
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reclusiveness, Hospitals, Running?

Currently, there are five people on my roommate's twin bed. My bed contains me, my laptop, and my personal space. They each take turns yelling for me to join their clothed orgy, and I politely decline. "Hayley G. Hoover," says PJ, "we have grilled cheese over here." Haha. Sigh. Once again, I have inadvertently become associated with an item of food.

"I don't even love grilled cheese," I tell him, smiling more than is necessary, because one of my roommate's friends is here, and whenever he comes over, I look like an antisocial psycho. Where are all the observers when I'm jumping off with walls with joy? Even when I'm hanging out with friends, I'm still the one on the computer in the corner.

Oh. Oh, alas. Both PJ and Erin are now on top of me. "Do you feel the love?" PJ asks. Erin replies, grunting, swatting his limbs away from her, "I'm feeling something, but it's not love!"

This week has been insane, guys. I spent five hours in a hospital waiting room on Monday because a friend had some kind of virus. She's fine, but it was kind of scary. I hadn't anticipated not having a chance to change clothes after classes, so along with being worried sick for my friend, I was also freezing to death in summery clothes, being judged by the other waiters. Never mind the fact that they were giving their young children sugary pop to drink and swearing in front of them and all kinds of things I can barely tolerate, and... angst, angst, angst.

But, on a more lively note, I've somehow, in the past week, undone nineteen years of fatassery and learned to legitimately enjoy running. What?! Yes, I know. I normally prefer the chubby, sedentary lifestyle popular among nursing home patients, but I've finally found that if I turn up my iPod loud enough to not hear myself breathe or my feet hitting the ground, it feels good. I've also taken to continue being a total weirdo, and I sometimes (okay, frequently) lipsync along to showtunes while I run. It's the same exhilaration that comes from performing, practically, because you're sweaty, but you have to keep singing. *flashes the Nerdfighter hand gesture*

Sexy: People who participate in nanowrimo! After posting this video, I got so many notifications from new "writing buddies" that I literally laughed out loud. I ADORE the internet.
Unsexy: Girls sitting in front of you in class with their thongs hanging out. That was Erin's input to the blog. I actually don't have a big enough problem with T-frames to have thought of it on my own.

Chipotle burritos this year: 33
Bagel Street visits this school year: 4
Subscribers: 21,258

Bye, guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. <3


  1. I love the reasons why you enjoy running, they're just so awesome. I enjoy walking much more because it gives me time to listen to MuggleCast episodes...

    Glad to hear your friend is okay, and the swearing in front of your kids is completely irritating, I agree.

  2. Chipolte is so good to bad there is not one in the middle of wyoming :(

  3. Oooh, t-frame is a good word for it. We usually call them whale tails.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. T-frame? Hayley, you are too funny.

    I plan on buying your books, in the future.

  6. Ok. So you may have convinced me (well, you and Kristina) to do NaNoWriMo this year...
    I'm starting to get a bit of an idea, so...hmmm...yea.
    I think I'll do it. XD

    Btw, I went to your NaNoWriMo page and I adore your picture on there. I love the colors of it and how it made the cover of HBP look stunning.

  7. Unsexy is girls sitting in front of you without even wearing thongs! Cover that up! Leave something to the imagination!

    I'm ready for Nov 1 start of NaNoWriMo.

    If you come to my home on Oct 31, I'll give you a Chipotle burrito! Happy Halloween!

  8. Upon watching your new Youtube vid and subsequently reading this blog about running, I want to say something but I need to put it in a simple and non-implying way:

    You have lost weight, Hottie-McHotterson.

  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of running. We're glad you're here.

  10. I hope your friend is feeling better,,, I am so nervous about NaNoWriMo But I think I am more excited than nervous... Loved your video today...

  11. NaNoWriMo is almost upon us! eeee. My novel is going to be interesting. Like, terminally-ill-cancer-patient-forgoes-treatment-to-do-aid-work-in-Thailand, interesting. Let's hope I can run with THAT for 50 000 words. XD

    And I'm meeting up with some people from my city at the University on Saturday who are also doing NaNoWriMo, which is really exciting! One of the girls has listed only wrock and showtunes in the music section of her WriMo profile. So I might be meeting my soulmate. XD

  12. My first comment on your blogs is to stand up for the swellness of grilled cheese... and now I really want one... sill 2am blog-reading... It apparently makes you hungry.

  13. I wish I could pick up a general love for running. Or exercise of any kind. Maybe some day ...

    Good luck on NaNoWriMo! =]

  14. Ahhh I finally got a skeleton of my plot down on paper last night...NaNoWriMo here I come!! Best of luck HGH!

    I need to pull out the old running shoes and try your approach. I've just been extra nerdy and running with my Wii Fit lol

  15. fatassery?
    Those of us following you have never seen the fatassery.
    Get it? (following you)--ya, it's never that funny when it has to be explained.

    See ya Hayley

    Where's the dejavu coming from?

  16. Hahah you're awesome. Your life is insane.
    What are you doing for halloween? crazy parties?


  17. Sexy: Your 888 followers.

    Unsexy: Runny noses, and the fear of zombies.

  18. Hayley, this comment is intended in the best way possible.

    Don't be one of those moms who dont let their kids drink soda or see PG-13 movies (especially if theyre 13 or older!) but please, please dont be one of the moms that rallys against movies and makes it so friends of your children arent allowed to see it because you brainwashed their parents.

    You actually don't have to listen to me, I enjoy your blogs and videos a lot and you'll be a great mom one day :P

  19. NaNoWriMo! NaNoWriMo! This year I will win, not get intimidated and chicken out.

    Congrats on the running thing. Can you possibly make that love contagious?

  20. What's creepier is when you have teacher aides, aged somewhere past her prime (i.e. 50+), and she bends down and reveals a cheetah thong. Oh, middle school...
    (I'm finally a sexy! Whoo!)

  21. Apparently there are no Chipotles in upstate New York where I now go to college. My heart is broken. Halloween just isn't the same without free Chipotle.

    Also, I added you as a writing buddy for NaNoWriMo! This is my fourth year and I have yet to lose (however, nanowrimo as a college freshman is going to be quite a challenge as I'm sure you have realized). Can't wait to start writing!

  22. Oh, if you want a fun song to jog/lip-synch to, try 'Everything Else' from the show Next to Normal. Actually, just about every other song is lip-synch/joggable.

    I ran to the bus stop lip-synching to Growing Up Unstable. Hahahahahaha.

  23. P.S. my nanowrimo username is PippaRose, so if you get a writing buddy request from some freak named PippaRose, that's me!

  24. Hayley, in this blog you've mentioned two things that inspired me. Because of you, I'm going to attemt both nanowrimo and running. Thanks so much for making things that otherwise sound insane sound fun and appealing!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. :) Happy to say I'm one of those NaNo Friend-Adders. This is my fourth year and I'm so excited!!

    Cool about the running! Weird, but cool... I've been wanting to get out and do that kind of thing, too, (I never run with music in Gym, and it's different when I'm surrounded by other kids) so you may have just given me that extra push to get Active and Running! Hayley, what is happening to you?? ;P Yes, that was a wink-tongue-out combo. Delightful, I know.

  27. Hey, noticed your awesome video about NaNo. Added you as buddy, hope that's okay. My username at NaNo is Zohra. I've been hanging out at the forums since like...summer.:) Only one day left (here in Finland)...
    Good luck!

  28. There was a girl in front of me in my science class, and your could see some thongage. And then...she was reajusting her scrubs (halloween costume) and pretty much half mooned whoever was looking in that direction. Unpleasent! So I quickly averted my eyes.

  29. Hayley, I can't believe you just said/Wrote T-Frames.

    Gosh Hayley.

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