
Monday, October 5, 2009


I didn't sleep again last night, as hard as I tried. I flopped my face into my pillows, counted every farm animal I could think of, ran through every calming technique I use on my campers at RFKC, and still spent dusk to dawn groaning and rubbing my eyes. In this time, I accomplished all kinds of important and timely tasks, like planning which high school friends to invite to my fictional future wedding. I also suffered through a series of boring, realistic half-dreams, like eating a bowl of Cheerios and other exhilarating and fantastic events. It was all so relaxing and refreshing that I was in a vibrant mood when I got up for English at 9:30. So vibrant that I sat in on the King Lear discussion with a scowl, still wearing my pajama shirt under a hoodie, sans bra. Lookin' good!

Luckily, I listened to the advice of my twitter followers and used my hour break between classes to take a shower and slurp some vegan barley soup. It's amazing how a little hot water can serve to replace the process of recharging required for survival. My eye bags became less noticeable, but I felt like my newly-washed hair was mocking me by acting all soft and pillowy. Nineteen years of unruly tangles, and it had to choose today to feel like a Serta mattress.

At least there was Fatass Monday to look forward to. Erin, Heather, Roomie and I had a good (albeit normal-sized and not exactly conducive to its title) meal, then decided to grab some blankets and sit in the grass while there's still enough sun. It was pleasant enough, but only lasted for about an hour, before the fall weather got to us. We hung out around my room for a little bit, and when everyone left, Roomie was really sweet and turned the lights off and put in headphones-- without my asking or anything-- so I could take a nap. And I did! I got in a good hour of uninterrupted sleep, and even though I woke up with that pukey post-evening-nap feeling, it's nothing this cup of raspberry tea can't fix. And, of course, blogging.

Sexy: No matter how many times I watch it (and trust me, I'm going on about seventy views), this will forever be sexy.
Unsexy: I've said it before (the other day!) and I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: CHEWING WITH YOUR MOUTH OPEN. Everywhere I turn, somebody's smacking their saliva around like a spin cycle.

Chipotle burritos this year: 31
Bagel Street visits this school year: 4
Subscribers: 20,895

Bye, guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. <3


  1. I wish I could sing like that. God, I love Kristin Chenoweth.

  2. Your sexy is very sexy sexy sexy. I have a signed/personalized copy Kristin Chenoweth's memoir and if you haven't read it already, DOOOOO IT! You've recommended Jessica Darling to me; it's the least I could do. (:

    I need sleep now, too. BWAH it's overrated.

  3. Pssst: the title is 'A Little Bit Wicked'

  4. Today's 'sexy' may be one of my all time favourite Hayleyghoover 'sexy/not sexy' thingies ever! :D

    Funny, I'm drinking tea and getting ready to blog too, of course, it's the regular tea bags. Nothing fancy/ fruit flavoured :)

  5. you should watch this one definitely hayley

    its pretty amazing also!

  6. I know what you mean about the Unsexy! I have two friends that eat with their mouths open, and I force myself not to either run and hide (my initial instinct) or scream at them to GO TO ETIQUETTE SCHOOL DAMNIT! Yes. That's a very sensitive topic with me. If I can hear saliva sounds, I pretty much vomit inside. Charming, I know.

  7. I've been having trouble sleeping too . . . but i've found that "sleepmaker" sounds (I have an app on my iPod but there are other kinds) -- like the ocean or rain are very soothing, and seem to actually work as advertised. Try it?

  8. wow first time you put up a video saying "watch this it's sexy" where I didn't have to watch a bunch of half dressed guys.
    Thank you, you are coming along nicely.

    Um were we just supposed to guess the color of never mind.

    As always, wait until class to fall asleep in. But you must remember as soon as the text book slams by your head to yell out "I was studying all night for"...(insert right class). Timing is everything in this how to sleep in class rouse.

    See ya Hayley

  9. - Thunderstorm tracks on my ipod help me sleep..Also, i've quit fighting the blahness and designated Mondays as "dress down days"
    I don't wear makeup, and rock the sweats..and let myself indulge in a super yummy whole-milk latte. trust me, it makes the whole week go better.

  10. I feel as though it's necessary to tell you that my first college paper is due tomorrow and the only thing that goes through my mind when I go to write it are the lyrics to your Wine Kone video. When I fail my English 111 course, Hayley, I'll know who to blame.

  11. WAH. i'm glad you like glee, because all of my friends have decided to be robots and not LOVE that show. stupidheads.
    also. listening to classical music/audiobooks i know very well helps me sleep. i don't know if you're one of those "complete dark and silence" sleepers, but i need some sort of ambient noise to sleep. maybe it'll help :)

  12. I'm not the biggest fan of the writing in Glee but I will watch anything with Kristin Chenoweth, and I mean anything.

  13. I freaking adore Kristin Chenoweth... she's so fabulous. I immediately downloaded this and "Alone" (A song already high on my list anyway.), Kristin-style. I loved 'Somebody to Love' too... Man, Queen is sweet. Hope that you get more sleep tonight!

  14. Cabaret+Glee+Kristen Chenoweth = My inner gay boy's wildest dream come true. I have seen and listened to it so many times it's insane. Thank you for loving that show.
    I understand the sleeping thing. Sometimes I take my laptop to my bed and put in a sappy DVD that I have seen a bunch of times and it helps me.

  15. The only thing that gets me through Monday's is knowing that Glee is only two days away. My life has become a shell of homework and Fox supplemented musicals.

  16. Kristen Chenoweth is so awesome. There is a local radio station that plays music from Broadway plays every Sunday evening. I listen to hear Kristen sing in plays which I can't get on YouTube.

    I hate not being able to sleep at night. For me, the worst thing to do is to take a nap. If I nap, it just starts the whole not being able to sleep at night thing in to a nightly routine. I just try to go to sleep an hour early. If I don't stay in a routine sleep pattern, I really mess myself up. I'm really awful traveling across time zones.


    i've watched that more times than i care to count.

  18. Oh God, I'm so obsessed with Glee and the cast. They're flipping amazing. Kristin's performances were FANTASTIC. I love her. If I could sing like her or Lea (or even Amber and Jenna), then I would sing all the time.

    P.S.- I just installed Safari 4 on my computer, and upon opening it, it said that your blog was one of my top visited sites :)

  19. Get some sleep Hayley. University life is just one open-mouth eating fest after another, it's unfortunate. Yes.

  20. Glee is amazing! I can't stop listening to their version of Don't Stop Believing.

  21. Also, I may or may not have watched all the episodes in a row last night while eating Little Debbies...

  22. If you're tired, doesn't everything feel like a pillow? Maybe you were hallucinating an amazing halo of feathers around your head due to your overwhelming fatigue.

    I'm sorry. I'm being skeptical of one possible good hairday out of 6935. I'll take your sleep-deprived word for it and say it probably looked lovely.

  23. When I clicked your 'sexy' link, it said that the video was removed due to violation! Of what was this video?
