETTER!

Megan said...

oh k 83 comments even from an older post is alot and I would like just one please!! any feed back anyone can give on my writing would be greatly appreciated!! Just check it out, give me a chance: thanks :)

Eeshie said...

OH MAH GOD! That YouTube video on your About page on your brain was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm late, but somehow exercising always brightens my mood. Just that exertion of energy and the kick ass way you feel like a fitness goddess when your done never fails me. So, if your still feeling shitty in March and running isn't doing you any good, Zumba or pilates or yoga or jazzercise is way to make you gigglle, get your energy boosted, and pick up your mood. And its even better with a friend.

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