
Saturday, August 21, 2010


Hi! Very little time for blogging again, as The Situation and I are heading out to Philadelphia to see the glorious Paul and Storm perform, and to hang out with youtube legend Nalts. I'm currently on The Situation's bed, and he's sitting at his desk, purposefully ignoring me and surgically editing a video from his show last night... his best friend and I decided to take some artistic liberties with the filming of the video... and it was very funny at the time... but now he has about nine minutes of footage of trees and my laughter. He's really not amused.

Oh. He forgives me. Now I'm at the kitchen counter and he's making me blueberry pancakes. I must be pretty charming.

Anyway, yesterday was nice. I read a lot, bonded with my boyfriend's friends, and played the role of Awkward Uninvited Party Guest Who's Eating All the Food. At first I was hesitant to make strangers uncomfortable, but then my hunger became stronger than my will to succumb to social norms. I stood right in the middle of some group's conversation, silently, and ate pizza. I can't really convey to you how funny it was. Like Flight of the Conchords funny.

I feel kind of bad for having nothing to say and little time to say it in. I'll try to make the last leg of BEDA more kickass than the first. Hey, do you guys have any questions for me? Not, like, "wuts ur fave color?!" but anything you'd legitimately like to know? Leave comments, if you'd like. Other than that, uh, have a good Saturday! I'll see you all tomorrow.

Yesterday, I saw: lots of people I don't know.
Right now, I smell: a fresh blueberry pancake.
Yesterday, I touched: my feet. They were freezing. New York does this crazy thing where it gets cold at night.
Yesterday, I heard: my boyfriend being a musical prodigy, as per usual.
Yesterday, I tasted: homemade salsa that seemed to have some kind of fruit in it. Maybe mango? It was delicious.

Chipotle burritos this year: 23
Subscribers: The internet's really slow right now, so I have no idea.
Nail color: "Through the Grapevine," Wet 'n' Wild


  1. What does the G stand for in HayleyGHoover?

    And instead of "bonded", I thought you said "boned with my boyfriend's parents."


  2. What are you looking forward to most about being a sophomore in college, if anything? [I honestly don't think sophomore year will be much different than freshman year but then again I'm probably completely wrong.]

  3. I have no questions. Fail. :( But I still feel the need to comment to let you know that I'm here.

  4. Are you planning on doing NaNoWriMo this year? If so, have you already started wrangling plot bunnies, or is that just me? XD

  5. What's your favorite piece of cutlery? I heard it yesterday and I keep on thinking which one would be mine. And have no idea!

  6. I've been following your blog for a while now, and I've just gone back to read the older posts and I've really been enjoying them! Though they've been keeping me from the summer reading I've put off until now (and two projects!), but I don't really mind :).

    Hmmm. Questions.

    How do you go about being a "christian role model" at the camp you work at? I've also begun volunteering at a christian camp, and that's the one thing I've had trouble with. Sort of a weird question, but maybe you have an answer?

    Also, giraffes or elephants?

  7. I saw The Situation's video before reading Nice work with the trees and what

    My question is...what is your most played song on your iTunes?

  8. Would you ever go sky diving?
    Do you drink the milk after you finish your cereal?
    Favourite fruit?
    Favourite chocolate bar?
    How are you feeling about summer ending?
    What if I bought you a star?


  9. Are you living on campus again this year at your college?
    Also, do you still go to church a lot?

  10. When you said don't ask questions like what's your favourite color I thought you'd spelt colour wrong, but then i remembered it's spelled like that in America! I was so confused :/

    And as for a question . . .
    Does it feel weird not making a video on Thursday? And do you have a favourite saying? If yes what is it? :)

  11. Could you talk about your writing process, maybe? As a fellow writer, I always find such things interesting. :)

  12. What do you major in at college? And what position did you come in at high school?

  13. How long are you going to be in Philly?

    Because I'm moving there on TUESDAY. And we should hang out again.

  14. Can you please recommend (several!) books to read? Something similar to Sloppy Firsts, because the Jessica Darling series is a masterpiece! And I need another snarky and sarcastic protagonist to make my books interesting.

  15. If you looked into the Mirror of Erised, what would you see? (if it's too personal, you don't have to answer.)


    If you could buy ONE thing from Diagon Alley, what would it be?

  16. What is your top three favorite songs from Musicals?

    What is one food you could not live without ever eating again?

    Keep up the awesome blogging!

  17. What is one day you'd like to go back and redo just because it was so fun?

  18. Do you ever look forward to one specific person's comments? Or remember a comment with the commenter, but never really 'friended' them? I don't really know what I'm saying. Thoughts are forming into sentences very well.

  19. I can't stop imagining you standing amidst a group of people, just eating food xD it must have been hilarious haha. And , as for questions, I'd like to know what, if anything besides HP and YouTube and the vlogbrothers, anything besides what we know has shaped the person you are now. Also, have you seen Date Night and how did it, in your mind, compare to Baby Mama and Mean Girls?

    Hope you have a great day, Hayley :)

  20. YES what does the G in HayleyGHoover stand for?!

    Also, can you tell us about your past NaNoWriMo experiences, because I really want to participate this year.

    Aaannndd...can you copy Tina and do a Personal Internet History Story Thing?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. How awesome would it be if you made a little game, like a scavanger hunt, for us faithful blog readers to find out what does the "G" stand for?
    Pretty awesome, right?
    "Am I right? Am I right? I think I'm right... I know I'm right, actually"*

    Today I...
    Saw: my mother getting married : )
    Heard: the song that should've made Colbie Callait famous - You Got Me
    Touched: the bouquet my mother threw at her wedding. I'm pretty skeptical about the whole "I'm-getting-married-next" thing, but it was sweet.
    Smelled: a day of sun after a week of terrible weather
    Tasted: awesome lemon-meringue pie



    * That would be me quoting Kayley from your birthday video - this bit got stuck in my head for a pretty long time!

  23. How do you make your nail polish last so long?!? I'm lucky if I get four days out of mine.

  24. It probably was mango in your salsa. My mom makes this killer kind with parsley, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, and mangoes all diced up. It's good.

    Do you miss having pink hair?

  25. How and why did you decide you wanted to be a proffesional writer? I'm curios, because usually when kids grow up they give up wonderful dreams like that, because people tell the how impractical (impossible, far-fetched, etc.) those dreams are. I'm struggling with that myself, so... any thoughts?

  26. Is there any way of turning yourself into an optist?

    I have been asking myself this question all day. Earlier this week I managed to achieve the good exam results I never thought I was capable of but I still feel like I'm a failure.

  27. *optimist

    Argh. Lol.

  28. Don't your nails start to die after prolonged suffocation from the polish? I LOVE painting my nails but after about two weeks they need a break or...they will break.

    How hard has the long distance thing gotten, like at it's worst? I've just embarked on the boyfriend is not here journey and I just wonder, you know?

    I enjoy you and the things you write.
    Immensely. :)


  30. if you made videos full time do you think you could live off it? I know most people hate talking about money, but I love it.

    Is the only way to make a living off youtube to act like iJustine and ShayCarl all the time?

  31. For lack of a better comment or intelligent question, I'll just state the obvious: you just made your 1000 + blog followers crave blueberry pancakes. THANKS. :)

  32. i don't remember if you said it in a blog or in a video, but my favorite musical is also rent. haha. & that's just because it is. i've watched a lot of other musicals, but it really is my top choice. :) for some reason i just thought of that.

    um, do you ever read any of your subscribers blogs?
    do you have any favorite not very well known bloggers (or youtubers!) that deserve mentioning?

  33. When will you do another blogTV show? I missed your last one, and I want to make up for it!

    Even though blogTV is kind of ridiculous, and I'm lucky if I get five viewers at one time, the only reason I keep doing it is because of you. Thank you.


  34. My question is:
    Will you be my friend? or read my story?
    And why not?

  35. What are your thoughts on marriage? And what is an appropriate age for tying the knot with one's significant other? My boyfriend and I have been discussing the idea of getting married recently, & not getting a lot of support from some people. (He is turning 22 in a few weeks & I'm turning 22 in February. We've been together more than 2 years and we are each other's best friends.)

    Today, I saw the inside of my new apartment for the first time.
    Today, I smelled delicious pizza from our favorite pizza place in Philly. If you have time, look up Toto's Pizzeria on Greene Street!
    Today, I heard groans & complaints as we hit traffic on i-95 on our way up from Maryland, several times.
    Today, I tasted my favorite pizza.
    Today, I touched a ton of furniture & items to unload from our U-Haul & put away in the new place. So excited.

  36. how about you consider blog everyday forever :D eh eh

  37. I love the fact that you're gay positive, and that you're so strong in your christianity. But I must say, it confuses me sometimes as to how you can manage that. You've probably explained this somewhere else, but I can't find it if so. So yeah, that's my question.

    Which isn't a question. but we can keep that our little secret.

  38. I just found your blog this week, and it was a long, twisted path that brought me here. I have whiled away many pleasurable hours reading it. BUT! What happened to your other blog- presence? How come that one never got off the ground?

  39. How do you combat writer's block?
    Where do you get story ideas?
    What one piece of advice would you give to entering freshman in college? (I'm not one but I teach orientation)

    I love your blogs even when they're short and sweet.

  40. What did you think of The Hunger Games? And are you planning on getting Mockingjay on the twenty-fourth?

  41. Thoughts on Nerdfighter Secrets? (It seems to be all over the place these days.) I know you're all about PostSecret, but I feel like this is so different, since everything's coming from one community. I'm kind of ambivalent about it, just because along with the really earnest, touching ones, there are so many inane ones (not to mention the mean ones). Way (theheyway) just put up a video about it, and John commented and said, "I think the way to build interconnectedness and feelings of belonging is not through anonymous tumblrs but through projects that demonstrably decrease worldsuck."

    Anyway, THOUGHTS?!?! Ha. If you feel like answering, feel free to just include the question.

  42. I think I've asked before, but I was just wondering:

    How long have you been a vegitarian?

    Why did you become one?

    I'm extremely curious because I'm also a vegitarian and I love being able to relate to you in that aspect. :)

  43. What does the G stand for, darn it?!


    What is the most awkward or embarrassing situation you've ever been in (if you don't mind sharing)? And if you do, What is the hardest part about being in college?

  44. Hi Hayley, I have a question for you, I guess. I've been watching through your old videos and I've just finished "School Photo Revenge", (which I've always especially loved.) In the description, you said you'd post the school picture once it arrived, but I can't find it anywhere. I don't know if I'm being silly and missed it in another video or if it was uploaded somewhere else, but I'd love to see it if you'd point me in the right direction :) I can't think of many things funnier. I don't comment often, but I want you to know I read and enjoy this blog religiously and it's definitely a highlight of my day. My favourite blog by far! Thank you for always brightning up my day :) Lewis

  45. In a few weeks my current relationship will become long-distance for the first time. Any advice for trying to make it work?

  46. I'll steal other peoples' questions:

    I would like to know about the vegetarianism, too. How long ago and why did you become one?

    If you could buy one thing from Diagon Alley, what would it be?

    And finally, could you talk about how you and Mike make long-distance work? I'm going on exchange in January and will be leaving my own Situation behind...

  47. I am currently sitting here, struggling with my naturally curly hair. So I was wondering if your hair is naturally curly, straight, or in-between. Also, would you rather have another hair color/texture? Strange, I know, but it is on my mind! I would love to have straight dark brown hair like my sister, but wash given curly dishwater hair. Oh well.

  48. Hayley,

    If you are half as witty and charming in real life as you are on your blog or in your videos, I'm sure all the Situation's friends loved you.

    Are you still loving college as much as you were at the beginning of the year?

    Do you have any advice for a new vlogger?

    Today I felt: About a million gallons of water falling on my head as I walked toward my bus.
    Today I saw; A really cute nerdy boy who was stuck in the rain, too.
    Today I tasted: Ben and Jerry's Half-Baked.
    Today I heard: My friends bickering over who has a bigger house, but not in the way that you would think.
    Today I smelled: The over-powering aroma of pot.

  49. Oh! I just thought of another. I hope it's not to late and you're already working on your next post...
    Are you/were you ever on FanFiction? Is your account still active (meaning do you have stories on it) if you were, in fact, on the site?
    ...could I have your username if all of the above is true? :D

  50. What kind of music do you listen to on your runs?

  51. what's your favourite cliche? as in..."raining cats and dogs, butterflies in my stomach, cold as ice ect."

  52. i genuinely want to know whether or not you're a virgin still.

  53. Just out of curiosity, what did you do with the Hannah Montana Barbie doll? Also, what happened to the Ninja Turtle bedspread I gave him?

  54. What does the G stand for in HayleyGHoover?

  55. Question:
    As an Ohio high school student, I had a biased opinion of Ohio University academics. From your biased viewpoint as an OU student, how does your school stack up?


  56. 2 questions:
    N'Sync or Backstreet Boys?
    which spice girl were you?

  57. I wish I could have visited Nalts with you! So close! I knew I smelled something sweet. *throws up... eats some*


    It's 3am. Why am I reading blogs???

  58. Went to a party as well with a boy where i didn't know anyone. Then he left me to go outside, and since he didn't specifically ask me to come out and i didn't want to seem needy, i stayed behind. And watched as slowly everyone else left the circle...

  59. I would like to know where your writing is on the internet.(Flash fiction, essays, articles, poems, etc) Please, for your readers. I would love to read some of your stuff while we wait on your books to be published.
