
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Verbal Sunshine

Goodness, today was beautiful. Pure sunshine, eighty-eight degrees, green grass and blue sky. I spent most of the afternoon lying outside on a blanket with Heather, Erin and Roomie, doing our class reading, drinking iced tea out of glass bottles (which I've recently found to be the prettiest way possible to drink iced tea), and taking mini-naps with our shirts rolled up past our bellybuttons. At my request, Roomie tried to teach me how to do a cartwheel... to no avail. Erin filmed several minutes of me propelling myself onto the ground and kicking my legs helplessly, most attempts resulting in my landing in a heap. It was rather embarrassing, in a I'm-subjecting-myself-to-this-by-choice-so-I-can't-complain sort of way. Maybe a clip will make it into Thursday's video. If you ask nicely.

After I brought new meaning to the word "tumbling," we all worked out for about an hour, and then the four of us went to dinner, where I ate the most delicious taco salad to ever be crafted in an OU dining hall. Iceberg lettuce, white rice, black beans, tomato salsa, banana peppers, nacho cheese, guacamole, green onions, sour cream. It was like colorful taste bud elation. I had celery sticks with crunchy peanut butter for dessert, and they were refreshing but didn't taste quite like elation. They were equally gorgeous, though. Piercing light green. Like cat eyes. Not that I'd eat cat eyes, if there were other options available.

To cap off the day, we uncapped Erin's new tub of sidewalk chalk and took to the street outside our building. With the help of our friends Katie, Kelsey and James (when he wasn't playing on his new iPad, which is-- SURPRISE!-- like a much bigger, stupider iPod, even in person), we covered every surface with drawings of giraffes, Rick Astley lyrics, and Harry Potter quotes*. I even endured blacktop imprints on my knees in order to write, "Thomas Edison's last words were: 'It's very beautiful over there.' I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful."**

Finally, I added a giant "DFTBA," and a "Why was your day awesome?"
So I ask you, dear readers... why was YOURS?

Chipolte burritos this year: 13
Subscribers: 26,623
Nail color: Still that shade of plum, as well as dirt- and chalk-colored

*"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" as well as "What's coming will come, and we'll meet it when it does," and "Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."
**From John Green's Looking For Alaska.


  1. my day was awesome because I'm watching LOST!

  2. My day is awesome because I packed another box, a suitcase, and put them in the trunk of my car to be transported to my new house. I still have TONS to pack, but I feel proud of myself.

    Moving is scary. Especially since I'm doing it all on my own this weekend. I have to move all my stuff on Saturday all by my lonesome.

  3. Why was my day awesome? Justine Larbalestier's Liar is winging its way to me and I won Nightlight (a Twilight parody by Harvard Lampoon on Ebay.
    Also, and best of all, I found out that my best friend is coming home from college Sunday night!

  4. I get iced tea when I go to Hibachi Japan because it comes in glass bottles.
    It makes me feel special and Japanese.

  5. Today is awesome because clouds are gorgeous.

  6. My day was awesome because I watched a good movie and then spent the rest of the day with wonderful friends. :)

  7. Today was awesome because the weather was beautiful and the guy I'm falling for did some small things to make me think he cares.

  8. Today is awesome because I finally figured out why my house has been so hot and managed to make it... you know, not hot (I wouldn't exactly say cold, but its better than it was).

  9. My day was awesome because I kicked my History test's ass! \o/

    And of course, there's a new JUSTIFIED on tonight at 10pm on FX!

  10. Today is awesome because I finally decided to come out to my best friend!

  11. Sounds like an amazing day. The weather was beautiful here in Texas too. My day was awesome because it was nice outside and that is where I ate dinner. Plus my ALL CAPS CD finally came even though my copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson did not.

  12. Today was awesome because I got a laptop and I worked with my crush, even though he'll never like me back.

  13. My day is awesome because I have an interview scheduled for tomorrow at the restaurant across the street. I've been tryin to get a job for over a year and this finally may be it. =) Wish me luck tomorrow?

  14. I'm glad to read that you had a good day.

    Today is awesome because of the fact that tonight, when April 6th becomes April 7th, I'll have exactly one year until I am legally an adult.

  15. My day was awesome because the weather was gorgeous, classes went by fast, play practice was short, I also got to chalk, and i'm getting a puppy.

  16. My day was awesome because I finished the second draft of my 20 page long feminist film theory research paper!

  17. Today is awesome because it's stormy outside and I love thunderstorms. Strangely enough, I sleep better in thunderstorms than I do in calm weather. Weird, huh?

  18. Today was awesome because it was my birthday and I turned 19! Even though the day is almost over now, it was still amazing! :)

  19. Today was awesome because it started out rainy and finished sunny :)

    And I'm asking nicely Hayley. Please put a clip of your cartumbling in the Thursday video.

  20. Today was awesome because...
    1. my ALL CAPS superbundle came
    2. because I am seeing some of my favorite wrock bands tour this summer
    3.because I may see John Green in NY this Sunday on his book tour
    4. It was gorgeous out!!
    5. I saw my favorite teacher after two years, and it was just really touching and awesome to catch up with her

  21. My day was awesome for 3 reasons
    1. Charlie was on LOST tonight
    2. My ALL CAPS CD and shirt came in
    3. The guy of my dreams IMed me on facebook. (I'm such a teenaged girl it would make me sick, but I'm so giddy right now)

  22. Today is awesome because I spent all day in my onesie watching Gilmore Girls and eating cookie dough ice cream. Also, my best friend slept over last night and my room still smells of her (in the least creepy way possible!)


  23. Those quotes, each of the ones you footnoted, are actually some of my favourite quotes EVER. I don't make an effort to remember quotes but oddly the ones that you mentioned ARE LIEK, STUK IN MA BRAIYN FOR ALL TYM. Weird.
    Today is awesome because I was reading my book (Obernewtyn by Isobelle Carmody) and y'know that point in a story where the setting just *clicks* and suddenly you're rapt in it, and everything is vividly real? It happened. I can't put the book down. Well, except to read some HayleyGHoover blog.

  24. Today was awesome because it's storming, the rest of the day not so awesome. But here's to hoping it will be! :)

  25. My day was awesome because I got to go out to an elementary school and talk to these awesome little kids about journalism. They're in 3rd/4th/5th grade and decided to start their own school newspaper and, as the editor-in-chief of the High School paper, I got to help them out. It was incredible.

    Also, I found out my best friend/future roomie is going to be able to make it up to see me graduate (she lives halfway across the country now).

    And I had several blatantly flirtastic moments with my crush-to-end-all-crushes. :))

    P.S. You have awesome taste in books!! Looking for Alaska is fantastic, and don't get me started about Harry Potter!!!

  26. HOW DID YOU MAKE IT THROUGH CHILDHOOD WITHOUT LEARNING TO CARTWHEEL?! Sorry for the all caps, but seriously? Did you just happen to grow up in a really understanding and low-key neighborhood? Because sometime around 4th or 5th grade, someone decided only losers couldn't do cartwheels, which made the gymnastics quarter of PE INSUFFERABLE for uncoordinated geeks like me. I think I ended up teaching myself in my backyard or something. Shows how well -I- stand up to peer pressure.

    ANYWAY. Why is today awesome? Uhh. Because it was 90 degree weather! Which is a weird thing to be happy about, but it felt like summer and that's awesome without question :)

  27. My day wasn't that awesome :( My sister ignored me and her and my mom kept fighting with me being stuck in the middle. And whenever I went to talk to one of them they just complained about the other. could be worse.

  28. My day is awesome because it didn't rain when I was waiting for the bus and streetcar, and I had a delicious sandwich for lunch.

    And it's okay, I can't really do a cartwheel either. They used to make us try in PE in middle/elementary school, and I would always fail. Lucky thing they didn't roll that tradition over to high school- it was bad enough without having to do cartwheels on top of it. ha.

  29. My day was awesome because I met a guy.

  30. My friends once tried to teach me to do a cartwheel. Except it was on a cold January night. Not our best decision.

  31. My day was awesome because I got my All Caps cd bundle in the mail! And, also, because I just did all of my laundry, and I have a closetfull of wonderful, clean clothes!

  32. My day was awesome because I found three new roommates for next semester who will hopefully be much better than my current one and I'll be living in a dorm that's about a thousand times better than my current one. Also, my dorm has running water again (ok, that happened yesterday but it STILL excites me) and the weather was absolutely beautiful.

  33. Oh, I love sidewalk chalk. I need to get some new chalk in preparation for the summertime. I eat lunch in the band room at my school every day, and when the weather is nice we go outside and draw on the street and sidewalk. It's fun.
    Today was awesome because I had crew and then afterwards I ate a whole lot and went to Dairy Queen and ate more. Yeah food!

  34. I do not fully understand how you think drinking lemon iced tea out of a bottle is prettier than a glass full of ice and a lemon wedge on the side, but to each her own, I suppose.

    Also, that sounds like a lovely day. I'm jealous that I am still in Sucktown High School and not in the beautiful land of College.

    My day was awesome because I got to live vicariously through you. Keep it up :)

  35. Hayley, will you put some of that footage of you attempting a cartwheel into Thursday's video? Pretty please with a Chipotle burrito on top? XD

    You said to ask nicely, so I did =]

    P.S. I can't do a cartwheel to save my life either. So don't feel bad. Ahah.

    P.S.#2 You made me so hungry with your description of your taco salad, you evil, evil person you.

  36. Today is awesome because of homemade donuts! From Cooking you like the irony? :P but apparently they were slightly less fattening hah. I share that food obsession with you Hayley. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna gain the freshman 15 when I go to college, but I run everyday, so maybe that won't occur...I can always cross my fingers!


  37. my day was awesome because akron library june 27th! mhmm

  38. Did you take pictures of the chalk things?

    My day was awesome because of Lost. That was the only reason, unfortunately.

    P.S: I've just started reading your blog (although I've watched you on YouTube for about a year) so I'm glad you're doing BEDA!

  39. You're very poetic today. It must be the good mood :)

    Today is awesome because I still have most of it ahead of me. I like morning.

  40. Oh gosh, I just realized in the first part of that post I just left you I did the ".." thing. Oops, sorry grammar fairy.


  41. Today was awesome because I got to watch my youngest sister's first t-ball game... It was absolutely hilarious to see her team to attempt to play the game. It was worth it though--she still hasn't stopped smiling :D

  42. My day was awesome because I just got back from seeing John Green and David Levithan!

    Also- banana peppers? That just doesn't sound right.

  43. Today is awesome because I get to register for next semester's classes early...before anyone else gets too! (This is a big deal at the small liberal arts college I go to!) :-D

  44. Today is awesome because my best friend and I just got the okay to go to Chicago next month to see our favorite band =D

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Today was awesome because I just totally OWNED a game of scrabble. I usually suck at scrabble, but today the Scrabble Gods smiled upon me. After getting lame words like RID and PORE for like 5 turns, I got THORAXES on the triple word score, which also used all of my letters (the E was already there, hanging down from MATE) getting me 50 extra points. It was 104 points total. I felt like a badass.

  47. My day was awesome because it was beautiful outside and I got to spend some one on one time with my mom which rarely happens.

  48. My day was NOTSOME because I got Rick Rolled.

    (Actually, I take a perverse joy in being Rick Rolled, so thank you for that.)

  49. My day was awesome because I received my copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson and convinced the whole of the book store staff to start watching vlogbrothers because of my enthusiasm for said book.

    And it was signed. SIGNED.
    I didn't order a signed book. Sometimes life is really, really nice.

  50. Dear Hayley,
    Today is awesome because after a long day of trials and tribulations I got to snuggle with my cat Mittens, who is now purring and being an all around lovely lady.
    I also have a frozen Twix bar waiting for me at my sorority house :D

  51. I agree with the first comment! Today really IS awesome because of LOST! But today could also be notsome because a relatively old man hit on me. I am choosing to not think about it anymore.

  52. Hayley!

    My day was lovelyyy because I had no math homework, I played in the beautiful sunshine with my boyfriend and i just finished watching the NEW DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!!

  53. Today was awesome because Will Grayson, Will Grayson came in the mail! Right on schedule!

  54. Tricky tricky with that Rickroll, Hayley...
    Today was awesome because I got out of class early due to a tornado warning

  55. My MONTH is awesome because after tonight I only have two Speech classes left. I haven't hated a class this much since I took PE in 9th grade.

  56. My day was awesome because you used two of the best quotes ever to exist.

  57. I can't cartwheel either. I think I tried a couple of times when I was younger, but it hurt so I gave up. I'm a total wuss.
    My day was awesome because all my favourite people were at work and I went totally hypo. Such fun :)

  58. My day was awesome because I met John Green for the first time!! :)

  59. Wow that sounded like an awesome day! I'm quite jealous when I read about your University experiences because I stayed an extra year just to get a few more classes in and I think it may have been the worst decision ever. Like I didn't have enough of the 4 years in highschool, then I added the 5th one blah. I can't wait until next year!

    Today was awesome though because I finally got around to seeing Alice in Wonderland and as soon as the Blue Caterpillar spoke I started elbowing my friend saying, "That's Alan Rickman! Do you know who he is?! That's Snape!!" I felt like such a HP fangirl in that moment and I was proud.

    I'm glad your having such an awesome week!!!

  60. could you please pretty please with a cherry on top share your video with us? *smiles sweetly*

    also my day was awesome because of LOST. that is all.

  61. You jerk, I should have expected a Rick Roll on the HARRY POTTER LINK after the first link was clearly unrelated. Kudos for sneakiness.

    Pretty pretty pleeeease include a clip of your cartwheeling attempts in Thursday's video. It'll make me feel better about myself since I too, can not do much more than lop-sided tumbling.

    Today is awesome because my family switched to Sprint and we get our cool new phones tomorrowwwww, yayyyy! The anticipation is why today is awesome, but the actual playing with the new phones will probably make tomorrow awesome.

  62. My day was awesome because my friends came over to "study" with me, and one of them brought over a huge white-board. Yeah. It was very serious business and nerdy and all.

    Oh and because I saw Will Grayson Will Grayson in the library I went to but I didn't borrow it because I'm going to buy it soon :D I'm looking forward to reading it.
    Speaking of John Green books...I recently rewatched that awesome video of yours that you did on the 5ag, where you talked about how you did an assignment in class where you picked apart a chapter and made a poem from it. The one that you showed to us was really beautiful, that's all :) It got me thinking about how some of the really moving HP chapters could be done!

    The weather you described sounds amazing. Tomorrow where I am it's supposed to be 85, only to plummet back down to 65 the next day :( I hope your days continue to be sunny !

  63. I love spring.

    My day was awesome because I watched the last episode of Charmed and it's awesome, and because exercise seems to be a good way of healing my broken heart, which I'm sort of okay with.

  64. Today. Was. SO. AWESOME. I talked to John Green on the phone. And...lots of other things that I can tell you about some other time. But, yeah. I'm kind of happy right now. THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD DAY.

  65. Today was awesome because I got to argue about how my American accent isn't "American" enough with my Scottish friend over webcam.

  66. today is awesome because i'm going to see John Green on his book tour soon!

  67. Rickroll'd. Somehow I never suspect them, even though I'm really paranoid about everything else.
    But online links are like a box of chocolates, you know? They...taste good.
    Today was relatively awesome, but tomorrow will be relatively notsome because I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail a math test. Damn polygons.

  68. Oh my god this is disgustingly wholesome.

  69. today was awesome, because my 23 year old male cousin took me to see the Last Song.
    He was the only person taller than five foot four, and not to mention the only male. :)

  70. Let's see. Today is awesome because I got 100% on my human physiology lab exam*, and because to celebrate, I read Will Grayson, Will Grayson while sitting on the rocky coast of Vancouver Island while overlooking the ocean and the olympic mountains in Washington and drinking a vanilla latte.

    * Which I might add is the hardest second year science class offered at my university. I'm usually very modest, but damn. I am proud of myself.

  71. Today is awesome because I've currently just woken up and read some blogs, all which have been amazing.

    The quotations you picked for the pavement are awesome.

  72. Today's awesome because the plumber's installing the toilet in my newly remodeled, private bathroom in about six hours.

  73. My day was awesome because I bought and read a third of Will Grayson, Will Grayson (and am absolutely in love <3)

    Also, *asking very very nicely* can we pleaseee have some clips in your Thursday video? *puppy dog eyes*

    Chalk sounds awesome. I miss chalk. I now want to get some and write quotes all over my campus.

    I apparently can't stay on a topic to save my life. It was good hearing from you again, Hayley. Have a great day tomorrow <3

  74. My day is awesome because It's a beautiful day outside, I've got my new copies of Scarlett fever and WG,WG, and I intend on reading them dry for duration of the day.
    Oh, and David Levithan accepted me as a friend on FaceBook, which, as a friend aceptance in its self is amazing, but come one, it's freaking David Levithan!

  75. Today is awesome because I'm going to a birthday party! :D
    And I don't have school this week, and that's nice.

  76. "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" IS MY FAVORITE QUOTE OF ALL TIME!

    When I first read DH I was kind of depressed because I couldn't understand how this amazing story wasn't real. But then Dumbledore said that and I thought: He's right. This IS real. In my head.

    I'm currently rerererererereading the series and I'm almost done with Half Blood Prince. Sometimes I'm really into them but other times I have that feeling of distance between them and me. Like they don't get to me as much anymore, like I'm growing out of my most beloved story, and that makes me extremely sad. But then I think about scenes like the one in the hospital wing in HBP when Lupin says: "NO!" as a response to the news of Dumbledore being dead, or the moment in DH where Harry realises that he has to die to save is loved ones - and I can't remember ever being so touched (not even in real life), and then I know they will always be special to me, even if I'm not as drawn to them anymore.

  77. I don't know about awesome, but today was notsome, because while you spent your day outside in "pure sunshine, eighty-eight degrees, green grass and blue sky" I spent my day on the ocean. On a meter thick ice, fishing through a shitty little hole. No, I'm not bitter...

    But today was actually awesome. One of my best friends came home from a 3 month trip in Asia.

  78. Today is awesome because I purchased a HD camcorder and an external harddrive. Let the Beatles disography download and idiotic film-making commense.

  79. today was awesome cause u blogged oh and i bought $300.00aud worth of fijian currency for my holiday on the 1st and cartwheeling is hard i prefer to do handstands

  80. My day was awesome because i finally ordered shirts from "The Guild". Yay! :)

    I hope we can see your cartwheels :)

  81. Tosay was awesome because I bought Will Grayson, Will Grayson and my copy of ALL CAPS new album came in the mail :)

  82. My day is awesome because I'm going to house party with all my best friends :)

  83. My day was awesome because I stayed up and pulled an all nighter for the first time this semester...and did FREAKING EXCELLENT on my test in the morning!!!

    I'm actually not that concerned about my grades as I seem. But doesn't "Intro to Aural Rehabilitation" sound like a bore? Well, that would be an understatement.

    Enjoy the midwest weather while it lasts Hayley!! I know I am!

  84. My day was awesome because I got to read this blog and it has inspired me to blog every day in April (even if I am a whole week late). I shall call it B.E.D.A.+.T.F.W.M.T.M.U.F.L (Blog every day April + the first week in m to make up for lateness). Or something like that. You could probably come up with a better acronym than that. Feel free to let me know of one if you think of it. : )

  85. Yesterday was awesome because I finally slept in for the first time on spring break. :]

  86. My day was awesome because; I finished reading The Golden Compass, started reading Stardust, bought the entire first season of Pokemon, comforted a crying friend, attempted to paint a hot pink room white with my best friend & got Spore as a late birthday present =]

    I honestly didn't realise how awesome my day's been until this very moment, thank you Hayley. =D

  87. Why is my day awesome?

    Well yesterday was awesome because I got to eat Chipotle and watch LOST!

    Today is awesome so far because I just RSVPed for a program on Community Supported & Urban Agriculture which hopefully means a yummy, organic, vegetarian dinner on Sunday!! Annnnd I just drank a diet coke after being on a caffine-freeze so I'm all hyped up lol

  88. my day was awesome because we've had a giant bout of thunderstorms which is very conducive to reading and watching youtube videos.

  89. Today was awesome for me because my Dad went shopping last night so we actually have food in the house. I was practically rejoicing as I drank that first cup of orange juice.

  90. Your blog makes me cringe these days.

  91. My day was Awesome because you used the word 'Stupider' in a blog, and it make me laugh.

    Have a Pilsbury Grand day to-day Hayley.

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  96. My day was awesome because I got more birthday wishes on FB than I ever have before and it made me feel loved because it's proof that people aren't forgetting me even though I'm on the other side of the ocean!

  97. And I can't forget the fact that I saw the new Doctor Who episode and in doing so have found a new obsession to add to my already long list of obsessions!

  98. Please add the clip to your Thursday video :D <3

  99. my day was awesome, because I got contact lenses and I've already tried for 5 (?) hours to put these into my eyes and I haven't still managed to do it yet. what an awesome challenge!

    ok, actually it's awesome because it's the first day of an "experiment" of me and a friend of mine and which is about wearing a skirt or a dress every day (planned to last til my name day, which, of course, is the most important day of my life) to bring a little sunshine in our not-so-shiny-spring-weather, :)

  100. will you pretty please with a cherry on top put the tumbling in your 5AG video :] *cute smile with twinkling eyes*
    and if that doest work
    I double doctor dilio dip dounut dare you too!

    ...I also wouldn't eat cats eyes and I love your choosen quotes

  101. oops I forgot to tell you why my day was AWSOME
    My day was awsome parents and sister left me alone in the house and I had a Massivly fuuuuun solo dance party!!!!
    I wish I could do that every day....maybe I should do a dace party ever day in april???
    thanks G.Hoover you gave me a great idea :]

  102. my day was awesome because my sister had an Alice in Wonderland themed tea/birthday party!
    Which means
    1) an excuse to dress up
    2) TEA!
    3) a very entertaining afternoon (:

  103. My day was awesome because I helped hide easter eggs for a schoolwide easter egg hunt. Oh and also, I can't to cartwheels either!

  104. My day was awesome because I had one of those rare, "I look really pretty today" days. They hardly happen, but when they do I always cherish them :)

  105. Today was awesome because in spite of feeling like crap, my friend and I won our first varsity tennis match of the year 8-3.


  107. 1) I have to say, I was genuinely surprised by that rickroll. You win this time, Hayley.
    2) Today is awesome because my copy of WGWG came in the mail! I'm about halfway through and loving it.

  108. today was awesome because it feels like summer in april!

  109. My day is awesome because it's 6 in the morning and I'm sitting next to a sleeping, SNORING fiance :D lol And becuase I'm writing this comment way after you posted this blog entry.

  110. That was my senior quote in my yearbook! I love that quote; it makes me feel like Thomas Edison believed in Narnia too. :)
