
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why Christians Can Believe in Gay Rights

[Disclaimer: This blog contains some religious and political controversy. My intention was to shed a bit of new light on an old issue, and not to offend or alienate anyone.]

A few days ago, I received this anonymous email:
"I watch your videos and think you['re] kind of funny, but I was really disappointed to hear that you are Christian because I'm gay."
After sitting, dumbfounded, with my mouth dangling open for a few minutes, I hit "reply," but ended up simply staring at the flashing cursor for a spell before I exited the window. It was too big of a topic to tackle in one email to one stranger. It really, really hurts me that people have reason to assume that, because I believe in Jesus, I also believe that some people are wholly better than others. It needs to be said, once and for all, that I'm a Christian, and I am totally, completely for gay rights.

The biggest case made by some (loud) fundamentalist Christians against homosexuality is that Leviticus 18:22 states, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." That's a scary word, "abomination." In English, it's defined as "a thing that causes disgust or hatred." However, in the scripture's original Hebrew, the word used in its place is toevah, which means something that is forbidden because it's unclean.

See, the Old Testament catalogues a number of other things as "abominations." A list that includes, but is not limited to: eating shrimp and lobster (Leviticus 11:11), sacrificing deformed sheep (Deuteronomy 17:1), eating rabbit (Deuteronomy 14:1-7), and touching dead bugs without washing your clothes (Leviticus 11:23-6). Now, I'm sure we can all agree that there's nothing inherently evil about shrimp cocktails. These laws were set during a comparatively unhygienic time when procreation and the prolonging of humankind was an issue. People needed rules of these kinds in order to keep society free from disease. And, once these laws were no longer needed, we were supposed to stop following them.

Hebrews 8:13 says, "By calling this covenant 'new,' He has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." I'm not a theologian or a biblical scholar, and I will take full responsibility for any ignorance found within this blog, but according to the New Testament, which follows God's New Covenant, we are led to believe that those Old Testament laws which Jesus did not specifically reiterate within his lifetime are outdated, and do not continue to apply. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, "God is not the author of confusion." If Jesus had meant, "Stop following those old 'abominations'-- except the one about gay sex!" he would have said so.

"Christianity" is a broad word that encompasses all kinds of denominations and beliefs that often contradict each other, but my personal religion is more about love than it is about black-and-white rules. In John 15:12, Jesus responds to the question about which of the original ten commandments is the most important by saying, "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." Sure, some people are going to continue to feel that homosexuality is an unnatural choice, simply from their gut feelings, and nothing can really be done about that. But please don't misconstrue the idea of a loving God to back up worldly hatred.

To my normal blog readers, I apologize for returning from a week off by preaching on a soapbox. I promise I'll get back to my normal Light Witty Fluff soon.

Chipotle burritos this year: 37
Bagel Street visits this school year: 5
Subscribers: 21,169

Bye, guys. Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. <3


  1. It makes me really sad that there are people like that commenter who assume people to be so uncomplicated that they can be defined by a stigmatized version of their beliefs.

    Cheers, Hayley.

  2. Exactly. EXACTLY. And that's really all I have to say on the matter. <3

  3. I have a strong desire to show this administrators at my college.
    (i.e., I go to a conservative Christian school even though I'm a liberal Christian and don't necessarily agree with a lot of their views).
    Not so much to shove it in their faces that their wrong because I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Mostly I just want to use this blog as a way of explaining my beliefs to them. I mean, there's obviously differences since I'm not you or a clone of you, but I generally agree.

    Great post as always.

    DFTBA (which you obviously haven't),
    Tenley Nadine

  4. I completely agree with you. I am Lutheran(LCMS) and in youth group last sunday we were talking about the topic of gay rights, we decided that God hates the sin of being gay, not the people that are gay. Thank you so much for writing a blog on this topic, I think it is something that needs to be talked about more....

  5. I'm gay, and I cannot express just how much utter respect for you I have.
    When I first started watching your videos about a year and a half ago, I saw one in which you talked about Christianity, and I thought, "Oh, great, someone else who hates me." But then I watched your Gay Baby Gift Exchange video, and I realised that you were so much more than the hateful people.

    Thank you so much Hayley.

  6. It's people like you that give me faith in humanity.

  7. I respect you so very much. You wrote in a wonderful, concise, thoughtful, referential etc. etc. way what I tried to communicate blathering on in a crappy long video about a year or so ago. People make so many assumptions when they hear I am Christian, let alone Catholic. Whether or not one believes Jesus was really the son of God or a fictional character, he absolutely did not believe in exclusion. Sigh. <3

  8. For the record, I am always happy to hear preaching on a soapbox posts :) Also I have come to the conclusion that Christianity needs more Hayley G Hoovers. Also it should be mandatory for all voters to read this post any time one of those election things is happening.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hayley, this was a wonderful blog entry. I absolutely had to comment upon it as I agreed wholeheartedly with everything you said.

    As both a Christian and a proponent of gay rights, I agree with everything you stated in this blog. You expressed your beliefs on a serious issue so eloquently and logically, and I really respect you a lot.

  11. I just got done leaving a comment on your old post saying that I wanted you to come back and BAM! A new post.
    No assignments are due, I saw the newest episode of Glee, and I got to read a new blog post.
    Its gonna be a good day.

    I happen to love this blog post by the way.

    If I had to put myself into a religious category, I would say that I'm Agnostic. I didn't have a religious upbringing so I don't really know much about Christianity or any religion for that matter, except what I've learned from school or my peers.
    Maybe there is a God. Maybe there isn't. Either way we should all just try to be good people.

    My roommate is a pretty devout Christian (she's also from Ohio!) and probably my best friend, and lately I've been attending a ton of Christian functions and activities around campus with her, meeting really awesome new people and trying to learn as much as I can from them so that I can cultivate my own beliefs.

    I always knew there were some Christians that supported gay rights, and some that didn't, but because I'm not familiar with the Bible and no one really bothers to explain why, I couldn't understand the logic behind either of the arguments.

    This is why I love this particular post, and any post in which you discuss your religious standpoint. You don't just state your beliefs, but you support them, and ultimately I leave "The Hayleylujah Chorus" with about a point more smartness than I had before.

  12. Though I am not a Christian, I agree with a lot of what you said.
    The bible was written in a specific time when different things applied. The population then wasn't nearly as huge as it is now, so of course having heterosexual sex and making babies was something high up on the list of priorities at that time.
    But look at nowadays. If everyone had as many kids as is possible for a woman not taking birth control, and then each of those kids had that many kids, there would be an explosion of children unable to be taken care of.
    Personally, and please don't hate me for it, I don't put much stock in the bible at all. I think it was written by man to control the superstitious people of the time.
    I guess I'm like John Lennon in this way...I think we'd be better off with no religion.
    However, I respect other peoples' opinions as long as they don't take away the rights of anyone else who also isn't taking away the rights of others. That, to me, is the biggest "sin": not letting others live as they want. Just look how that escalated into the Holocaust.

    You're awesome, Hayley. And it is good to know that you are open minded, which is, in my opinion, one of the greatest things a person can be.


  13. I'm in the same boat as you. As a Christian at an incredibly liberal women's college, I find it pretty astounding how many people consider Christianity as a religion based around judging others and trying to one up each other on a "who is holier than thou" level. Christianity is based around love and acceptance, and to be honest, I've never felt like The Bible taught ME how to "accept" others, since that's saying that I have the right to be the one who others must gain acceptance from. If a Christian believes that all other humans are equal to him/herself, and we're all sinners (regardless of whether you count anything other than heteronormativity as a sin), then it makes no sense to pass judgment on others' choices. Isn't God supposed to be the one doing that in the first place? Just sayin'.

    Plus, you know, love is pretty spectacular. Why abuse it?

  14. THANK YOU.

    I would like to add that the whole christian/gay rights thing works the other way too. Just because some one ISN'T christian doesn't mean they support gay rights. Also, sometimes it has nothing to do with religion, but a more general upbringing. I myself have assumed the christian I'm talking to looks to the bible for thier opinion, but some just really don't like the idea of homosexuality (well, I should say GLBT). In that case, I can only agree to disagree. Thats just my 2 cents.

  15. thank you, Hayley. i have several friends whose only reason for "hating the gays" is because the bible says it's wrong. and NOW i have back up aside from "well Leviticus ALSO says that we can't eat shrimp."
    for such a small, and mostly boring genealogy filled, book of the bible, it sure has caused a lot of trouble. :(

    oh. and i was just looking in Leviticus and it also says that cutting your hair-on the sides of your head, or trimming your beard(Leviticus 19:27) and that wearing clothes made from more than one material (Leviticus 19:19) are against the decrees of the Lord. :\

    again. thank you Hayley.

  16. I have tried to explain the whole old testament vs. new testament thing to people so many times, but they never seem to get it. I am glad to see that at least one person does! I am for gay rights because it will not mess up the way I chose to live my life.

  17. Hayley, I loved that. Just because someone believes in something doesn't mean they don't disagree with some of the finer points :)

  18. Thank you for this. You put into sensible words what I've believed for a long time but couldn't explain.

  19. Hayley, I am so glad that you wrote this blog. I have never thought that you would be against gay rights but being able to defend it religiously gives me hope. I am gay and I really loathe dealing with people who think less of me because I have "sinned." I didn't think it was possible but I love you more than I did 10 minutes ago before I read this blog. Thanks for not forgetting to be awesome =]


  20. Hey Hayley,
    I totally agree with you. I hope you don't mind but I linked over to you from my blog on You summed up exactly how I feel about this issue and as I was trying to explain it, felt I should link back to your post that gave me the inspiration for mine.
    Hope you're doing well.

  21. It's kind of like you just pulled all of my thoughts out of my head and put them in words. This is exactly how I feel.

  22. it's amazing what looking at the original meanings of words can do.

  23. Haley, you are a precious gem who loves everyone and it's simply a joy to read this. However, I have a little bit of difference in opinion on this subject. It does say in the new testament (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) that Homosexuality is wrong. There is another verse I found one time to back that up too, but I can't find it at the moment. That being said, I don't believe it's any more a sin than lying or slandering which we do ALL the time! To God, sin is sin no matter the size. I'm not against those who do choose that lifestyle. At least two of my co-workers are gay, and I love them as much as my other friends! We each have our different struggles in our lives, and I believe that that is one of them. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love them and they're not children of God if they accept Him. I think Christians just need to think of that more rather than how much 'better' they think they are then everyone else...because guess what? That's pride, and that's a sin too!

  24. Wow. That was a simple and direct way of explaining it. Why haven't I heard that before? Seriously? During the whole California debacle why weren't the pro gay rights saying exactly that?

  25. Oh, Hayley.
    If only there were more Christians like you, and they were the ones the world payed attention to. Bible-thumping Christian fundamentalists are what makes people like your anonymous e-mailer (and, admittedly, me) skeptical about Christian belief systems. I'm no theologist either but from what I can tell, all Jesus really wanted was a little lovin'!
    Thanks for opening some eyes lady!
    Well-written as always.

  26. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I voted NO ON 1!!! Boo ya.
    Thanks for putting into words what I've believed for a long, long time. Love ya, Hayley.

  27. I never could understand how people could see that in the New Testament Jesus did away with the Old Testament laws but then still say that homosexuality was wrong. People will believe what they want to believe regardless of its validity.

    Wonderful post :o)

  28. I never leave comments. Even on youtube. But after THIS I need to let you know: I love you, Hayley.
    It kills me when someone hates gay people JUST because they're gay, like they killed and ate someone (seriously, how can anyone in the world hate whatthebuck??=)).
    And finally I see healthy point of view.
    So, yeah, I love you.
    And I'm not gay.

  29. Admittedly, I'm an Atheist.
    But I honestly find it pointless how people dissect the Bible into tiny passages and base their views and morals on them, from an ancient book which was written before the word homosexuality even existed. I think it's innate human nature to accept everyone for what and who they are, we shouldn't need labels to obscure or clarify our beliefs. So what I'm getting at is KUDOS HAYLEY. Gay rights FTW.

  30. I'm a Christian, and I'm all for gay rights.

    However, there are verses after the one about releasing the old covenant that pertain to homosexuality.

    But, regardless of what it says is right and wrong, above all, as Christians, we're supposed to love the people around us. We're not supposed to judge anyone, that's His job.
    My youth pastor always say, disagree with, not hate, the action, not the person.


  31. My respect for you grew a lot just now. As an atheist I sometimes, unfortunately, categorize religious people into the typical gay-hating-evolution-denying-dumbass-group. I have never put you in that category since you've always struck me as very intelligent. (Had this been a comment for communitychannel, I'd totally put *coughes* right here, but now it doesn't feel right because I don't want to offend you, haha). Not just someone who is Christian just because of how they were raised. After reading this I think I was right and I love you more than ever.
    Not in a creepy way, promise, just the normal internet stalker way.

  32. I'm Catholic and I'm registered as an independent. But I do tend to be conservative in my views. That being said, I'm sick of people assuming that if you believe in god or have conservative views, you must be against gay rights. Its not true! I hate that there is a stereotype about that! I live in Massachusetts where its legal to get married. I'm all about the love. I hope more people see your blog and understand that just because some crazy Christans want to discriminate gay's that doesn't mean we all do.

    See everyone, Hayley believes in god AND gay rights. It goes to show you, don't judge a book by its cover. Not all of us are crazy bible thumpers. Four for you Hayley for getting the word out there. :)


    I'm atheist people are people let them do what they want as long as it doesn't infringe upon your rights.

    my thoughts in a nutshell

  34. I'm really sad about this Hayley. This blog post just dropped my respect of your opinions a lot.

  35. I'm really glad you posted this. I truly feel the same way; I'm Mormon, and, as I'm sure you probably know, my entire religion was ridiculed because of Prop 8 in California a while back. That put me in a really difficult position because, like you said, I don't see every single thing in black and white. I was almost afraid to voice my opinion on the matter because of how strongly everyone felt about Prop 8, but I still did.
    And I'm glad you always voice your opinion. There aren't enough people like you who actually stand up for what they think is good in the world. So thanks.
    -Keshara :)

  36. Hayley, you are ORGASMIC!!! If I liked you before...I love you now. I know exactly what you mean. I am a gay Roman Catholic man who believes in Jesus, but still love and embrace my sexuality. I believe in a Jesus of love. Amen SISTER! =D

  37. Exodus 21:7 "If a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do."
    ...yeah. To anyone who takes the Bible word for word and uses it to justify their actions, ask them how much one should ask for when selling one's daughter into slavery.
    Totally stole this from The West Wing, by the way. It's like the most viewed West Wing clip on youtube. The very Catholic Jed Bartlet pwns the shit out of some Ann Coulterish journalist. Look it up.

    It's also insane to me, like, even if someone is totally against homosexuality just because they think it's off, that they would then say that we should not grant these people rights because of what I think. I'm like This is America, motherfucker. Land of the free. It doesn't matter if you personally approve of what somebody's doing. And then when they use the Bible to support themselves, I'm like seperation of church and stateeeeeee Errrrggggggg.

    And they don't realize that they're making the same arguments that were made against interracial marriage. Like, "A marriage is between a man and a woman," used to be, "A marriage is between a man and a woman of the same color, but people of different colors!?! That's blasphemous!" Gaaaaarrrrr.

    This is the only political issue I get crazy fired up about because it's impossible to me that so many people are so unbelievably retarded.

  38. I respect you for speaking out on your beliefs Hayley, but I have to point out a few flaws in your argument. Being a Catholic does not mean that I catagorically hate gay people, same as yourself. God calls us to love all people for we are all made in the image of God and are His children. Therefore if someone is attracted to the same sex, that is not a sin. It is the ACT of homosexual behavior that is a sin. But when you said that God created a new covenent with us, He gave us a new law and took away the old one. Yet we still follow the ten comandments! You said that many laws do not apply now, and that we could stop following them, such as sacrificies. But homosexuality is still prevelent today as is lying, and honoring your parents.

    Something to think about.
    Best wishes!

  39. Hey, Hayley. This is Ben from high school. I read all that you had to say, but you're overlooking 1 Corinthians 6:9 which specifically says that homosexuals will not inherit eternal life. This seems pretty harsh, but I've given the subject a lot of thought.

    One major thing I wanted to know was why homosexuality is sinful. I think we need to look at the definition of homosexuality in the context of Bible times. I don't have much evidence for this, but I believe that "homosexual" was referring exclusively to one who commits homosexual acts (gay sex). The Old Testament Law doesn't mention attraction; it only mentions action.

    Now, I know that I can't change my sexuality; I can't wake up one day and decide to be gay. What makes me think a gay person can? Homosexuality is sinful because of the act of adultery. When a person lusts, they are sinning (gay or straight), but I think we get lust and attraction confused sometimes. Lust is sinful; attraction isn't. I've come to the conclusion that if a man admires the appearance of another man, it's no more sinful than someone admiring a painting (which, of course, isn't sinful).

    Here's the difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality, though: homosexuals can't get married. Go to practically any dictionary, and you'll find marriage defined as being between a man and a woman. Jesus defined marriage in this way, as well (Matt. 19:4-5). Therefore, I've concluded that homosexuals can't get married. Therefore, any sexual acts between them would be adulterous.

    So, then what are gay Christians to do? Both Jesus and Paul taught celibacy as a high calling. I believe that gays can be Christians as long as they remain celibate. God can use these people as examples to other Christians to remain pure until marriage.

  40. THANK YOU. It's comforting to know that there ARE Christians out there who have sense. I always get scared off by the fundamentalist tunnel-visioned ones...again Hayley, you are AWESOME. <3

  41. Hayley, you are amazing. Simply amazing.

  42. <3 <3 <3
    And you never need to apologize for expressing your beliefs, especially when it's this important.

    (I'd love to see you respond just as thoughtfully and articulately to "Ben from high school.")

  43. Take THAT, Mrs. Hartz!!!

    You are so good.

  44. I totally agree with all of what you said here, but that's obviously irrelevant because I must point out that there is now an ad for an "All-Gay Exotic Caribbean Cruise" on your blog.

  45. You are more awesome than words can express, Hayley. I'm actually Jewish, not Christian, but I wholeheartedly agree with your beliefs regarding gay rights.

  46. this makes me so proud of also makes me miss you awholehelluvalot.

  47. Im happy you blogged that
    because i used to be confused that there were christian gay people and such
    also, being gay is actually a hormonal imbalance, nobody can help it.
    and now that you showed those bible excerpts, i understand

  48. After reading your post and then reading the abundance of positive comments, I need to express that my waning faith in the human race has been slightly restored.

    My gay cup runneth over. Amen.

  49. I'm a Christian and I'm always confused about gay rights. Cause it mentions gays in Corinthians somehere, and not inheriting the kingdom of God, yet in that passage it also says gossips and drunkards etc.

    So I never know. :( I'm not a gay basher though, and I do have many gay and lesbian friends cause no matter what, the bottom line is that God made them and loves them and I should love them too, not say "ur totaly goin 2 hel cuz ur gay n da bible sez so". People like that annoy me.

  50. Hey Hayley, long-time reader, first-time commenter here :) Just wanted to say that if the only argument against homosexuality came from Leviticus, then I would agree 100%. This, however, is not the case – it is mentioned several times in the New Testament (for example, see Romans 1:26-27). I agree with Benjamin in that according to Christianity, lust is always sinful unless within marriage, and marriage is only for a man and a woman... thus, the act of lusting after someone of the same sex is sinful in the same way as is lusting after someone of the opposite sex to whom you are not married.

    (Benjamin, I hope I've interpreted your comment correctly and I'm not just condensing your views inaccurately!)

    I also get annoyed with people assuming that because I'm a Christian I hate gay people; really, because I'm a Christian, I shouldn't hate ANYONE. All my friends sin - do I hate them? No. I sin - do I hate myself? Well, I have my moments... but on the whole, no ;) Point being, everyone sins, and it would be stupid to single out gay people as having any less claim to forgiveness - Christians who do so ARE in the wrong, though I have yet to personally meet one who does. Believing that straight people are not “wholly better” than gay people does not entail believing that homosexuality is the right way to live according to God, and believing that homosexuality is wrong certainly does not necessitate hatred against anyone.

    Personally, I agree that gay marriage should be legal, in the same way that I agree abortion should be legal - it might be a sin, but I can see that it's a grey area in a secular society, and bulldozing non-religious people with Christian beliefs would achieve little to nothing, and be potentially harmful (in my opinion). But at the same time, I don't think gay marriage should be allowed within the church, because the church =/= secular society. So to this extent, I guess I also believe in 'gay rights'.

    Okay, sorry for the possibly less-than-coherent rambling... I fail at being concise, clearly D: Love your blog, Hayley :)

  51. now do one about abortion!

  52. So, I'm going to be honest here, this is an area that I'm still trying to figure out myself. I was raised listening to Sean Hanity and Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox News. I'm also a Christian. So I may have some incomplete and biased viewpoints.

    I think that as a Christian, homosexuality is wrong. However, I also believe in seperation of church and state. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament speak against homosexuality. Yes, when Christ came back, he pretty much got rid of the old covanent (OT) and ushered in the new covanent (NT), but he didn't get rid of everything from the Old Testament, like the Ten Comandments- which are basically unbreakable. While homosexuality isn't specifically mentioned in the commandments, Corinthians and Romans speak against homosexuality.

    So, at least within the church, I don't agree with homosexuality. I'm not saying that you can't be a gay christian or you can't go to church if your LGBQ, but I don't think leaders in the church should be gay. As far as outside the church, I don't honestly know.

  53. So, on a different note, I started rereading Sloppy Firsts yesterday, and you know who reminds me of Marcus Flutie? The boy with purple socks from Harriet the Spy. I don't know why.

  54. I have been a longtime 5aG watcher, blog reader and twitter follower... but I've refrained from subscribing to your personal channel for a few reasons. I went to a Christian college and have a lot of friends who are Christians (I'm not, strictly, Christian... I guess I'm confused?). Anyway, during the 2008 presidential election there were a few of your tweets that I wasn't so much in agreement with, so even though I enjoy your videos on your personal channel a lot, I never subscribed to you.

    Now, I realize this makes me small minded myself. In fact, I have lived in more conservative states even thought I'm liberal and I have a lot of friends who believe in a whole array of things.

    Thanks for reminding me that there isn't one complete category of people who believe all the same thing. From someone on the other end of the political spectrum, I get pretty small minded sometimes myself.

    I've fixed the subscription issue, btw. I'm now subscribed to Hayley's vlog.

  55. I'm both a lesbian and a loyal reader/viewer. Whilst I never thought you were against homosexuality, I LOVE the fact that you have written this and put it out there for everyone to read. People really need to talk about issues like homosexuality much more, it's the only way we'll ever be able to combat homophobia.


  56. Hayley, you are always so profound when you talk about important things, you make it so easy to listen to what you say.
    Have a wonderful day tomorrow Hayley.

  57. I completely agree. I'm a Christian, but I'm completely for gay rights.
    I actually started explaining to my friend about the Wrock 4 Equality. While I was telling her how proud I was of everyone who participated, she kind of wrinkled her nose, and got a "WTF?" look. I asked her what was up, and she told me that she believed gay people weren't right, and that it was kinda gross. I just stared at her for a second before telling her that, love is love, no matter who it's to, or who it's from. The discrimination against homosexuals is terrible. It may not be viewed as "acceptable" or "right" in society, but the truth is, it's love. All of Jesus' teachings were based upon love, in some way, shape, or form. So I don't think it should be a problem that you happen to love someone that might be a bit too much like you. I also hate how people use the term gay or homo as an insult. It's all I hear at my school.

    But thanks, Hayley, for writing about this. =)


  58. you're proof that there is a God.
    honestly. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts so that others can open their minds <3

  59. I have to say that I'm impressed, not only with your brilliant blog, but with the quality of the responses of your readers. It honestly gives me hope for your generation. They are intelligent, articulate, thoughtful, and (mostly) open minded. You, of course, are all that plus!

  60. I'm really happy that you wrote this. As someone who is bisexual, I've run into a lot of people who hate me, despite not knowing a single thing about me except how I identify sexually. Because of this, for awhile I steered clear of anyone with any religious affiliation, simply because I believed that they would all react the same way, because their gods told them that I was evil or whatever else.

    But then I started to talk to people, and then really listen to what they had to say, about each individual having their own personal views and not just following blindly. They told me what you just wrote, about the testament being outdated and how, if we still followed every one of those rules, we wouldn't be allowed to do things like eat shellfish or touch dead bugs without washing our clothing.

    You're a smart girl, Hayley, and with posts like these, you make me admire you even more.

    Cheers, love.

  61. It's good to see that you're back.

    Your ads are currently for an All-Gay Exotic Cruise, just FYI.


  62. This is so insightful. I don't think I have ever heard such a well-constructed gay rights statement from a Christian. Coming from a wealthy, largely Christian Californian town, I hear the same, "Well, I don't think gays are bad but it's just not ok like with what I believe," argument all of the time. I have stereotyped the Christian community a lot in my life, figuring my grand parents are completely crazy and have formally excommunicated three of the closest members of my family from their church. But I guess Jesus is just all right with me... I think I have restored some faith in this religion because of you.

  63. One more reason to change the new layout of The Hayleylujah Chorus: Now, not only am I a heterosexual male reading a blog written by a 19 year old girl with a frilly pink banner; I am reading a blog written by a 19 girl with a frilly pink banner and a particularly eye catching add for an all gay cruise line on the side.

  64. Did you correct the gay commenter's "your"?

  65. I've seen comments like that on your videos before, some of them are really vile, and some of them are just ignorant.
    I remember one asked why/how you liked DisneyKid1 (I think it was on your video about YouTube crushes) since you're Christian. Since OBVIOUSLY believing in Jesus means you automatically hate gays all gays. There's no way the two things could be mutually exclusive.

    ...I remember being tempted to reply to that comment, but I kinda hope I didn't I'd be horrified to go back & see what I wrote if I did reply to it.

  66. So I totally read your blog all the time/subscribe to your YT channel but never comment. I read this post though and just had to say something.

    Can I just say how grateful I am for people like you? I grew up in a conservative Christian family and went to christian school, church on Sundays, the whole 9 yards, etc. etc. And to be honest there are a lot of Christians who say really terrible things. We once had a chapel once where a speaker actually said that we should send gay people to Afghanistan to die. I was sitting next to my gay friend and watch him silently cry. It was terrible.

    At any rate, you can imagine what they had done to my ideas about religion by the time I graduated high school. I always thought was kind of terrible because despite not believing I always thought this Jesus kid was kind of cool.

    But because of people like you, I am slowly learning that while there are Christians who believe stuff like that they aren't everyone. There are Christians out there who care. I just wanted to know how much I appreciate people like you. You totally restore my faith in people (and faith).

  67. Thanks for being my hero.

  68. Hayley, you have a way with words. You are so eloquent. You put my thoughts and feelings that I did not know how to say in a concise manner, into just that.

  69. EXACTLY!
    I'm a contextualist of the bible, so what you said made perfect sense.

  70. This post is fantastic. I'm so happy that you are willing to climb up onto your soapbox and share your opinions. I completely agree with your opinions. I think God would want more love in the world no matter what kind it is.

  71. Hayley, You are truly awesome.

  72. Thank you for this blog! As a christian I applaud you for trying to open the eyes of others. Much love xxx

  73. There are some flaws in your argument, but I get the idea. The overall thing is to love everyone for who they are regardless of whether they are gay, straight, Christian, Atheist, or whatever.

  74. The purpose of religion is to bring people together and not to seperate them. In my opinion, a church that preaches to avoid people because they are different is a total failure.

  75. You tell it girlfriend!

    I agree with you 100%, and am now craving some shrimp cocktail.

    If that's not a successful blog post, then I don't know what is!

  76. This is a fantastic blog entry Hayley. Speaking as a gay atheist who loves your videos, blog and pretty much everything you have been willing to share with us online. Your religion has never left me feeling excluded and it never will.

    After studying some aspects of theology for my degree I appreciated how you set out your argument using actual bible quotes, which so many people just leave out, quoting the one or two incendiary passages and ignoring the context they are placed in.
    I also think it is important to stress how personal religion is. Not all christians should have to apologise or even be associated with the westboro baptists for instance. Although one may come from this community it is not their fault what others say in it.

  77. Hayley,
    Thank you for writing this. As a Christian, I have similar feelings towards gay rights and it bothers me that the loud conservative gay bashing individuals are what everyone thinks of when they think of Christianity and gay issues.

  78. While I still might not be in agreement with 100% of what you've said, I totally agree that Jesus was about love above all else, and he does not love any of us above others. I'm so proud of your compassionate approach to these issues. Regardless of what even the new testament says, I think Jesus would have approached homosexuals the same way you do and would have loved them fully and completely, as he loves all of his children. You are a light in this world and an example to all christians of how we need to approach each of these pertinent social issues with love towards all. If you can convince even your lawyer father and sister on these issues, you've done well. So proud of you baby Hayley!

  79. I love you Hayley. And I'm really proud of you for standing up and explaining what you believe in. And I agree 100%

    <3 Seers

    I miss you like crazy.

  80. What I find frustrating is that so many gay people assume that if someone doesn't agree with homosexuality, that they are homophobic and hate gays. There is a HUGE difference between believing homosexuality is wrong and actually hating gays. People need to stop assuming and labeling. It's just as cruel to assume someone is hateful as it is to hate.

  81. I've been working for a Jewish non-profit for two and a half years now, and every day, I'm impressed, relieved and just downright glad to find so many religious people embracing open-mindedness and "loving thy neighbor," as our religions teach us to do. I have a bumper sticker on my desk that reads, "My faith makes me a gay rights activist." Thanks for adding your voice to the mix.

  82. Well done, you believe in gay rights.

    But you don't see where you're going wrong.

    You glean all of your beliefs and principles from a book - a book written thousands of years ago.

    Why on earth can't you come up with your own?

    It is tragic that these puerile, vulgar, domineering indoctrinations have been drilled into you from birth. It's a form of child cruelty, I think.

  83. I really like what you have to say here. Being a Christian who was raised to think that being LGBT is wrong, I always had trouble believing it and have basically stood up against that way of thinking for some of the very reasons you list. Still...

    I don't want to say I disagree with what you're saying because I am wholeheartedly with you, but I have always had a little trouble with the idea that Jesus "replaces" the old law, only because of this one statement in Matthew 5:17... "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." I am a Christian and I actively support gay rights/equality, but I still have trouble reconciling the two in my mind sometimes because of that passage.

  84. Hayley...THANK YOU. Thank you so much. This entry is not only honest and heartfelt, but backed up with real verses by a true, religious individual. I'm both a Christian and a supporter of gay rights myself, but I've been stifled by opposite arguments because, even thought I felt they were wrong, I couldn't explain my defense. I've been trying to understand the Levitacus issue for years and you, with such coherency that only a writer can have, explained it perfectly. Thank you.

  85. Good on you, Hayley!

    I think people think that because of the couple of Christans that strongly believe in the medieval laws. We don't have to explain everything they didn't know back then, nowadays.

    And also, your brave about blogging about this, Religion is a touchy subject, and I'm glad that you have a strong opinion on it. I'm still young, so my opinion is very fluffy.

  86. I wish more Christians could see how absurd some of the old testament stuff is today, like the others that you have mentioned here. As a secular humanist I would be very grateful to see more Christians actually acting like Christ, what a world that would be! Kuddos to you for putting this out there. <3

  87. Hayley, Today is awesome because of this blog and the views contained within.


  88. I'm gonna have to agree with Roxanne on this one. You've forgotten about the verses in the New Testament.

  89. i love you hayley, this is all about what i've been trying to tell people

    i'm so happy you have the direct quotes so i can point them out next time.

    its so refreshing to hear that people feel this way

    i live in a small town where every one is uptight and closeminded, when they disagree with something it is called 'gay'

    you help me look at christianity different, i always see it as a negetive when people say they are christians, because i associate that with them being judgemental and stubborn. but you've really opened up what christianity can be for the people who read this
    thank you!

  90. While I disagree with the idea that Jesus stopped thinking that homosexuality was wrong (Romans 1:26-27), I do agree that gay people should have rights. If Christians in America are lucky enough to have the right to freely worship our God, how dare we place restrictions on other people who want to have freedom? Why do we expect no persecution, but then turn around and put it right back on the gay community? Yes, I am a Christian, and I do think that gay people are sinning, but I sin just as much as they do, just in different ways. We all do. But the issue here is not if they are sinning, the issue is if they should have the right to get married. And they should have that right.

  91. HeterosexualfemaleatheistNovember 14, 2009 at 7:00 PM

    (from Canada)

    Oh my, the 'G' does stand for controversy.

    If you haven't read Benjamin's or Lucy's post, you should definitely do it because they were my favourites.

    Honestly, I just roll my eyes whenever someone talks about their religion because, literally, EVERY Christian I know has a biased opinion toward me and treats me differently. In turn, I have become biased toward people of faith. The same thing happened to homosexuals: they have encountered so many religious people who are critical of their sexuality, that they have written religious people off completely because they don't need to feel horrible about their lifestyles.

    With your blog post, you have changed my opinion, and probably the opinion of homosexual people, and given me hope that not every Christian is irrational and judgemental.

    Your argument is one that is well-constructed and definitely worth reading.

    (ps thanks!)

  92. I love the way you wrote this blog, but the only thing coming to my mind is the fact that your ads are for gay cruises.

    I'm sorry. I love this. <3 I completely agree with what you said.

  93. Hayley, have you ever read the book "The Year of Living Bibically"? It's about this guy who decided he was going to follow every rule in the Bible as literally as possible- It was a really interesting book, and I'd recommend it. Although I'm not religious, it made me think about religion in a whole other way. It's funny too.

    Also, I like your "soapbox" posts. It's interesting to hear your views on more serious stuff (not that Chiplote isn't serious), and you didn't sound preachy at all.

  94. you are like, my hero. i'm christian too and gay rights is something that i wonder about. i am totally and complety 100% for gay rights, and your post describes it PERFECTLY. so if someone asks me about the topic, my response? go to and read hayleyghoover's blog.

  95. It's sad to hear that what some Christians have done has ruined the reputation of other Christians. What I mean is, because there are some anti-gay Christians who speak out about against homosexuality and use their religion as their reason, now many people believe that all Christians feel that way.
    Thank you for writing this post to clarify. I never believed that all Christians were homophobic, but some people do need to hear it.

    I miss your regular blogs, but I never mind your preaching-on-a-soap-box ones either. :P


  96. Also, all the ads on your blog are about a gay cruise ship. It's great.
    I'm a straight female, but man, I'd love to go on that ship. =D

  97. Alright, let me preface this by saying that I'm a Roman Catholic and my opinions lie with Ben and Lucy's. I do, however, believe in civil unions as people have free will and they can sin if they wish. I'm not one of those gay-haters.

    Leaving all else out of this argument, I hate being called "close-minded" or whatever. If you're being open-minded to your idea of gay rights, then you're being closed-minded to my religion. So please drop that point.

    Was the OT written in a different time? Yes. Do we follow all of its rules? No. Does that mean it's irrelevant? No. It still preaches about positive values that are accepted no matter what religion you fall into.

    One last thing - pedophilia and other strange fetishes are caused by hormones and stuff. Does that make them right?No.

  98. sorry, my second comment.

    i'm roman catholic too and have been all my life, but i disagree with some aspects of the church.

    "It still preaches about positive values that are accepted no matter what religion you fall into."

    this is true.. but how can we distinguish what is right and wrong from the bible, that its okay to eat shrimp and lobster but not to have homosexuals marry.

    people that are going to follow god's word should just do it,
    no eating shrimp or rabbit, stay away from dead bugs, and while were at it let's punish our children by death if they disobey..

    my point is that if people claim that homosexual acts are wrong because the bible says so, then they should just follow through totally, instead of taking the risk of seeming hypocritical.

    i understand that some people may not feel comfertable with gay marriage, that just how people are, we feel different about different things. However that does not mean that people should be treated unfairly; prejudiced against because of race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation.

  99. i dreamt you were on The View.

    i just thought you should know.

  100. You've put my thoughts into words. Well done!

  101. you're getting some really... interesting... advertisements on the side of your blog now!

  102. Catholicism has been shoved down my throat since I was a child. I firmly resent religion now. It's nice to know that some Christians are willing to modernize their faith but unfortunately there are certain followers that won't budge on the teachings. My grandmother would be one of them. I don't understand why the "right religion" can cause so much prejudice and hate.

  103. Wow. Heavy stuff. I'm so glad you've opened this up for discussion, because both your original post and many of the comments are so insightful, passionate and well-thought.

    I am a Christian also, and I feel like it would be so, so easy if I could agree with what you say. It would be such a beautiful relief to be seen as "open minded" by the majority of people in the culture I'm a part of every day. It would be so easy to not have to fight to not be seen as hateful or prejudiced by those around me, because those things are the last things I want to be seen as. I have several very close gay friends, and it would be so wonderful to not have any tension there because I'm not having to think about how my beliefs line up with their lifestyle.

    That said, I can't agree, which I don't like, because I want to be seen as open minded, tolerant, loving, intelligent, free-thinking, and whatever else being an advocate for gay rights seems to make you in the public eye. The fact is, I am all of those things, but whenever I talk about my beliefs, people end up making assumptions based upon their wrongful interpretation of my words- I become a "gay basher" or a "narrow-minded religious fanatic."

    It is my honest belief that the Bible makes its viewpoint on homosexuality pretty clear. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with the idea of homosexual relationships, in fact, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of saying anything even remotely unfavourable about them. Writing this comment has caused me serious discomfort, and often I just stay quiet, because it makes things difficult otherwise. But I'm contributing to the discussion because I think that such an intelligent, open forum deserves to hear everyone's views.

    I just don't think that the argument you've used here is entirely comprehensive, in that there is a lot of stuff in the New Testament, under the new covenant, which also say that homosexuality is sinful, (I think a few of them have been mentioned in previous comments)and your argument doesn't make room for those at all. Check out Romans, Corinthians, and 1 Timothy...and you'll find that the roots of the words in those books aren't so easily explained away.

    Is homosexuality worse than any other sin? Of course not. Are people that are practicing homosexuals lesser humans, or less loved by God? Of course not. Do they deserve equal rights? Of course they do--the Bible preaches nothing but a message of equality. And I think it's totally ok to advocate all that stuff. But I don't think that it's ok to present an argument that suggests the Bible says something it doesn't. I think we can often go to the Bible with the answers we want to our questions already in our head, and then find evidence to back it up. But I don't think that's the right thing to do.

    I'm sorry to have to pick the unfavourable side of the argument here. Hayley, I love your blog, your writing style, and your thought process. You are intelligent, articulate and charismatic, and I love that you were brave enough to address this vitally important issue. Also, to the gay-bi-lesbian people contributing to this discussion, I sincerely apologise on behalf of myself and Christians everywhere that you've been hurt by the way this issue is dealt with. Please believe I have nothing but respect for you.

  104. God loves love. The end.


  105. I don't know how you do it Hayley, but you just always seem to say it right. xx

  106. By-the-by, your ads are all flashy and for gay cruises right now.

    "All gay. All fun." XD

  107. I'm a Christian and I agree that Christianity is all about love. Everyone seems to think it is about judgment and worthiness because some people have views like that but it isn't. Even though I am a Christian, if someone gay wanted to be my friend or came to talk to me there would be no way that I would back away or look at them differently. Everyone is a human and according to the bible you should love everyone.

  108. Hayley, I was late in reading this and late in responding as a result. I agree with you entirely, and though I can understand why your original e-mailer jumped to the wrong assumption, I've always felt that you were not in that camp. If I had believed that, I would not be subscibed to your blog, channel, etc. I am not gay, but I support gay rights and gay marriage. To me it is a human rights issue, plain and simple. Glad you blogged again and that you're feeling communicative again, and hopefully happy as well.

  109. Hayley I totally applaud you for saying this. Everyone has different opinions on this but I think it needs to be stressed that Christians DONT hate gay people. God loves you not what you do. And no one has the right to judge but Him.

    God Bless x

  110. Many people feel the same way that you do. The most important rule is to love each other and treat others as they wish to be treated.

  111. I know I've already commented this and I know that what I'm about to say has nothing to do with the post, but...

    I think I may have just talked to you on omegle? If so, hi, I'm Tonya!
    If not, that was a very good poser.

  112. Hmmm not sure what I can add here that hasn't already been said in the comments. I've always thought that the people who justify their anti-homosexual opinions with Leviticus where being wilfully difficult. I've read Leviticus and yes, it's archaic. I'm unsure how much we should ignore the writings of Paul on this subject (something you didn't cover in this blog entry) but as a matter of secular human rights I agree: it is absolutely necessary to have at least some form of civil union for gay couples so as to guarantee protection of these people whom God loves, and equality before the law.

  113. Thank you so much Hayley! I live in the south and its hard to be a libral Christian and stand up for your belifs there. People tell me that abortion is never okay,even if you get raped because its "god's will" and that being gay is a choice and that it is wrong. Being with people like that constantly makes me ashamed to be Christian. Thank you for saying everything I wish I could.

  114. i totally agree!!!! so so much!!!

  115. Thank you for this!

    I am a teenager in a denomination (the Church of the Brethren) that is dealing with the controversy of same-sex marriage and whether we should allow homosexuals in the church. This topic has caused a lot of heart break on both sides of the debate, but I think excluding wonderful and loving people from our church is the worst thing we can do. Jesus loved and welcomed everyone. It's really hard for me to grasp why the Brethren are clinging so hard to the Old Testament text, when our beliefs come from studying the New Testament.

    I have been looking for something like this for a long time. I'm so glad that you addressed it. You are fantastic and have an amazing voice.

  116. This, I have to say, is amazing. Every single word was true for me. Often, I get into fights with my parents about this very topic and everyone always ends upset mostly because I can't explain myself properly. This, basically, summed up all that is buzzing around inside my head. Thank you for that.

  117. I'm a christian too and like you I support gay rights. Actually one of my best friends are gay, and we have talked about this a lot of times. He is also a christian and I know how much it would mean to him to get married with God as a vietness.
    As you also write I see religion as a ting about love and accept.
    I think it is very cool that you took this subject up.

    Much love.

  118. I'm a christian too and like you I support gay rights. Actually one of my best friends are gay, and we have talked about this a lot of times. He is also a christian and I know how much it would mean to him to get married with God as a vietness.
    As you also write I see religion as a ting about love and accept.
    I think it is very cool that you took this subject up.

    Much love.

  119. Thank you so much for posting this. I'm a bit late commenting, but I had to come down from reading all the other comments before I said anything.

    I am a Christian and a lesbian, and it's not always been easy. There have been professed Christians in my life who have been very cruel to me, even in my own family. I have been deeply hurt by the words of leaders in my own church. However, I know that God loves me and made me the way I am. I pray for change in the Christian community, and I feel that it is coming, but sometimes I lose patience. Allies like you encourage me so much. So I will say it again: thank you. <3

  120. I honestly agree with you. When people hear that I'm a Christian they tend to think that I think a certain way. Which I don't like at all since I tend to have a different view on a lot of things then most of my christian friends (what can I say? I grew up with a democratic father, and most of the churches I've gone to were purely republican)

    But on the issue of gay rights I think you hit the nail on the head! As Christians we shouldn't be hating anyone for what they believe or do. As they say God hates the sin not the sinner, and who are we to judge?

  121. Hな人妻たちの社交場、割り切った付き合いも当然OK!欲求不満のエロ人妻たちを好みに合わせてご紹介します。即会い、幼な妻、セレブ、熟女、SM妻、秘密、以上6つのジャンルから遊んでみたい女性を選んでください

  122. Wow... so many comments.

    A few things:
    I find the notion of "believing" in a book borderline insane. Believe in Christ, believe in God, do whatever your soul wants you to, but to even think for a hot second that bible passages have doctrinating value just because they have been printed in the bible is a bit lunatic, because humans decided what to put in there... (this goes out to the people quoting several bible passages ;) Just look into your heart and think about what the person "Jesus" would want you to do. There are WWJD T shirts for a reason ;)

    Secondly, I won't accept the notion that Jesus would consider loving someone a sin. Simple as that.

    And thirdly, why do so many Christians focus on the "sin" of homosexuality? I never understood that. There are no demonstrations like "murderers burn in hell" or Christians trying to get people who beat their wives up to change in a large group, no it's always about us gay people. I don't understand what we are doing to threaten them so much... I'd like the zealots to focus on all the other sins first, please. That should buy us some time :)

    Oh, and I love you a lot right now, Hayley :)

  123. 1日5万円~が手に入るサイドビジネスのご案内です。男狂いのセレブ女性はネットで知り合った男を次々に金の力で食い散らかしています。そんな女性を手玉にとって大金を稼いでみませんか

  124. みんなで楽しめるHチェッカー!簡単な設問に答えるだけであなたの隠されたH度数がわかっちゃいます!あの人のムッツリ度もバレちゃう診断を今すぐ試してみよう

  125. You said everything I have ever thought about this topic. Thank you so much.

    I am also a Christian, and beleive in gay rights and gay marraige. The one thing that really irritates me though, is that so many people in my highschool are anti-christian, because they think all Christians try to force their beliefs on others, and of course, are anti-gay. This really offends me, because I respect everyone, no matter what religion they practice, or what their sexuality is. I know there are some Christians that do judge people, and don't respect them, but there are also those who love and respect. Just like it is wrong to judge people because of their sexuality, it is also wrong to judge people because of their religion.

    Woo, that took a lot out of me (;
    But thank you again.
    You officialy have a new reader :D

  126. 最近流行の家出掲示板では、各地のネットカフェ等を泊り歩いている家出少女のメッセージが多数書き込みされています。彼女たちはお金がないので掲示板で知り合った男性の家にでもすぐに泊まりに行くようです。あなたも書き込みに返事を返してみませんか

  127. 性欲を持て余し、欲求不満になっている女性を金銭の対価を得て、癒して差し上げるお仕事です。参加にあたり用紙、学歴等は一切問いません。高収入アルバイトに興味のある方はぜひどうぞ

  128. 童貞を奪ってみたい女性たちは、男性にとって「初体験」という一生に一度だけの、特別なイベントを共に心に刻み込むことを至上の喜びにしているのです。そんな童貞好きな女性たちと高級チェリーで最高のSEXをしてみませんか

  129. 困っています。December 4, 2009 at 8:34 AM


  130. Hayley, you couldn't have posted this at a more perfect time. YOU ARE MY ROLE MODEL.

    You know, next to Jo Rowling.

    :) <3

  131. 一晩の割り切ったお付き合いで副収入が得られるサイトのご案内です。アルバイト感覚での挑戦もできる、安心の無料登録システムを採用しておりますので、興味のある方は当サイトをぜひご覧ください

  132. 復活、スタービーチ!日本最大の友達探しサイトがついに復活、進化を遂げた新生スタビをやってみませんか?理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビを体験しよう

  133. なかなか彼氏、彼女が出来ない君達の深層心理を徹底解明♪みんなでモテる度チェックをやって結果交換も自由、合コンや休み時間はモテる度チェックで暇つぶし!次にモテ期が訪れる瞬間をズバリ診断しちゃいます

  134. 出会ぃも今は¥倶楽部!オンナがオトコを買う時代になりました。当サイトでは逆援希望の女性が男性を自由に選べるシステムを採用しています。経済的に成功を収めた女性ほど金銭面は豊かですが愛に飢えているのです。いますぐTOPページからどうぞ

  135. 今迄は野外露出がマイナスイメージと囚われがちですが、実際は開放的な気分になり有名人のヌーディストが、オープンになる事を推奨してるぐらいです。このサイトをキッカケに知り合った娘達と野外で楽しみませんか

  136. どうしても相手がセレブだと高級感が有り、近付きにくいと思われがちですが、実際はただ欲望のままに快楽を追い求める、セレブとは掛け離れた女性が居るだけです。今こそ自分の欲望を満たすときです

  137. "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." (Matt 19:4-6)

    Man and woman.

    However, the Bible says nothing of hating people because they are gay or for any other reason.
    Hate the sin, not the sinner.
    In my eyes, it's just another temptation like lying, stealing, or sex before marriage.
    Love everyone, despite any mistakes they have, because honestly, we all have bigger problems to worry about ourselves for than those that anyone else has.

  138. 最近旦那とマンネリで全然Hしてません。正直もうかなり欲求不満です…誰か相手してくれる方いませんか?空いている時間は多いと思うので都合は合わせやすいと思います。お互い楽しめる関係になりたいな。人妻でも平気な人いたら是非相手してください☆一応18歳以上の人限定でお願いします。上はどこまででも大丈夫なんで

  139. 当サイトでは無料でオナ動画を見ることができます。また、ライブチャット機能でリアルタイムオ○ニーを見るチャンスも高く、興奮間違いなしです。また、一人Hのお手伝いを希望される女性もあり、お手伝いいただけた方には謝礼をお支払いしております

  140. 日本最大、だれもが知っている出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、進化を遂げた新生スタビをやってみませんか?趣味の合う理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビで遊んでみよう

  141. あなたの異性からのモテ度数を診断できる、モテる度チェッカー!日頃モテモテで充実しているあなたもそうでないニートの方も隠されたモテスキルを測定して結果を活用し、今以上にモッテモテになること間違いなし

  142. 女性のオナニーを助ける場が救援部です。ここに所属してる娘のオナニーを見て気に入ったら、実際に会ってオナニーを手伝っても良いし、エッチしても良し、これで報酬Get出来るんですから美味しいバイトですよ

  143. Hayley,

    I just popped over here because I saw your post about "How Harry Potter Changed My Life" on the side of Kristina's blog, and I happened to scroll down and find this post. I'm pretty sure that was God at work. I too am a Christian who wholeheartedly believes in gay rights. I believe that the Lord is the only one who has the right to judge humans, and our purpose on this earth is to love everyone as much as we can, and everything else is just details. I'm so glad I found this post, and I'm pretty sure I'll be reading your blog from now on. :)

  144. 一時代を築いたスタービーチは閉鎖になりましたが、もう一度楽しい思いをしたい、もう一度出会いたいと思う有志により再度復活しました。本家以上に簡単に出会えて楽しい思いを約束します

  145. 昨日友達とセフレを作るのが難しいな~、出会い系サイトの規制が厳しいはとか話してて、アダルトSNSのサイトが今のところは狙い目やって聞いたから使ってみたけど、近場で楽にセフレを作れてホンマ手軽やはwww

  146. 女に生れて来たからには!!December 18, 2009 at 7:00 AM


  147. 流出サイトでは、有名人から素人までの他では見れない秘蔵の動画を入手しています。何より素人が相手の場合に限り、アポを採る事も可能です。動画でお手軽に抜いて、抜き足らない場合は、女の子にハメて来て下さい

  148. 日本最大級、だれもが知っている出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、グリーより面白い新生スタビをやってみませんか?趣味の合う理想のパートナー探し、合コンパーティーに興味がある方はぜひ無料登録してみてください。楽しかった頃のスタビで遊んでみよう

  149. あなたのSM度を簡単診断、SM度チェッカーで隠された性癖をチェック!真面目なあの娘も夜はドS女王様、ツンデレなあの子も実はイジめて欲しい願望があるかも!?コンパや飲み会で盛り上がること間違いなしのおもしろツールでみんなと盛り上がろう

  150. 女性には風俗がない!そんな悩みを持つセレブ女たちは、リッチセックスでお金を使い自分を満たします。金銭面では豊かですが、愛に飢えている彼女たちを癒して高額な報酬を手に入れてみませんか

  151. 女子○生の個人情報公開!?遊び盛りの神待ち女子○生の写メ・アドレス・番号を公開中!好みの女の子を選んで直メ・直電で今すぐ待ち合わせしよう

  152. 高級チェリーの冬は童貞卒業のシーズンです。童貞を食べたい女性達もウズウズしながら貴方との出会いを待っています。そんな女性達に童貞を捧げ、貴方もハッピーライフを送ってみませんか

  153. 初書き込みで申し訳ないんですが、都合のいい男性探しています。不況の中でも会社が高成長してて、忙しい毎日です。お陰でプライベートが充実していなくって、溜まる一方です。財産的にも多少余裕が今のところあるのでお礼もできます。何より、この書き込みが読まれているのかちょっと怪しいですけど…。アドレス置いとくので、消されないうちにメールくれたら嬉しいです。

  154. 結婚してから女としての喜びを失った玉の輿女性達、エリート旦那のそつのない動きには満足できるはずもなく、時間を持て余すお昼時に旦那のお金を使い、出張ホストサービスを楽しむそうでございます。今回も10万円での愛を承っております。癒しの一時をご一緒して謝礼を貰ってくださいませ

  155. だれもが知っている日本で一番有名な出会い系スタービーチがついに復活、greeより面白い新生スタビをやってみませんか?理想のパートナー探し、合コンパーティーに興味がある方はぜひ無料登録してみてください

  156. 当サイトは、みんなが玉の輿に乗れるかどうか診断できる性格診断のサイトです。ホントのあなたをズバリ分析しちゃいます!玉の輿度チェッカーの診断結果には、期待以上の意外な結果があるかも

  157. 男性との甘い一時が奥様達には必要になっております。刺激のない私生活はとても辛く、ココロもカラダもストレスが堪る一方、そんな中にデリバリーホストに癒しを求めている奥様、セレブ女性は大変増えてきており、男性の方が不足状態です。女性達の癒しとなる仕事をあなた様も一度体験してみてはいかがでしょうか

  158. メル友らんどでは誰でも気軽にメル友が作れちゃう、参加無料でいつでも利用可能なコミュニティサイト♪ご近所の気の合うリア友や、真面目に彼氏彼女探しなど、楽しみ方は無限大!自分にぴったりの相手を見つけちゃおう

  159. 大好評の逆ナンイベントが毎週開催決定!素敵な出会いのきっかけ探し・アイナビにきませんか?積極的な出会いを求める人達なら無料参加OK!あなたもほんの少しの勇気で素敵な彼氏・彼女をGETしちゃおう

  160. お家遊びに来てくれる人いないかなぁ?January 1, 2010 at 5:59 AM


  161. 冬に1人でネカフェとか寂しすぎやし、でも自分から積極的に声を掛けれる娘ばかりと違い、内気な娘は神待ちと言われるように自分の事を助けてくれるのを待ってるんです。貴方の優しさを待ってる娘は意外な程多いよ

  162. あなたのご近所の女の子たちと無料でカンタンにであえる家出掲示板!大学生・専門学生、まさかの女子○生まで!ちょっとしたお小遣い稼ぎに全国の女の子たちが殺到中!ノーピンクからちょっぴりHなお誘いまで…自分に合ったコを選んでメッセしちゃおう

  163. 簡単な設問に答えるだけで貴方にふさわしい名言がわかる、名言チェッカー!あなたの本当の性格を見抜いちゃいます。世界の偉人達が残した名言にはどことなく重みがあるものです

  164. Hi, Hayley. Just wanted to briefly address some of the commentators' mentioning Corinthians and Romans - both are both written by Paul of Tarsus, a man often considered by Biblical scholars to be very much a "man of his own time". It's important to remember that, unless you are accepting the entire Bible literally, it might be useful to firstly understand that much of what is written outside of the 4 primary Gospels, in books like Corinthians and Romans (which are written as correspondence), are often personal interpretations and feelings of Jesus's very human followers, and not necessarily Jesus's actual words or intentions. They are thus often taken out of context and misunderstood as being the verbatim word of God or Jesus. If one is going to begin taking every interpreter of Christian law's words as whole truth, it is important for said believers to perhaps begin exploring other apocryphal gospels, as well as more modern interpreters such as, for example, Joseph Smith Jr., as there is little to justify the legitimacy of these interpretations any more than those of, for example, Paul.

    Without getting too scholarly on you, I'd also mention that there are many alternate translations of the texts cited as being evidence of homosexuality being sin, and the Bible that one cites in such a situation is a product of over a thousand years of collaboration, translation, rewriting, fragmentation, partial collection and the opinions of those who decided which books and ideas would be in the Bible and which would not.

    What seems to be the most logical solution for the thinking modern Christian is to focus primarily on what Jesus is said to have directly declared in the Gospels, and to accept that the rest is written by flawed human beings who, like us, can say things more on the basis of personal beliefs and prejudices than what is perhaps truly correct. It is not quite fair for a Christian to persecute or judge others or a gay rights supporter to see Christianity as an enemy simply based on a half-assed understanding of the Bible, its origins, the people who wrote it and the world they were living in. Just some food for thought for your dissenters from a secular Biblical scholar and agnostic. In the words of Gandhi, "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Cheers.

  165. And to the people who refer to Genesis's story of the creation of man and woman, that's just pure lazy theology. That's like saying, "And God created the blueberries and the strawberries as separate fruits, and thus all four-berry smoothies will be an abomination." Come on.

  166. 1人Hを男性に見てもらうことで興奮する女性が多数いることをご存じですか?当サイトにはそんな女性たちが多数登録されています。男性は彼女たちの1人Hを見てあげるだけで謝礼を貰えるシステムとなっております

  167. 最高の遊び場、スタービーチ!日本最大の友達探しサイトがついに復活、モバゲーより面白い新生スタビをやってみませんか?理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビを体験しよう

  168. 当逆円倶楽部ではリッチなセレブと割り切りでお付き合いしてくださる男性を募集しています。女性の性欲を満たし、高額報酬をもらって楽しく暮らしてみませんか?興味がある方はアルバイト感覚での1日登録もできる、安心の無料入会を今すぐどうぞ。

  169. 旦那以外とエッチしたいJanuary 8, 2010 at 7:30 AM


  170. 家出中の少女たちの書込が神待ち掲示板に増えています。ご飯を食べさせてあげたり、家に招いて泊まらせてあげるだけで、彼女たちはあなたに精一杯のお礼をしてくれるはずです

  171. セフレ専門出会い喫茶エンジョイラブは店舗型出会い喫茶 ENJOYグループのネット1号店としてオープンしました♪セフレ探しを目的とした出会いの専門店です。Hに満足していない女性達が多数登録。今すぐ即アポOK表示のHな女の子を新着順で紹介中です

  172. 熟女だって性欲がある、貴方がもし人妻とSEXしてお金を稼ぎたいのなら、一度当サイトをご利用ください。当サイトには全国各地からお金持ちのセレブたちが集まっています。女性から男性への報酬は、 最低15万円からと決めております。興味のある方は一度当サイト案内をご覧ください

  173. mコミュで理想の恋人を見つけよう!某女性誌に紹介され、女の子の登録者が急増中です。新しい出会いの場としてあまり知られていない今ならメールの返信がすぐに返ってくるかも!?無料登録から始めてみよう

  174. さびしがりやの素人女性や天然娘にメールやチャットで会話してあげるだけで儲かる新感覚のアルバイト「素人ホスト」!未経験者の方でも簡単、手軽に出来るお仕事です。詳細は当サイトでご確認ください

  175. 真剣に向き合ってはくれませんか?January 15, 2010 at 6:43 AM


  176. 復活、スタービーチ!日本最大のであい系がついに復活、進化を遂げた新生スタビをやってみませんか?理想のパートナー探しの手助け、合コンパーティー等も随時開催しています。楽しかった頃のスタビを体験しよう

  177. 家出・神待ちサイト神風は家出少女が集まる人気サイトをクチコミから集めた家出サイト専用のリンク集です。風のように現れる神となってあなたも家出少女を救ってあげて下さい

  178. ランク王国でもご紹介された右脳左脳チェッカー、天才肌を見分ける楽しい盛り上がりツールとして今、支持をうけております。みんなでやれば盛り上がる事は間違いなし診断結果でも全国ランキングなどにランクインされて面白さ倍増!話のネタに一度はどうぞ

  179. ゴージャスなリッチセレブリティ達のアダルトコミュニティーサイト!お金と時間に優雅なセレブ女性達はアダルトコミュで男性との秘密交際を楽しんでいるのです

  180. You are completely awesome, Hayley. I feel exactly the same way. I'll be using this blog post as a reference in the future when I discuss this topic.

  181. 釦覀꟣芻菣芯맣莑볣莈諣莼鋦躢鷣膆臨ꪰ苣膌藣膡飣膳鿣芹뿣莼鏣莼臣膮ꧦ뒻臯벁诣莥볣芹뿣莼鏣莼臣膧ꫤ붓鏣膮꟣膂蓣芒鿦蒟韣膦诣膕

  182. ゅめの*。ぉ部屋☆+.プロフ作りました♪彼氏募集中wバレンタイン前なのに→アソンでくれるヒトいなくて(泣)寂しいデス↓メアドを乗せておくので遊んでもイイヨ~ってヒト、メルちょうだいネ☆

  183. 飲み友探してまーす☆気軽に楽しく一緒に飲みに行きませんか?(*^_^*)そんなに強くはないけどね(*μ_μ) イイお店とか知ってたら案内してほしいです★時間は夜遅くでも空いてますよヽ(^o^)丿飲み友探しなんで二十歳以上の人限定ー(*・人・*) 年は23歳だよ!メールよろしくでーす!

  184. 新しくなったスタービーチは新しいであいのカタチを提案します★ あなたに出逢いたい人がここにいます。

  185. 神待ちサイト ガールズBBSは家出少女を救う神待ち専用の掲示板です!登録無料で家出少女と出会えるチャンス

  186. Hey Hayley.
    I am glad you posted this. It's time we look at lovers when two people love eachother. Not only a woman and a man.

  187. 人生の勝者&敗者を容赦なく測定できてしまう勝ち組負け組チェッカー!資本主義の日本で貴方は果たして勝ち組になれているのか?あるいは…気になった人はぜひチャレンジしてみてください

  188. 高額アルバイトでは大人の恋愛を求めた風俗嬢や社長令嬢といった女性達が多数登録されております。裏風俗とまで呼ばれる逆援助の交際をあなた様も求めてみませんか

  189. 伝説で終わらせるにはもったいない。完全無料でさらに面白くなったスタービーチの再来!実績と信頼の上に成り立つスタービーチならではのであい!安心してご利用いただけるブランドだからこそ自信を持ってお勧めします

  190. ゴージャスなリッチセレブリティ達のアダルトコミュニティーサイト!お金と時間に優雅な高級セレブ女性達はアダルトコミュで男性との秘密交際を楽しんでいるのです

  191. 変な性癖があるのはどう思いますか?私、獣姦とか好きなんです…いきなりこんな話驚きますよね…引きましたか?Σ(゜□゜(゜□゜*)野外とかにも興味があります!変態チックなのもたまにはいいですよ\(^-^ )こんな私にメールしてくれるとうれしいです。メールから色んな話しましょ(^_^)年上の人がいいです、私は27歳ですよ!それでは、メール待ってますね

  192. ツイッターで始まるであいの掲示板は新感覚のコミュニティ☆男女とも無料の年齢認証登録だけで即参加!!掲示板に参加後はプロフ作成やお友達検索、メッセージの交換等など多彩なコンテンツで貴方のであいをしっかりサポート

  193. 皆様お待たせしました!!伝説の出合い系サイト、スタービーチが遂に復活!あの興奮を再び体験できる!思う存分出合いをお楽しみください
