
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So guess what happened?

Yes, I know, okay. There were several reasons behind my absence, none of them were legitimate enough to excuse it; I'm sorry. Burn me in effigy or call me a mean name in the comments or anything it takes to get it out of your system. Alright. Are we good? Can we proceed?

Truth be told, I've been avoiding you guys for a week or two, mostly out of embarrassment and general apathy. Well. That makes it sound more dramatic than it is-- I'm not apathetic. Right now, I'm quite purposefully shoving Wheat Thins into the wide-open, chapped-to-shit cavern that was once my mouth. I care about these Wheat Thins. They care about me. We're in an exclusive romantic relationship.

I... yeah. I got dumped.

I wasn't planning on making some giant public announcement about it, but it seems silly to hide things from you guys. This dumb blog has seen me at my worst and at my best, and to deny the existence of the former would just make the latter seem fake. So yes! I got dumped! I got dumped, I got dumped, I got dumped! I alternate between feeling 100% normal and then like I've just been shot in the stomach. Right now it's the second one... hence my efforts to fill the wound hole with high fructose corn syrup. It isn't the end of the world, but it is the end of a very big part of my life, you know? I haaaate being the victim but I can't pretend I'm not sad.

ON THE MUCH BRIGHTER SIDE, I have plenty of other things to occupy my mind. This week, I'll be finally making an official announcement about a project I've been alluding to for some time. I think most of you will find it really exciting, especially since it may (spoiler!) involve you. I hope you'll accept this token of my affection in exchange for a few more instances of blogbitching about my love life. Deal?

Chipotle burritos this year: A lot.*
Subscribers: 55,581

*There's a burrito place on campus that I can run to in between classes and while I'm ashamed to admit it, I've lost count of my designer burritos.


Izzy said...

So excited to hear more about your new project, Hayley!

megkhowell said...

Aw, Hayley, that sucks. no way around it really. it just really sucks. :( I'm psyched for the new project though, and I love you livetweeting glee. and I'm sorry that it seems as though a convention of hat wearing skinny dark haired boys has converged on your university. That can't be fun. I find that chocolate is essential in healing all wounds, emotional or physical, as well, so I'd give that a try.

Jen said...

I don't really know what to write that would make you feel better. I've never been in a relationship, so I've never been dumped. But I hope you start to feel happy all the time again soon.

I am excited for this project. I have no idea what it could be, despite you alluding to it, but I'm sure once you reveal it I'll be like "Oh, yeah. Hayley mentioned something once..." This will probably be followed by a smack to the forehead because of my obliviousness.

Anonymous said...

miss you hoover. It's okay because we're getting married. Not you and Sarah. US. TOGETHER. IN SEXY MATRIMONY.

miss you. x

Gabriella said...

It's nice to see you back but of course you owe us nothing so there certainly ought to be no mean name calling. I know those things totally suck and take time but I really hope you feel better soon.<3 And I'm excited to hear about your project.:)

seurat2 said...

Sorry to hear that Hayley. Also shocked and appalled. Look forward to the new project and all the awesomeness that will follow.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry. But I'm glad you posted, I've been worried about you in your absence.

storminmay said...

Sending lots of hugs your way! And please know that not all of us give a damn about who's dating (or not dating) on YouTube. You're real people with real feelings, and deserve privacy just like everyone else.

I'm looking forward to this new project of yours! Sounds exciting. :)

Mollusk said...

Aw Hayley! I'm so sorry you're sad :( A few weeks ago I also got dumped, and I can completely empathize the feelings. I hope you can be okay soon :) Much love!

Nicole said...

Aww Hayley, that sucks so much. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're posting again! I can't wait to see what this new project your tempting us with is.

Hang in there!

Ellen said...

As a nearly 21 year old that hasn't actually been in a relationship I don't know how being dumped is but I'm sure it sucks. I hope you're feeling better soon! *hugs*

deanna said...

I'm so sorry, being dumped is awful. Stay busy and feel better (last time I was dumped the former was necessary for the latter).

Carrie said...

Blah that is sucky, but the best thing I can say to you is that we (blog readers, video viewers, and twitter followers) aren't going to dump you :). And this project makes it sound like we are taking our relationship to a new level ;). Alright, that was awkward. <3 feel better!

Catherine C said...

Sorry to hear what happened to you. Junk food kind of helps..along with copious amounts of girl time and happy thoughts. :)

Looking forward to your announcement!!

idislikepink said...

Your tweet on @annoyinghayley makes SO much more sense now.

Natalie said...

Hayley, we love you.
I just got dumped too and it makes me sad because I thought he was lovely, but my friend brought me some ice-cream and sat with me and watched movies, so this is me giving you ice-cream and watching movies with you via the internet, okay?
Also, you lot in the comments, saying the same thing? Love you too.

elfarmy17 said...

Eat chocolate. Listen to "Delete You." Then when you're done being angry and hurt, turn to "Thousand Hours."

That's what I did (although the playlist was a bit more involved than that).

And now I'll say to you what my sister said to me when she discovered me in tears that day: "He's dumb."

Niki. said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. I can't say I know how you feel, but it's always hard when things come to an end.

I hope you're doing alright, and I'm really excited to hear more about your new project, and I look forward to future blog posts. :)

Stefan said...

You continue to rock. We all missed you but no matter howlong you are gone we always know you will come back. All the best.

Patty said...

Even though i follow your blog for a long time i think this is the second time i leave a comment, i have to admit that is partially because i'm never sure what to say. Im sorry you are having a difficult time i get it i think most of us have had times like that and it just sucks. Although i'm happy that you share what you feel here and i think we all read your blog because we care about you. Im excited about the project i hope i get to help with it

Anonymous said...

You're freaking awesome.

(In times like these you just need a reminder sometimes.)

I'm super excited about your new project, though, but please don't tell us about how you're going to tell us something. It's like when they show clips of the most exciting parts of the show but don't show the context until AFTER the commercial break.

Christina said...

I suggest we all pretend to hang out with each other on Saturday by making a Chipotle run and watching Tangled on Netflix.

Anonymous said...

Gotta be honest, I respect you so much more for making an announcement instead of annoyingly avoiding any and all questions about your relationship while simultaneously making comments on your twitter about how boys suck. Not that I've ever seen THAT happen before...

Anonymous said...


Jay said...

Ow, that's always tough. I'm so sorry to hear that.

Phyllis said...

The other day I had a feeling that you and Mike broke up... I think it was due to one of your tweets, but then you posted a picture of having an ice cream with him and I thought, "oh, all must be well." Alas, it wasn't. I hope all the love and happiness you had with him far out weighs that suck and sorrow you may be feeling afterwards/now.

super hug,

Bridget said...

I feel magical because I was just thinking "Man, I really hope Hayley has written a blog today because I feel like crap!" (after getting a 23 on an Astronomy test, which makes me wonder if I should drop the course...) and I already checked here like 5 times today and was like THIS IS THE LAST TIME and voilĂ ! Anyway, sucks about being dumped :/ I really don't have any words of encouragement like the rest of the people commenting, but ya know - moral support! <3

Norman the Iguana said...

I'm sorry Hayley! I'm baking you tons and tons and tons of spirit cookies, not because I think you need them cause I know you can totally move past this, but because WHY NOT?? Why not eat cookies. Dumped shumped. Cookies are where its at. But being dumped sucks, so I'm sending you tons and tons of spirit love and some more cookies.
Also, Super excited for your new project! :) Knowing you, its probably going to be awesome. Just a guess though. But probably.

Anna P said...

I hope it's not awkward that I'm commenting on this but I just want to let you know that you are really awesome. I think you are a gorgeous person inside and out <3

Kendall said...

Glad to see you're back! I'm sorry things haven't worked out for you lately, I hope you're doing okay.
In other news, I'll be stalking your twitter for the new project that I'm super excited to hear about!

Anonymous said...

Being dumped is a terrible feeling. Just keep reminding yourself that there is someone out there who will be MUCH, MUCH BETTER FOR YOU! All in good time, my dear.

Unknown said...

It will get better. :)

Mew said...

Aww, Hayley, I know how that feels. I hate to be the corny 'it'll feel better' person, but it will. Until then, we are all here for you and love you. <3

Melody said...

I don't know if this is helpful at all or anything, but... You have an amazing way of being so completely honest about things that suck, but without whining at all. I admire you so much for that.
I mean, I know you probably don't feel down-to-earth and grown-up about it all the time, but I still love how grown-up you manage to be about it. I don't know if this makes any sense or makes any difference. Ah well. I love you.

Bel G. said...

I was thinking why do I follow a blog about a girl who is literally my age and writes (quite well, I must say) about her random thoughts on life, food, TV, YouTube, but mostly day-to-day stuff. Rationally speaking, at least for me, it didn't make much sense.
I was thinking why don't I read any of the other blogs people write -- there must be plenty of "young adults" writing their sorrows away who could also use a word of support from me and a crowd of readers life yours.
But then it hit me: I follow your blog (and it's probably the only one in this genre that I'll ever follow) because of all the word you had gathering your many subscribers on YouTube with actually tought work, you know? At the beginning, you didn't just vlog about your day or weekend. You made terrific, funny videos that inspire me until today.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you have, somehow, "earned" me as a subscriber to your channel on YT, as well as here. And I intend to remain a faithful subscriber to the blog (for better or worse) because of all you gave us selflessly through these past few years. It's my way of showing gratitude and interest on you as an artist and as a person (who I don't even know, but it seriously doesn't feel that way).
Very excited for the project :)

Bethany said...

I was thinking yesterday about how I'd really been slacking and hadn't read your blog in ages. I think it was because I made cookies essentially out of just chocolate chips and like a tablespoon of flour and thought you'd approve of them. Anyways..Don't feel bad for not writing, you always come through eventually. And I have less catching up to do.
sad things are sad. You should paint your nails and also make a complicated craft kit from hobby lobby. mindless distractions are a good first step.

SellByMaggie said...

Love you, Hayley! I'm so glad you're back to blogging. We've all missed you a ton. I hope you feel better soon. I'm really sorry about what happened. It's a sucky feeling =/ Can't wait to hear about your new project!

Scott said...

I'd try to say something enlightening re: relationships, however I'm currently laying in my bed eating guacamole, so... I'll just say you're awesome and I'm excited to hear about your new project!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back. Even though I know you hurt like a normal person, and you've probably cried like one too, I still think you're one of the strongest, smartest, coolest girls on the Internet. I can't even imagine a guy I think would be good enough for you!

Jordiekins said...

Being dumped sucks. It seems like everybody got dumped this summer. I wasn't in a relationship this summer, and I feel like I got dumped. Maybe we should just spend all of our time on Tumblr, staring at pictures of Aubrey Plaza, running memes into the ground, and eating. Lots and lots of eating. Obviously, not eating on Tumblr, but definitely eating while Tumblring. Tumblrn? Who knows?

I am excited to have more of you in my virtual life this fall, and I wish you the best with all everything going on in your life. Also, someone needs to learn a very important lesson from Kelly and Margaret Cho: you can't text message breakup.

Emily said...

I'm so sorry, Hayley. If this makes you feel better, you are my favorite youtube of all time. And it's not like you're the only one I watch– I watch nerimon, vlogbrothers, thewinekone, italktosnakes, communitychannel, charlieissocoollike, etc. You are my inspiration and what I would hope to be and you deserve so much in life. I hope you drink lots of tea and read sappy chick flick novels and cuddle in your blankets.
You're Wonderful.
-Emily Lovett

PhredofMars said...

Boys are stupid. Seriously. Something about fish and bicycles? Know what goes good with Wheat Thins? Cookie dough ice cream. Best invention ever!

Sidsel said...

Whaaaat, I'd go gay for you if possible. But, yeah, I'm 22 and never been in a real relashionship and in a way that's worse that getting dumped. Moving on, glad you're back and excited about what to come!

Britty said...

I won't say much because at the point you are at...there isn't much to say. You are awesome, I love you (even though we've never met) and I feel for you. I'm also sending some prayers your way. You need His blessings far more than I do!

laurammeansbusiness. said...

You may find solace in the fact that you CAN eat wheat thins because you aren't allergic to gluten. And you can also indulge in many lactose based foods, which I apparently cannot (I discover after have a vent latte). didn't get pulled over tonight, so you don't have to go to traffic court.

While you have a broken heart, at least it's fixable. It takes time, but in the end you'll find someone who'l hopeful never break it! In the mean time eat that wheat and lactose girl!

Lauren said...

It sucks to get dumped and it doesn't mean anyone is a bad person. It happens to everyone. You need chocolate or that's what I need when I'm feeling down. I'm going to spoil the ending for you but everything will be just fine and you'll end up where you are supposed to be.

Nicci Weasley said...

Oh! :-(
Wow... This is kinda weird, because I feel so sincerely bad for you and you have no idea who I am, you know?
But anyways, I feel for you and uuuhm... I'm sending you virtual support... or something like that.
I've recently lost someone who was a BIG part of my life, and it simply just sucks so bad. :-(
But I CANNOT wait to hear about this project!!
Remember how awesome you are, and do whatever you feel like!!

Nicci Weasley said...

Oh, and I forgot...
It's so good to read a post from you again. We've missed you! :)

Courtney said...

It's okay that you haven't posted. We understand. I hope you feel better soon!

Also, I am excited about the project! Glad to see you back.

Christina said...

Being dumped sucks. I am so sorry. But just remember that things get better. I know how you feel though because a year ago, my boyfriend of 4 1/2 years broke up with me but now I see that it really was for the best. I am sending you lots of virtual hugs.

ashley said...

Aw, honey, come here *great big hug*

Caliowin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caliowin said...

Hello Hayley. Lovely to see a new blog entry from you but sad news about you and Mike. Genuinely feel for you. Being dumped is horrible but as I'm sure you know, it gets better over time and with carbs :P

Excited to hear more about the secret project :)

Blog readers <3 you

Love, Chelsea said...

His loss. Seriously.

Craft Teach Repeat said...

That is awful Hayley. I feel for you and I know you will make it through being dumped with your usual wit and enticing attitude!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( You're such a sunshine-y person. Sending you big hugs.

Kristina M. said...

Oh Hayley, getting dumped sucks. But you are a strong independent smart beautiful woman so I believe in you :) I'm so excited to hear about your alluded project!!!

Anna said...

I'm so sorry :(
You're such an incredible person.
Keep on being awesome <3

EJ said...

Hayley! It's lovely to see you back again, I've really missed reading your blogs.

The internet can be a cruel place when it comes to breakups, which I'm sure you know, so just keep in mind that we're here for you.

Can't wait to read more from you, and to hear about your new project!
Best wishes!

Manar said...


I know that having the internet all up in your business when it comes to personal matters can probably make breakups so much worse, BUT WE ARE PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU, so maybe that makes it somewhat better? :) Being dumped sucks. Luckily, you're an awesome, hilarious, attractive young woman, and so you'll have another great guy in your life eventually<3

I can't wait to hear about your project, and I sure hope that it involves me. :)

Alex Dahlberry said...

Aw Hayley <3 I'm sorry. That really must suck. I don't know the context for it, but I know that he was stupid for dumping someone as amazing as you.

Thank you so much for telling us about it, btw. I know that we don't have a unconditional right to knowing everything about your life, but it's nice of you to tell us, since you tell us so much else. And this is a huge deal to you.

I'm super excited for your new project.

Also, I'm excited for your future first novel to be released. Don't know why I just thought of that. xD

<3 Love you,


Julia Rose said...

I'm so sorry about what happened. I know we have no reason to be sad about it, but we love you, Hayley! And we want you to be happy! So, remember, it is just another chapter. Turn the page. I am so excited to see your new project! Eeep! Glad you are back! Wait, wheat thins? Eww!

jenniferkmccall said...

I'm so sorry! I know how you are feeling right now and even if it takes a while for the bad feelings to pass, they eventually will. I know everyone will tell you that and you'll probably want to kill them (I know I wanted to), but it's true.

On a happier note, I'm excited for your new project! You are probably my favorite blogger/vlogger and anything you put out there, I will enjoy! You are an amazing person and good luck with everything.

bassrocks9 said...

My sister's words of wisdom:
"Oh, well, she was always too good for him anyway." :D

Anonymous said...

Ohh Hayley. Being dumped sucks. You have to learn to be on your own again and take up hobbies you have been neglecting. Do some running to clear your head, go out with friends, and focus on school. Once you accept your life was just as good without them in it, you will move on. Gurrrl, don't waste too many tears on it :)because it won't change anything. Love yourself, and forgive him so you can forgive yourself. Watch diary of a mad black woman, it always makes me feel better lol.

Cat said...

Awh hayley ): Although I can't relate really, I just wanted to tell you that you are legitimately one of the most awesome people that I [sortof] know and I wish that I knew you in real life so that we could be real life friends because I have a feeling that we would get along very well. But alas, I'll just have to keep stalking you across various internet sites instead. ANYWAY, you're fantastic and strong and wonderful and will get through this and come out even better than before.

Lots and lots and lots of love,

Jen said...

You were missed! Sending you some good carb-loaded vibes. Hope to see more frequent posts...and congrats on your first apartment!

Alex said...

Sorry about the dumping, Hayley. It sounds awful, but on the upside, you can eat whatever you like and not feel guilty! I'm psyched for the new project, hopefully it'll get your head out of its crazy two-mode system. Feel better!

Lea said...

I'm bad at the advice, and you've probably seen this already, but I highly recommend Elmify's "I Got Dumped" video. It made me feel loads better

Ella B said...

Dear Hayley,
Thanks for not making it dramatic and being honest.
All the best.

Charlotte said...

Don't worry about not blogging! You have nothing to feel guilty for, really it is our fault. We are selfish and everyone loves what you have to say. But you have every right to your private life, most of us weren't even angry at you and those that were could never stay mad at you!

I hope you are ok, it is horrible, it happened to me a few years ago. Just thinking about it makes me want to eat copious amounts of chocolate.

Just keep hold of the fact that you have so much to be proud of. You have achieved so much and even random people on the internet have a huge amount of respect for you. I am sorry this has got a little cheesy... Keep your head up!

Nora said...

happy you're back.

Miranda said...

Well he kind of fucked up, didn't he?
However, it's great to have you back. I am also uber excited for this project. Knowing you, it will be full of cleaver wit and creativity.
I can feel things getting better for you. I'm psychic like that.
Oh, and again, MAJOR fuck up on his part.

Julia said...

Aw, Hayley, I'm sorry :(

alia said...

Hey Hayley, I'm super excited for the new project, but I'm really sorry about your relationship:( Try and remember you have an entire sea of people here that can relate and actually care about you:) Love you, and really glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel so sad:( hopefully you'll be better real soon! I can't help but be really curious though, are you guys on good terms? How long ago did this happen? So many questions!(feel free not to answer if it's too personal:) P.S. SOOOO excited about your new project, can't wait! I've missed you!

Sarah said...

*gives Hayley giant internet hug*

Your followers will always be here. You're being incredibly mature about this. You are a wonderful person and it's his loss.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like quite a...situation.

maggie said...

everytime i have a crappy day, i come home and watch youtube, mostly your videos. they never fail to cheer me up. i'm sorry that i can't do something like that for you. sorry about the breakup. :(

Gigi said...

I'm going to leave you love to make up for all the idiots.
Hayley, while there are a lot of YouTubers i watch, and a lot of blogs I read, YOU Hayley are the one I want to grow up and be. You seem to have so much fun with whatever you do, you have the coolest friends who you love and love you, and even when you've been dumped you seem upbeat and ready to try something new. I love that. Thank you for being such a great role model!!

Elizabeth Jayne said...

We forgive you for your absence Hayley. That really sucks, and right now it sucks but you'll feel better soon. :) I'm really excited about your announcement! DFTBA

Anonymous said...

I remember discovering your YouTube channel a while ago and thinking what an incredible woman you were. Although this is no doubt going to sound overly creepy, you're the kind of woman I (and many, many others) would give a lot for. You're intelligent, funny, creative, articulate and stunningly beautiful. It's his loss and you don't know the amount of people who would love to share their lives with you.

I'm posting this anonymously for various reasons. Needless to say, I am merely a viewer who has never conversed with you. I just thought I would offer you a quick and honest opinion.

Jess said...

This is one of my first times reading your blog,and my god! Your readers are amazing! They sound so intellectual with their comments being so lovely, well thought out, and such. Without fail, they deliever you compliments, advice and jokes day after day. But not that you don't deserve it, as you're very talented yourself. So much in fact, that I think you've gained yourself another reader. Cheers!

Julia Rose said...

Hayley, boys are too immature to know what's good while they've got it. But during your recovery, wheat thins can hit the rode, go for the big guns: Dark Chocolate covered bananas. Dark chocolate is not only delicious but good for you. And with banana? soooo good.Lol! I was really happy to see this post from you, and a new video!? SWEETNESS! I was so happy to see a new video too! Hayley, we love you and we are here for you, sending you big scuttles!
p.s.Maybe you should have a five awesome girls Sleepover!Well, when Lauren gets back from her honeymoon <3

Lucy Unlovable said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Aw, Hayley, I'm sorry to hear about your breakup. If you can, try to remember that you're awesome and valuable and a truly worthwhile person. To quote your mega-inspirational blog post that I read all the time as a pick-me-up, your body is hot and your brain is hotter.

Plus, we've all got your back.

All the best,

Lys said...

Being dumped is no good, but it's great to see that you're throwing yourself back into this secret project! Whether I am in a relationship or not, I try to keep my creative muscles in good shape. It reminds me that my mind belongs to me only-- and that it can do pretty cool things.

It seems like you have wonderful friends who are there for you, but know also that your readers are rooting for you as well. I sure am!

Northwesten said...

Hey Sorry about you getting dumped. Tho saying that I bet you going to get a load of emails from guys asking to take you out.....

Anyhow good luck with your project and I sure you going to be fine been single too. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry Hayley :( That really sucks. I'm happy to see a new post though! And a new project is sounds awesome! P.S. You're glee tweets are better than glee.

Cerina Dawn said...

Hang in there, Hayley-kins! (Endearing, isn't it?) If it somehow makes you feel better, and I hope it will, I have been an admirer of you since the 5AG days :) You made Thursday a terrific event :) You always make me laugh, and are very much creative with your writings, vlogs, blogs, etc. I hope you feel better :) Fighting!^^

Ellen said...

Hugs and love are being sent your way. I'm sorry you feel sucky. I doubt there's anything any of us could say that would make you feel better. At least that's how it's been in my experience. People try to say things to make it better, but it just doesn't seem to help. The only thing I've found to help is food, writing, and friends.

PS I'm excited about the project :)

maddy said...

Hayley, I wish I had something original to say that wasn't just a reiteration of everything that has already been said. Nonetheless, I think you are strong and I know you will get through this. It doesn't make the situation suck any less, but you have a good head on your shoulders and I have complete confidence in you. Keep your chin up, and I'm excited to see your new project! <3

JennMarieM said...

Hayley, for what it's worth, I think you're a really great person. Someone is going to love you for being so special as you are. Until then and forever, God loves you in a unique and special way. I pray that your heart is healed and made even more beautiful by this journey. Have a lovely week :)

kara3373 said...

I'm in a bit of a situation myself so I totally get oscillating between feeling 100% normal and feeling like absolute crap. Sending good vibes and virtual hugs your way!

Kara Olenick said...

I never ever comment because I always feel like what I have to say would just pale in comparison to the wit and charm of your blog posts. But for some reason, this time I feel compelled to type and type until I feel even more compelled to click "Publish Your Comment."

SO. Here's the thing: please do not use us as an excuse to "feel better." Of course every single one of us wants to see you happy, healthy, and hilarious as usual, but just as you said, the awful times make the amazing times that much more sincere and real. I got dumped by my very best friend in April, and I haven't been the same since. Everything I say about the situation sounds like an understatement, but I'm sure you know what I mean. Being dumped is one of those experiences where language breaks. You can talk around and around it, measuring out each little feeling that feels like a product of the heart of the situation, but the heart of the situation remains untouched except in feeling. It's terribly frustrating. But the talking around it helps. At least for me. It's been six months since I was broken up with, and I'm still working at "feeling better" like everyone wants me to, like even I want me to. But what I feel I have to say to you is that you are more than welcome to feel all of the hurt for as long as you need until you learn to cope with it. That's where I am right now, anyway. I've decided that coping with the pain is much more realistic than "getting over it". So wallow and cope. Know that so many of us are right where you are right now, and, in some weird way, our frustrations and fears and failings are somehow validated because you experience them, too. Not only that, but because you're willing to share them with us. So, Hayley, thank you for being candid with us. We all wish you the very best, but it's perfectly reasonable to live in the "suck" until you can find your way out. If you figure out how to do that, let us know, okay? :) Until then, we're still loving you just as much just as often. Don't forget to be awesome in spite of it all,

Kara <3

sterff1face said...

You're back! It's a shame that things are pretty suckish. :/ I understand the desire to be avoidy with everyone whether you think they're going to understand or not. That's pretty much how I do. :) I wish you as quick a recovery as is humanly possible without bottling stuff up in an unhealthy manner. :D

Erin said...

I am sending you all kinds of love. And virtual chocolate and giant tubs of ice cream. Keep your chin up, darlin'. You're so amazing, and I can't wait to hear more about that project!! I'm sorry my virtual chocolate and ice cream don't actually do anything to satisfy hunger in any way, but I'm afraid that if I use snail mail there will be melting issues.

Afton said...

Hayley, I'm sorry. If I could reach through the computer screen then I would give you some of my graham crackers.

I'm really happy to see that you're blogging again! Seriously I missed this!

I keep getting mail from a college in Ohio and I'm pretty sure it's the one you go to so I just added BURRITOS under the pros on my little list.

Also, I am really excited for this project!

Cat (: said...

you may go to the coolest college ever.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you blogged more, you wouldn't have forgotten your burrito count.

Jacinta said...

I'm so sorry to hear that, but I hope it makes you feel better to know how loved and looked up to you are by so many people. I for one think you are fantastic.

toastburntbread said...

hayley, we love you!
ohhh i've been very intrigued about this and now that it potentially includes me, well now VERY needs to be in capitals.

Anonymous said...

it made my day a million times better to see that you had blogged!!! It so good to hear from you!!! I'm sorry youre going through a hard time. try watching breakfast club or 16 candles. those help me get through a bream up, reminding me of my hypothetical dream guy. wishing you well!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the breakup Hayley. Keep your chin up pretty girl :) I can't wait to hear about your new project!

Melissa said...

Whatever you do-do not listen to elliott smith or portishead-they will not make you feel better (I know this from experience). Get some angry tunes-your justified. Heck-being single is where it's at!

Brianna said...

Wow, Haley that really sucks. I am excited to hear more a bout your project Haley. Today is awesome because I got to read a blog post by you about eating wheat thins :]

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Jim said...

Pianists are usually only in it for the boobs anyway. To borrow a line from the homosexuals.

It gets better!

Kelly said...

Hayley, this has absolutely nothing to do with your blog post, but I really wanted to share this with you anyway.

I've officially lost thirty pounds! I'm I've still got plenty of weight left to shed, but thirty seems like a big milestone to me.

Also, I wanted to say a quick thanks, because your "Losing Weight" blog post was a big inspiration to me, and also turned me onto livestrong's myplate which I love. So thanks for that awesome tip.

I hope you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

Hayley i'm really sorry,just hope u find a better person.

Jess said...

(I commented earlier somehwhere)

You might have gotten dumped, but remember that you'll always have your blog readers to support you. And if not, chocolate will.

Anonymous said...

I've never commented before, but I've been reading your blog for years and I've always really admired you.

I very recently found myself in the same situation and I'm not going to lie, it sucks. A lot. Being at college away from my family and hometown friends just makes it all the worse. BUT, I know that something better is in store for both of us someday!

Anonymous said...

Having been dumped several times and once being the dumper, I have been down the road. Breaking up sucks... usually the guy realizing "man I messed up" months or years down the line.

But with time, all wounds heal.

"Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more."
- Erica Jong

Annnnnd end the inspiration...

John M said...

Okay, so it's been two months but that doesn't mean that you're over it (I wasn't). There's very little I can think of to say other than:
Awesome is not an awesome enough word to describe you. :)
*hugs* (Internet hugs can be redeemed for IRL hugs by saying the phrase "John, I'd like those hugs please" in a video or writing it in a blog post, then waiting six to eight months for me to get the money and visa to come over from England and hug you.)

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its interesting....

countertop rockville said...

You have an amazing way of being so completely honest about things that suck, but without whining at all. I admire you so much for that.

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