
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chaotic Class Notes

Here's a new concept: I'm blogging from The World's Quietest Professor's class. No matter how hard I listen, it's not like I'm going to hear him! And while the course is about media and technology, I'm not totally convinced he knows what an iPod is. As long as I keep reading the text, and I look over the online notes, I think I'll be okay. Consider this little stint of rebellion an important vacation for my ever-straining collegiate mind. Or something.

Huh. I just caught a bit of the lecture. He's introducing the class to the idea of Star Trek slash fanfiction. Giggles escape from the few students not listening to headphones under their hoods or playing MASH in the corners of their notebooks. It's sort of cute-- they're laughing because they've never imagined such a geeky thing, and I'm laughing because Remus/Sirius is the only acceptable homoerotic ship. (I'm kidding; I do not read fanfic at all, let alone slash.) (And besides, Harry/Draco is hotter.) (You can decide which of those parentheticals was meant sarcastically.)

I'm getting a little bit slap-happy now. It's three in the afternoon, and my blood sugar is dropping along with my attention span. Not much has happened around these parts since I last updated, so I'm at a loss for blog material. That, and there are people close enough in the row behind me that I'm getting self-conscious about my typing, and am having a hard time keeping on track. I just glanced over my shoulder to confirm that all eyes were on me, but was almost disappointed to find nothing but a girl twirling a sucker stick in her mouth, and a boy pulling the strings of his sweatshirt like Emelio Estevez in The Breakfast Club. Your loss, guys. I'm composing some really worthwhile literature over here. Complete with jokes about the imagined bicuriosity of fictional characters.

Ooh, yikes. The World's Quietest Professor is going on about editing movies now, and while I've only heard about an eighth of his sentences, I suspect he's wrong. See, edit webcam video semi-successfully for three years, and you suddenly get this film-savvier-than-thou attitude. I can't help it. I know virtually nothing about movies, but I still feel like some kind of expert. I don't care how many movies this man's seen, because until he's got a youtube channel, I'll have none of it.

Oh, hello. It's eleven thirty at night now. My blogging ended abruptly when one of the few tidbits of lecture I caught contained the statement, "Everybody started buying VCRs, because everybody wanted to watch pornography at home!" I'm not sure what relevance that had to Chapter 8 of the textbook, either, but my ears certainly perked up. Anyway, after the old man continued to mumble about less sexy things, I zoned out again until class was over, and it only just occurred to me now that I'd left you readers hanging. I apologize. I am back.

Roomie, PJ, Heather, Michal and I gathered in my room tonight to watch Glee together, which turned into a singing fest/chaotic party, as per usual. Heather and I discussed the swing scene in Spring Awakening in enough detail to make Roomie and PJ glance at each other in disgust. Michal told us a variety of tales, including the story of her phone breaking and her computer getting stolen, all within the same week. I tried to funnel my attention to the paper I was writing amidst the chatter, but managed to only write half a paragraph, because rap songs from the early 2000's were playing too loudly for my brain to function coherently. My room may not be the Studying Capital of the World, but it sure is the Hub of Dance Parties... and with that kind of a reputation, I can't really complain.

Anyway, I finished the paper just now, and figured I should pop my head into the Hayleylujah Chorus before falling asleep. I hope you're having a good week, and I hope this entry hasn't forever turned you off from my writing.

Sexy: Sam (isnoggedharry) and Molly (mememolly). Somewhere between my dorm being a hangout and a party location, I received a call from the two of them, and the small bits of conversation I could make out over the banter of my friends in the room served to remind me how lovely and entertaining those girls are.
Unsexy: The giant workload I have assigned by my orientation class for English majors. It's only one credit hour, but I have to sit in a stuffy room for two hours a week and turn in far more reports and projects than in any of my real classes.

Chipotle burritos this year: 31
Bagel Street visits this school year: 4
Subscribers: 20,795

Bye, guys! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow. <3


  1. I'm choosing that the parenthetical about not reading fanfiction is the sarcastic one.....

  2. The first is sarcastic. For sure. /Everyone/ loves harry/draco. :)

  3. Psh, Quirrellmort is easily the most plausible relationship.

  4. My vote has to go to Qurrell/Voldemort but I think we missed the point of the professor talking about Star Trek slash fiction. What was it? Kirk/Spock? Bones/Kirk? I think Scotty/Spock would be funny.

  5. I gotta agree with you about the film editing thang. I'm in this intro to film class, and my professor is really hilariously nerdy/pretentious, but he's also intentionally hilarious. And he's super passionate and knows what he's talking about, but I'm always thinking about how superfluous all this information is, like stuff about how russian propaganda films and german expressionism films from the 20s did what they did.
    Like, when I feel more emotional resonance with a semi-planned video blog made by some person with a camera, I gotta think that all the rules about what filmmakers should and shouldn't do are pretty irrelevant.

  6. are on... You Tube? Woah...When did this happen? oh never mind, found it, it was a month ago.

    Did ya leave your camera at your mom's maybe?

    Hi ya, perky ears!! I mean Hayley.

  7. I miss you more <3
    And that was not good writing, but thank you, I am flattered.
    I was looking through pictures Jess took with her disposable cameras today and I found my second favorite picture of us, besides the one at the wizard rock show and you look like you want to punch me. In this one, you are going to hug me, and I’m squeezing your face. It will be scanned into my blog as soon as I get the chance.

  8. I;m a bad blog reader/follower. I've been busy the last few days and barely had time to read your blogs, let alone comment. So, yes the guy using your laptop without permission was so far out of line that the line wasn't visible anymore. Or he's just a jerk. I just subscribed to the vlogger you posted that link to, and I wish I could say I like Glee but so far I just don't feel any love for it. There, now I feel like only a mediocre blog follower.

  9. I love your writing/blog/videos and think it is totally legit to feel like you know what you're doing!


  11. Do you have a class representative or something? We have someone who volunteers to be the rep and students can talk to them about issues in class and they then report back to the teaching staff.


  12. Mmmm Harry and Draco *drools*

    Mind you, Quirell and Voldy pulled it off well in TVPM.

  13. What about Fred/George? That would be a laugh.

  14. GROSS! Imagine Moody/Barty Crouch Jnr.
    That could in fact be plausible seeing as Crouch was a bit of a creep and had Moody locked up in that trunk all year long.

  15. You know you're a member of the coolest internet circle ever, when you look at Hayley's blog comments and they're all different slash combos... XD

    That said, Snape/James would be hilarious. I can see it now, "Out of hatred and rivalry, comes passion and curiosity."

    hahahaha... I'll stop now before I make myself nauseous.

  16. Remus/Sirius isn't the ONLY acceptable slash, thugh it is my favourite. Jedediah/Octavius is equally good... Yes. ANYWAY. My point is, I can't believe that you don't read fanfic, so I'm saying you're not a big fan of Harry/Draco.

    I read the original Spring Awakening for my German coursework and there is so much sex! I haven't seen the stage show sadly - too expensive - but I really want to see how they present the mass-masturbation scene. Hmm...

  17. I'm going to try and comment without naming a slah pairing... must. not. give. in

  18. I'm definitely going to start reading your blog regularly. <3

  19. Has anyone ever mentioned how awesome your blog title is? Before I figured out how to subscribe to things, I used to just type in "Hayleylujah Chorus" into my address bar thing and Firefox would take me right to your blog. :) And thank you for spelling Hayley the way my best friend in high school spells it! I was going to say thanks for spelling it the RIGHT way, but I don't want Haleys of the world to get up in arms. ;P

  20. Draco and Harry sitting in a treeeee.

    Someone said "Quirrellmort." I concur.

  21. I always get paranoid about people reading what I'm writing when they're sitting directly behind me.

  22. I think the weirdest slash I've read has been Ron/Draco. Draco wore eyeliner and lipstick and they made out in the potions dungeon.

    Yea. Awkward.

    Anyway, schoolwork is very yucky and unsexy. I totally agree.

  23. I lay awake last night thinking about the Sirius-Lupin coupling and how but kind of hot it would be. I love reading your blog! With the risk of sounding creepy I check back frequently to see if you've updated. Yep.

  24. Best sentence since... well, your last post quite frankly. "...a boy pulling the strings of his sweatshirt like Emelio Estevez in The Breakfast Club." Your class with the soft talker seems like a class I'd really enjoy for whatever reason. Have a super day Hayley.

  25. Slash fanfiction. But what are your opinions on Melchior/Moritz fanfiction, mmmmm?

  26. Remus/Sirius is okay. Never liked Harry/Draco. The only slash that is absolutely awesome, is Ianto/Jack. I think they're cute together. Ha ha. But your classes seem not that bad. Mine are worse. Especially since I'm only in middle school. *sigh* So many years to go....


  27. I don't know which one was meant to be sarcastic, but Draco/Harry is most definitely sexier.
    Sounds like you're doing well. Jolly good. :)


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