
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Erin, Salad, Frat Parties

Remember yesterday, when I was nervous and didn't know anybody? I have to keep reminding myself that I haven't lived here for a month. I was terrified of college, and on day two, I freakin' own this place.

Practically immediately after I shut my laptop following yesterday's blog, I walked down the hall and ended up in this girl Erin's room. I skimmed the perimeter of her dorm, looking for a conversation starter, and a battered copy of Looking For Alaska started glowing and hovering in midair as a chorus sang. Turns out, one of her best friends watches fiveawesomegirls. Erin has ALL CAPS on her iPod! It took approximately thirty seconds for us to find out that we have the whole world in common, to shoot the Nerdfighter symbol at the same time without planning, and to memorize the names and distinguishing features of the main characters in each other's lives. Erin's really outgoing and extroverted, and she has one of those contagious personalities that turns what would ordinarily be obnoxious into fun. She, a fellow freshman, took me on a tour to the other floors of our building and to another dorm across campus as if she already knows everyone and everything, just by nature. I went from sheepishly saying hi to strangers in the hallway and blushing to having a detailed discussion about Poe with a Creative Writing major I found, in a building I would have never visited without Erin's push.

Erin and I went out for meal plan salads for dinner, and I swear, I have never before had such a delicious salad bar at my disposal. I filled a huge carton to the brink with spinach, lettuce, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, onions, almonds, mozzarella cheese, cottage cheese, oil and vinegar. That thing was about the size of a Thanksgiving turkey, and every single bite tasted like solid ecstasy.

Afterwards, Kelly (my sister, though my roommate shares the same name; I'll call her Roomie) called and invited me over, probably expecting me to still be lonely. I told her I'd come over later with a friend. Erin and I went shopping and talked about everything awesome in the world. My favorite vintage store has this dress that's positively perfect for my Bellatrix Lestrange Halloween costume, as well as a locket that looks as close to my image of the Horcrux as I've ever seen in person. I'm considering buying it for myself for my birthday. Anyway, we went to Kelly's in the evening, where we talked to her friends and I applied more eyeliner than should be legal at my sister's request. The senior girls told us about a party we could go to, and Erin and I shot each other a lot of skeptical glances. Neither of us are much the party type, and the idea of standing in a frat house with a bunch of people I don't know, looking like an awkward freshman, didn't sound appealing. We briefly considered returning to our dorm like noobs to watch a movie or something, but as scary as the frat party sounded, retiring at nine on the first day sounded even more pathetic. Finally, one of Kelly's friends convinced us that she never went out in high school, but the parties she tried her freshman year were some of the most fun she's ever had. She showed us the way, and we went back to our rooms to change.

We showed up on the front porch of some strangers' house, dressed in skinny jeans, flipflops, tops, and way too much makeup, laughing to ourselves and wondering what we were expected to do. Erin grabbed my hand and pushed us through the small crowd, where we found a table of people playing flip cup, which is one of those pointless-- yet somehow exhilarating-- College Drinking Games that I've heard of but never seen up close. After a short conversation with a skinny boy next to us, it soon became apparent that we were nowhere near the only awkward freshmen in attendance. The party was pretty much comprised of a few senior guys with lots of beer dressed in t-shirts and a crowd of eighteen-year-olds trying a little too hard. Everyone I talked to, though, was really nice and funny, and nothing like the creepy predators after-school specials warn you about. And I don't think this is just me being naive, because I've met those stereotypical creepers before. I really got the sense that everyone I met last night was rather genuine.

After Erin and I screamed a bonding conversation over the loud music, we went with a little group of freshmen-- two girls and an amusing boy-- up the street, and considered going to another party with them. I had to go to the bathroom, though, and the other girls we were with appeared to not be our type, so Erin and I went home with the intention of heading out later or just hanging out. We got into pajamas, I scrubbed diligently at my eye makeup for what felt like a century, and it suddenly occurred to us how exhausted our legs already were from scaling OU's crazy hills. Roomie had hung out with some of her friends from her hometown and was already in bed watching TV, so Erin and I parted with the promise of seeing each other the next morning.

I actually did NOT fall off my bed, although I awoke to find a pillow on the floor, which I hope didn't disturb my roommate's sleep. My sister has an extension cord I can steal to remedy the issue of charging my phone at night, but it was strange last night to not have my phone near my head. The period in the morning during which I ordinarily read missed text messages and check everything online didn't exist, since it's a bit of a chore to climb up and down from my bunk bed, and Roomie slept much longer than I did, so I didn't want to wake her by shaking the furniture around. I tiptoed to gather my things to take a painful as hell shower. The faucets in our hall are kind of like powerwashers. Water shoots out, nearly perpendicular, like it's trying to saw a hole through the curtain. I didn't wash my hair, but it got soaking wet anyway from overspray. Anytime you stumble into the main stream by losing balance shaving or something, your skin receives this vicious slap. Taking showers here is kind of like having an abusive boyfriend. You come out more bruised and damaged than you went in, but you still crave it and, in the end, have no other option.

Since then, I ate a banana, and Erin and I went shopping some more and drank watery, expensive hot chocolate that I didn't want, but bought to be social. My mouth is still burnt and stale-tasting, even since I've been chugging bottle after bottle of water. I'm going to head over to a dining hall after I finish blogging and, even though Erin is incredible and I'm thrilled beyond belief to have met her, I think I should go alone and try to meet someone new. Most importantly, I'm really, really happy.

Sexy: Voting for Kristina to win a trip to Antarctica. It only takes a minute to register, and she legitimately has a chance of winning. Please, please vote!
Unsexy: The amount of black pencil still stuck to my eyelids despite my desperate efforts to remove it.

Chipotle burritos this year: 29
Bagel Street visits this school year: 1
Subscribers: 2o,098

Bye, guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. <3


  1. Taking showers here is kind of like having an abusive boyfriend. You come out more bruised and damaged than you went in, but you still crave it and, in the end, have no other option.

    I'm not sure if it's bad that I laughed my ass of at that, but I did.

    It's good to see that you've already made some connections at college. I hope things go as smoothly for me next year...

  2. Glad to hear you made a friend. Idk, the style of your writing, it makes me feel like I just made a friend with you.

    That feels kinda stalkerish, but I guess it's just because you're an amazing author, or, an autobiographer.

  3. i'm very happy for you(:
    erin sounds awesome, i wish i had a friend like her.
    i second gomezzio's comment up there ^

  4. If eye make-up remover isn't working, try moisturiser and a bit of cotton-wool, or something similar. :)

    Glad to hear you're enjoying uni. :)

  5. Taking showers here is kind of like having an abusive boyfriend. You come out more bruised and damaged than you went in, but you still crave it and, in the end, have no other option.

    that was a pretty clever thing to say. :)
    my name is erin, and people named erin are totally cool! well, not always, but it seems that way! i'm glad you're having a fun time.

    I voted for Kristina, I think that is completely awesome!

  6. Hayley I'm really glad you're enjoying university! I wish I were living in residence. I'm impressed by how brave you are!

  7. Sounds like you had a good day. I'm glad you made a friend so easily and quickly. I wish that would happen to me. I usually just hang out with my roommate. She's really cool though, but I kind of cheated because she was a friend from high school. Today is the first football game and I'll either be going a long because the few friends I do have are in band or I'll be staying here and playing my ukulele and doing laundry because I am lame.

  8. See, I knew this university thing would be a snap for you. Of course, I'm not sure if you've actually taken a class yet, that could be different.Erin sounds perfect, glad you found each other so quickly.

  9. I'm so happy to hear you're doing well at uni! I just started at a new school two weeks ago, a school of performing arts and writing, and was really nervous. So far, so good, though.

    Best wishes!

  10. Your sister Kelly's friend - the one who didn't go out much in high school - sounds a lot like me, lol.

    I'm glad you're having a great time at college. =) I move into university tomorrow, so I hope I have the same good fortune as you! Unfortunately I don't have a roommate, so I'm hoping to meet someone like the way you met Erin, who sounds awesome. =)

  11. Good to hear you already found someone with whom you have lots in common! I had that experience with the girl across the hall form me, who, while not a Nerdfighter (as far as SHE knows...yet!) is very much like me. Also another girl next door was playing first Grace Kelly by Mika and then Wild World by Cat Stevens, both of which have major nostalgic value for me and therefore created a bonding moment when I stopped by to tell her how great her taste in music is. ;)

  12. Glad to hear it's going well :)
    Makes me excited to go next year.

  13. I am beyond happy for you. Good job!


  14. i voted for her! yay!
    so how is your roommate? have you spent much time with her?

    and yay for erin! she sounds super awesome!

  15. Well this is hilarious. I was visiting a friend at college last night, and we went to a bunch of different frat parties, and yeah. Exactly what you said. There were a ton of freshmen and only a couple of the older dudes standing guard at the doors and whatnot. Apparently though this is what they call rush week, where they're trying to recruit freshman to, um, try out? or something to be in their frats.

    So that is weird. That I was experiencing this for the first time right when you were. Weird.

  16. Aw yay!
    To all of the amazing things you have in common with Erin (my album! xD) and also to what is sexy today.

    I love yoooou.

  17. Bagel Street? That sounds waaay too good of a place to actually exist. xD

  18. I went to the wrong dang college, no one here even knows what I'm talking about when I say John Green or fiveawesomegirls or vlogbrothers and it's upsetting....

    Erin sounds amazing though and I'm glad you met someone that cool =]

    And that bit about the shower made me laugh so hard lol

  19. I loved that bit about the shower. When I stayed in Berlin, the shower was like that because it had been fixed into one position and it was actually painful. I ended up washing and everything in the sink, simply because it didn't flay the skin off my back. It wasn't ideal, but I like having skin on my back. Apparently, Germans don't.

    I'm glad that you're making friends and settling in and generally having a good time at college - I knew you would. I'm going to university next year (hopefully) and the part I'm most worried about is meeting new people, so it's good to see how well you're coping with it.

    Keep being awesome, Hayley!


  20. hayley thats so awesome! erin sounds really cool =]

  21. The faucets in our hall are kind of like powerwashers.

    Although this may look extremely weird to the people around you, bring a bucket in to the stall with you and fill it up with water to dump on yourself.
    I'm not really sure where you would find a bucket, but I'm sure you'll come up with something.
    Better than the bruises.
    I’m sure a bowl would work, perhaps even a cup. :D

  22. thanks for reaffirming my belief that college is one of the most awesome places in the world. I'd be surprised if you two were the only nerdfighters on campus

  23. This blog made me want to go to college right now.

    And you are one of the most amusing people ever.

  24. Yeah friends at college! I feel kinda sad now that I haven't met any of the girls on my floor. I'm a senior (I can't cook so I still live in the dorms, oh and I love them) and my floor is almost entirely freshman. I just feel a little out of place and I have so many friends outside of the floor that it's hard to make myself meet them.

    Anyway enjoy your time and I look forward to reading about classes and everyone else you meet.

  25. That's my girl. What did I tell you?

  26. Hayley G. Hoover...I know I don't comment much but I LOVE YOU & YOUR BLOG. There, I said it. :D

    I always feel like I'm reading a novel with your blogs (which I suppose is essentially what blogs are; a narration of your life events) and it never fails to be entertaining!
    If you don't publish books when you grow up I might have to whack you over the head with my copy of Deathly Hallows (out of love and admiration, of course). ;P
    Keep on blogging, I check everyday!
    You are amazazazing.
    <3 g

  27. LMAO doesn't portray how much I laughed at your shower comment.

    Erin sounds really cool; see, we told you that you'd be fine. ;)

  28. I love reading about your time at uni. It reminds me of when I left three years ago! It's annoying to say and tiring to hear, but enjoy it while it lasts. :-) xx

  29. You are making me steadily less nervous for my freshers week now. Your life sounds fantastic. Keep up the beautiful blogging. :)

  30. I just voted. Kristina now has 763 votes. Glad you are enjoying college!

  31. Oh, Hayley. Only you can describe taking a shower and making it interesting and metaphoric.

    I'm glad you're having a good time at college! One thing I noticed when I was a freshman was how easily people can latch onto you in the beginning. Your friend Erin doesn't seem like that type at all, but I'm just sayin'.

    It was refreshing to see you looking a little positive. Good on you, girl.

  32. That's so awesome that you already made a new friend, Erin sounds so cool!

  33. I use extra virgin olive oil and a couple q-tips to get my makeup off. It works really well, and leaves your eyes nice and moisturized (fuck eye creams!) but stings if you get it in your eye, so watch out.

    You also don't need a lot of the oil to take everything off, versus the tons of remover I used to use before I started using oil.

  34. The way you write makes me salivate.

    As for the eyeliner, try using Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It sounds weird, but it really gets everything off with absolutely no problem. And, it's good for your skin--it helps hydrate it. :)

  35. Frat Parties? I'll probably end up at a few of those when I go to college.

    Go get 'em, Hayley!

  36. My first day is tomorrow. Reading your last few blog posts keep making me super excited. I'm glad things are going so well for you! I really hope they are just as good for me. :)

    Also, we share the same birthday, so happy birthday in advance. 19 should be a good year for us, Ms. Hoover. :)

  37. This is making me so excited for school! I just finished my packing this morning and I move in tomorrow. I'm so nervous. You sound like you're having fun!

  38. ah i know about being on the top bunk and shaking the bed when you go down. when i was in uni (i was on top), whenever i'm already awake in the mornings, i went over to the study table to do things, cz roomie is the kind that really sleep in. so that helps make you less lazy a bit

  39. ... you make college sound so easy. :[ i'm a sophomore and i still haven't met anyone to make it that cushy for me.

    le sigh. i am happy for you, though. ;D

  40. Yay! I love when awesome people are awesome. Also yay for being brave enough to go out on your own to meet new people.

    I'm glad you're having such a great beginning of college experience. Oh, and I don't know if you've worked this out already, but it's probably a good idea to discuss sleeping habits with your roommate. 'Cause if she tells you she's a heavy sleeper (like my roommate and I first year -- she'd sleep through someone yelling her name into her ear five times), then you've lucked out.

  41. That was the best, most accurate analogy I've ever heard for a dorm shower. It made me lol for realsies.

  42. Taking showers here is kind of like having an abusive boyfriend. You come out more bruised and damaged than you went in, but you still crave it and, in the end, have no other option.

    I dont think i have ever laughed as hard as i did when i read that.
    Hayley, your fantastic and i am so glad that your having fun and settling in.

    I am so happy that you found someonw as cool to hang out with :)
    i cant wait to hear more about the fun you guys get up to :)

  43. Mannnnn, I WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE. Frickin' University of Washington. Doesn't start until frickin' September 30th. Frick.

    Anywho. I'm so glad you're happy! Didn't we tell you you'd be awesome at college?

  44. I knew you were going to make friends really quickly~ I think thats so brilliant that you seemed to have met such an awesome person on your first day! Yay for Hayley!!~

    <3 <3

  45. Erin sounds wonderful. Just perfect for you. I'm so glad you're liking college... it sounds like so much more fun than uni here. I practically can't wait to finish!

  46. Hayley, good on you making friends like a good little trooper.

    But anyway, don't get hurt in the shower, and keep finding new friends.

    Oh, and that salad sounds delicious.

  47. Sounds like your having fun at college! I love coming by to read your blog now because I am experiencing the same things but you just write about it all so cleverly.

  48. Glad to hear everything's ok at college.
    Doesn't being away from home make you feel a little like Hogwarts? Dining halls, roomates, walking from building to building....
    It's pretty amazing! Enjoy it!

  49. ps: i know it's gross, but spit is one of the best makeup removers in the whole world.

  50. I'm so happy for you, and I can't wait to here more about your experiences :)
    Also, that salad sounded decadent. I went to chipotle today, and thought of you.

  51. Oh Frat Parties! how american of you. with red cups.. the irish are obsessed with the whole american parties with red cups.. (prob just me).

  52. My showers freshman year were soooo suck. The water pressure was horrendously low, so it took me twice long as my awesome shower at home takes me to rinse off hair and such. The temperature was also always fickle. When someone flushed a toilet in a nearby bathroom, the water would get scalding hot and burn like a mother effer! I learned to recognize the sound the showerhead made right before said scalding would occur though, so taking a shower was sometimes a bit like dancing. I'd hear the noise, jump forward and turn around before burning my back and wait for it to return to normal temperature, and repeat this dance several times during each shower. I'll admit, it was kind of a fun game sometimes though. ;P

    Glad everything seems to be working out so well for you! Keep it up! :D

  53. Glad you had such a great time!

    Vaseline removes make-up instantly and leaves a smooth skin path in it's wake. :)

  54. It sounds exciting. I'm feeling a little less anxious about moving out now haha.

  55. First night and your out partying!!
    I had a business class, on the first day the prof tells us to follow him. We proceeded down the halls out the doors into the lawn. I thought great, we are going to have class outdoors. But we just kept walking, and finally a block over our prof holds the door open to a bar. We walk upstairs sit around tables, the waitress takes our orders. Our professor then announces this is where class will meet from now on.
    A Irish jig, dancing on tables

    After a month or two of this kind of "university" I took my associates degree that I had already earned and dropped out.

    We talked before about how over half of all freshmen end up on academic probation. So enough of the lectures.

    You found someone who speaks English! What are the chances of that? Do most of the students speak-errrr-is it greek?, roman? grecian?

    Later Hayley

  56. I hope that when I go to college next year, I love it as immediately as you seem to.

  57. Random eye makeup removal tip for those without proper makeup remover at hand: If you have extra virgin olive oil at your disposal, it breaks down makeup really well. If, like most people, you don't make a habit of lugging around a bottle of olive oil, you can try slapping on a thick layer of vaseline and letting it sit for a moment before wiping everything off. Gross, but strangely effective and weirdly satisfying to boot.

  58. Yay for being able to vicariously live through you now that my college experience has come to a close and I'm facing the real world...blah overrated! Anywho sounds like you are having a blast and I'm so so so happy for you! Sam, my first good soul friend I found in college is my Erin. She sounds like a keeper! (Sam and I have been friends since the first day of our freshman year at VT and that was 7 years ago!)

    Good luck meeting anyone and everyone, you've got this college thing in the bag baby!

  59. Sounds like you're set for an awesome year :) That's pretty much how it was for my best friend when she started college, too. I just hope that when I do it'll be that good.

  60. Thank you, thank you, thank you Hayley!
    Please keep blogging about college life. We are a quite a few still in high school, thank you for giving us hope and letting us live vicariously through you.
    It DOES get better!

    Sorry this was soppy, but .. whatever.

  61. Wow. College sounds GREAT! I'm glad you aren't freaking out or anything about it. Ha ha. Hope you meet some more people!


  62. Wow! It's so great that you have Erin. When I read your post before this one I was thinking about how you might just meet someone who knew you from youtube and you would become instant best friends. You would be excited to have met and befriended what used to be a faceless fan, and she'd be ecstatic to have met someone she adored from the 'net. Or is that just an imagination I have for myself?

    Anyways. Sounds like your having a blast. I cant wait for college, personally. :)


  63. i was in athen son this day... i got my cartialge peirced for my birthday :).
