
Monday, October 12, 2009

Media Freakout and Rob Paravonian

I wanted to blog last night, but I got really caught up in a lofty English assignment, and when I finally relaxed my shoulders and hit "print," a censor went off in the back of my mind, triggering a minor freakout. My fears were confirmed when I dug up the syllabus for Mass Media (The World's Quietest Professor's class), and saw, under October 12th, one dreadful word: TEST. Test!?! I hadn't listened all week! When was the last time I'd listened? What was the test even ON?

I therefore put my insomnia to good use by pulling my very first all-American all-nighter, and read what felt like thousands of pages about CBS and Morse Code and LPs and nickelodeons. I can't tell you how lucky it was that I've already become accustomed to not sleeping, and that the subject matter was actually really interesting. I now have a big crush on Orson Welles, for example. I also have a studying hangover.

Despite my night of reading, I've found that college has taught me to relax a little bit... because had this been high school, I wouldn't have gotten up in the morning with a "what's coming will come, and we'll face it when it does" attitude. I somehow made my way to English without too many worry lines on my forehead, and was cheered up significantly when my professor read aloud an essay I'd written as an example of an A. I especially liked that she didn't name the author, because it got to be my special secret accomplishment, rather than something for which my competitive fellow Writing majors would resent me. It felt good.

I walked this good feeling to lunch, where I studied, then to Theatre, where I listened, and finally to Media, where I crossed my fingers. While sweat formed on my brow, I patiently waited for TWQP's footsteps to stop in front of the lecture hall. "As you know, we're a little behind, so we won't be having the quiz on Wednesday," he said. Wednesday!?!? QUIZ?! He went on to say, "Instead, it will be held next Monday."

Cue the sound of a thousand sighs trickling through my body.

Boy, have I learned my lesson. I forced myself to stay on my game throughout the lecture, and I was able to make TWQP smile by correctly answering his question as to why the music industry compiles a Top 40 list. "It's because juke boxes used to hold forty songs," I said, meekly, because nobody speaks in that class, and I felt a little bit like a traitor to the rest of the slackers. TWQP nodded, and said, "Yes. You've been reading the book!" Pfft. Like hell, I have.

So there you have it! Now I just have to work my butt off to finish the annotated bibliography due in his class on Wednesday (which I would have probably forgotten about, had I not chosen today to be Teacher's Pet), and I now know to avoid procrastination. Ha. Get it?

Michal and I went for another walk up to the haunted insane asylum after our classes, and while less intimidating in the daylight, we discovered all kinds of scary details the night had made us overlook. We frolicked through one of the cemeteries, musing about the fact that some of the death-dates precede World War I. We devised hypothetical plans for breaking into one of the buildings heavily labeled with signs warning against asbestos. I did a good deed and snatched a metal "NO TRESPASSING" sign from the ground, because nobody likes a litterbug! Also, through a basement window to one of the buildings, we saw a wall covered with the words "help me" written over and over again. We fully realize that this was probably graffitied by a student trying to scare others, or else recently planted by someone who works in the building to play up the university tradition and increase tourism, but... still. There's the tiniest possibility that it was written by a mistreated mental patient in the 1800s or an unsatisfied ghost, and that's enough for me.

Afterwards, we went to see Rob Paravonian perform. I was super excited, because I subscribe to him on YouTube, and I'm pretty sure he's about to have a Comedy Central show. I showed Michal this video beforehand, and she was just as pumped as I was, but had to leave before Rob even started so she could tend to a problem her boyfriend was having over the phone. I ended up sitting alone, but I was in the seat directly in front of him, and we made a lot of eye contact that flustered me a little bit. Comedy Central is great and all, but I've never been in the same room as someone with 7,000,000 video views, and my poor little video-blogging heart fluttered with youtubely love. I'd heard a lot of his songs and jokes before online, so I wasn't totally surprised or anything, but jokes that are truly funny remain truly funny the second time around. If you've never heard of Rob Paravonian, look him up.

Sexy: Call me predictable, but I'm going to say it: funny guys. You know that Bo Burnham makes me say OOOH (only Megan McCafferty fans will get that joke; read Sloppy Firsts if you don't!), but humor of all kinds attracts me.
Unsexy: Well. Most kinds of humor attract me. You can insult my political beliefs and pick at my religion or race and I'll love you for it, but make a Harry Potter joke, and it's on. Rob suggested tonight that Potter is a movie franchise, and it took all my mental strength not to snap in z-formation and suck my teeth.

Chipotle burritos this year: 32
Bagel Street visits this school year: 4
Subscribers: 21,004. Yay!

Bye, guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. <3


  1. FIRST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I'm sorry. It will never happen again.

    I really should stop reading your blog at night. I'm scared enough of the dark as it is, but now I'm always afraid I'm going to turn around and see a ghost in my room.

  2. Wow. "Avoid procrastination." That took me like five minutes, and I was starting to get angry hahaha. I kept looking at the whole sentence, trying to see the irony or sarcasm or whatever I was missing.

    And nice Remus reference. That's probably like my fifth or sixth favorite song of Alex's, which just goes to show you how effing great he is. I talked to him after a concert this summer and got to drunkenly tell him how much his music has meant to me hahaha. It probably didn't come out right. Also requested a song to Tobey in the bathroom before the show. They didn't play it. He apologized afterward.

  3. I just want to say that I definitely have a crush on Orson Welles, too.

  4. I hope you stay true to your goal to avoid procrastination! :] I know how difficult that can be.

    You've gained my attention of the asylums. I've been reading websites about them. They are so intriguing, and I wish I had something like them near me!

  5. Are you kidding I thrive on procrastination. My reading and commenting on this blog is proof enough of that.

    I agree with your unsexy. We can bring up the short comings of Potter and make fun of Harry using only expelliarmus but the instant someone that I know isn't a Potter fan says something bad I'm up in arms. Some say pathetic I say dedicated.

  6. You are my favorite blogger... you make even the most dreary of days better...

  7. I'm glad to know others put HP before what others would deem as "more important things" as well. You make a joke about Harry and it's on.

    And congrats on being a good college student these past few days. I totally agree with had it been high school and I found out the night before about a test, I would have been much more nervous than I was last week when the same thing happened to me. Only thing was I found out 6 hours before the quiz was due online >.>....

  8. Please take your video camera and show us some video of the haunted insane asylum.

    I always kept a calender in front of my study area where I posted important dates such as tests, quizes, and due dates of papers. It's nice to have a paper copy in case of computer problems. Also, back up papers onto a flash drive.

    Did you hear about the cast of Glee and the Macy's Thankgiving Parade? They were going to perform during the parade, but NBC had them cut from the parade because NBC has the broadcast rights and Glee is on a competing network. NBC is ...(censored comment)

  9. Oh, Rob. How I'd love to see him live!

    I definitely need to get into a better school routine, too. Procrastination no longer!

  10. I am, at this very moment, watching Citizen Kane! I have to watch it for my film class and analyze the film and it's use of deep focus. w00t for Orson Welles!

  11. Orson Welles! My classic movie heart skips a beat right now. ;) Hope you've already met/you're going to meet Alfred Hitchcock and Howard Hawks as well :D
    (Watching their films, that is - not an experience à la Emily Dickinson!)


    See ya Hayley

  13. Aw Hayley, that was nice of you to clean up that sign-litter, you're so thoughtful :-) I love the Tiffany Network. Congrats on getting the Rob Paravonian experience.

    Have a great day Hayley!

  14. I've never heard of Rob, but I'll have to check him out. I absolutely adore Bo Burnham. I'm really happy school is working out so well for you. I've always thought you were really smart, and I'm glad positive things are happening.

  15. If i was in your class. I would be a definite slacker. When he said "ahh you've been reading the book". That made me laugh because if I had the book it would have gathered more dust than the mental asylum.

  16. Lol if you saw the latest South Park episode, I am fully expecting a defense of chipotle on your part ;)

  17. I WANT TO READ SLOPPY FIRSTS!!! I've had second helpings for months now but i never seem to get around to getting sloppy firsts. The stupid library doesn't have it. Neither do any of my friends... and I can't pay 20bucks for every book i want to read :P annoying...

    Spooky! It must really feel like halloween up there being scary to begin with. You're going to have some fun!

  18. Someone needs to write "The cake is a lie" on the walls of the asylum. It would make my life.

  19. I have a version of TWQP, except intead of being quiet, he just has the kind of voice that makes you want to sleep. He should quit teaching and work in a daycare.

  20. I knew that name sounded familiar. I love the Pachelbel video!

    Also I texted you but Orson Welles is literally my number one idol. Among a sea of many idols I worship.

  21. Yes, I'm sure the rest of the slackers hate you now. But they were probably asleep or listening to something else, so you're alright. Wat to up the quota there though, imagine answering a question in class!

    There are many more discoveries like Orson Welles out there for you. And the insane asylum continues to creep me out, but in a good long-distance- so -I'm- safe way.

  22. I just want you to know that my routine when I go online is:

    Your blog

    Yeah. Your blog is before twitter. Feel special. :)

    And I don't know how you can sleep at night. Seriously, if it were me, I would've gtfo'd right after the cellphone thing.

  23. Kraft has made a video to support feeding the hungry. For every view on the video Kraft will donate money to help end world hunger and donate food to those in need. Not only can YOU watch this video, but you can forward this message to ALL of your friends and family and spread the word! You can use your voice for good and we can make a difference in our generation. Watching this video literally only take about 3 minutes, you can give up 3 minutes and watch this video because it CAN and WILL make a difference. If at all possible could you link to our talk about in a upcoming video?

    By the way. I absolutely look up to you for so much and i knew that all though you may be busy with
    college you could maybe post a link in a 5ag video or a hayleyghoover video or even talk to vlogborthers, nerimon, kristina, etc. and spread the word and help Kraft to donate food to help end world hunger.
    I love your blogs, i read them every day and i just hope you can help out!!!
    Thank You, Stefani Moranski

  24. Guurrl, you'd better make your hair look a lot bushier if you're going to start raising your hand like that in class.

  25. Ahhh I hope you read all your blog comments because I just had to say: the quiet professor reminds me of Flitwick. A little old guy struggling to speak and gain the attention of the class. Am I RIGHT?
    And i had no idea who Rob Paravonian was, but now I'm in love with him and his Pachelbel Rant. Thank you for being awesome, Hayley!

  26. Hur. That bit with the essay happened to me, except the teacher DID say who wrote it. That was awkward, especially after the class had verbally deified the (temporarily) anonymous author. I was not happy.
